Browsing All posts tagged under »socialism«

Book Review: The Tribal Imagination—Civilization and the Savage Mind, by Robin Fox

January 30, 2014 by


The Tribal Imagination: Civilization and the Savage Mind. Robin Fox. Harvard University Press. Hardcover. ISBN 9780674059016. Publication: March 2011. 432 pages, 28 line illustrations, 3 maps. Professor Robin Fox is one of those mildly conservative, somewhat eccentric, Englishmen that even we Irish Revolutionaries cannot help but find likeable. I had read his The Red Lamp of Incest some years ago, and […]

History Will Absolve Me: Sixty Years Later

October 16, 2013 by


Today marks the 60th anniversary of Fidel Castro’s famous “History Will Absolve Me” speech, given in his defense during his trial following the unsuccessful guerrilla attack on the Moncada barracks on July 26 of that year. The complete speech, which was transcribed after the fact entirely from memory, is available here in English and aquí […]

John’s Final Epistle to The Anthropologists, Part II: The Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) at the Climax of the Neolithic

March 30, 2013 by


The New Intelligent Design of Human Society and Anthropology Nobody in the USA or in the UN has proposed a bill – that I am aware of – for The People to vote on the fundamental topics of our era. We need to discuss such notions as whether we want to be competitive troops in a global, […]

My Apologies for the Papal Bull

March 15, 2013 by


Now What I Actually Meant to Say Was… My previous article has attracted intense disagreement, for many good reasons (and sometimes not). Apparently I was too careless in conveying the impression that the new pope would be some kind of revolutionary, when really my special interest was in the strategic nature of the choice of […]


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