
Bitcoin goes mainstream with ATM

Bitcoin ATM

A silver and blue ATM, perched up next to the espresso bar in Vancouver could launch a new era for the digital currency bitcoin.

Software cracks CAPTCHAs


Tech start-up claims to have created software that works like a human brain in one key way: it can crack CAPTCHAs.

LG unveils curved smartphone

LG G Flex smartphone

South Korea's LG Electronics unveils a curved smartphone in a move to catch up rival Samsung.

Magic of how 3-D works

3D Glasses

Hayden Walles reveals the technology and tricks behind 3-D movies.

Australia upholds Huawei ban


Newly elected government upholding ban on China's Huawei Technologies from bidding for work on country's $38 billion National Broadband Network.

Motorola's modular smartphone

Motorola Project Ara

From keyboards to displays and cameras, Motorola wants to let consumers design their own smartphones.

Demand for 'patent troll' action

Patent Troll

Technology companies have urged fast action on a patent reform bill in testimony before the US House Judiciary Committee.

Golden tickets for Google Glass

SELECT FEW: Google Glass users will be able to invite three friends each to be beta users.

Google does a little social networking to put its connected glasses on the heads of more people.

Console games PC's saviour


In 2013, the PC is arguably one of the strongest gaming platforms on the planet.

Samsung's Google Glass patented

Google Glass

A patent filing shows Samsung is working on a device it calls sports glasses in response to Google's eyewear.

'Space cannon' fires into asteroid

 Hayabusa 2

Japan's specially made cannon for its Hayabusa 2 spacecraft is ready to take its first, real shot in outer space.

Samsung apologise for glitches


The world's biggest smartphone maker, has apologised to Chinese customers for problems with some mobile phones.

NZ iPhone fans queue

iPhone 5C

People queue to get their hands on the new iPhone 5c and 5s, available in New Zealand from midnight.

Samsung hazards understated


South Korean court says studies conducted to evaluate safety at Samsung factories failed to fully examine workplace health hazards.

Why no iPad keyboard?

iPad Mini

Without a real keyboard, a tablet can't plausibly claim to replace anyone's laptop for work purposes.

Camp nanoscience

Teague Harvey

Two New Plymouth students have been chosen to attend an exclusive "nanocamp."

Apple preparing 65-inch TV

Apple Store

Gadget giant will probably start selling ultra-HD TVs with 65 and 55-inch screens next year, according to a Tokyo-based analyst.

Balloon ride to the stratosphere

World View Enterprises balloon

Startup unveils plans to offer passengers two hours of space-like views from 30 kms above Earth.

Million-year storage disk


Researchers in the Netherlands claim to have built a disk capable of storing data for over one million years.

Microsoft Google Glass report

Microsoft Google Glass

Microsoft may have not hopped on the smartphone bandwagon especially early, but it's not about to be left behind again.

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