Make a Donation

As a small, independent charity, we rely on the generosity of individuals to support our work for Britain’s bumblebees.

A gift to us helps achieve our vision of communities and countryside that are rich in bumblebees and colourful wildflowers, supporting a diversity of wildlife and habitats for everyone to enjoy. We are a small yet effective organisation, for each pound that we are given 91p goes directly to our conservation and outreach work.

Here are some examples of how we use your donations:

  • £10 pays for printing and posting two information packs for volunteers to display in their communities.
  • £15 buys 2kg of seed for wildflower habitat creation in arable margins.
  • £25 helps cover the costs of a site visit to advise on sympathetic land management for wildlife.

Ways to Give

Donate now
Use the online widget below to make a secure one-off donation or to set-up regular giving. Or if you prefer, download and send in a donation form available in Word and PDF format.


Gift Aid makes your donation go even further - and doesn't cost you a penny! If you are a UK taxpayer, we can claim an additional 25p for every pound you donate. Note: you must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax in each year at least equal to the tax that the charity will claim from HM Revenue & Customs on your Gift Aid donation(s).

Please click here for more information about leaving us a gift in your Will or honouring the life of a loved one by setting up a ‘Gifts in Memory’ fund.

Advertise with us
Another way to support our work is to advertise your business in our Buzzword newsletter.  This high quality and informative newsletter is produced three-times per year and goes to our ever-growing membership.  For more details about ad sizes and rates, please email

"We are facing a fundamental problem with the decline of bees and other pollinators. They have an absolutely crucial role in pollinating many of our important crops - without them we will face higher food costs and potential shortages."

Professor Douglas Kell
BBSRC Chief Executive

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Spring campaign 4