Government IT



Major NBN changes unlikely till 2014

Former Telstra CEO Ziggy Switkowski is now chairman and interim CEO of NBN Co.

Lucy Battersby 3:51 PM Decisions about any changes to the NBN rollout are unlikely to be made now until next year.

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ACCC issues final NBN Co requests

Rod Sims, chairman of the ACCC.

10:17 AM ACCC hopes for consistency in price and fairness in access to broadband services until 2040.



Telco sector memo to Malcolm Turnbull: please be decisive

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull last month.

Lucy Battersby The telecommunications industry has called on new Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull to be quick and decisive as he decides what to do with the national broadband network.

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Google Australia chief wants NBN benefits to flow

Google Australia managing director Maile Carnegie wants the company to be more involved in Australia’s digital economy future.

Maile Carnegie left a 21-year career at Procter & Gamble to run Google Australia. She talks to Lia Timson in her first interview since taking up the post.

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Shift thinking on NBN: Google boss

Google Australia managing director Maile Carnegie wants the company to be more involved in Australia’s digital economy future.

Lia Timson Google's new Australian boss has expressed frustration that the broader economic benefits of the NBN are not being recognised.

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Affordable internet alliance launched to drive down broadband prices

Tim Berners-Lee says the bottleneck in universal broadband access is anti-competitive policies that keep prices unaffordable.

Lia Timson The father of the world wide web and some of ithe internet's most influential interests are joining forces to drive the cost of universal broadband access down and eliminate the world's digital divide.


Ziggy Switkowski is back: dumped Telstra boss appointed NBN chair

Former Telstra CEO Ziggy Switkowski is now chairman and interim CEO of NBN Co.

He was dumped by Telstra and spent just one chaotic year at Optus.


Tweet away but the boss is watching

Some workers' internet habits are still being scrutinised by employers who want to check they aren't bludging.

Employers are allowing workers private internet use but there are strings attached, reports Nate Cochrane.


ATO ramps up cyber-snooping on workers

Union alleges ATO bosses have stepped up cyber-snooping on their employees, monitoring use of Facebook during work hours.

Noel Towell Australian Taxation Office bosses have stepped up cyber-snooping on their employees, unions allege, after management went to some lengths to bust a worker using Facebook and real estate sites while on the job.


Website crowd-funds NBN FOI request

More than one hundred people are helping pay for an FOI concerning the briefing

Lucy Battersby Australians are desperate enough for details about the National Broadband Network that they are willing to pay for it themselves.


NBN Co corporate plan shows project on track

Malcolm Turnbull has leapt on advancements in DSL technology.

Lucy Battersby The cost of connecting each premise to the NBN has dropped to less than $2500, a leaked copy of NBN Co's latest three-year plan shows.


Local councils club together to save on software

Gosford City Council is leading a group buying effort for 42 other councils.

Sylvia Pennington NSW local authorities have harnessed group buying power to negotiate a software licensing agreement and save $3 million.


NSW to take to the cloud, develop digital strategy

 NSW Minister for Finance and Services Andrew Constance seeing here in during a press conference. File

Sylvia Pennington Increasing government use of cloud computing and improving the skills of government IT workers are next on the NSW technology reform agenda.


Malcolm Turnbull issues new instructions to NBN Co

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull releasing his interim statement of expectations of the NBN Co.

Lucy Battersby NBN Co told to complete existing fibre construction contracts and to start testing copper-based broadband technologies, but has left long-term changes to the project to the outcome of a strategic review and independent audit.


NSW prison jams smuggled phones

Corrective Services Commissioner Peter Severin.

Nick Ralston Prisoners can forget about using smuggled mobile phones with a NSW jail becoming the first in Australia to introduce phone-jamming technology.

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Open source

Open-source platform gains popularity in government

John Sheridan, chief technology officer, Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO).

Stuart Corner So popular has a little-known open-source program become within federal government agencies that there is now a shortage of expertise in Canberra.

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Malcolm Turnbull called for NBN Co board's scalps

Malcolm Turnbull: asked NBN Co board members to resign last week.

Paul Osborne and Lisa Martin Malcolm Turnbull will release an interim statement of expectations to NBN Co today, with new instructions for the government-owned enterprise.


Coalition wrecking NBN: Anthony Albanese

Lucy Battersby and Madeleine Heffernan Anthony Albanese says news that NBN Co's board is resigning en masse is a sign the Coalition is wrecking the NBN.


Soldier apps to help with PTSD

New apps aim to help army officers recover from post traumatic stress disorder.

Sylvia Pennington New apps and doctor tools aim to help military personnel who've become psychological casualties of war.


Government departments failing to recoup personal phone costs: Auditor-General

Victorian government departments are failing to keep strict controls on phone expenses.

Lucy Battersby Government departments are failing to keep strict controls on phone expenses, according to the Victorian Auditor-General.