October 20 2013, updated 5:00am

Jesse Ryder

'I am lucky not to be dead'

Jesse Ryder speaks of the night he was left fighting for his life in a Christchurch street.

His year from hell Targetting return

Online hospital ranking

Stethoscope, doctor, medical 5:00am Patients will be able to write reviews of their public hospital stays when Trip Advisor-style ratings are adopted.

Palino: I was never part of any plot

5:00am Failed Auckland mayoral candidate John Palino denies fresh claims he tried to force Len Brown to resign using details of his affair.

ABs still rich without McCaw

5:00am There was a time when Richie McCaw's absence caused consternation.

Driver gets jail and loses friends

5:00am Four people left for dead by repeat drink-driver are glad he has been locked up.

Quakes and broken hearts

5:00am Christchurch has reclaimed its dubious honour as the city holding NZ's highest divorce rate.

Greek police are investigating the identity of a girl found in a Roma camp
Who is Maria?

Blonde, blue-eyed child suspected to be abduction victim found in Roma camp raid.

Browns in public show of unity

Len Brown's wife Shan Inglis Embattled Auckland Mayor Len Brown and his wife Shan Inglis put on a public show of unity yesterday.

Family violence up, charges down

Police are opening family violence investigations at a rate of more than 10 an hour, new figures suggest.

Taxpayer ripoffs have to end

Wrong signatures on summons

Dancers at Auckland's Diwali festival

Spicing up a weekend

The sights, sounds and tastes of India were on show as Auckland celebrated the Diwali Festival.

Train slams into station, again

Argentine train crash An Argentine commuter train slammed into the end of the line at the same station where 52 people were killed in last year.

Who is Maria?

Blonde, blue-eyed child suspected to be abduction victim found in Roma camp raid.

Fetus autopsy inconclusive

Train carrying oil, gas derails

Silvio Berlusconi

Court bans Berlusconi from office

A court ruled former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi should be barred from public office for two years.

Recovering lost ground

Geoff Ross After a torrid period since early August, Moa chief executive Geoff Ross is keen to get back on the front foot.

U-turn tipped for new build loans

The Reserve Bank could be readying for a flip-flop on its home loan crackdown after pressure from builders.

Devastating blow for town

Auditor grilled on debt

Coal miner

Digging deeper on coal

The world is leaving fossil fuels behind with the help of Kiwi technology.

The beauty of a big buyback

Mighty River Power Buybacks are all the rage this year.

Hey big spenders

As New Zealand's first shopping mall turns 50, Simon Day considers the future of retail therapy.

NZ Super: The $500,000 gift

Nobel but still plenty of US debt

house for sale

It's raining money

Bank lending limits are still extraordinarily generous compared to a generation ago.

Machinima Xbox One app

Xbox Microsoft and Machinima have announced a new and "highly integrated" app for the Xbox One.

Shocking results in Google search

New ads reveal the horrifying phrases that come up in Google autocomplete when typing 'women'.

Nokia's smartwatch concept

A camera that captures smell

Fables: The Wolf Among Us

Dog day ever after

Telltale's Fables game looks sharp, is well written and should appeal to fans and newcomers alike.

Face time at Fashion Week

NZFW makeup Piercings, red eyeliner and '70s glam - just some of the makeup looks featured at NZFW.

Habit forming

Putting a number on how long it takes behaviour to become habitual is public relations, not science.

A-plus skin

Kristen Bell's 'no frills' wedding

habits reading

Heard about my new routine?

Four writers give themselves six weeks to pick up a good habit.

Soaked aminos nuts

soaked nuts Soaking makes nuts easier to digest and taste creamier; eaten wet they are extremely delicious. Read more about the health benefits here.

Super soaker

Fermentation and soaking takes nuts to the next level of nutrition.

Your cuppa just got better

Recipe: Quick chicken enchiladas

Fiat 500 Pop is fun

Fiat 500 Pop. Fiat's entry level 500, the Pop, doesn't just deliver you to your destination, it makes the journey an event.

Sun setting on legend

All good things eventually come to an end and so it is for the Land Rover Defender which started off as a sketch in the sand 67 years.

A commuter bargain

Rare peek into supercar pricing

Conquering Everest on film

Everest the moive Challenging locations, new technologies and finding the right man to play Sir Ed - director Leanne Pooley had her own mountains climb making Beyond the Edge.

Fairytale sex off the shelves

A graphic novel depicting the sexual encounters of fairytale heroines has been pulled from the National Library.

Sunday News 50 years

Doctor Who fans teased


How she adores Chinese food

Meet teenage songstress Alison Gold, tipped to be the "new Rebecca Black".

Cards and dancing dolphins

Bay of Islands A short break with the family in the Bay of Islands means travelling with a full deck of cards.

It's all a dream

Eight things you need to know about Boeing's state-of-the-art 787 Dreamliner.

Miles of southern style

Ibiza: The stuff of dreams

Peppers Awaroa Lodge

Spring awakening in nature

Fancy a weekend away at a remote wilderness retreat? You'd never guess what goes on before you check in.

The trouble with money

Cash generic If I had an extra $200 week, I wouldn't need to fear having my power cut off in winter

Mammograms miss lumps

If you find a lump in your breast, insist on it being checked out thoroughly even if it is not visible on your mammogram.

The daily pastry challenge

I'm investing in my health


Taste of travel: Slurping up soba

Visiting Japan to me is synonymous with amazing food.

Rural road rules warning

Tractors on a highway. Rural contractors urged to keep up to date with regulation changes governing work hours and use of public highways to avoid falling foul of the law.

Synlait talks up Chinese offer

Synlait Farms chairman says it is "far too early" to say how most shareholders will respond to an $87.5m takeover offer from Chinese corporate.

Raw milk enthusiasm

Yearling bull fetches $5000

DNA discovery in Bigfoot search

Sir Edmund Hillary and Bigfoot Yeti, Sasquatch, the Abominable Snowman, call it what you will. Turns out it could be a bear.

Cookies as 'addictive as cocaine'

Rats, like humans, like to split the Oreo and eat the cream first. And it's classic addict behaviour.

Asteroid 'threatening' Earth

Sleeping cleans the brain

Ryder targets Black Caps return

Jesse Ryder Jesse Ryder will return to cricket next week and is hoping to break into the Black Caps.

Ghost became invisible man

Ben Smith might politely ask his All Blacks coaches to move him back to the right wing.

Challenges to Dixon's payday

ABs' forwards play like backs

Ben Smith, Kieran Read, Charles Piutau

ABs still rich without McCaw

There was a time when Richie McCaw's absence caused consternation.


Shutting the revolving door

Described as "hug-a-thug" by critics, NZ's first drug court is proving hugely successful.

The cover of the graphic novel Lost Girls

Fairytale sex off the shelves

A graphic novel depicting the sexual encounters of fairytale heroines has been pulled from the National Library.

Bay of Islands

Cards and dancing dolphins

A short break with the family in the Bay of Islands means travelling with a full deck of cards.

Jesse Ryder

Riding his luck

As Jesse Ryder came out of an induced coma, he thought "Oh, God, not another issue!"

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Dilbert cartoon


The Little Things, Dilbert, Tom Scott and others

Today in History

Today in history

Dig into New Zealand's archives

Celebrity baby

Celebrities as babies

Think you know your celebrities? See if you can guess who the celebrities are from their baby photos.

Kiran Chug

Here comes Halloween

There won't be any zombie costumes or trick or treating, but I can't resist getting into the spirit of Halloween this year.


Trekking through parenthood

When our son was born I surprised my husband with tickets to a Star Trek convention, and desperate for a day out, I promised to go with him.


Be in to win

We have a heap of amazing giveaways for our readers - including booster seats, coffee machines, up to $3000 towards your mortgage and more...

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Best stopovers for Kiwis

We've picked the top stopovers for Kiwis leaving this hemisphere for another.

Dog Strap

Intrepid travelling pets

Kiwi travellers can't seem to part from their pets, even when they go on holiday.

Queenstown airport

Almost time to drop the pilot

Control of New Zealand's air space is radically changing - for the better.

New Zealand Passport

Best passport in the world

The Kiwi passport has been ranked as one of the best in the world for travellers.

Coins, treasure

Treasure dig on holy man's tip

An Indian treasure dig has been sparked by a holy man who said an ex-king told him of it in a dream.


Panda cam mobbed by fans

Of all the Washington reboots after the federal shutdown, the National Zoo’s panda cams was perhaps the most eagerly awaited.

Kangaroo in chemist

Roo cornered in airport

A kangaroo cornered in Melbourne Airport has been wrangled into a bag by rescuers.

Sea beast

'We've never seen a fish this big'

Woman snorkelling off California coast spotted something straight out of a fantasy novel.


Itchy and scratchy

An itch in combination with a lack of sleep can completely break a person.


Tainted legacy

Why do we still hold a grudge about Lost so many years after it finished?

Moni and Kobi strap

Pals and playmates

Friendship between pets is a beautiful thing to watch.


Hands on deck

A deck of utter beauty has somehow come into being.

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