Love & Sex

Letting go of my embryo

Waiting, letting go, sadness, relief

A big part of our lives will soon be no more. We must face the final infertility hurdle: letting go.

Making Mr right

Tie OPINION: Is it actually possible to change a man, or should you just leave him be?

Kissing not just for fun

kiss Kissing is a screening tool used to help find the right partner, study finds.

The beauty of a dirty weekend

weekend Reconnecting with your partner can be as simple as a well-planned change of scenery.

Why is it up to the woman?

retro wife OPINION: Why is marriage advice always aimed at ladies, are they the only ones expected to do work?

Advice: Office crush

office flirting She loves her husband but is in lust with a colleague: does it spell marriage disaster?

Advice: I regret our break-up

She thought he couldn't provide a secure future, but now rues her shallow decision.

Advice: I resent my partner

Advice: He still uses dating sites

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Opinion poll

Do long-distance relationships work?

Yes, if you work at them.

No, they're a waste of time and money.

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