Brütal Legend: Another nice game marred by rampart sexism.

Brütal LegendWarning: Some minor spoilers included

So I just finished my play through of Brütal Legend which I got from the latest HIB and I must say, even though I went in with reduced expectations due to how much internet anger there was about the RTS parts of the game, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Yes the RTS parts are clunky as fuck, since they are built for console controls in mind, and the general gameplay is nothing particularly groundbreaking, but I loved the theme and I especially loved the music.

It’s not that often that I get a game that includes some of my favourite songs as the themes to

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Posted at 12pm on 24/09/13 | No Comments » | Filed Under: Games, Music

Disgusting: Teacher rapes 14-Year-Old and gets 30 days in prison.

You read that right, not 30 years. 30 days!

30 days!

There are no words…

Reasons for this result? The Internet was mean to the poor rapist. “The girl looked older chronologically.” The latter suicide of the victim complicated things for the prosecution…Yep.

This is like being in an MRA wet dream. Just go look at the comments on my post on why accusations of rape are not as bad as, you know, actual rape, and you’ll find it infested with all types of scumfucks pretty much wishing that all rape cases ended up like the above one.

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Posted at 6am on 29/08/13 | No Comments » | Filed Under: World Events