
oct 2013

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Qld's dilemma: To save or not to save daylight?

"How about this for a solution! Ban all..." - robert

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It’s vital that you store up energy now, very much like... more

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Frosts tomorrow? Talk about a land of extremes

LIGHT frosts are forecast to all over parts of south-west Queensland tomorrow as the extreme weather conditions of the past month continue.

  • News
  • 11:20 AM Oct 14th
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Maryborough and Hervey bay will review their local laws concerning smoking.

Are we a region of fat, unhealthy smokers?

IF YOU live in the Toowoomba, chances are you smoke more, exercise less and are more likely to be overweight than compared to the average Queenslander.

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Not to mention the number of fatties and smokers covered in tattoos, male and female. The image of people in this town and area is not a good one at all. And you're right Philo_Pastry, no shortage of local joints to grab a burger, fries and...

unabashed from Toowoomba South

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ROAD CHECK: Gladstone Police stopped a group of motorcyclists travelling through the region last week. No offences were detected after identification checks.

Target law-breakers rather than bikies or risk police state

REGIONAL REFLECTIONS: It's good to see the police proactive in displaying a public presence. But targeting a minority group is not the answer.

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" they raise a lot of money for charities and toys for the kids. " Dont confuse the 1%er outlaw bikie gangs with the law abiding groups. Sure some Hells angels / Bandido's etc might go on a toy run at the end of the year .... many times they use...

Bundy-L-A-F-O from Bundaberg South

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It’s vital that you store up energy now, very much like saving for a rainy day. Don’t waste it on useless activities and people.




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