- published: 07 Jul 2013
- views: 4607611
- author: viniciusb90

Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu Letra: Eu te vi e já te quis Me vi tão feliz Um amor que pra mim ...
published: 07 Jul 2013
author: viniciusb90
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu Letra: Eu te vi e já te quis Me vi tão feliz Um amor que pra mim era sonho Surpreendente provar Do que eu só ouvi falar Que você res...- published: 07 Jul 2013
- views: 4607611
- author: viniciusb90

The Art of Logo Design | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
Logos surround us in digital and physical space, but we rarely examine the thought and art...
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: PBSoffbook
The Art of Logo Design | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
The Art of Logo Design | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
Logos surround us in digital and physical space, but we rarely examine the thought and artistic thinking that goes into the design of these symbols. Utilizin...- published: 13 Jul 2012
- views: 271378
- author: PBSoffbook

Photoshop CS6 - Clean Professional Logo Tutorial
http://aquul.com/ - http://facebook.com/AquuL - http://twitter.com/AquuL - Download the PS...
published: 31 Mar 2012
author: AquuL
Photoshop CS6 - Clean Professional Logo Tutorial
Photoshop CS6 - Clean Professional Logo Tutorial
http://aquul.com/ - http://facebook.com/AquuL - http://twitter.com/AquuL - Download the PSD and other Photoshop Templates: http://www.aquul.com/templates/pho...- published: 31 Mar 2012
- views: 505214
- author: AquuL

What Secret Message Is Hiding In The Wendy's Logo?
"Wendy's on Monday debunked the theory that it purposefully snuck a hidden message within ...
published: 03 Aug 2013
author: The Young Turks
What Secret Message Is Hiding In The Wendy's Logo?
What Secret Message Is Hiding In The Wendy's Logo?
"Wendy's on Monday debunked the theory that it purposefully snuck a hidden message within its new logo. Speculation about the subliminal message behind the l...- published: 03 Aug 2013
- views: 169149
- author: The Young Turks

How to Design a Logo
I'm now selling my handmade silver ampersand necklaces! Check out http://dftba.com/karen t...
published: 15 Nov 2011
author: Karen Kavett
How to Design a Logo
How to Design a Logo
I'm now selling my handmade silver ampersand necklaces! Check out http://dftba.com/karen to buy one! Want more? Check out my graphic design playlist: http://...- published: 15 Nov 2011
- views: 147523
- author: Karen Kavett

How to create FULL 3D logo in Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 HD quality
This video is example how to create 3D objects in vector format. More design works: http:/...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: Clever Mark
How to create FULL 3D logo in Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 HD quality
How to create FULL 3D logo in Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 HD quality
This video is example how to create 3D objects in vector format. More design works: http://www.clevermarkdesign.com More logo design: http://www.clevermarkde...- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 76961
- author: Clever Mark

How to Design a logo - speed video
Please visit my website to see more of my works: http://www.visualrevolt.net Thanks for wa...
published: 19 Apr 2010
author: visualrevolt
How to Design a logo - speed video
How to Design a logo - speed video
Please visit my website to see more of my works: http://www.visualrevolt.net Thanks for watching:-)- published: 19 Apr 2010
- views: 146975
- author: visualrevolt

Logo eu - Jorge e Mateus (Gabi Luthai cover)
Minha versão de Logo Eu da dupla Jorge e Mateus. Espero que gostem.
published: 05 Oct 2013
Logo eu - Jorge e Mateus (Gabi Luthai cover)
Logo eu - Jorge e Mateus (Gabi Luthai cover)
Minha versão de Logo Eu da dupla Jorge e Mateus. Espero que gostem. facebook.com/GabiLuthaiOficial instagram.com/gabiluthai twitter.com/gabiluthai- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 287525

Adobe Illustrator CS6 Creating a Logo with Pathfinder Tutorial
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Creating a Logo with Pathfinder Tutorial....
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: TechMindBlow
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Creating a Logo with Pathfinder Tutorial
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Creating a Logo with Pathfinder Tutorial
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Creating a Logo with Pathfinder Tutorial.- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 54079
- author: TechMindBlow

Mariana Nolasco "Logo Eu" - Jorge e Mateus (cover)
Faz um tempo que eu nao gravo videos.... Resolvi gravar essa nova do Jorge e Mateus! Esper...
published: 31 Aug 2013
Mariana Nolasco "Logo Eu" - Jorge e Mateus (cover)
Mariana Nolasco "Logo Eu" - Jorge e Mateus (cover)
Faz um tempo que eu nao gravo videos.... Resolvi gravar essa nova do Jorge e Mateus! Espero que gostem! desconsiderem as desafinacoes haha, em breve comecarei as aulas de canto... alem disso, quem me acompanha pode notar que minha voz ta mudandoo.... haha mas eh isso ai! twitter : https://twitter.com/maarinolasco Facebook : https://facebook.com/mariana.nolasco.395 instagram : https://instagram.com/maarinolasco- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 312601

How to create professional 3D logo in Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 HD quality
This video is example how to create 3D objects in vector format. More design works: http:/...
published: 14 Jun 2013
author: Clever Mark
How to create professional 3D logo in Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 HD quality
How to create professional 3D logo in Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 HD quality
This video is example how to create 3D objects in vector format. More design works: http://www.clevermarkdesign.com More logo design: http://www.clevermarkde...- published: 14 Jun 2013
- views: 7307
- author: Clever Mark

Our New Logo!
See the craft behind our new logo.
For more details, visit http://yahoo.tumblr.com
published: 05 Sep 2013
Our New Logo!
Our New Logo!
See the craft behind our new logo. For more details, visit http://yahoo.tumblr.com Music: "Alive" by Empire of the Sun- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 78079

More Recent and Updated Viacom Logo History
Since almost everyone likes Viacom logos, I decided to update JohnnyL80's Viacom Logo Hist...
published: 20 Jan 2013
author: MegaMoneyMan99
More Recent and Updated Viacom Logo History
More Recent and Updated Viacom Logo History
Since almost everyone likes Viacom logos, I decided to update JohnnyL80's Viacom Logo History. A more update version of the "Viacom Logo History *UPDATE*" vi...- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 30247
- author: MegaMoneyMan99

LOGO Soft Tutorial 4
In diesem Video erkläre ich wie die Steuerung aufgebaut ist, was es für Anschlußmöglichkei...
published: 17 Mar 2013
author: elster2009
LOGO Soft Tutorial 4
LOGO Soft Tutorial 4
In diesem Video erkläre ich wie die Steuerung aufgebaut ist, was es für Anschlußmöglichkeiten gibt und wie man LOGO! über das Bedienfeld programmieren kann.- published: 17 Mar 2013
- views: 839
- author: elster2009
Vimeo results:

TimeScapes 4K
Purchase "TimeScapes" the movie here: timescapes.org/products/default.aspx
Purchase the fi...
published: 04 Dec 2011
author: Tom Lowe
TimeScapes 4K
Purchase "TimeScapes" the movie here: timescapes.org/products/default.aspx
Purchase the film on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/movie/timescapes/id523328712
This is production footage from my forthcoming debut film, "TimeScapes," a portrait of the American Southwest. This video was filmed and edited at 4K (4096x2304) resolution, four times greater than regular 1080p HD. A 4K DCP file is available upon request. Shot on Red Epic and Canon RAW still cameras.
Follow me here: 1) http://twitter.com/DreamCorePics 2) http://www.facebook.com/TimeScapes
If you have a 30" monitor and fast computer you can download a 2560x1440 copy of this video here: http://red.cachefly.net/TimeScapes4K2560p.mp4 4K version only if you have a 4K monitor or projector: coming soon. Here is a 4K version on youtube: http://youtu.be/e-GYrbecb88
Thank you to Terrence Malick and Godfrey Reggio for their support and inspiration. Also thanks to Eric Kessler, Curt Morgan, Jim Jannard, Vincent Laforet, Bruce Allen, Phil Plait, Dave Finley, and to Helio Collective for the beautiful title logo. My most sincere and humble respect to Mark Magidson and Ron Fricke.
Thank you to my sponsors Kessler Crane, Adobe, camBLOCK, Vinten, Canon USA, TVLogic, Borrow Lenses, Wooden Camera, and KATA.
Music by Nigel "John" Stanford: http://johnstanfordmusic.com

Japan - The Strange Country (Japanese ver.)
This is my final thesis project. I created info-graphic, motion piece. My objective is to ...
published: 02 Mar 2010
author: Kenichi
Japan - The Strange Country (Japanese ver.)
This is my final thesis project. I created info-graphic, motion piece. My objective is to make Japanese people to think about that everything happening here in Japan, isn't that normal. So I created this video from foreigner's point of view, rather than Japanese people's point of view.
Both English and Japanese versions are available.
By the way, please don't call me racist, because I am one of short, small eyes Japanese.

Sander van Dijk - Reel Dyad
Audio Design: www.studio-takt.com
Portfolio: www.sandervandijk.tv
Updated on - 11 nov '11...
published: 21 Dec 2010
author: Sander van Dijk
Sander van Dijk - Reel Dyad
Audio Design: www.studio-takt.com
Portfolio: www.sandervandijk.tv
Updated on - 11 nov '11
Prev update - 1 jan '11
00:12 - Me Myself and I / Design and Animation.
00:19 - The Green Value / Design and Animation.
00:20 - Pausefest, / Direction and Animation
00:22 - The Green Value / Design and Animation..
00:23 - Pausefest, / Direction, Design and Animation.
00:26 - PlusOne Logo / Direction, Design and Animation.
00:27 - EQ / Direction, Design and Animation.
00:28 - Pausefest, / Direction, Design and Animation.
00:31 - EQ / Direction, Design and Animation.
00:34 - Amsterdam DNA, PlusOne / 2D Animation and Compositing.
00:37 - The Ride, King and Country / Title design.
00:41 - Reel Intro for King and Country / 2D and 3D Animation, Compositing.
00:46 - PlusOne Logo / Direction, Design and Animation.
00:48 - Pausefest, / Direction, Design and Animation.
00:50 - We Tv Bridezilla Promo, King and Country / Lead Compositor on title animation.
00:55 - Sheepington Buryshire, King and Country / Character Animation and Compositing*.
*Characters by James Levy, Sheep character and backgrounds by me.
00:58 - TV Land High School Reunion, King and Country / Lead Compositor.
01:03 - Pausefest, / Direction, Design and Animation.
01:05 - Scan Explorer / Lead 2D Animation. Illustrations By Ronald Slabbers.
01:07 - Pausefest, / Direction, Design and Animation.
01:10 - Scan Explorer / Lead 2D Animation. Illustrations By Ronald Slabbers.

Logo and tv program Package Design for Moviebox.
more info at www.beeldmotion.com
published: 20 Apr 2011
author: BEELD.motion
Logo and tv program Package Design for Moviebox.
more info at www.beeldmotion.com
Moviebox is a show from Megapix channel dedicated to movie news, which delivers interviews with stars and behind the scenes curiosities.For its new identity, playing with the handmade crafts graphic feel, we have simulated a small studio scenario where tiny narratives develop around good old movies clichés, representing a variety of film genres.The box always takes central place in the scenes, and besides being the channel’s symbol, works as a starting point for the construction of the Moviebox logo as well as the structure for the graphics inside the show.The final outcome is a strong identity that engages the audience in an amusing, playful way.
Cliente/Client: Rede Telecine
Conceito, Direção e Produção / Concept, Direction and Production: BEELD
Audio: BEELD
Eduardo Tosto, Greco Bernardi, Luiz Maggessi, Marcelo Mourão, Papito,
Victor Seabra, Filippo Johansson
Youtube results:

How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial
How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial logo design illustrator tutorial click...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: shotafem
How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial
How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial
How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial logo design illustrator tutorial click here for more guides http://graphic-design-blog-tutorials.blogspot...- published: 12 Feb 2012
- views: 198268
- author: shotafem

Przedstawiamy teledysk krakowskiej ekipy LOGO DZIELNCY z gościnnym udziałem BZK do kawałka...
published: 19 Jan 2012
author: 9literfilmy
Przedstawiamy teledysk krakowskiej ekipy LOGO DZIELNCY z gościnnym udziałem BZK do kawałka "Nigdy się nie poddawaj". Realizacja teledysku 9 LITER FILMY ( htt...- published: 19 Jan 2012
- views: 643067
- author: 9literfilmy

100 Logo Animations By Spin My Logo
Sales: John Johnson Motion: Bryan Thomas (school of cards, walker real estate) Sound: Bail...
published: 09 Apr 2012
author: Daniel Johnson
100 Logo Animations By Spin My Logo
100 Logo Animations By Spin My Logo
Sales: John Johnson Motion: Bryan Thomas (school of cards, walker real estate) Sound: Bailey Math (riveting ent, peak athlete, cellar thief, electric mirror,...- published: 09 Apr 2012
- views: 43096
- author: Daniel Johnson

Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu (Clipe Oficial) (Uai Lata 2013)
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu (Clipe Oficial). Bavaria Uai Lata 2013. Site Oficial http://www.j...
published: 18 Oct 2013
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu (Clipe Oficial) (Uai Lata 2013)
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu (Clipe Oficial) (Uai Lata 2013)
Jorge e Mateus - Logo Eu (Clipe Oficial). Bavaria Uai Lata 2013. Site Oficial http://www.jorgeemateus.com.br Eu te vi e já te quis Me vi tão feliz Um amor que pra mim era sonho Surpreendente provar Do que eu só ouvi falar Que você resolveu me mostrar Logo eu que nem pensava Eu não imaginava te merecer E agora sou o dono desse amor Eu nem quero saber por quê Eu só preciso viver O resto desta vida com você Eu te vi e já te quis Me vi tão feliz Um amor que pra mim era sonho Surpreendente provar Do que eu só ouvi falar Que você resolveu me mostrar Logo eu que nem pensava Eu não imaginava te merecer E agora sou o dono desse amor Eu nem quero saber por quê Eu só preciso viver O resto desta vida com você. Logo Eu - Jorge e Mateus A música "Logo Eu" de Jorge e Mateus está no topo das paradas de sucessos da Rádio e Rede Social Trecho Sertanejo. Incluída tanto nas "Melhores do Sertanejo 2013" como também na "Pista Sertaneja". Parabéns Jorge e Mateus e saibam que todos nós da rádio e ouvintes somos seus fãs!!! Rádio Trecho Sertanejo http://trechosertanejo.com.br Trecho Sertanejo Plus http://www.trechosertanejoplus.com.br Site Oficial de Jorge e Mateus: http://www.jorgeemateus.com.br Contato para Shows:- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 5094