- published: 29 Aug 2012
- views: 207
- author: bibleinsider

The Latin Vulgate
Dr John Harris explains the facts of Bible Translation through the centuries....
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: bibleinsider
The Latin Vulgate
The Latin Vulgate
Dr John Harris explains the facts of Bible Translation through the centuries.- published: 29 Aug 2012
- views: 207
- author: bibleinsider

Vulgate - Waters of Judgement (Live @ the Carlisle 2013) Full HD
Vulgate playing their song 'Waters of Judgement' at The Carlisle Paradise in Hastings, Eas...
published: 12 Feb 2013
Vulgate - Waters of Judgement (Live @ the Carlisle 2013) Full HD
Vulgate - Waters of Judgement (Live @ the Carlisle 2013) Full HD
Vulgate playing their song 'Waters of Judgement' at The Carlisle Paradise in Hastings, East Sussex. All music written and performed by VULGATE, Original reco...- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 587

Jerome's Vulgate Translation: The First People's Bible
Kris Utterback, UW Religious Studies Program professor. One in a series of lectures by rel...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: Uwyo Wyoming
Jerome's Vulgate Translation: The First People's Bible
Jerome's Vulgate Translation: The First People's Bible
Kris Utterback, UW Religious Studies Program professor. One in a series of lectures by religious experts and University of Wyoming faculty members will be of...- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 125
- author: Uwyo Wyoming

Visual Latin | Why is the Vulgate important?
Learn more at VisualLatin.com Dwane answers these student questions: 1. What's the problem...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: Dwane Thomas
Visual Latin | Why is the Vulgate important?
Visual Latin | Why is the Vulgate important?
Learn more at VisualLatin.com Dwane answers these student questions: 1. What's the problem with the Classical Latin Authors? 2. Why is the Vulgate a great La...- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 1232
- author: Dwane Thomas

John 1, Latin Vulgate
This is a reading of John 1, from the Latin Vulgate New Testament, using the classical pro...
published: 27 Aug 2010
author: Classical Academic Press
John 1, Latin Vulgate
John 1, Latin Vulgate
This is a reading of John 1, from the Latin Vulgate New Testament, using the classical pronunciation. The music is from Allegri: Miserere Mei. (licensed from...- published: 27 Aug 2010
- views: 23545
- author: Classical Academic Press

Vulgate - Waters of Judgement (EP 2013) Official
The single track from the new Vulgate EP 2013! William Brown - Lead Vocals, Bass Benjamin ...
published: 23 Apr 2013
Vulgate - Waters of Judgement (EP 2013) Official
Vulgate - Waters of Judgement (EP 2013) Official
The single track from the new Vulgate EP 2013! William Brown - Lead Vocals, Bass Benjamin Taylor - Guitar, Backing Vocals Daniel Weir - Guitar Owen Fowler - ...- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 482

Vulgate - Bloodstock Metal to the Masses (Semi-Finals) @ Ivy Leaf Bar, Sheerness, Full Set 2013
Vulgate at the Bloodstock Metal to the masses Semi-Finals at The Ivy Leaf Bar in Sheerness...
published: 29 May 2013
Vulgate - Bloodstock Metal to the Masses (Semi-Finals) @ Ivy Leaf Bar, Sheerness, Full Set 2013
Vulgate - Bloodstock Metal to the Masses (Semi-Finals) @ Ivy Leaf Bar, Sheerness, Full Set 2013
Vulgate at the Bloodstock Metal to the masses Semi-Finals at The Ivy Leaf Bar in Sheerness, Kent 25/05/13 Song list below: Transparence 00:00 Sickening Fanat...- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 301

vulgate 1 - The Latin Bible
The Latin Bible is surprisingly easy to read. These videos are designed for people with no...
published: 30 Sep 2010
author: TuTubusLatinus
vulgate 1 - The Latin Bible
vulgate 1 - The Latin Bible
The Latin Bible is surprisingly easy to read. These videos are designed for people with no or a little Latin who want to read the Bible in the Latin language...- published: 30 Sep 2010
- views: 8341
- author: TuTubusLatinus

Boris The Blade - A Vulgate Prophet - Lyrical Video
RTD RECORDS AND SIEGE OF AMIDA RECORDS PRESENTS A Vulgate Prophet - Lyrical Video Taken fr...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: boristheblade2011
Boris The Blade - A Vulgate Prophet - Lyrical Video
Boris The Blade - A Vulgate Prophet - Lyrical Video
RTD RECORDS AND SIEGE OF AMIDA RECORDS PRESENTS A Vulgate Prophet - Lyrical Video Taken from Boris The Blade's new EP 'Tides of Damnation' (Official Trailer)...- published: 20 Jan 2012
- views: 7733
- author: boristheblade2011

Boris the Blade - A Vulgate Prophet (2011)
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE Song - A Vulgate Prophet Album - Boris the Blade - Tides of Damnation (20...
published: 01 Nov 2011
author: MetalDerrik666
Boris the Blade - A Vulgate Prophet (2011)
Boris the Blade - A Vulgate Prophet (2011)
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE Song - A Vulgate Prophet Album - Boris the Blade - Tides of Damnation (2011) i do not own any copyright's for this song if you like what you...- published: 01 Nov 2011
- views: 8831
- author: MetalDerrik666

Vulgate - Vulgate EP (2013) Full
Download - http://vulgate1.bandcamp.com/
Facebook - www.facebook.com/vulgatethrash
1. Tr...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Vulgate - Vulgate EP (2013) Full
Vulgate - Vulgate EP (2013) Full
Download - http://vulgate1.bandcamp.com/ Facebook - www.facebook.com/vulgatethrash 1. Transparence (00:00) 2. The Sickening Fanatical Mind (01:03) 3. Light in the Sky (06:22) 4. Waves (Instrumental) (11:56) 5. Waters of Judgement (13:45) Lyrics by Vulgate and Matt Turner All music owned and written by Vulgate, copyright 2012. Drum Recordings - Owen Fowler All other recordings and production - Dan Weir Artwork - Hannah Shepherd www.facebook.com/HRLSS.GECKOTEA.ARTWORK- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 245

The Word: Jerome and the Latin Vulgate
We may think Bible knowledge is in decline during our lifetime, but this is not new—the en...
published: 30 May 2012
author: CUMCPlanoTX
The Word: Jerome and the Latin Vulgate
The Word: Jerome and the Latin Vulgate
We may think Bible knowledge is in decline during our lifetime, but this is not new—the end of the Middle Ages saw the same thing happen. But surprisingly, d...- published: 30 May 2012
- views: 245
- author: CUMCPlanoTX

Top 25 Books - "The Vulgate" (#9)
This is an extract from the course "The 25 Most Influential Books in the Post-Apostolic Ch...
published: 28 Jan 2012
author: Robert Jones
Top 25 Books - "The Vulgate" (#9)
Top 25 Books - "The Vulgate" (#9)
This is an extract from the course "The 25 Most Influential Books in the Post-Apostolic Christian Church". It discusses #9 on the list - "The Vulgate". I rec...- published: 28 Jan 2012
- views: 138
- author: Robert Jones

Latin Vulgate Reading: The Visit of the Magi
The visit of the Magi. A reading from the Latin Vulgate, Matthew 2, 1-12....
published: 02 Jul 2012
author: Cantate Domino
Latin Vulgate Reading: The Visit of the Magi
Latin Vulgate Reading: The Visit of the Magi
The visit of the Magi. A reading from the Latin Vulgate, Matthew 2, 1-12.- published: 02 Jul 2012
- views: 673
- author: Cantate Domino
Vimeo results:

The Latin Vulgate
Welcome to "The Book that Changed the World" multimedia exhibition. Narrated by Dr John Ha...
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: Bible Society Australia
The Latin Vulgate
Welcome to "The Book that Changed the World" multimedia exhibition. Narrated by Dr John Harris, our senior Biblical consultant, with pictures from Bibles stored in our historic Bible collection.
This first video traces the development and significance of the Latin Vulgate, and opens up some of the treasures of Bible Society Australia's historic Bible collection.
The next video in the series is on Early English Scriptures http://www.vimeo.com/22635662

The Latin Vulgate
Created for the Dead Sea Scrolls and Beyond Exhibit, United States...
published: 31 May 2013
author: Silhouette Productions
The Latin Vulgate
Created for the Dead Sea Scrolls and Beyond Exhibit, United States

.:. מלכת השמים .:. Malkutha .:. Η βασιλεία των ουρανών .:. אלת הגדול .:.
(The image used as the backdrop of this movie is a photograph of one of the many Aramaic p...
published: 04 Jan 2010
author: Yonah Ben-Ashera
.:. מלכת השמים .:. Malkutha .:. Η βασιλεία των ουρανών .:. אלת הגדול .:.
(The image used as the backdrop of this movie is a photograph of one of the many Aramaic papyri discovered in Elephantine, the first nome of Upper Egypt, where there was a large Jewish settlement and a temple of Yahweh.)
Egypt : 6th century BCE : the women of the Hebrew settlements in Egypt are confronted by the exiled scribe & prophet Jeremiah
(Jeremiah 44:16 - 44:19) :
As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us
in the Name of Yahweh
we will not hearken unto thee
instead we shall remain faithful
to every promised word
that ever flowed from our mouth
to burn incense
unto the Queen of Heaven
and to pour out libations unto Her
as we have always done
we, and our ancestors.
our kings, and our princes
in the cities of Judah
and in the streets of Jerusalem
for then we had food enough
and we did well
and evil was not seen
but since we have neglected
to burn incense
unto the Queen of Heaven
and to pour out libations unto Her
we have wanted for everything
by the sword
by the famine
we are consumed
and when we burned incense
unto the Queen of Heaven
and poured out libations unto Her
did we bake crescent cakes to offer Her
and did we pour out libations unto Her
without our men?
As in many ancient and indigenous traditions, the Great Goddess is invoked by Her titles and epithets.
Malkuth haShamiyim - in English "the Queen of Heaven" - in Vulgate Latin "Reginae Caeli" - grew to become one of the best loved of the divine epithets that exists in the liturgy and rituals of the Catholic Madonna.
The same tradition holds true of the Panaghia of the Eastern Church.
She is addressed as Basileia, Basilissa, Anassa and Despoina - primal names of royal power that reach back to the dawn of the Minoan/Mycenaean civilisation.
This multi-layered meaning is present in many languages and on the surface may simply represent a linguistic abstraction arising from the gender of the noun.
Yet it may spring from far deeper tap-roots and transmit some memory of matrilocal marriage in which a king is raised to power by right of marriage to an heiress of the ruling lineage : the personification of the right to rule.
The encoded phrase in early tongues may be seen to cloak a subliminal message, a cyphered thread.
One that holds profound Elysian significance for those who still have eyes to see and ears to hear ...
For the original words of the title of Malkuth haShamiyim : the Queen of Heaven were strategically reinterpreted to mean "Kingdom of Heaven".
They enter into orthodox scripture in that very form ... and the Goddess is once again lost in translation.
The Greek version of this phrase that appears in the New Testament gospels is : he Basileia ton Ouranon.
Basileia is an ancient Greek word which meant both "queen" and "royal woman" and may also denote "sovereignty" and "royal domain".
That this profound phrase should flow with the imagery of paradise itself speaks volumes ...
Malkuth haShamayim
The setting is Egypt in the 6th century BCE. Jerusalem has fallen for the first time, its Temple has been destroyed and the Babylonian Exile has begin.
Jeremiah, the scribe and prophet flees to Egypt - where, contrary to modern portrayals - the Jewish people have always found safety in time of danger - and discovers that the older form of the Hebrew religion is still being practised there - beyond the centralised control of the Kings of Judah.
In the Temple of Yahweh (Yaho) in Elephantine, the first nome of Upper Egypt, the Hebrew God is worshipped with Anath-Bethel (also named as Anath-Iahu) and with Ashima-Bethel.
We know this from the papyri which survives which contains the records of the offerings.
An image of one of these papyri is used as the backdrop of this movie.
The was also a Yahweh temple at Hamath in Syria which the Hebrew God shared with Ashima-Bethel.
Asherah, Anath/Astarte and Ashima seem to have formed a triad of ancient aspects of the indigenous pre-monotheistic Hebrew Goddess - each of whom was also worshipped in conjunction with Yahweh at one time.
When at the end of the 7th century BCE, King Josiah decided to consolidate his grip on power and managed for a short time to unite "Church and State" in one person - he outlawed all the shrines and sanctuaries of Yahweh outside of the Temple of Jerusalem in an attempt to exert overall control.
New scrolls were presented to the people as the writings of Moses which preached a far harder line and anachronistically provided a justification for the primacy of Jerusalem, (which had only become part of Hebrew territory under David, the second of the kings to reign after the creation of the monarchy).
From that time onward the subsidiary temples in other parts of Judah and in other lands found it difficult to survive but within the lifetime of Jeremiah the reforms of Josiah would further divide the people and open up the land to invading ar

Octogrammes _4_2_1
Octogrammes _4_2_1
4 minutes d'écriture de la Bible
Extrait de l'oeuvre Octogrammes 4
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: Guillaume PASCALE \"EQCQ\"
Octogrammes _4_2_1
Octogrammes _4_2_1
4 minutes d'écriture de la Bible
Extrait de l'oeuvre Octogrammes 4
© EQCQ 2012
Youtube results:

Vulgate - 2 - Sea Of Stars - Flairz, Hastings - 17
Vulgate celebrate the release of their self titled EP at Flairz Bar in Hastings.
published: 30 Sep 2013
Vulgate - 2 - Sea Of Stars - Flairz, Hastings - 17
Vulgate - 2 - Sea Of Stars - Flairz, Hastings - 17
Vulgate celebrate the release of their self titled EP at Flairz Bar in Hastings. Supporting was Wretched Soul, Neon Halo and Hundred. www.facebook.com/colintylermetalvideos www.facebook.com/Vulgatethr- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 13

Genesis Ch. 1 : Latin Vulgate w/ KJV Translation
From Latin class. Narrated by Fr. Paul Sakuzo Uchino Prefect Apostolic of Urawa Diocese of...
published: 30 Nov 2008
author: LDD86
Genesis Ch. 1 : Latin Vulgate w/ KJV Translation
Genesis Ch. 1 : Latin Vulgate w/ KJV Translation
From Latin class. Narrated by Fr. Paul Sakuzo Uchino Prefect Apostolic of Urawa Diocese of Saitama, Ecclesiastical Province of Tokyo.- published: 30 Nov 2008
- views: 6030
- author: LDD86

Vulgate - 9 - Zombie Nation (Cover - Kernkraft 400
Vulgate celebrate the release of their self titled EP at Flairz Bar in Hastings.
published: 30 Sep 2013
Vulgate - 9 - Zombie Nation (Cover - Kernkraft 400
Vulgate - 9 - Zombie Nation (Cover - Kernkraft 400
Vulgate celebrate the release of their self titled EP at Flairz Bar in Hastings. Supporting was Wretched Soul, Neon Halo and Hundred. www.facebook.com/colintylermetalvideos www.facebook.com/Vulgatethr- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 16

vulgate 2 - The Latin Bible
The Latin Bible is surprisingly easy to read. These videos are designed for people with no...
published: 10 Oct 2010
author: TuTubusLatinus
vulgate 2 - The Latin Bible
vulgate 2 - The Latin Bible
The Latin Bible is surprisingly easy to read. These videos are designed for people with no or a little Latin who want to read the Bible in the Latin language...- published: 10 Oct 2010
- views: 2232
- author: TuTubusLatinus