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Anarchy Rating

5Singles - punk as fuck
4Singles - nice 'n' sharp
3Singles - happy shopper
2Singles - white cider
1Single - clearance bin
X - recycling bin
(detailed explanation)



Not to this site, that's managed from my own pocket. But, if you appreciate what you find here, please think about making a donation to one of the following projects:

Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Dr Hadwen Trust
Food Not Bombs
Hunt Sabs

Thanks smile

Why Vegan?

Number of animals killed in the world by the meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage:

Based on 2007 statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas.
« Get this counter »

This does not include the billions of fish and other aquatic animals killed annually.

The choice is yours. Take the first step...

Safe European Home

Not so long ago, it seemed that you couldn't turn on the news without seeing some story or another about the Zapatista rebellion in Chiapas, Mexico. The media darlings couldn't get enough of the enigmatic Subcommandante Marcos and his stylishly sexy balaclava-and-pipe combo. But, as is the way with the corporate press, they soon became [...]

Free Noise #20

Artist: Various
Title: Punk Rock Christmas Present
Source: mp3 download
Bitrate: Various
Running time (h:m:s): 00:34:18
Size (mb): 36.7
Label: Low Profile Promotions
Year: 2007

I've only heard a couple of the bands on this compilation (the first and last as it happens), but that was enough for me to grab this free sampler from Low Profile Promotions (the word 'free' also helped [...]

Do-It-Yourself Takeaway

I'm a curry-holic. Curries are cheap, tasty, comforting and, made properly, some of the most nutritious food known to vegankind. Over the years I've learned how to make some pretty good dishes. Nowadays I feel confident enough with spices to generally not use cookbook recipes as anything more than a starting point. These two recipes [...]

Declaration Of Independents

Want to broaden your musical horizons, for free, and in the process support artists who actively encourage you to hear their music? Then you could do worse than pay a visit to the 001 Collective and use your torrent software with the full blessing of the musicians found there. It's early days at the moment [...]

Free Noise #19

Artist: Culture Shock
Title: Go Wild + All The Time!
Source: CD LP
Bitrate: V0 VBR
Running time (h:m:s): 00:54:49
Size (mb): 94.5
Label: Bluurg Records
Year: Original vinyl - 1986 / 1989, CD comp - 1995

Go Wild:
1. Punks on Postcards
2. Go Wild (My Son)
3. Messed Up
4. Six Foot Rooms
5. Ten Per Cent Off
6. Circles
7. Mother's on the Phone
8. All (Messed up) [...]

The Aural Equivalent Of Sniffing Glass*

Random webtrawling occasionally throws up the odd piece of interesting flotsam amongst all the detritus. Today I found just such a 'gem'. Well, maybe gem is too strong a word, but Mobile Sonic Warfare Unit certainly live up to their name and their mission statement:

MOBILE SONIC WARFARE UNIT exists solely to agitate and aggravate the [...]

Free Noise #18

Artist: Blaggers I.T.A.
Title: Blaggamuffin
Source: Vinyl 12" mini-LP
Bitrate: V0 VBR
Running time (h:m:s): 00:23:05
Size (mb): 42.3
Label: Words Of Warning
Year: 1991

1. Pitbull Mentality
2. Ten Years On
3. Bastard Chilling
4. Emergency
5. The Gun Is Cocked
6. Brixton 91

Although Blaggers I.T.A. had already released some vinyl prior to this, 'Blaggamuffin' can probably be considered the record that defined the politics and sound [...]

Excess All Areas

I like to fool myself into believing that I've got my finger on the pulse, sonically speaking. But, to be honest, underneath it all I'm aware of just how much self-deception is going on. The fact of the matter is that there are simply too many bands making too many good tunes (and a lot [...]

Hot Off The Presses

Just a quickie...Punk Torrents will be open for registration from sometime around teatime today until Sunday eve. It's free, it's friendly and it's full of moist musical morsels.

And thanks to Burke for this email:

I just wanted to say thanks for posting this Culture Shock LP. I havent heard this in probably 12 years but has [...]

Free Noise #17

Artist: Hellbastard
Title: Ripper Crust
Source: Coloured vinyl 12" LP (mauve)
Bitrate: V0 VBR
Running time (h:m:s): 00:40:16
Size (mb): 70.6
Label: Grind / Crust
Year: 1993
Notes: Mastered from original 4-track (!) studio tape

1. Intro...
2. Nazis Killed
3. Massacre
4. Deciever (sic)
5. Insanity
6. Death From Above
7. Life For Who?
8. Kill Or Be Killed
9. Outside Claustrophobia
10. Skag K.D.P.
11. And Now...(pt 1)

RISE OF CRUST!!! Yep, the [...]