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Posts tagged punk


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Samhain – November’s Fire

Samhain - November’s Fire

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Dead Kennedys – Halloween You’re dressed up like a clown…

Dead Kennedys - Halloween

You’re dressed up like a clown
Putting on your act
It’s the only time all year
You’ll ever admit that

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Ekkaia – Caminando en círculos Quien apunta a nuestras sienes…

Ekkaia - Caminando en círculos

Quien apunta a nuestras sienes con pistolas es quien suelta a los perros de presa, es quien golpea tu boca. 
Córtale el cuello y camina por encima de su cadáver.

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Weekend Nachos | Frostbitten

Weekend Nachos | Frostbitten

Hoax – Stuck 

Hoax - Stuck 

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DOOM Live in Forte Prenestino Roma friday 26 October 2012

DOOM Live in Forte Prenestino Roma friday 26 October 2012

Eyehategod – Who Gave Her The Roses

Eyehategod - Who Gave Her The Roses

Hatred Surge – Deconstruct Pt. 2

Hatred Surge - Deconstruct Pt. 2

“Baby Baby” by The Vibrators

“Baby Baby” by The Vibrators

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