F-16 Block 52 Fighter Jets • McEntire JNGB
F-16 Block 52 Fighting Falcons taxi, takeoff, and land at McEntire Joint National Guard Base in South Carolina. The fighter jets are part of the 169th Fighter Wing, nicknamed the "Swamp Foxes".
Film Credits: SMSgt Edward Snyder
Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, the build part 1
Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Part2: Starting the build Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Kit No. 12259, dated 2004 Original release: Kit No. 1688 in 1990 Re-boxed in 2005 as ki...
General Dynamics F-16A AFTI
The Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) F-16 was a joint NASA-Air Force-Navy program to test possible future aircraft systems on a heavily modifie...
AESA(Active Electronically Scanned Array )又稱主動電子掃描雷達,不同於傳統機械式天線,是在固定平面上裝有上千個小型發射單位,原理類似昆蟲的複眼。這些細小單位可同時搜索、追蹤多個目標。除美軍F-22及F-35已配備這種雷達,美方現役各式戰機及預警機等,都將改裝AESA雷達,包括F-16系列戰機在內。
一名F-16第一代教官表示,F-16各主要改良型以按照順序的批次數字作代表,台灣當初向美方購買的F-16為Block 20,介於A/B與C/D間,其實算很新的機種。這次升級案最重要的是航電系統,由原先的機械式掃描雷達改裝成主動式的「電子掃描相位陣列雷達(AESA)」,探測範圍更大,性能將可超越部分F-16 C/D機。
全球防衛雜誌採訪主任施孝瑋表示,現有145架F-16 A/B全數升級後,台灣將可拉回原本處於軍力劣勢局面。AESA透過陣列發出雷達波束,不
F-16A/B ADF Take off @ Chiang Mai 2014.
RTAF F-16 ADF ฝูง 102 departure to Korat.
Un vídeo de los aterrizajes en BAEL (Base Aérea El Libertador) el día 5 de Julio de 2012 luego del tradicional desfile... Disfrútenlo.
Strike Fighters 2 - F-16A Fighting Falcon CAS
Stock F-16A Netz flown in 1979 Red Lightning campaign with US markings via Campaign Customizer.
挑戰新聞軍事精華版--全球首架「F-16V」戰機試飛成功,由我空軍「F-16 A/B」升級
美國洛克希德馬丁公司21日在官網宣布,F-16戰隼式戰鬥機(F-16 Fighting Falcon)家族最新成員、換裝主動電子掃描陣列雷達(AESA)等設備的F-16V,已於21日在德州沃斯堡(Fort Worth)基地完成首度試飛。雖然洛馬公司未提及這架飛機所屬國籍,但它是我國空軍放在洛克公司進行改裝的F-16A,美軍序號93-0702,國軍序號6601,這也是全球首架F-16V型戰機完成試飛。
F-16V是F-16家族最新改進型,不但安裝AESA主動相位陣列雷達,並且配備新的任務電腦與改良的座艙介面。洛克希德馬丁業務發展部門副總裁史坦李吉表示,F-16V的作戰能力,相當於阿拉伯聯合大公國的F-16E(F-16 Block 60),並將成為各國正式取得第5代戰機前的最佳過渡機種。F-16V的「V」,則是取自於飛行員們最早對F-16的暱稱「Viper」(毒蛇)。
Senco F-16A Cordless Finish Nailer Review
Todd from http://www.toolboxbuzz.com and http://www.homeconstructionimprovement.com shares his thoughts on the Senco F16A Cordless 16 Gauge Finish Nailer.
F-16 Viper Cockpit Tour, Test Pilot, Edwards AFB
Test pilot Major Desmond Brophy (Canadian Air Force Exchange pilot) gives a tour of an F-16 Fighting Falcon (aka Viper) cockpit used for flight testing at Ed...
F-16A Hasegawa 1/48 "RNoAF"
For this model i bought a cockpit set from Aires, whitch I recomand to everyone who wants to build this model. For the main paint I used Vallejo modelair, 70...
RIAT 2012 Lockheed Martin F-16A MLU Fighting Falcon
At the controls will be 29-year-old Capt Renaud 'Grat' Thys. Grat, who has amassed 1200 hours flying time on the aircraft, is currently an instructor in cha...
Sola Airshow 2012 - RNoAF F-16A
Avslutningen på Sola Airshow inneholdt denne fantastiske oppvisningen av F-16.
Senco Fusion F-16A 16 Gauge Angle Finish Nailer
Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, final reveal and conclusion
Applying the decals, finishing the build, and thoughts on the kit. Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Kit No. 12259, dated 2004 Original release: Kit No. 1688 in 1990 Re-...
General Dynamics F-16A J79
The F-16/79 was a export-oriented version of the F-16A/B modified to use the General Electric J79 turbojet engine. Intended to satisfy President Jimmy Carter...
美官員:F16A/B升級 性能等同C/D
Scale R/C Jet in Payerne Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon/F-16A Tiger colours
04.+05 July Payerne RC Air-Show 2015
Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon - F-16A Tiger colours NR.31
Turbine Model Jet
from Switzerland greetings RCHeliJet
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F-16 takes off WITHOUT PILOT us air force unmanned target aircraft
A great video of the US air force F-16 taking off with out its pilot. The General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine multirole fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force (USAF). Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft. Over 4,500 aircraft have been buil
Warplane Disasters! Episode 18: The General Dynamics F-16/79 (Part 1/2)
The General Dynamics (now Lockheed-Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon is one of the most famous and successful modern warplanes, with 4400 airframes procured by more than 20 nations. Even now in 2015, more than 30 years after the F-16 entered service, it's still in production.
However, almost every extended family seems to have that one cousin no one likes to talk about. In the F-16 family, the "F-16/7
Warplane Disasters! Episode 18: The General Dynamics F-16/79 (Part 2/2)
Part 1 introduced you to the F-16/79, and everything wrong with it. In Part 2, you'll see how it unraveled, and how it was a hugely inferior aircraft to the F-16A/B...
...or was it?
As promised in the introduction to Part 1, here are my sources for this presentation...
F 16 Fighter Pilots over Afghanistan
Check out this video highlighting Airmen from the 100th Fighter Squadron showcasing what it means to be a F-16 fighter pilot over the skies of Afghanistan.
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Lockheed Martin - F-16 Fighting Falcon Ready For The Future [720p]
Future Upgrade Options : Air Refueling Probe This probe provides in-flight refueling from a drogue system. Options include a telescoping probe from a wing fu...
F-16 Block 52 Fighter Jets • McEntire JNGB
F-16 Block 52 Fighting Falcons taxi, takeoff, and land at McEntire Joint National Guard Base in South Carolina. The fighter jets are part of the 169th Fighter W...
F-16 Block 52 Fighting Falcons taxi, takeoff, and land at McEntire Joint National Guard Base in South Carolina. The fighter jets are part of the 169th Fighter Wing, nicknamed the "Swamp Foxes".
Film Credits: SMSgt Edward Snyder
wn.com/F 16 Block 52 Fighter Jets • Mcentire Jngb
F-16 Block 52 Fighting Falcons taxi, takeoff, and land at McEntire Joint National Guard Base in South Carolina. The fighter jets are part of the 169th Fighter Wing, nicknamed the "Swamp Foxes".
Film Credits: SMSgt Edward Snyder
- published: 07 Feb 2015
- views: 251
Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, the build part 1
Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Part2: Starting the build Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Kit No. 12259, dated 2004 Original release: Kit No. 1688 in 1990 Re-boxed in 2005 as ki......
Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Part2: Starting the build Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Kit No. 12259, dated 2004 Original release: Kit No. 1688 in 1990 Re-boxed in 2005 as ki...
wn.com/Academy 1 48 F 16A C, The Build Part 1
Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Part2: Starting the build Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Kit No. 12259, dated 2004 Original release: Kit No. 1688 in 1990 Re-boxed in 2005 as ki...
General Dynamics F-16A AFTI
The Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) F-16 was a joint NASA-Air Force-Navy program to test possible future aircraft systems on a heavily modifie......
The Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) F-16 was a joint NASA-Air Force-Navy program to test possible future aircraft systems on a heavily modifie...
wn.com/General Dynamics F 16A Afti
The Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) F-16 was a joint NASA-Air Force-Navy program to test possible future aircraft systems on a heavily modifie...
AESA(Active Electronically Scanned Array )又稱主動電子掃描雷達,不同於傳統機械式天線,是在固定平面上裝有上千個小型發射單位,原理類似昆蟲的複眼。這些細小單位可同時搜索、追蹤多個目標。除美軍F-22及F-35已配備這種雷達,美方現役各式戰機及預警機等,都將改裝AESA雷達,包括F...
AESA(Active Electronically Scanned Array )又稱主動電子掃描雷達,不同於傳統機械式天線,是在固定平面上裝有上千個小型發射單位,原理類似昆蟲的複眼。這些細小單位可同時搜索、追蹤多個目標。除美軍F-22及F-35已配備這種雷達,美方現役各式戰機及預警機等,都將改裝AESA雷達,包括F-16系列戰機在內。
一名F-16第一代教官表示,F-16各主要改良型以按照順序的批次數字作代表,台灣當初向美方購買的F-16為Block 20,介於A/B與C/D間,其實算很新的機種。這次升級案最重要的是航電系統,由原先的機械式掃描雷達改裝成主動式的「電子掃描相位陣列雷達(AESA)」,探測範圍更大,性能將可超越部分F-16 C/D機。
全球防衛雜誌採訪主任施孝瑋表示,現有145架F-16 A/B全數升級後,台灣將可拉回原本處於軍力劣勢局面。AESA透過陣列發出雷達波束,不需轉動,比起機械式的萬向接頭功能構造,讓雷達可掃描各角度;此外,陣列雷達較不易故障,藉此提升F-16雷達妥善率。
繼台灣F-16A/B戰機將升級電子掃描相位陣列(Active Electronically-Scanned Array,AESA)雷達之後,南韓也將啟動競標,為空軍KF-16戰機升級AESA雷達。
根據外電報導,最主要的兩型競爭產品是諾斯洛普‧格拉曼公司(Northrop Grumman)的可變敏捷波束雷達(Scalable Agile Beam Radar,SABR)和雷神公司的雷神公司(Raytheon)的雷神先進作戰雷達(Raytheon Advanced Combat Radar,RACR),台灣、新加坡和美國空軍也在考察上述兩型產品,用於各自的美製戰機升級計畫。
wn.com/挑戰新聞軍事精華版 空軍F 16A B型戰機性能提升方案選擇
AESA(Active Electronically Scanned Array )又稱主動電子掃描雷達,不同於傳統機械式天線,是在固定平面上裝有上千個小型發射單位,原理類似昆蟲的複眼。這些細小單位可同時搜索、追蹤多個目標。除美軍F-22及F-35已配備這種雷達,美方現役各式戰機及預警機等,都將改裝AESA雷達,包括F-16系列戰機在內。
一名F-16第一代教官表示,F-16各主要改良型以按照順序的批次數字作代表,台灣當初向美方購買的F-16為Block 20,介於A/B與C/D間,其實算很新的機種。這次升級案最重要的是航電系統,由原先的機械式掃描雷達改裝成主動式的「電子掃描相位陣列雷達(AESA)」,探測範圍更大,性能將可超越部分F-16 C/D機。
全球防衛雜誌採訪主任施孝瑋表示,現有145架F-16 A/B全數升級後,台灣將可拉回原本處於軍力劣勢局面。AESA透過陣列發出雷達波束,不需轉動,比起機械式的萬向接頭功能構造,讓雷達可掃描各角度;此外,陣列雷達較不易故障,藉此提升F-16雷達妥善率。
繼台灣F-16A/B戰機將升級電子掃描相位陣列(Active Electronically-Scanned Array,AESA)雷達之後,南韓也將啟動競標,為空軍KF-16戰機升級AESA雷達。
根據外電報導,最主要的兩型競爭產品是諾斯洛普‧格拉曼公司(Northrop Grumman)的可變敏捷波束雷達(Scalable Agile Beam Radar,SABR)和雷神公司的雷神公司(Raytheon)的雷神先進作戰雷達(Raytheon Advanced Combat Radar,RACR),台灣、新加坡和美國空軍也在考察上述兩型產品,用於各自的美製戰機升級計畫。
- published: 28 Feb 2015
- views: 39
F-16A/B ADF Take off @ Chiang Mai 2014.
RTAF F-16 ADF ฝูง 102 departure to Korat....
RTAF F-16 ADF ฝูง 102 departure to Korat.
wn.com/F 16A B Adf Take Off Chiang Mai 2014.
RTAF F-16 ADF ฝูง 102 departure to Korat.
- published: 19 Sep 2014
- views: 34
Un vídeo de los aterrizajes en BAEL (Base Aérea El Libertador) el día 5 de Julio de 2012 luego del tradicional desfile... Disfrútenlo....
Un vídeo de los aterrizajes en BAEL (Base Aérea El Libertador) el día 5 de Julio de 2012 luego del tradicional desfile... Disfrútenlo.
wn.com/Aterrizajes De Aviones F 16A Y Sukhoi 30 De La Amb
Un vídeo de los aterrizajes en BAEL (Base Aérea El Libertador) el día 5 de Julio de 2012 luego del tradicional desfile... Disfrútenlo.
Strike Fighters 2 - F-16A Fighting Falcon CAS
Stock F-16A Netz flown in 1979 Red Lightning campaign with US markings via Campaign Customizer....
Stock F-16A Netz flown in 1979 Red Lightning campaign with US markings via Campaign Customizer.
wn.com/Strike Fighters 2 F 16A Fighting Falcon Cas
Stock F-16A Netz flown in 1979 Red Lightning campaign with US markings via Campaign Customizer.
挑戰新聞軍事精華版--全球首架「F-16V」戰機試飛成功,由我空軍「F-16 A/B」升級
美國洛克希德馬丁公司21日在官網宣布,F-16戰隼式戰鬥機(F-16 Fighting Falcon)家族最新成員、換裝主動電子掃描陣列雷達(AESA)等設備的F-16V,已於21日在德州沃斯堡(Fort Worth)基地完成首度試飛。雖然洛馬公司未提及這架飛機所屬國籍,但它是我國空軍放在洛克公司進行改裝的F-16A,...
美國洛克希德馬丁公司21日在官網宣布,F-16戰隼式戰鬥機(F-16 Fighting Falcon)家族最新成員、換裝主動電子掃描陣列雷達(AESA)等設備的F-16V,已於21日在德州沃斯堡(Fort Worth)基地完成首度試飛。雖然洛馬公司未提及這架飛機所屬國籍,但它是我國空軍放在洛克公司進行改裝的F-16A,美軍序號93-0702,國軍序號6601,這也是全球首架F-16V型戰機完成試飛。
F-16V是F-16家族最新改進型,不但安裝AESA主動相位陣列雷達,並且配備新的任務電腦與改良的座艙介面。洛克希德馬丁業務發展部門副總裁史坦李吉表示,F-16V的作戰能力,相當於阿拉伯聯合大公國的F-16E(F-16 Block 60),並將成為各國正式取得第5代戰機前的最佳過渡機種。F-16V的「V」,則是取自於飛行員們最早對F-16的暱稱「Viper」(毒蛇)。
空軍目前F-16A/B戰機共有145架在役。除了配屬嘉義的455聯隊、花蓮的401聯隊之外,在美國亞利桑納州的路克空軍基地(Luke AFB)也保留10架作為訓練之用。空軍仍保留2架飛機在洛克希德馬丁原廠,進行性能研改測試。未來首架原型完成所有測試後,空軍所有F-16 A/B戰機的改裝升級工程,全部都會在台改裝升級,由洛馬與漢翔公司合作進行,這也包括在美路克基地的戰機。
這次擔任改良計畫原型機的,就是美軍序號93-0702的1架F-16A。其「本軍序號」是6601,是我國的第1架F-16A,但因為留在美國,所以漆上美軍塗裝,並沒有青天白日國徽與國軍序號。(風傳媒 朱明 2015年10月22日 )
wn.com/挑戰新聞軍事精華版 全球首架「F 16V」戰機試飛成功,由我空軍「F 16 A B」升級
美國洛克希德馬丁公司21日在官網宣布,F-16戰隼式戰鬥機(F-16 Fighting Falcon)家族最新成員、換裝主動電子掃描陣列雷達(AESA)等設備的F-16V,已於21日在德州沃斯堡(Fort Worth)基地完成首度試飛。雖然洛馬公司未提及這架飛機所屬國籍,但它是我國空軍放在洛克公司進行改裝的F-16A,美軍序號93-0702,國軍序號6601,這也是全球首架F-16V型戰機完成試飛。
F-16V是F-16家族最新改進型,不但安裝AESA主動相位陣列雷達,並且配備新的任務電腦與改良的座艙介面。洛克希德馬丁業務發展部門副總裁史坦李吉表示,F-16V的作戰能力,相當於阿拉伯聯合大公國的F-16E(F-16 Block 60),並將成為各國正式取得第5代戰機前的最佳過渡機種。F-16V的「V」,則是取自於飛行員們最早對F-16的暱稱「Viper」(毒蛇)。
空軍目前F-16A/B戰機共有145架在役。除了配屬嘉義的455聯隊、花蓮的401聯隊之外,在美國亞利桑納州的路克空軍基地(Luke AFB)也保留10架作為訓練之用。空軍仍保留2架飛機在洛克希德馬丁原廠,進行性能研改測試。未來首架原型完成所有測試後,空軍所有F-16 A/B戰機的改裝升級工程,全部都會在台改裝升級,由洛馬與漢翔公司合作進行,這也包括在美路克基地的戰機。
這次擔任改良計畫原型機的,就是美軍序號93-0702的1架F-16A。其「本軍序號」是6601,是我國的第1架F-16A,但因為留在美國,所以漆上美軍塗裝,並沒有青天白日國徽與國軍序號。(風傳媒 朱明 2015年10月22日 )
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 102
Senco F-16A Cordless Finish Nailer Review
Todd from http://www.toolboxbuzz.com and http://www.homeconstructionimprovement.com shares his thoughts on the Senco F16A Cordless 16 Gauge Finish Nailer....
Todd from http://www.toolboxbuzz.com and http://www.homeconstructionimprovement.com shares his thoughts on the Senco F16A Cordless 16 Gauge Finish Nailer.
wn.com/Senco F 16A Cordless Finish Nailer Review
Todd from http://www.toolboxbuzz.com and http://www.homeconstructionimprovement.com shares his thoughts on the Senco F16A Cordless 16 Gauge Finish Nailer.
F-16 Viper Cockpit Tour, Test Pilot, Edwards AFB
Test pilot Major Desmond Brophy (Canadian Air Force Exchange pilot) gives a tour of an F-16 Fighting Falcon (aka Viper) cockpit used for flight testing at Ed......
Test pilot Major Desmond Brophy (Canadian Air Force Exchange pilot) gives a tour of an F-16 Fighting Falcon (aka Viper) cockpit used for flight testing at Ed...
wn.com/F 16 Viper Cockpit Tour, Test Pilot, Edwards Afb
Test pilot Major Desmond Brophy (Canadian Air Force Exchange pilot) gives a tour of an F-16 Fighting Falcon (aka Viper) cockpit used for flight testing at Ed...
- published: 25 May 2009
- views: 604527
author: AVweb
F-16A Hasegawa 1/48 "RNoAF"
For this model i bought a cockpit set from Aires, whitch I recomand to everyone who wants to build this model. For the main paint I used Vallejo modelair, 70......
For this model i bought a cockpit set from Aires, whitch I recomand to everyone who wants to build this model. For the main paint I used Vallejo modelair, 70...
wn.com/F 16A Hasegawa 1 48 Rnoaf
For this model i bought a cockpit set from Aires, whitch I recomand to everyone who wants to build this model. For the main paint I used Vallejo modelair, 70...
RIAT 2012 Lockheed Martin F-16A MLU Fighting Falcon
At the controls will be 29-year-old Capt Renaud 'Grat' Thys. Grat, who has amassed 1200 hours flying time on the aircraft, is currently an instructor in cha......
At the controls will be 29-year-old Capt Renaud 'Grat' Thys. Grat, who has amassed 1200 hours flying time on the aircraft, is currently an instructor in cha...
wn.com/Riat 2012 Lockheed Martin F 16A Mlu Fighting Falcon
At the controls will be 29-year-old Capt Renaud 'Grat' Thys. Grat, who has amassed 1200 hours flying time on the aircraft, is currently an instructor in cha...
- published: 13 Jul 2012
- views: 298
author: Elwyn R
Sola Airshow 2012 - RNoAF F-16A
Avslutningen på Sola Airshow inneholdt denne fantastiske oppvisningen av F-16....
Avslutningen på Sola Airshow inneholdt denne fantastiske oppvisningen av F-16.
wn.com/Sola Airshow 2012 Rnoaf F 16A
Avslutningen på Sola Airshow inneholdt denne fantastiske oppvisningen av F-16.
- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 1017
author: Hille
Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, final reveal and conclusion
Applying the decals, finishing the build, and thoughts on the kit. Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Kit No. 12259, dated 2004 Original release: Kit No. 1688 in 1990 Re-......
Applying the decals, finishing the build, and thoughts on the kit. Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Kit No. 12259, dated 2004 Original release: Kit No. 1688 in 1990 Re-...
wn.com/Academy 1 48 F 16A C, Final Reveal And Conclusion
Applying the decals, finishing the build, and thoughts on the kit. Academy 1/48 F-16A/C, Kit No. 12259, dated 2004 Original release: Kit No. 1688 in 1990 Re-...
General Dynamics F-16A J79
The F-16/79 was a export-oriented version of the F-16A/B modified to use the General Electric J79 turbojet engine. Intended to satisfy President Jimmy Carter......
The F-16/79 was a export-oriented version of the F-16A/B modified to use the General Electric J79 turbojet engine. Intended to satisfy President Jimmy Carter...
wn.com/General Dynamics F 16A J79
The F-16/79 was a export-oriented version of the F-16A/B modified to use the General Electric J79 turbojet engine. Intended to satisfy President Jimmy Carter...
美官員:F16A/B升級 性能等同C/D
wn.com/美官員:F16A B升級 性能等同C D
- published: 20 Sep 2011
- views: 1512
Scale R/C Jet in Payerne Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon/F-16A Tiger colours
04.+05 July Payerne RC Air-Show 2015
Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon - F-16A Tiger colours NR.31
Turbine Model Jet
from Switzerland greetings RCHeliJet
04.+05 July Payerne RC Air-Show 2015
Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon - F-16A Tiger colours NR.31
Turbine Model Jet
from Switzerland greetings RCHeliJet
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wn.com/Scale R C Jet In Payerne Lockheed Martin F 16 Fighting Falcon F 16A Tiger Colours
04.+05 July Payerne RC Air-Show 2015
Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon - F-16A Tiger colours NR.31
Turbine Model Jet
from Switzerland greetings RCHeliJet
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- published: 19 Jul 2015
- views: 130
F-16 takes off WITHOUT PILOT us air force unmanned target aircraft
A great video of the US air force F-16 taking off with out its pilot. The General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine multiro...
A great video of the US air force F-16 taking off with out its pilot. The General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine multirole fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force (USAF). Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft. Over 4,500 aircraft have been built since production was approved in 1976.[3] Although no longer being purchased by the U.S. Air Force, improved versions are still being built for export customers. In 1993, General Dynamics sold its aircraft manufacturing business to the Lockheed Corporation,[4] which in turn became part of Lockheed Martin after a 1995 merger with Martin Marietta.[5]
The Fighting Falcon has key features including a frameless bubble canopy for better visibility, side-mounted control stick to ease control while maneuvering, a seat reclined 30 degrees to reduce the effect of g-forces on the pilot, and the first use of a relaxed static stability/fly-by-wire flight control system helps to make it a nimble aircraft. The F-16 has an internal M61 Vulcan cannon and 11 locations for mounting weapons and other mission equipment. The F-16's official name is "Fighting Falcon", but "Viper" is commonly used by its pilots, due to a perceived resemblance to a viper snake as well as the Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper starfighter.[6][7]
In addition to active duty U.S. Air Force, Air Force Reserve Command, and Air National Guard units, the aircraft is also used by the USAF aerial demonstration team, the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, and as an adversary/aggressor aircraft by the United States Navy. The F-16 has also been procured to serve in the air forces of 25 other nations.[8]
Role Multirole fighter aircraft
National origin United States
Manufacturer General Dynamics
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
First flight 20 January 1974
Introduction 17 August 1978
Status In service
Primary users United States Air Force
25 other users (see operators page)
Produced 1973–present
Number built 4,540+[1]
Unit cost
F-16A/B: US$14.6 million (1998 dollars)[2]
F-16C/D: US$18.8 million (1998 dollars)[2]
Variants General Dynamics F-16 VISTA
Developed into Vought Model 1600
General Dynamics F-16XL
Mitsubishi F-2
The F-16 is a single-engine, very maneuverable, supersonic, multi-role tactical fighter aircraft; it was designed to be a cost-effective combat "workhorse" that can perform various missions and maintain around-the-clock readiness. It is much smaller and lighter than predecessors, but uses advanced aerodynamics and avionics, including the first use of a relaxed static stability/fly-by-wire (RSS/FBW) flight control system, to achieve enhanced maneuver performance. Highly nimble, the F-16 was the first fighter aircraft purpose-built to pull 9-g maneuvers and can reach a maximum speed of over Mach 2. Innovations include a frameless bubble canopy for better visibility, side-mounted control stick, and reclined seat to reduce g-force effects on the pilot. It is armed with an internal M61 Vulcan cannon in the left wing root and has multiple locations for mounting various missiles, bombs and pods. It has a thrust-to-weight ratio greater than one, providing power to climb and accelerate vertically.[2]
The F-16 was designed to be relatively inexpensive to build and simpler to maintain than earlier-generation fighters. The airframe is built with about 80% aviation-grade aluminum alloys, 8% steel, 3% composites, and 1.5% titanium. The leading-edge flaps, stabilators, and ventral fins make use of bonded aluminum honeycomb structures and graphite epoxy laminate coatings. The number of lubrication points, fuel line connections, and replaceable modules is significantly lower than predecessors; 80% of access panels can be accessed without stands.[38] The air intake was placed so it was rearward of the nose but forward enough to minimize air flow losses and reduce drag.[58]
Although the LWF program called for a structural life of 4,000 flight hours, capable of achieving 7.33 g with 80% internal fuel; GD's engineers decided to design the F-16's airframe life for 8,000 hours and for 9-g maneuvers on full internal fuel. This proved advantageous when the aircraft's mission changed from solely air-to-air combat to multi-role operations. Changes in operational use and additional systems have increased weight, necessitating multiple structural strengthening programs.[59]
General configuration
The F-16 has a cropped-delta planform incorporating wing-fuselage blending and forebody vortex-control strakes; a fixed-geometry, underslung air intake to the single turbofan jet engine; a conventional tri-plane empennage arrangement with all-moving horizontal "stabilator" tailplanes; a pair of ventral fins beneath the fuselage aft of the wing's trailing edge; and a tricycle landing gear configuration with the aft-retracting,
wn.com/F 16 Takes Off Without Pilot US Air Force Unmanned Target Aircraft
A great video of the US air force F-16 taking off with out its pilot. The General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine multirole fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force (USAF). Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft. Over 4,500 aircraft have been built since production was approved in 1976.[3] Although no longer being purchased by the U.S. Air Force, improved versions are still being built for export customers. In 1993, General Dynamics sold its aircraft manufacturing business to the Lockheed Corporation,[4] which in turn became part of Lockheed Martin after a 1995 merger with Martin Marietta.[5]
The Fighting Falcon has key features including a frameless bubble canopy for better visibility, side-mounted control stick to ease control while maneuvering, a seat reclined 30 degrees to reduce the effect of g-forces on the pilot, and the first use of a relaxed static stability/fly-by-wire flight control system helps to make it a nimble aircraft. The F-16 has an internal M61 Vulcan cannon and 11 locations for mounting weapons and other mission equipment. The F-16's official name is "Fighting Falcon", but "Viper" is commonly used by its pilots, due to a perceived resemblance to a viper snake as well as the Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper starfighter.[6][7]
In addition to active duty U.S. Air Force, Air Force Reserve Command, and Air National Guard units, the aircraft is also used by the USAF aerial demonstration team, the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, and as an adversary/aggressor aircraft by the United States Navy. The F-16 has also been procured to serve in the air forces of 25 other nations.[8]
Role Multirole fighter aircraft
National origin United States
Manufacturer General Dynamics
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
First flight 20 January 1974
Introduction 17 August 1978
Status In service
Primary users United States Air Force
25 other users (see operators page)
Produced 1973–present
Number built 4,540+[1]
Unit cost
F-16A/B: US$14.6 million (1998 dollars)[2]
F-16C/D: US$18.8 million (1998 dollars)[2]
Variants General Dynamics F-16 VISTA
Developed into Vought Model 1600
General Dynamics F-16XL
Mitsubishi F-2
The F-16 is a single-engine, very maneuverable, supersonic, multi-role tactical fighter aircraft; it was designed to be a cost-effective combat "workhorse" that can perform various missions and maintain around-the-clock readiness. It is much smaller and lighter than predecessors, but uses advanced aerodynamics and avionics, including the first use of a relaxed static stability/fly-by-wire (RSS/FBW) flight control system, to achieve enhanced maneuver performance. Highly nimble, the F-16 was the first fighter aircraft purpose-built to pull 9-g maneuvers and can reach a maximum speed of over Mach 2. Innovations include a frameless bubble canopy for better visibility, side-mounted control stick, and reclined seat to reduce g-force effects on the pilot. It is armed with an internal M61 Vulcan cannon in the left wing root and has multiple locations for mounting various missiles, bombs and pods. It has a thrust-to-weight ratio greater than one, providing power to climb and accelerate vertically.[2]
The F-16 was designed to be relatively inexpensive to build and simpler to maintain than earlier-generation fighters. The airframe is built with about 80% aviation-grade aluminum alloys, 8% steel, 3% composites, and 1.5% titanium. The leading-edge flaps, stabilators, and ventral fins make use of bonded aluminum honeycomb structures and graphite epoxy laminate coatings. The number of lubrication points, fuel line connections, and replaceable modules is significantly lower than predecessors; 80% of access panels can be accessed without stands.[38] The air intake was placed so it was rearward of the nose but forward enough to minimize air flow losses and reduce drag.[58]
Although the LWF program called for a structural life of 4,000 flight hours, capable of achieving 7.33 g with 80% internal fuel; GD's engineers decided to design the F-16's airframe life for 8,000 hours and for 9-g maneuvers on full internal fuel. This proved advantageous when the aircraft's mission changed from solely air-to-air combat to multi-role operations. Changes in operational use and additional systems have increased weight, necessitating multiple structural strengthening programs.[59]
General configuration
The F-16 has a cropped-delta planform incorporating wing-fuselage blending and forebody vortex-control strakes; a fixed-geometry, underslung air intake to the single turbofan jet engine; a conventional tri-plane empennage arrangement with all-moving horizontal "stabilator" tailplanes; a pair of ventral fins beneath the fuselage aft of the wing's trailing edge; and a tricycle landing gear configuration with the aft-retracting,
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 22842
Warplane Disasters! Episode 18: The General Dynamics F-16/79 (Part 1/2)
The General Dynamics (now Lockheed-Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon is one of the most famous and successful modern warplanes, with 4400 airframes procured by more ...
The General Dynamics (now Lockheed-Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon is one of the most famous and successful modern warplanes, with 4400 airframes procured by more than 20 nations. Even now in 2015, more than 30 years after the F-16 entered service, it's still in production.
However, almost every extended family seems to have that one cousin no one likes to talk about. In the F-16 family, the "F-16/79" was one of those cousins.
Conceived as a measure to salve the US government's guilt in it's careless (and often stupid and/or greedy) arms exports, the F-16/79 was basically an F-16A re-equipped with a "weaker" J79 engine and APG-153 radar. This was done in compliance with arms export restrictions that aimed to limit the technology supplied to "untrustworthy" countries such as South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt (note that all of these countries were strategic partners of the US, some actually hosting US military bases).
In short, to compensate for a reckless and self-destructive policy, the US government enacted *another* reckless and self-destructive policy. It goes without saying, but the F-16/79 program wasn't going to end well.
You'll also learn some secrets behind the development of the F-16 that the USAF would much prefer you didn't know about --- and not just concerning the F-16/79.
As usual, the script for this presentation was edited for spelling and grammar by Screbellious. I will include links to my sources in the introduction of Part 2.
This is the soundtrack for Part 1...
"The U.S. Air Force Song", by Robert MacArthur Crawford.
"We assault an airbase", from the Gungriffon 2 soundtrack.
"Professor and the Plant"", by Kevin MacLeod.
"Lode Stone", by Kohta Takahashi, from the Ace Combat 2 soundtrack.
"Hidden Agenda", by Kevin MacLeod.
"The Builder", by Kevin MacLeod.
wn.com/Warplane Disasters Episode 18 The General Dynamics F 16 79 (Part 1 2)
The General Dynamics (now Lockheed-Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon is one of the most famous and successful modern warplanes, with 4400 airframes procured by more than 20 nations. Even now in 2015, more than 30 years after the F-16 entered service, it's still in production.
However, almost every extended family seems to have that one cousin no one likes to talk about. In the F-16 family, the "F-16/79" was one of those cousins.
Conceived as a measure to salve the US government's guilt in it's careless (and often stupid and/or greedy) arms exports, the F-16/79 was basically an F-16A re-equipped with a "weaker" J79 engine and APG-153 radar. This was done in compliance with arms export restrictions that aimed to limit the technology supplied to "untrustworthy" countries such as South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt (note that all of these countries were strategic partners of the US, some actually hosting US military bases).
In short, to compensate for a reckless and self-destructive policy, the US government enacted *another* reckless and self-destructive policy. It goes without saying, but the F-16/79 program wasn't going to end well.
You'll also learn some secrets behind the development of the F-16 that the USAF would much prefer you didn't know about --- and not just concerning the F-16/79.
As usual, the script for this presentation was edited for spelling and grammar by Screbellious. I will include links to my sources in the introduction of Part 2.
This is the soundtrack for Part 1...
"The U.S. Air Force Song", by Robert MacArthur Crawford.
"We assault an airbase", from the Gungriffon 2 soundtrack.
"Professor and the Plant"", by Kevin MacLeod.
"Lode Stone", by Kohta Takahashi, from the Ace Combat 2 soundtrack.
"Hidden Agenda", by Kevin MacLeod.
"The Builder", by Kevin MacLeod.
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 83
Warplane Disasters! Episode 18: The General Dynamics F-16/79 (Part 2/2)
Part 1 introduced you to the F-16/79, and everything wrong with it. In Part 2, you'll see how it unraveled, and how it was a hugely inferior aircraft to the F-1...
Part 1 introduced you to the F-16/79, and everything wrong with it. In Part 2, you'll see how it unraveled, and how it was a hugely inferior aircraft to the F-16A/B...
...or was it?
As promised in the introduction to Part 1, here are my sources for this presentation...
And now for the soundtrack for Part 2...
"The Stars and Stripes Forever", by Phillip Sousa.
"Sneaky Snitch", by Kevin MacLeod.
"Investigations", by Kevin MacLeod.
"The Builder", by Kevin MacLeod.
The main theme from The Pentagon Wars (composer and actual title unknown).
"The U.S. Air Force Song", by Robert MacArthur Crawford.
The clip at the end on the F-16/79 is from jaglavaksoldier's channel. Watch his videos, too!;
wn.com/Warplane Disasters Episode 18 The General Dynamics F 16 79 (Part 2 2)
Part 1 introduced you to the F-16/79, and everything wrong with it. In Part 2, you'll see how it unraveled, and how it was a hugely inferior aircraft to the F-16A/B...
...or was it?
As promised in the introduction to Part 1, here are my sources for this presentation...
And now for the soundtrack for Part 2...
"The Stars and Stripes Forever", by Phillip Sousa.
"Sneaky Snitch", by Kevin MacLeod.
"Investigations", by Kevin MacLeod.
"The Builder", by Kevin MacLeod.
The main theme from The Pentagon Wars (composer and actual title unknown).
"The U.S. Air Force Song", by Robert MacArthur Crawford.
The clip at the end on the F-16/79 is from jaglavaksoldier's channel. Watch his videos, too!;
- published: 12 Jul 2015
- views: 95
F 16 Fighter Pilots over Afghanistan
Check out this video highlighting Airmen from the 100th Fighter Squadron showcasing what it means to be a F-16 fighter pilot over the skies of Afghanistan.
Check out this video highlighting Airmen from the 100th Fighter Squadron showcasing what it means to be a F-16 fighter pilot over the skies of Afghanistan.
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wn.com/F 16 Fighter Pilots Over Afghanistan
Check out this video highlighting Airmen from the 100th Fighter Squadron showcasing what it means to be a F-16 fighter pilot over the skies of Afghanistan.
Like us on Facebook at "US Military" - https://www.facebook.com/USMilitaryVids
Follow us on Twitter at @3rdID8487
Subscribe for frequent new videos. E-mail comments to 3rdID8487@gmail.com
Member of the Scale Lab YouTube Affiliate Group!
- published: 26 Nov 2014
- views: 589
Lockheed Martin - F-16 Fighting Falcon Ready For The Future [720p]
Future Upgrade Options : Air Refueling Probe This probe provides in-flight refueling from a drogue system. Options include a telescoping probe from a wing fu......
Future Upgrade Options : Air Refueling Probe This probe provides in-flight refueling from a drogue system. Options include a telescoping probe from a wing fu...
wn.com/Lockheed Martin F 16 Fighting Falcon Ready For The Future 720P
Future Upgrade Options : Air Refueling Probe This probe provides in-flight refueling from a drogue system. Options include a telescoping probe from a wing fu...
- published: 05 Oct 2010
- views: 26986
author: arronlee33