Abercrombie & Fitch create worst fashion film ever

Abercrombie & Fitch, the US retailer and suburban shopping mall favourite for frat boys and sorority girls, lost its cool at the turn of the century. And their latest marketing ploy isn’t doing anything to shake that stigma.

This poorly dubbed monstrosity purports to be a parody on the song The Fox’by Norwegian band Ylvis, but ends up being too bizarre, loud and confusing for its own good.

Among the anonymous six-packs and female models dressed like barnyard animals, there are faces plastered with the weirdest, most unnatural-looking grins. And to top if off in the annoying stakes, the catchy-as-hell chorus is very much reminiscent of Crazy Frog’s Axel F from 2005. Gering-Ding-Ding-Ding-Dingeringeding-Ahhhhhh-Arrrrrrrgh.

Abercrombie & Fitch has had a pretty terrible year. Their gaffe tally is up there with the most incompetent of politicians, what with the investigations into its discriminatory hiring practices, its creepy-looking CEO classifying the brand’s clothes as “exclusionary” and them being told off by a hoard of Taylor Swift supporters. This fashion film is just one more to add to the pile. The video may cause every cell in your body to cringe, but will it be inducing anyone to buy that pair of jeans? We don’t think so.


To borrow a line from Enid Coleslaw, “This is so bad it’s gone past good and back to bad again.”

Try turning off the sound if you can’t handle it.