Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Palestine-Israel, The European B.D.S. on the settlement in the air, just the joint struggle continue as usual*

The Chinese curse "have an interesting days" materialize lately in our region. The surprising deescalation of the Syrian chemical weapons and the Iranian atomic program left Israel exposed to escalation pressures from Europe. In spite of the relative economic boom the Israeli people and more so the downgraded "middle class" victim of the intensive application of neo-liberalism start to express resentment. The media vibrate with subjects related to the emigration of the middle class people their nationalism is gradually eroded by both the neo-liberalism and the fear of the price of the continuous occupation. This is not just a background to the joint struggle but also responsible burn out of activists. Though not at their pick the weekly joint demonstrations and the involvement with Palestinian resistance to the crawling transfer continue.


Two young men and a photographer were injured in the weekly demonstration by metal bullets rubbed by rubber
Rani Abdel Fatah


Weekly demonstration, 27.9.2013 video

Sheik Jarakh

Kfar Qaddum:

Friday September 27, 2013
Dozens of citizens from suffocation and fires in olive groves during the Suppression of the occupation of kufor qaddoum caught fire the number of olive trees by tear gas fired by soldiers stationed on the mountain overlooking the street.
The occupying forces, and the so-called border guard reinforced by military bulldozers raided the village under the large cover of tear gas, sound bombs, injuring dozens of.
According to eyewitnesses, Israeli soldiers deliberately tear gassed houses leading to damage tank water owned by Zahi Tahir Ali, witnesses reported that a bulldozer dumped Theater House of Adnan Abdul-Mahdi on the dirt and the remains of burning tires.
Yotam Ronen
Matan S. Cohen
A Palestinian journalist evacuated after being injured, during the weekly demonstration against the occupation,
Odai Qaddomi

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle sabotage the Israeli efforts of crawling transfer*.

The transfer of the Palestinians from the 1948 borders never completed. So, it continued on a milder crawling mode up to the present. One aspect was general oppression and harassment that resulted in the emigration of many of the Christian Palestinians of the north of the country. Another was the gradual transfer of the Bedouins of the south with joint struggle around the Arakib village and the Farber decree. Within the 1967 borders the transfer efforts are in the Jordan valley and the shepherd communities in the south with Susia as focus. More on the news were joint struggles along the separation fence - Bil'in, Ni'ilin, etc., and other places settler outposts and neighboring encroached on villages land like Beit Ommar, Nabi Saleh and Qaddum. Lately in the news: "In one tape, Mubarak is heard claiming that some six months before his ouster, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with him about a plan he was considering, to displace the Gaza Strip's population into the Sinai Peninsula."

"Popular Struggle Coordination comity Weekly Protests, Friday 20th September organized weekly nonviolent demonstrations in several Palestinian villages to protest against the Israeli occupation to revive Sabarah & Shatila 31st anniversary in Lebanon,to condemn the frequent settler raids at Al-Aqsa Mosque and in support of the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails."


Villagers, international solidarity, and Israelis activist with the anarchist against the wall participated in the Weekly non-armed demonstration. During the weekly demonstration today the Israeli army used an excessive use of teargas and rubber bullets on the protestors. Palestinian, international and Israeli activists, gathered in front of the gate. One international got injured on the foot by a teargas cannister when teargas was fired directly at them. While she was being treated they also shot teargas at it. While doing their work, two journalists were injured, one of them sitting in his wheelchair not able to move when the teargas was aimed in his direction. The soldiers entered the field and continued firing teargas and rubber bullets. Three kids got injured from the cannisters and rubber bullets.

Rani Abdel Fatah /


M, a resident of the village Ma'sara, found himself under attack by the Border Police, only because he is a resident of a village that opposes the occupation with weekly Fridays joint demonstrations.
One morning in early August, M returned from a medical treatment in Ramallah to his village on a Palestinian taxi. When the taxi travelers were checked at the Container checkpoint by a border police officer.
The officer demanded to be given the identity cards of the travelers. He paused on the identity card of M, and then ordered him to get out of the car. Immediately after M. got out, the officer slapped him without provocation. He tried to hit him again, and M. blocked the blow. Then another policeman came and both dragged M. According to his testimony, they beat him again and again. While the taxi driver tried to intervene they made it clear to him that he should return to the vehicle, or that he'll get it too.
The reason? No one told M. anything, but the thugs who attacked him used several times the word "Ma'sara." Ma'sara is one of the villages participating in the Popular Resistance and preparing the weekly peaceful demonstration that the border police officers are "forced" to disperse. This bothers them and prevent them from going home for the weekend. M. said he is sure this is the only reason they picked him for the biting.

"Friday, the Israeli occupation forces suppressing Al-Ma’srah weekly protest organized by the popular resistance against the wall and the apartheid wall.
Today’s march was condemning first the killing of Islam Toubassi by the Israeli special forces in Jinin, secondly, in solidarity with Al-Aqsa mosque, and reviving the 31st anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacre.
Before the march has reached the entrance of the village the Israeli occupation forces entered deeply to the village with their vehicles - declaring it as military closed zone. Then they attacked the protesters with the plastic shields while they tried to access their lands.
The popular resistance coordinator against the wall and settlement Mahmoud Zawahreh stated in English and and Arabic that the popular resistance will go on and condemned the raid of a dozens of settlers at Solomon’s Pools to the south of Bethlehem. He talked also about the suffering of the Palestinian people from the Israeli occupation, the apartheid wall and the settlement policies. He criticized specially the non respectful treatment of the holy places.

Nabi Saleh

Today’s march was condemning and reviving violations.
Demonstrates have attempted to reach the spring today as part of the Friday demonstration. The children almost made it to the spring but were blocked by Israeli Occupation Forces. Activists report that the IOF have opened fire with teargas and the sparks/fire from the teargas canisters has set fire to sections of the Nabi Saleh valley.

As soon as the march reached to their confiscated lands then the Israeli occupation started to shoot rubber coated bullets and tear gas grenades (which caused many suffocation cases). Thus, The popular resistance movement has called for an Intifada refusing to abide the Israeli occupation brutal massacres and their daily violations until getting all legal rights and the freedom.
David Reeb


Hundreds of villagers, internationals, and Israeli activists participated in the Friday march where they chanted national slogans calling for justice from the perpetrators of Sabra and Shatila massacre in 31st anniversary.
A popular committee’s media coordinator in Kafr Qaddum Murad Eshteiwi stated that the Israeli soldiers with borders police directly suppressed and targeted peace activists Zahi Ali and Abdul Razzaq Amer by firing them directly with tear gas grenades.
Among the injured ones known (Raed Nasser 15) years by a tear gas canister in the shoulder and (Mu’awiah Mahmoud Shtiwi 17 years) by a tear gas canister in his side and a one of the Israeli solidarity (Shaul 30 years) in the shoulder along with the Palestine TV crew. (The Israeli occupation forces have targeted journalist’s crews from various satellite T.V channels. As result, they wounded a Chinese news agency reporter (Sam) by a tear gas bombs in the knee, also a photo journalist (Ayman Idriss) by a tear gas canister in the chest. They also damaged the equipment of theirs as well as that of a B'Tselem Israeli volunteer.

Another take:
"About 300 Palestinians and four Israelis participated with a handful of internationals in this Friday protest.
Opposite us were posited the occupation army and its thugs. Jeeps and other heavy equipment and dozens of soldiers frantic and bloodthirsty. Even before the protest began they started shooting gas everywhere. They formed a front on the route of the road and on the hills on the left - hordes with olive color uniforms. When the demonstration began tractor entered into the village to remove the barricades set by the diligent shabab in advance. The tractor came accompanied by jeeps and belligerent soldiers. They shot continuously and indiscriminate plenty of tear gas. "Direct shooting" is understatement to what really happened there today. They shot in order to hit and hurt people like snipers. This resulted in many demonstrators slightly injured.
Six Palestinians injured in different parts of the body from tear gas grenades and canisters. Ankle, abdomen, back, hip and shoulder were hit. Also injured the knee of a Chinese journalist and Israeli journalist was wounded in the hand. All received treatment in the village.
All these atrocities could not even for a second harm the morale and the determination of Qaddum residents to FIGHT BACK.

The bastards also shot an Israeli activist with a tear gas grenade launcher, at a direct angle and close range! They were aiming straight at the ppl in the narrow street, as you can see in the video. This is akin to an attempted murder against ppl who pose no threat to the soldiers!"
Odai Qaddomi


The village is the target of intense transfer efforts for many years. Joint actions were there aplenty.

Lately a local left leaning Israeli singer was scheduled to give a saw in the rear by settlement and was target of pressures by the Israeli activists of the B.D.S... He vacillated and announced the canceling of the show but counter pressures caused him to renegate. A joint demo was done near the location of the show:

Don't say we didn’t know #380

The Israeli government continues its campaign against its Bedouin citizen residents of the Negev.

On Tuesday, 17th September, 2013, government representatives accompanied by police arrived in Bedouin localities in the Negev and started to demolish homes; in Al-Fur'a, south of Arad, they demolished a home of a couple about to be married. In El-Za'arura, near Kseifeh, they also demolished a home of a couple about to be married. They again demolished the village of 'Atir, near Hura, and confiscated a tractor and a water tank there. Then they continued and demolished El'Araqib, yet again.

Questions & queries:
* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle activists face frequent encountered in court halls

The Israeli state forces do not restrict their harassments to the suppression of direct actions, nor to harassment of the villages involved between the direct actions. They involve the military and civilian judicial system to harass, extracts monetary fines, short and long restriction orders, short jail time, and even long jail time up to 18 months for the Palestinian participants. About dozens Palestinians were murdered during the non-armed direct actions. Many Palestinians and about dozen Israeli were seriously injured. Hundreds of thousands of shekels expenses for lawyers and fines were payed and still owed... Many have dropped due to burn-out but still some who initiated the joint struggle and many who joined it along the years still persist.

Anarchists against the wall activists with few supporters protested Operation Cast Lead attack on Gaza 4.5 years ago, spent few days at jail, and just now acquitted.

Popular Struggle activists Abdallah Abu Rahma from Bil'in, Salah al-Khawaja, and a photographer were arrested during a nonviolent action to re-open the road in Qaryout village near Nablus initiated by the joint comity of local popular villages struggles. They were released after short prison time.

REPORT: "SINCE 2010, the Israeli government has demolished the village of Al Araqib (within the 1948 borders) more than 56 times, three times in the last 10 days of August alone. Refusing to leave their land, the inhabitants continue to return and rebuild the village and are currently staying in its graveyard." Activists from the village were arrested and after weeks of court deliberations were freed without restrictions.


Today we were 9 Israelis with the anarchists against the wall, about dozen International, village activists and lot of shabab youth. However, it was far from the usual demo ritual.
Today in Bil'in the commander of the Israeli state forces decided to move the area of confrontation to the northern hill of the area the village got back. So even before the shabab (who usually come first) arrived to the Abu Lamun oak wood - where we usually start the demo, the state forces opened the gate in the wall. 4 jeeps entered deeply the area and started to confront the shabab.
They were so absorbed in the mission that they did not bother to seriously harass the Israeli, Internationals, and village activists who arrived near the gate.
For a long time, few meters from the soldiers we stood, some photographed, some confronted verbally the soldiers, we all cheered when tear grenades returned by the shabab suffocated the soldiers and forced part of them and the commander to retreat to the area behind the wall.
After long while, The jeeps drove far away in pursuit after the shabab and the other soldiers retreated to behind the wall. The other soldiers located behind the wall who were mostly passive till that time, decided we do not have any reason to stay there alone and showered us with tear gas. So we got the hint and returned to the village - hearing more than seeing the far away on going confrontation between the shabab and the state force.
Three activists were injured and dozens suffocated from tear gas inhalations during the weekly protest in Bil'in. Abdullah Ahmad Yassin (22) was hit by a tear gas canister in the head, Mohammed Nasser Burnat (14) was shot by a rubber bullet in the chest, and Muawiya Khatib (19) was wounded on his left hand as he felt trying to run away from soldiers.
Rani Abdel Fatah
Mohammed Basman Yasin
The poem of struggling Bil'in (Arabic with English sub titles)

Nabi Saleh weekly demonstration, 13/9/2013


Ni'lin 13.09.2013

israel putermam

Kufr Qaddum weekly demonstration, 13/9/2013


Don't say we didn’t know #378

On Sunday, 1st September, 2013, a Palestinian resident of the village Yassuf, which lies between the settlements Tapuach and Ariel, returned from working in Israel. After getting off the bus on his way to the village, a settler hit him with his pistol–butt, and broke his nose. He lost consciousness and was taken to hospital. After regaining consciousness, he explained what had happened.

Questions & queries:

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also:

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Palestine-Israel, The drums of war on Syria give Israel a bit longer lease to harass the Palestinians*

The transfer efforts continue in the Jordan valley, in 918 "fire zone", in locations less prominent on the news, and in the Bedouin region within 1948 borders. When the noise of the war drums is high, the increasing level of oppression in the 1967 occupation seems less prominent. Less and less people pay attention to or have hopes of the "peace talks" forced on Israel and the Palestinians by the imperial masters. The joint struggle continue in spite of the hot weather and the mounting Israeli terror. The picks of the joint struggle were in Bil'in where delegations from the other struggles converged to this week demo. The other pick was a big demo in Tel Aviv Saturday late evening where Bedouins from the south joined the more than 1000 participants from the main region of Israel.


Friday 445th demo (30/8/2013) More than 200 people joined the weekly popular demonstration in Bil’in against the wall and settlements, which was dedicated to resisting army oppression towards political activists. In the past few weeks soldiers have been crossing over the wall and chasing Bil’in demonstrators with more violence than has been witnessed there in the last couple of years. In addition, two residents have been arrested in relation to the protests and earlier this week three youths in Qalandia were shot dead by a border police raiding party.

Villagers of Bil’in were joined by 30 Israelis with the anarchists against the wall, similar numbers of international activists, representatives of the Ni’ilin and Ma’asara popular committees, and a boy scouts’ marching band. Demonstrators reached the gate in the wall and were met by soldiers who instantly started firing tear gas canisters at the march. Local youth responded by throwing some canisters back at the soldiers, adding stones as well and were answered in turn by rubber coated bullets.
After about 15 minutes the gate in the wall opened and soldiers started passing through. At first the “skunk” water canon came into use and then the “venom” tear gas canon. Soldiers started chasing demonstrators back towards the village while continuing the exchange of tear gas and stones as retreating activists piled rocks into small barricades to slow the soldiers’ progress down. Soldiers also forced photographers to retreat, arresting one Israeli activist on the way.

The march from the village goes over the old route of the wall and other pictures by Oren Ziv / Activestills

After about two and a half hours of protest and confrontations, after the soldiers progressed all the way to the old route of where the separation fence once went through and after two small fires were set ablaze from tear gas canisters and put out by villagers the demonstration ended. The Israeli activist was taken to a nearby police station and was represented by Adv. Gaby Lasky, a fundraising art sale for covering her efforts was simultaneously taking place in Tel Aviv this weekend.
The Israeli activist seen arested in the video was released about 2 hours later.
Haitham Khatib


Wednesday 28-8-13, Right now in Yafa Clock Tower protesting the killing of the 3 Palestinian youth in Qalandia on Monday.


Since 9:00 AM the Israeli occupation forces blocked the entrance of AL Ma'sara village and search in every car pass, and look for ID cards to catch the member of popular resistance committee to prevent the organizing of the demonstration today.


Daboos Hassan


Today Friday 30-9-2013 about 500 hundred people share K Q march which is faced by hundreds of tear gas bombs shoot from guns and from the jeeps causing many suffocated cases.
At 10 am many youth set fired tiers waiting for the army to come. Finally five soldiers came and shoot nearly 5 bombs before they began to shoot rubber bullets. All this happened without clashes but with the most dangerous thing that the same soldiers shoot 2 live ammunition bullets.
Any way the army didn't’ attack the village this time as before so we manage to gather ourselves again and go for the march nearly 200 hundred meters there police border were waiting and began to shoot tear gas bombs strong clashes between youth and the police happened and many suffocated cases.
One of the soldiers snipers hiding under an olive tree shoot one live bullet. It hit the ground so it failed to hurt anyone.

Sheikh Jarakh

The creeping transfer in occupied east Jerusalem (Al Kuds) continue. Israeli supreme court rejects the appeal of Shamasna family from Sheika Jarrah, and orders their eviction from their home in 18 months, another step in the ethnic One cleansing of Jerusalem. of the deciding judges is a settler. There's no justice undet apartheid.

Friday demo:

Tel Aviv

More than 1000 demonstrated against the Praver transfer plan of the Bedouins.;=Ey7Fhbr5klA


Don’t say we didn’t know #376

On Monday, 19th August, 2013, the IDF demolished all the homes of a Bedouin community, the Ka’abneh tribe, living near Bir Nabala, in the occupied Jerusalem area. Thirty nine people were left without a roof over their heads.

On Wednesday, 21st August, 2013, government representatives, escorted by police, arrived in Bedouin areas in the Negev and demolished homes. A home in Sawawin, south-west of Segev Shalom, a home in the township ‘Ar’ara, as well as at El’Araqib, yet again.

Questions & queries:

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also:

Monday, August 26, 2013

Palestine-Israel, The History wheels turn faster and scream as the blood is not oiling enough the axes*

The turmoil in our region express the melting of the world history as we knew it. It accelerate before it reach its end as the axes of the old order can not hold it any more. The Zionist settler colonialist bridge head of the developed imperial countries in the cradle of human culture at the east of the Mediterranean sea is eroded by the resistance of the indigenous inhabitants which recruit supporters all over the world. The cracks in the neoliberal global capitalism which seemed to reach the ultimate victory just few years ago when the end of history was declared... point to the real end of the history of the egoistic and alienated class society. In the day to day struggle here, it is still hard to discern the cracks in the structure of the system, but you can already smell it in the clouds of tear gas of weekly demos and feel the ground tremor under your feet.

Weekly Non-Violent Protests in #Palestine, August 23, 2013

"Bil'in, West Bank, Palestine

In the wake of the recent massive wave of arrests of Palestinian activists, it is vital that we continue to resist against the Israeli occupation. Last 17th February had marked the eighth anniversary of the weekly non-violent protests against the construction of the Apartheid Wall in the West Bank village of Bil’in.
Bil’in has become a symbol of the power of non-violent grassroots movements in building local and international resistance to Occupation [started 10 years ago in the joint camp of Mas'ha**]. After six years of continuous resistance, Bil’in succeeded in regaining a part of its seized land. But the struggle is not over as long as Palestinians have not recovered all their legitimate rights.
The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee and the Bil'in Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements will hold the 8th International Conference for Popular Struggle from Wednesday 2nd to Friday 4th October 2013.
We kindly invite you to participate in our conference on grassroots popular resistance.
The aims of the conference are:
To show internationals real life examples of the struggles and suffering of Palestinians;
To extend the popular non-violent struggle;
To strengthen the relationship with the international solidarity movements and to find new ways to support and empower the popular struggle
More details and program will be communicated soon.
Follow us:"


Four injured and a field of olive trees burnt by Israeli Forces’ munitions
Three Palestinians and a foreign journalist were wounded alongside with dozens suffering of severe suffocation after the Israeli forces attacked the weekly march against settlement and the apartheid wall in Bil’in.
The march began after Friday prayers from the center of the village towards the Apartheid wall. We were about dozen Israelis with the anarchists against the wall, about two dozen internationals, and dozens of Bil'iners. Participants raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans calling for national unity against the occupation and the release of all Palestinian prisoners.
Israeli soldiers immediately fired sound bombs, rubber bullets and tear gas at participants when they arrived on the liberated land near the wall. Rubber bullets injured Ashraf al-Khatib (33) in his stomach, Kefah Mansour (32) in his thigh, Mohammed Hamad (22) in his right hand, and a Chinese journalist in his leg. In addition, dozens of peace activists suffocated from inhaling tear gas.
Soldiers opened the gate to chase and assaulted demonstrators in the olive groves. Due to the massive use of tear gas and sound bombs a fire broke out and burnt a large field of olive trees.
The Popular Committee against the Wall and settlements in Bil'in invited all Palestinians and political parties to participate in the march next Friday, the 30th August, in the village in solidarity with prisoners in Israeli jails.

the photo of Rani in the weekly demonstration in Bil'in will tell the whole story of Bil'in struggle 23.08.2013
Fires as a result of heavy firing gas in Bil'in weekly demonstration

Nabi Saleh

As today's demonstration marched to the spring, Israeli Occupation Forces opened fire with teargas, rubber coated steel bullets and skunk. Several people suffocated from teargas and at least one person has been injured from rubber steel bullet in the arm. IOF have also detained and beaten a Palestinian photojournalist.
Israel Puterman
David Reeb


"Dear friends
Even the mosques aren’t safe from the tear gas bombs
Today it was very strong and hard march nearly 50 soldiers attack kufr Qadum at 11am shooting many tear gas and sound bombs.
Tow were shoot directly by bombs one in his hand caused cut wound and the other in his back.
The most important and dangers case that the soldiers who were on the mountain shot bombs targeted the mosque which we pray before the march causing many suffocated cases between prayers of course you know that a lot of old men and children were in the mosque.
After braying we gathered ourselves again and go for the usual march but the army suppress us and shot nearly 300 hundred tear gas and sound bombs.
The wounded are:
Mashhoor jomaa 42 in his hand
Mohammad shtaiwi 24 in his back"
Report: Israeli army firing tear gas into the mosque during prayer time, before the demonstration
Full report and pictures at"


Don’t say we didn’t know #375

Yet again, the “Judea and Samaria” police have confiscated water tankers belonging to Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills region.
On Wednesday, 14th August, 2013 one lorry was confiscated, and on Friday night another one. In total, ten water tankers have been confiscated in recent weeks. In addition, the Civil Administration, IDF and police have demanded that filling water from reservoirs can only take place between 09:00 and 15:00; they have threatened that tankers will be impounded and the filling points closed down. Until now, water operations have been carried out 24 hours a day, to satisfy the demand. The new orders raise concern that tens of thousands of residents will suffer from thirst. Each confiscation entails payment of thousands of shekels in fines, posting of a deposit before trial, as well as payment for removal and storage of the lorry.
At the entrance of Kiryat Arba industrial zone, a tap is operated by settlers selling water to Palestinian carriers at almost three times the normal price. No restrictions there…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
On Wednesday, 14th August, 2013, government representatives, escorted by police forces, arrived in Bedouin localities in the Negev to demolish homes. In the township of Kseifeh, three homes and a commercial premises were demolished, in Umm Batin a home was destroyed. The following day they demolished two homes in Abu Qrinat, then they went on to demolish El’Araqib once again.

Questions & queries:
* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in. See also:

** The Idea of the joint Israeli Palestinian camp was initiated half year before at a workshop on the struggle in our region in the Leiden 2002 conference of the European People Global Action - in which participated 15 Israeli anarchists and radical activists, with activists of the region and supporters.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Palestine-Israel, The tremors vibrate under our feet as the joint struggle accelerate processes*

The start of the "talks" and the release of old time prisoners was forced on Israel as Europe started the pressure on Israel following mounting public opinion and failure of US to protect its "venerable" client. The B.D.S. and involvement of Israeli and international Jewry neutralized the Israeli harping on antisemitism. The split within the Israeli elite when the scientific and advanced technology get the alarm of imminent punishment result in public cry. The financial establishment is second in line but still not in the open. The arms industry and high-tech seems to have business as usual and still do not change sides. The Israeli ruling elite seems to contemplate a new compromise with the Palestinian elite as business as usual reaching a dead end.


Friday 443 (16/8/2013)
Haitham Al Khatib


"I'm writing on behalf of the internationals activists which are taking part in the solidarity camp in Aida refugee camp. Today (Friday) they were in Al Ma'sara and the demo was violently attacked by the soldiers. Four people, 2 palestinians and 2 internationals, were detained. The 2 internationals were transferred to Hebron police station, where they are still under arrest. We are in contact with them and they are telling us that the police wont let them go unless a lawyer shows up. The police is telling them that they need a lawyer otherwise they will deported"

7 years of struggle

‪Nabi Saleh‬

Manal writes: "Protest is over we getting ready 4 a wedding 2night,life goes on minute 4 running of tear gas & a minute 4 dancing & enjoying life".
David Reeb




We finished our march today Friday 16-8 at 3 PM.
As usual nearly 40 soldiers attack the village at 11 am shooting tear gas and sound bombs at houses and towards the persons who share the marsh. Many tear gas bombs fell inside houses and Tayseer Shtaiwi told me that 6 bombs fell in the yard of his house and caused suffocated cases inside the house. Yaqub Ashraf Shtaiwi child of 2 years suffocated and fell unconscious after he smell gas from a bomb near his house and he is ok now.
The soldiers began to change their way of repression us by trying to transfer the confrontations between houses to increase the suffering of the people.
But we have a message and duty for our land that in spite of suffering we will continue our struggle.
"Activists say that over the past two years, the protesters got better at maneuvering the terrain, taking care of each other, avoiding arrests during demonstrations, and leaving each demo with a weird sense of victory. There’s a joy to this struggle, a freshness embodied in the image of laughing men as they step out of the mosque and clap to the beat of the chants. A heyday is foreshadowed in these images, a peak of creative and uncompromising protest."
Odai Qadduni

Kids Play War: The Struggle of Kufr Qaddum and Meanderings on Violence
"There’s something infectious about the joy of the struggle in Kufr Qaddum. Perhaps it is blooming. It’s an exciting moment to join in. What is often perceived as dark and desolate is in my eyes a unique and colorful display of resistance. Clowns and musicians are welcome as well. Heed the call."

Canaan Protest village 6, 16/08/2013

While we were on our way to built our protest village in the middle of Gosh Ezion colonial block, 10s of heavily armed Israeli occupation soldiers attacked us and arrested 5 people including 4 activists and a Palestinian journalist. Many protesters were injured after being beaten by Israeli occupation soldiers.
protesters chanted slogans for Palestine including: "Free Free Palestine", "Free freedom Prisoners", "one, two, three, four, Occupation no more", among many other slogans that demanded to put an end to Israeli occupation, end colonization of Palestinian land, dismantle all military checkpoints throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem as a basic human right to move freely, to put an end to colonists attacks against Palestinian people, land and properties, to put an end to the ongoing and non stop raiding of Palestinian towns, villages, refugee camps and cities.

South West Bank Committee

Photos: Younes Arar

South Hebron Hills

Guy Butavia

Sheikh Jarrah protest, August 2013

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in
See also:

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Palestine-Israel, the international struggle protected by the joint struggle from being called antisemitic show results*

Till now, even the more realists of the Zionist left who are for the retreat to the 1967 borders (with some amendments) insisted that retreat will be conditioned on final peace agreement in which the Palestinians agree that no return of refugees will occur. To day, the ex-chief commander of army and previous head of a big party of the parliament suggested to agree to temporary peace giving back 60% of the 1967 occupation committed to give during the following 4 years the equivalent of the rest with final peace agreement. As Palestinians who are not in areas targeted for transfer efforts have much better life, the motivation for popular struggle do not expand and even shrink - and so is the Israeli side of the joint struggle - in spite of the fact we see already the light in the end of the tunnel (or because of it).

REPORT Weekly Protests, Friday 9th and Saturday August 2013
For the second day of Eid El Iftar, non violent demonstrations were organized by the Popular Resistance Committees in several Palestinian villages joined by Israeli activist with the anarchists against the wall and others, and internationals, to protest against the expansion of settlements, in support with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails, and against occupation.


Friday 442th demo (9/8/2013)
As every Friday, Palestinian, Israeli and international activists gathered after the Friday Prayer in the center of the village, near the mosque, and marched towards the Apartheid Wall which protects the illegal Israeli settlement of Mood’in Ilit built on Bil’in’s land.
Whilst participants were peacefully chanting slogans calling to end the occupation and raising Palestinian flags, they found the gate opened and military jeeps were already on the Palestinian side of the Wall. Israeli soldiers immediately attacked demonstrators - even before we reached the separation wall, with a massive use of sound grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets, which led to some suffocation cases that were treated on the field. In the meanwhile, Israeli soldiers chased demonstrators to arrest them and succeed to apprehend one female Swiss activist.
Ambulance crew and journalists had also been deliberately targeted by Israeli Forces to prevent them from doing their work.

Israeli army aimed and shot directly at journalists today at the protest in Bilin and arrested anne journalist and activist from Switzerland ! haithmkatib
The Swiss activist was released 2 hours after her arrest and she said "they took from me the Palestinian flag and refused to give it back to me"


After the Friday Prayer, Palestinian, Israeli and international activists marched from Al Shamo Cultural Centre towards the site of the unfinished Annexation Barrier in Um Salamuna neighborhood.
As every Friday, demonstrators, who were peacefully chanting and raising Palestinian flags, were stopped by Israeli Forces before reaching the main road. Soldiers claimed that protesters were not allowed to pass as the area was declared closed military zone. Once again, Israeli Forces used their arbitrary power to stop the non violent resistance. Military zone can be declared in any instance, with no warning, and anyone can be arbitrary arrested if passing by this area.
Thus, two international activists were arrested by Israeli Forces who also fired sound grenades and tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.
The popular resistance coordinator hold a speech in English assuring that the non violent popular resistance will not stop as long as Palestinian people are suffering under Israeli Apartheid policy.

Back from a demo in Ma'asara (near Jerusalem). Depressing! 10 villages with NO water at all . Why? the apartheid, occupation, another way to oppress the non-violent resistance, Oslo accord and maybe just because the settlers didn't have enough pressure in their tubes. Two people got arrested and probably disported one French one Italian. Why? just because they can. And here they started piss talks again no peace with no justice


After the Friday Prayer, Palestinian, Israeli and international activists marched from the center of the village through the olive groves towards the annexation wall on Ni’lin’s land. Whilst participants were peacefully chanting slogans calling to end the occupation and raising Palestinian flags, Israeli Forces, located behind the Wall, fired numerous amounts of tear gas canisters and sound bombs for about an hour. Then Israeli soldiers crossed through the gate in the Wall to chased protesters up the hill.
Two Palestinians were injured with rubber coated steel bullets. The protest ended when Israeli Forces retreated behind the Wall.
israel putermam


This Friday, Israeli forces had invaded the village before the demonstration even started and they were shooting tear gas and sound grenades, and chased Palestinians around the village for about an hour.
As soldiers retreated to the hill, demonstration could begin. Palestinian, Israeli and international activists marched from the center of the village towards the Israeli illegal settlement built on Palestinian seized land.
Israeli Forces had blocked the road leading to the settlement and they massively used tear gas and rubber bullet to prevent demonstrators to approach them. Soldiers chased Palestinian young inside the village, and keep firing tear gas towards houses.
Thus, five children and their grandmother suffered from tear gas inhalation: Harith Awad (7), Ghofran Awad (4), Osaid Tayseer (5), Wasfiya Zahi (6) and Sobhi Zahi (4).

Yotam & Oren
Odai Qaddohi

South Hebron hills

"Harassment of Palestinian farmers and shepherds in the area by both settlers and the army continues. This week we will accompany Palestinians farmers and shepherds to their lands in several locations in South Hebron hills. This coming Saturday, August 10, we need as many activists as possible to accompany them and stand up for their rights. There is a direct link between the number of activists who come to accompany the farmers and their ability to harvest and work their lands. For details and registration: (no SMS) Maria
* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also: