

SolydX and SolydK are Debian based distributions with the Xfce and KDE desktop.SolydXK aims to be simple to use, providing an environment that is both stable and secure.

SolydXK is an open source alternative for small businesses, non-profit organizations and home users.

UP 2013.10.06 – Mirrors

These mirrors are synchronized, and you can use them to update your system:

  • Tuxlinuxnews

Unfortunately, Internode has done a partial synchronization where the packages repository is up-to-date, but the Debian repository still hasn’t been synchronized since the August Update Pack.
Please, use our main repositories, or one of the above mentioned mirrors instead.

You can set the desired mirror in the preferences window of the Update Manager.

UP 2013.10.06 ready

UP 2013.10.06 is now synchronized with production, and you can safely update your systems.

We recommend to use the Update Manager to upgrade your system.
The Update Manager will handle all the necessary installs and configuration.
If you still prefer to use the terminal, please read the UP information page carefully, which was also posted in our previous post: http://solydxk.com/up-2013-10-06-1200-utc/

You might have a slow download if people upgrade at the same time. Try again at a later date or time.

If you are following our mirrors: they will follow later, and I will keep you posted on their progress.

The upgrade has been successfully tested on SolydX, SolydK, and SolydK BO.

You can get help and post any UP related issues here: http://forums.solydxk.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1701

UP 2013.10.06 12:00 UTC

On 06 October 2013 at 12:00 UTC we will synchronize the production repositories.

From that time until I give the green light: please don’t use the repositories to upgrade your system.

Those who haven’t upgraded from the testing repositories, and depending on whether you’re a SolydX or SolydK user you will have between 200MB until 350MB of packages to download.

I won’t be making new iso’s this time

You might have a slow download if people upgrade at the same time. Try again at a later date or time.

If you are following our mirrors: they will follow later, and I will keep you posted on their progress.

If you encounter any problems, post your findings here: http://forums.solydxk.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1701

To prepare you for the upcoming UP, I’ve copied the Update Manager’s UP info page here, and I recommend you to carefully read it before you start upgrading:

Update Pack 2013.10.06


These are the highlights.

  • KDE
    Santa has made KDE 4.11.2 available.
  • Kernel
    The kernel has been updated to version 3.10-3
  • LibreOffice
    LibreOffice has been updated to version
  • Firefox and Thunderbird
    Firefox and Thunderbird have been updated to version 24.0

Update with the Update Manager

The Update Manager can be opened from the system tray by clicking on the shield icon . Click the “Refresh” button to refresh the list of packages that can be updated. Click on the “Install Update” button, to update your system, and follow any additional on screen directions.
It is that easy!

Issues and workarounds

We recommend using the Update Manager to update your system, but if you prefer using the terminal, please read the below steps carefully.

  • Pre upgrade
    Remove the depricated “community” component from the packages repository line

    sudo sed -i ‘s/ community//’ /etc/apt/sources.list

    Downgrade ndiswrapper-dkms if you have it installed:

    sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-dkms=1.58-2

    Now you can run dist-upgrade.

  • Post upgrade
    After the dist-upgrade finishes, and you’re using Nvidia, you run the following command before reboot:
    sudo apt-get install –reinstall nvidia-kernel-dkms

    You also might need to reinstall ndiswrapper:

    sudo apt-get install –reinstall ndiswrapper-dkms

The Linux Setup – interview with Arjen Balfoort

Steven Ovadia of My Linux Rig has blogged an interview with yours sincerely!

Linux is great. I found Arjen while trying to learn more about SolusOS. SolusOS was briefly mentioned on a Tux Radar podcast, so I started Googling around to find more details, but without the proper spelling, I wound up discovering SolydXK, a rolling distribution that’s basically Linux Mint Debian Edition with Xfce and KDE desktops. I contacted Arjen, the man behind SolydXK, and the result is a great interview with someone who sees the business strengths of Linux, open source software, and perhaps most importantly, communities.

You can read the full interview here:

New iso’s!

The new SolydXK ISO’s include the latest updates from the September Update Pack, and they now point to our new repositories.

These are the highlights

  • KDE
    Santa has made KDE 4.11.1 available.
  • Kernel
    The kernel has been updated to version 3.10-2
  • Firefox
    Firefox has been updated to version 23.0.1

You can download the ISO’s here:
SolydX: http://solydxk.com/products/solydx/
SolydK: http://solydxk.com/products/solydk/
SolydK Back Office: http://solydxk.com/products/solydkbo/
SolydXK Multi DVD: http://solydxk.com/products/solydxk-multi-dvd/

You can read more about the September Update Pack Here: http://solydxk.com/up-2013-09-06-0600-utc

For any questions or issues, please visit our forum: http://forums.solydxk.com/

Repository change – mirrors and iso’s

I see that most mirrors are being synchronized.
There is nothing to update. So, there’s no harm if you keep your current settings.
I’ll keep you posted on the status.

New iso’s are being tested today.
They will reflect the changes of the mirror, and are fully updated to the 201309 Update Pack.

These are the UP highlights.

  • KDE
    Santa has made KDE 4.11.1 available.
  • Kernel
    The kernel has been updated to version 3.10-2
  • Firefox
    Firefox has been updated to version 23.0.1

Repository change – update

It seems that NLUUG has updated its mirror to reflect the new repository changes.

The packages line should look like this:

deb http://ftp.nluug.nl/os/Linux/distr/solydxk/packages/production/ solydxk main upstream import kdenext


For everybody getting a 404 error:
Check if you changed the packages line in the previous blog:

deb http://packages.solydxk.com/production/ solydxk main upstream import


If you want to follow the community repository, you can add this line:

deb http://community.solydxk.com/production/ solydxk main


Mind the “/production/” in the lines: this is the change!


Repository change

As I promised, I’d get back to you when I’m done with the new repositories.

Now we have a complete DTP (Development, Testing, Production) environment for each repository.
That is nice for us, maintainers, but with this, we can ensure a better control over the update packs, which in turn benefits us all.

I ask you to change your /etc/apt/sources.list manually this time.

open a terminal, and follow the below steps:


gksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list

and change this line:

deb http://packages.solydxk.com/ solydxk main upstream import community


deb http://packages.solydxk.com/production/ solydxk main upstream import
deb http://community.solydxk.com/production/ solydxk main

Back in terminal:

sudo apt-get update

SolydK / SolydK BO

kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list

and change this line:

deb http://packages.solydxk.com/ solydxk main upstream import kdenext community


deb http://packages.solydxk.com/production/ solydxk main upstream import kdenext
deb http://community.solydxk.com/production/ solydxk main

Back in terminal:

sudo apt-get update

Note: the community packages are not obligatory. You can leave them out.

Again, I’m sorry for the inconvenience.