Posts by John Jacobsen

Listen Up, Ladies: Here’s Everything Real Men Think Is Wrong With You

By LINDY WEST of Jezebel: I’ve been doing some scholarly research, and I noticed this thing that’s been really dragging society down for the past few millennia: it’s that everything is wrong with you. You are gross. First of all, your hair is gross, because it is not long and thick enough. But don’t strap fake hair to your head! […]

The Left doesn’t need a renewed emphasis on morality – instead, we must reclaim the concept of self-interest.

By Evan Burger of Jacobin:  In his excellent recent essay “Revolutionizing Ethics,” David V. Johnson calls on leftists to reclaim the moral high ground from those he labels “moral sentimentalists.” He goes on to catalogue an impressive litany of such sentimentalists, from usual liberal suspects like New York Times columnists and Barack Obama to no less a personage […]

New Evidence That the US Army Hired Spies to Go Undercover Among Local Anti-War Protesters

By Brandon Kiley of The Stranger: For the past couple of years, anti-war protesters from Olympia and Tacoma have been fighting a legal battle with the US Army, alleging in a lawsuit that a civilian named John Towery had been working as an undercover agent for the military to spy on them for political—not criminal, simply […]

Parents and Students Self-Organize At the Horace Mann School Building

From our friends at Creativity Not Control: On Thursday Aug 8th, I attended a packed meeting at the Horace Mann school building on 24th and Cherry in the Central District of Seattle.  People gathered to discuss the fate of this building, which the African/Black community has turned into a vibrant educational facility called the Africatown Community […]

Anarchists unable to locate free food at Kshama Sawant Election Party

Breaking: The Seattle Free Press News Team went to the Kshama Sawant Primary Election Night Party. After inquiring about where to find the free food, one of the party attendees waved their hands and stated “There’s a noodle-thing near the back,” before quickly darting out of the room. “What keeps you going?” reporters asked in […]

NYPD ‘consistently violated basic rights’ during Occupy protests – study

Report by NYU and Fordham law schools found ‘shocking level of impunity’ and department that acted beyond its powers, from The Guardian: The first systematic look at the New York police department’s response to Occupy Wall Street protests paints a damning picture of an out-of-control and aggressive organization that routinely acted beyond its powers. In a report that followed an eight-month […]

IWW Rail Service Workers Go on Strike Demanding an End to Illegal Firings

From July 26th to 29th, Management at Mobile Rail Solutions fired three workers actively engaged in unionizing efforts. The termination of these organizers is a direct attack on their Union drive and apparent retaliation for their recent OSHA filings. Management then threatened to continue firing workers showing no respect for their employees or labor law. […]

Climate change on pace to occur 10 times faster than any change recorded in past 65 million years

By BJORN CAREY of Standford News: Not only is the planet undergoing one of the largest climate changes in the past 65 million years, Stanford climate scientists Noah Diffenbaugh and Chris Field report that it’s on pace to occur at a rate 10 times faster than any change in that period. Without intervention, this extreme […]

New Snowden leak: NSA program taps all you do online

By Amanda Wills of CNN You’ve never heard of XKeyscore, but it definitely knows you. The National Security Agency’s top-secret program essentially makes available everything you’ve ever done on the Internet — browsing history, searches, content of your emails, online chats, even your metadata — all at the tap of the keyboard. The Guardian exposed the program on Wednesday […]

Anarchism and the English Language

By Kristian Williams, originally from CrimethInc: George Orwell, in his classic essay, “Politics and the English Language,” makes the case that “the English language… becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.” The vices Orwell catalogued—vague phrases, dying metaphors, […]