Two Don’t-Miss Videos About Three Dads

These two delightful videos will start your Friday right. Both show fathers who are awesome in different ways, and both have fun twists at the end.


Stand Against Bullying on Spirit Day and Every Day


Today is Spirit Day, a time to take a stand against bullying and show support for LGBT youth. Not all LGBT youth are bullied, of course, and not all victims of bullies are LGBT — but anti-LGBT harassment is still pervasive, even if things are slowly getting better. GLAAD, which is organizing the event, is urging [...]


You’re Invited: Twitter Party on LGBT Family Travel — November 6

Residence Inn Boston Harbor (Photo credit: Dana Rudolph)

My spouse and I love to travel with our son, and we’re lucky that he’s adaptable and adventurous. While most of the problems we encounter along the way are things that could happen to any family — delayed flights, lack of convenient rest stops, forgotten teddy bears — we are also very aware that LGBT-headed families may have specific concerns when on the road. I’m therefore excited to invite you to a travel-focused Twitter party for LGBT parents on November 6, sponsored by Residence Inn by Marriott in partnership with Mombian, TravelingMom, and the Family Equality Council.


A Tasty Slice of Lesbian Mom History


Lesbian moms have been a vital part of the LGBT rights movement since there was an LGBT rights movement. The documentary Mom’s Apple Pie: The Heart of the Lesbian Mothers’ Custody Movement gives us a look at several early custody cases involving lesbian moms—and shows how the activism they spawned has had a direct impact on LGBT people and organizations today.


New Feature Film About Lesbian Mom in 1950s


Question: What 1952 — 1952! — book was about a married mother who leaves her husband for another woman, only to battle him in court for custody of their daughter? Read on for the answer, as well as more about the story coming to the big screen.


Betty Crocker Celebrates ALL Families


A treat for your weekend viewing: In honor of yesterday’s National Coming Out Day, Betty Crocker posted a wonderful video of LGBT families at the New York City and Twin Cities Pride events this year.


Coming Out and Being Visible As a Lesbian Mom


Today is National Coming Out Day. As I mentioned in my coming out resources post yesterday, I came out well before I became a parent. Yet even being out from Day One of parenthood doesn’t mean visibility is easy. Here are a few things my experience has taught me.


Coming Out Resources for LGBT Parents


Tomorrow is National Coming Out Day. I came out well before I became a parent; other LGBT parents may be motivated to come out because they are becoming parents (like celebrity gay dads Ricky Martin and Clay Aiken each did). Still others come out to our children after the children thought we were straight or cis-gendered. For those in the latter category, here are some resources to help you do so. Tomorrow, I’ll post about my own experience and why I think being visible still presents challenges, no matter how out we think we are.


A Two-Fer of Good News from California


Despite that whole Prop 8 thing, California continues to be a leader in legal protections for LGBT families.


Get Your “I Love My Mummies” Halloween T-Shirts Here


Just in time for Halloween, get your “I Love My Mummies” t-shirts and other kid apparel in the Mombian Store at CafePress. Also suitable for better blending in during the zombie apocalypse. Thanks to my own “mummy” for the artwork.


LGBT History Month Parenting Trivia Answer


And the answer to yesterday’s LGBT History Month parenting trivia question is:



Be Social


Get Yours for Halloween!

You’re Invited: Twitter Party on LGBT Family Travel — November 6

Residence Inn Boston Harbor (Photo credit: Dana Rudolph)

I’m excited to invite you to a travel-focused Twitter party for LGBT parents on November 6, sponsored by Residence Inn by Marriott in partnership with Mombian, TravelingMom, and the Family Equality Council. Please join us!


Read the Posts!

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2013



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