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The Anarcho-Punk Pages - online directory written by anarcho-punks for anarcho-punks.

You'll find a (currently far from complete) list of my music collection on my Discogs page.

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Anarchy Rating

5Singles - punk as fuck
4Singles - nice 'n' sharp
3Singles - happy shopper
2Singles - white cider
1Single - clearance bin
X - recycling bin
(detailed explanation)



Not to this site, that's managed from my own pocket. But, if you appreciate what you find here, please think about making a donation to one of the following projects:

Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Dr Hadwen Trust
Food Not Bombs
Hunt Sabs

Thanks smile

Why Vegan?

Number of animals killed in the world by the meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage:

Based on 2007 statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas.
« Get this counter »

This does not include the billions of fish and other aquatic animals killed annually.

The choice is yours. Take the first step...

It's The End Of The XP World As We Know It (And I Feel Fucking Brilliant)

For anyone who, like me, is still using Windows XP (because my PC is pretty old and XP works great on it), support from Microsoft will end on April 8th next year. From that point on, there will be NO more security updates issued. Your system will be open to any hacker who decides to [...]

Flipping To FLAC, Turning To Torrents

I've been mulling over this for a while now, but I've decided to take the plunge and start encoding my rips as FLACs rather than MP3s. It's the best way of ensuring as flawless a copy as possible of the original vinyl (within the restrictions of the kit I use). With a FLAC file you're [...]

Open House

If anyone's interested, Punk Torrents is currently open for registration (although probably not for long). So hurry up and sign up if you want the chance to grab and share some fine rare punk and punk-related audio, video and literature. There's also general info, discussions, intelligent debate and occasional stupidity to entertain you while you're [...]

Hot Off The Presses

Just a quickie...Punk Torrents will be open for registration from sometime around teatime today until Sunday eve. It's free, it's friendly and it's full of moist musical morsels.

And thanks to Burke for this email:

I just wanted to say thanks for posting this Culture Shock LP. I havent heard this in probably 12 years but has [...]

A Friendly Request

A couple of the Blogger bloggers in my side bar don't allow comments from non-Blogger bloggers. I've grabbed a few things from their excellent uploads but I can't leave a thanks without signing up for a Blogger account. I can barely remember my own name sometimes, so there's just no chance of remembering user names [...]

Re-open For Business

Punk Torrents has opened up registration again. I don't know how long this will last for (in recent times it's been 24 hours), so you may want to register quick if you want to jump on the BitTorrent bandwagon. If you use Windows I'd suggest using uTorrent as your client (I've not bothered or needed [...]

Torrent-tastic, Punk-pickers!

Getting to grips with file-sharing technology

Note: since writing this, Punktorrents has closed its registration. However, registration is often re-opened for a day or two (usually on the weekend) so I'll post up the details if that happens.

Despite the fact that I ventured into the world of the hairless head many moons ago (more recently by [...]