Beneath the bloody cover I wake up from the virgins’
sexual lust
I can’t wait under the dark while I’m alone
I need to the virgins dark lips to kiss
Inside my hurt I have the lust to the blood and wine
I’m in the coldest land
There is no one just my darkness crows
I’m waiting to see the bodies
Of filthy virgins of the silent moon
The virgin’s blood
Is dark now
Thy need to my
Suffering screams
I have to call
The lusty souls
To my dark
To spill them hurts
I need to
Suffering screams
The filthy witches
From this forest
I feel them lust
To the endless suffer
To the victims blood
They are feel with someone - walking on the road
They are breath the smell of a women – like the bloody explode
Now its the time
To refresh them bones
They are five
In the darkness road
Waiting victims
To drink them blood
Any source
To create them power
Now she is near
From them dark
She is a pregnant
And no one care
They saw her face
They cant stop them lust
She is a beauty
The Pregnant raped to blood
She don’t have any thing but screams
She cant do any thing but her son tear’s
Solo by ( Azareum )
Through her blood – they ignore them hate
They sucked her blood
They slay her body to many pieces
Oblivion and sorrow falls
of our painless desire soul's
I used to enjoying my bats
surrounding my bloody rats
Phrenetic virgins comes with them filth
they Need my gothic sexual rabid girth
my black bats began with sucking me
I feel with phrenetic sexual Organs be
Provenance to sucking my bloody virgin’s lips
Inside my ancient bloody darkness wakes
She is screaming with raving sense's
I rashing her clothes with brutal pains
I ripping her filthy cunt with my raving cock
She can’t do any thing just scream with hugs
My lovely bats drinking her shaken cunt’s bleed
She can feel with them savage filthy need
she don’t know how my grisly lust
In the land of desert
Front of darkness temple
I heard the signal tyrant
The secret of dark Angel
The old man who was farm
Alert me that they come
All they need to his die
To change his religion lie
Thy don’t care if he will die
I walked to the golden pyramid
ask my king if he shocked heed
All they need to his die
To change his religion lie
Thy don’t care if he will die
I can’t let him alone
While his army is gone
Every one refuse
There is no time to lose
His People burn in fire
The lands destroy and tire
I face my enemy while I’m alone
I’m here in the dark forest
Searching for some one
To share me my dark inside
Here my true life
Of my sunset
Sunset to the dark
To find my loneliest
Here my torture
Of my blames
Here my suffer
From my pains
I hiding in the dark
From my self
Ignore my life
To find myself
(Solo by : Azareum)
I lost my gate
Of the eternity
Nothing I have
Except my legacy
I lost my gate
Of my eternity
Nothing I have
Except my legacy – my legacy
My resorting to the dark
Is my legacy
To imagine the sky
My special world
Inside the saffron’s gate
Over naked servant dead
She sleep-in bloody bed
Her death guard looking for a head
She still love motion of snakes
In order to gat her dates
I love her old death sense
In the night shadow while she spend
(You can share me on my paragon of hating)
They Vying on Cleopatra fucking
You can share me on my paragon of hating
Have you ever get her gate?
It’s a golden secret with bloody paint
I try to element her guards
No on can take her ward
(You can share me on my paragon of hating)
They Vying on Cleopatra fucking
She need to enjoy with dark
But no one now her death lark
When darkness come with filth
Every one can share me her birth
That when you touch her body
Element all suffering cloudy
Monsters come with the kings
To searching for her rings
(You can share me on my paragon of hating)
They Vying on Cleopatra fucking
You can share me on my paragon of hating
Have you ever get her gate?
It’s a golden secret with bloody paint
I try to element her guards
No on can take her ward
(You can share me the paragon hating)
here my forsaken path
to forget every thing
inside my mind
i left my life
of peobles hate
i used to suffer
that make a dead
From along time - I left - every thing
I feel Lose - except - my suffering
ignore the life - that make me feel
with full of pain - my fults is real
Dark forsaken is what I need
with darken crows that i want live
( I hate every thing even if my self )
My decide is to leave the human kind life
To the Forsaken Path
Despair and dark
All my need to my loneliness
Inside my cave
I can acclimate with my pain
Endless life without taste
My old blood need to refresh
I searching for bloody life
Screams and the hugs to the chosen virgins will comes
There is No end for my suffer
My chosen life for dark blood
I'm waiting the lusty virgins haggard
For my endless reason filth
Without screams my life is low
Nothing like them lovely brows
I love them face while them need
To my tasty blood
I calling them by my mind
Inside my tomb they found my hand
Screams and the hugs to suck my blood
For my wake return
There is No end for my suffer
My chosen life for dark
I'm waiting the lusty virgins
For my endless reason filth
Inside my cave my virgins transform
to the new modern lusty vampires
Screams and the hugs to suck my blood
For my wake return
They are fallen naked virgins
They are lusting to my ancient blood
Waits my coming to suck my hands
Surround my body influence them sexual lust
Changes them filthy instincts
Competition on my bloody kiss
Inside my dark castle
Towards the full moon light
I’m searching for my source
Of them bleeding blood
Here my lost mask
Of my silent death operation
They smell my blood
From my hands
They want to become
Immortal bodies
My filthy time inside my tomb
Sleeping with my lusty virgin
She looking to my Serpentine eyes
She love to let me suck her bloody breast
She smell my dark blood
From my filthy hands
She want to become
Inside the Sodom gloomy garden
I heard your voice need my save
As the frightens all my thing
to make me care about you
My black heart orders me to let you
Sharing me my filth.
I m here with my fault
That I did before
if you need my heart that I closed all the way of feeling
Without the darkness fear way so you have it
Inside that garden you can't
Depend on any one except
Your self to saving your mind
From the darkness inside
the vampire's gardens old humanoids
with bloody eyes that you will find
While I m walking alone I heard your voice
many of dragons looking to you with careful
The spiders ready to connect the
dark net between the enigma trees
She is my poor victim … her hands with flower smells
Imagine the blackest long hair that you see
the reflection of the moonlight make it gray
While the crows flying in the sky
No one of them can stand on stones
While she runs they are looking
to her with careful
Ready to getting what the dragons will left!!
Ohh… how you are a putty virgin victim
send to the sun your voice to saving
that can turn your fear and what you feel
inside this gloomy ugly garden
to your moon spilled in the sky
can you do this for your Sodom forsaken life!!
Even if that you can…. didn't hear the crows voice
need to the bloody color brushing around them gloomy land!!
Didn't feel the earth vibration while you reach the end!!
Don't care about the snakes ringing between the gardens
it was just invitation to sharing our bride
Of the blackest hair princess in our caves of the death
Your hands must be full with rings of the black magic
To let your putty control the monsters of hill
You can't run from this destiny even if you
will cross the river of fear
you will find you're self
near of my filthy chair!!
No one can run away of my
death chamber every one need you but no one can
take you from me
I m the master of them
my dragon soured random them screams
when they need to another victims bloods
ohh my little vampires how you full of pain
while I m here ready to enjoying
with my princes black lips
I like the dead while it's bloody cold
Show me your frightens while you are running
I m waiting you in my cave won
The caves of fear … come with me inside
my warmest darkness tomb
Are you really pleasure by this honor!
No one can reach this place except my
Princes of the bloody moon
No one can run away of my death chamber
Even if you will cross the river of fear
Your smells inside my skeletons
I m here ready to enjoying with my princes red eyes
Above the mountains of humanity victims I scream
Waiting you inside my filthy savage room
From the end of First Age of the bloody ancient days
Their land was destroyed in the War against Morgoth
(Amdir) the leader of the people of Lothlorien
That he was the Silvan the warrior of the night Elves
The Elves of Lothlorien encountered Galadriel
Who was then living in Eregion
On the other side of the Misty Mountains
Amdir responded to a summons from Gil-galad
To join the fight against the evil eye of Sauron
At the battle of -khazad-dum
Amdir's forces were valiant
But they were poorly equipped for battle
At the Battle of Dagorlad
They were cut off from their allies
And were driven into the marshland west
Of the Black Gate of moria in the other side of Dark
Amdir and more than half his darken troops
Were killed in the dark land of mountdoom
The marshland became known as the Dead Marshes
because of the corpses of Elves and Orcs
Sauron was defeated in 3441
Amroth the son of Amdir become the King
Of Lothlorien on a hill that came to be called (Cerin Amroth)
Thy used the power of the Necromancer that let them to built the stronghold of
( Dol Guldur ) across the Anduin from Lothlorien
Beneath the mountains Of Khazad-dum
They searching for the evil Of Moria
The power of the night elves transferred them
To the dark from the Fangorn Forest
It’s the dark age of Lothlorien
We thanks (The Thain's Book) to help us about this story’s
Noisy world
Some day we will see
The end of filthy world
The world of sexual lust
No one need to
Attend to the filthy earth
Every one keep
His won golden treasure
To his future
Here the fragments of the wind
That smashing the enemy heads
We still need to our power
Of the magical cosmic hills
Here my warriors
Take my orders
To element them huge dark castle
Of the cannibals … OH
Burn the dead
Filthy beings
Surround them forest
Burn them bodies
Now we out of terms
That should control this earth
We have to take our weapons to kill
They are a lot of undead surround them trees
We plash them our blood
From our mouth
To control them minds from them bloody lust
They are lifeless dead Stained
With epizootic blood
To control them minds from them bloody lust
They are lifeless dead Stained
With epizootic blood
They are stained with epizootic blood
For mines
For dying
For my days
My gusted Darks
All days for
Drinking…. blood
Hiding from the sun
Far away
To the northern darks
To the wolves caves
Sharing them brutal
To the best bloody feeling
Of ancient vampires leaders
For my hatred
For my pain
For my virgins
They need my blood
The lust of the immortal
Find the flavor
Sexual kiss
The hall of the doom
The kings of the vampires
Them bloody lust
Leave me
With my forest
To find my dark power
To get my secret magic
Of my roots
Here my dark crows
Listen to my deep voice
Need to my bloody hand
To suck my blood
I’m ready to chosen virgins
Need to my bloody lips
Inside my dark castle
The hall of sexual lust
For mines
Fight with me, protect your self
There’s more filth there’s more death
Stand with me, ready for gores
No one expect my bloody strike
I ride my horse towards the hunt
I have Refining my land from dead
More undead body we smell them filth
They searching for us to polluting our blood
Increasing them self by injection the others
They have filthy bodies they eat each other
Walking to the forest to find them shadows
Under the moon light, we slay them heads
We smell them bodies its like rotting flesh
We can control them undead minds
They feel with us beside them land
We can’t ignore them thousands bodies
They use them mouth to plashing them blood
Its poison that mixed up with filthy
We smell them bodies towards our path
They are dead bodies inside my land
We smell them bodies towards our path
It’s like the smell of life beings decay
Walking to the forest to find them shadows
Under the moon light, we slay them heads
We smell them bodies its like rotting flesh
We can control them undead minds
They feel with us beside them land
We can’t ignore them thousands bodies
We smell them bodies towards our path
It’s like the smell of life beings decay
We smell them bodies towards our path
It’s like the smell of life beings decay
life beings decay
They feel with us beside them land
We can’t ignore them thousands bodies
They use them mouth to plashing them blood
Its poison that mixed up with filthy
We smell them bodies towards our path
They are dead bodies inside my land
We smell them bodies towards our path
It’s like the smell of life beings decay
Walking to the forest to find them shadows
Under the moon light, we slay them heads
We smell them bodies its like rotting flesh
We can control them undead minds
They feel with us beside them land
We can’t ignore them thousands bodies
We smell them bodies towards our path
See them dithering from them caves
No one help them from them filth
An Beastly nature control them instinct
Them deadly minds... them darkness night
War of hate
Control them minds
Toward them lust
Filthy dead
Them vital aliment
Screams of pain
From them bodies
Increase them lust
Of lifeless gore
Towards the blood
Of sickness war
Feel them lust
To darkness blood
And septic flesh
From them hunger
Lost them minds
With septic bodies!!
Searching hard for a sickness dead
Eating dead with a hopeless lust
Ignore them self to the immortal life
Death and flesh to reach them life
We have to destroy and Erase them all
The army of vampires ready to them death
We have to crushing and slay them all
Inside my fortress
We aliment blood
The dark inside us
The Precious crowd
Our ancient forms
From thousands years
To create our power
From lifeless tears
There’s more
Dark inside
And septic bodies
We armed with
Bloody strong
Spikes shields
Ready to call
Of bloody lust
From them necks
Virgins need
Our blood
To reach them creed
Its will be
Our creed
To create
Our base
Between the trees
The land of fear
There’s more dead
Immortal bleed
Of Naked witches
With lusty years
Source my blood
For my immortal
With Magical hands
For our immortal
We will kill
Every outsider
No one live
Inside our citadel
Every dead
Inside the hall
Of circle of hell
Burning them remodel
Here the secret power
Of my darkness dragons
Inside the land of endless fear
The Source of my Army blood
By our swords and bloody tusks
Scenes of the hemic of the septic dead
Inside the land of endless fear
The Source of my Army blood
By our swords and bloody tusks
Now my turn to the total war
Killing and hugs virgins more
See your hand
Of what you did
No one know
How many you killed
Butchering victims
Touch them Organs
Smell them blood
Having them cunt
Darkness tomb - filthy room
Come to the gelding ancient doom
they need to my ancient blood
They used to drink my secret flood
I get her body in my room
I m enjoying her lips in my doom
I can't be alone without hugging my
virgins bones
now she scream in frantic pain
I cant stop my lusting sucking vain
she still scream from painful lust
Walking in to the forest between the
Highest trees ....... no one can watch
Me while I hugging the reptile queen
I need to your hair and the diamond
In your ayes .........but your kingdom
Is too Far ...............from my caves
I want reach you before
The creations of the Existence
Nocturnal Forest Breathe deep their children
Them Desires burned while Judgments
As succubus slaves from the bloodless stars in the skies
Darkness …… my promised fever
When the silent snow glistens
Deep her immortal necromantic soul
The dead pleasured speak to her ancient tongue
Masturbating in their darkness graves
Towards the castle send her soul Vampiric Evil
Her Dark angels tasted my tears sacrifice my dead heart echoes
Throw the wild gates unmasks her face born blood on stone
Our voices are opened graves while she's alone
Can't escape from thy darken souls
Behold your dark beauty of thy stirs conquer us
To the forsaken morbid road
She will come for me to erase my root
Take me to the eternal limp life
With her bloody darken wings
While she but her black lips on my skein
My darken blood come thro my hand
Inside the queen coffin we playing the Belial game
The funeral ceremony to the Satan virgin servant again
No one see my bloody rooms
The beauty faces from the smell To crashing bones
Hang them self with lisping kissing
Them black lips running blood with vesting
Having sex inside my rooms
I'm waiting you to smell your bones
Have you ever tray my knife
Cutting Organs smashing Unsaved
I need your filthy hands touching me all the time
To feel the sins of your fantasy worm inside
Open your filthy doors to my fork hurt
And let me enter your darken love Art
Find your secret atom harmony
And lave me die on your lovely red body
We will listen to the magical death tones
While I hugging you inside your secret rooms
All the time I looking to your sparkle ayes
Lifeless land
Inside the dark
I used
To drink blood
From any one
My life
Full of pain
With deadly sense
I need
Dead bodies
For my meals
Every day I ask my self
What is this means?
Spend my time
In Lifeless land
Without my dreams
Every thing seem silent
Without any life
All the time I’m dead
I can't feel my time
From the ancient walls
Inside my darkness cave
There are more of lusty wolves
Listening to my painless Brutal
Far away from the sun
Towards black doom
I can find myself
With my darkness crows
In my darkness cave
From my scream
I can feel my pain
To feel my dreams
From the ancient walls
Inside my darkness cave
There are more of lusty wolves
Listening to my painless Brutal
Searching everywhere
Without any hope
My brutal comes out
I lust for blood
Searching everywhere
Without any hope
My brutal comes out
(Singing style – Female)
Here I can cry without any pain
Inside the forest of cold and dark
I hear the Howling of wolves in the sky
I see the moon light sparkle inside
(Speech lyrics style)
I’m going away
To the land of Lifeless
I feel with lust
To the blood and darkness
I follow the moon light
To arrives to the wolves’ bloody fight
Of the dark winter
(Singing style – Female)
Here I can cry without any pain
Inside the forest of cold and dark
I hear the Howling of wolves in the sky
I see the moon light sparkle inside
Of the dark winter
Of the dark winter
Towards my opinion
Of vital evacuation
The necessary of eternal
To another section
Of the coldest earth
Ignoring for every thing
This is my decision
No one can affect on me
There is no human
Can stopping my eternal
Of my bloody need
Depiction Of reality
Inside my mind
It is another side of my try
From my land, I feel the darkness shadows
I lust to the doom of my abandoned lost castle
Inside my tomb, my blood is cold
My mind still searching
To reach the dark horizon
I’m thinking all the time
My body need to blood
I’m afraid of my weakness
If there is no source
Of my body lust
To my virgins blood
I must use my magic
To reach my dark path
Towards- my path- I fight
With my bloody sword
My hands- with magic-
Of the death- to let them decay
My blood increase-
Towards my eternal- empty darkness land
By drinking my enemy blood’s
From my land, I feel the darkness shadows
I lust to the doom of my abandoned lost castle
Inside my tomb, my blood is cold
My mind still searching
To reach the dark horizon
I’m thinking all the time
My body need to my virgins blood
From lifeless land, I feel the dark
I lust to the doom of my abandoned castle
Before the age of dark
When the sun was shining
That was the meaning of live beings life
But there was hate and anger at the somewhere
The sky have been different color
It was red with darkness shadows
They have come to won the land of the humanity
You with me
Handle free
No one can
Stop my lain
There’s a fire
On the mountain higher
Filthy room
I need my last virgin doom
Let me stay - with you now
I tell you some thing - about your die
Have you play - play with me
Final dark - extension be
Darkness , fire - my witches , tired
I can’t stay
Far than you - to make me high
from darkness vamp
I find my secret - My beauty black tomb
I hold your body - like a mindless lover
Your deadly body – my final graver
Have you play - play with me
The Final dark - extension be
Let me stay - with you now
I tell you some thing - about your die
From the darkness deadly vamp
She want me start
To test her blood
I used to break
Her slavering Neck
But she never dies
Vampires can't cry
Come on my meal
Your blood my deal
She gets her extasies
While hugging her waist
She erasing her loneliest
By sucking her breast
I get her lust
From her lips
She gave me flood
I’m searching you in the sky
I need your souls to let me try
Flying with you every where
Your ancient path is my way
I need your bodies beside me
I need your wings Fly over me
I need to feel your freedom life
My life is nothing without your black faces
I can feel the mean of the true dark
I can feel your need to my suffer
It’s the meaning for your haggard
I’m waiting you in my dark forest
Join with me my loneliness worst
My path with you ignoring the others
It’s the meaning your darkness careers
To let me know your different alerts
Let me listen to your Hinders voices
To let me gathered my darkness power
I’m going to your bare trees
To setting there all my loneliest days
I feel your coming to share my suffer
Inside my dark ignoring the others
Fly over me
Standing on my Tied
Surround my body your souls feel with my dark
I’m looking all the time to the cold lack
To feel the cold inside and the bloody fake
I feel with cold of my White hands
They lust to the blood of my ancient land
I’m looking to them bare trees
To feel my filthy bloody nails
There’s nothing better than my dark
To find my self with my darkness crows
Louch of the dead from thousands years
It’s an abandoned land between the trees
Crows of death fly over me
Standing on my body surround of me
I need your souls in my dark
To feel my suffer all my time
Crows of death inside my body
Control my mind to the darkness path
Flying over me Surround my body
Your darkness path my ancient glory
You are my symbol of wisdom
Your souls is my immortal life
I can feel the mean of the true dark
I can feel your need to my suffer
It’s the meaning for your haggard
I’m waiting you in my dark forest
Join with me my loneliness worst
My path with you ignoring the others
It’s the meaning your darkness careers
To let me know your different alerts
Now I feel my life
With them darkness bodies
Listening to them Hinders voices
Crows of death standing on the bare trees
Surrounding the bloody forsaken darkness breed
Louch of the dead from thousands years
(Suffering - of the black doom ramble)
Inside - Interior of the great temple
Every day you can see
How they suffer from last years
You can touch - vestigial stone
Old bronze body – with ancient bones
I need my – desert queen
Detection symptom on her green
Her green body with pharos stamps
No one suffer like her soul ramp
(Suffering - of the black doom ramble)
Inside - Interior of the great temple
Every day you can see
How they suffer from last years
You can touch - vestigial stone
Old bronze body – with ancient bones
Her green body with pharos stamps
No one suffer like her soul ramp
Inside her darkness tomb I saw her secret body
It’s an golden sparkle makes me all of logy
While you enter darkness hall
Fear with horror statues all
I need my old bronze queen
To rest with her pharos tomb preen
(Suffering - of the black doom ramble)
Inside - Interior of the great temple
I like old aftermath sense
To increase my gothic land chance
Have you enter the pharos room
While you hanging the secret mummy’s doom
Open the bloody oblivion marsh
Burn what all inside this temple
We have our demonic bath
From the ancient stones at the valley of death
They lived in a land of mountains and rocks of the heights arid desert
It was (wadi -al –qura) the land of creed
Civilized darkness life for the battle of filth and torture the slaves
Between the land of the abundant
Flood lethal destruction
Grandiose high cities had a darkness guard
Huge dragons riding and fight
They was most ancient of people
With them strong bodies to cutting the rocks
To making safe houses for them women’s
Was lived with pleasure enjoying those hugs
Inside the hall of the ancient slaves blood
They used them darkness methods
To the salves of the lifeless deserts
Inside the ancient castles Preparation the art of dark
To let them control with the Babylon women’s slaves
They have the rolls of death
To make them power at the aim of them filth
They slay every one who didn’t obey them rolls
Every one was suffered In to The valley of Thamood
Calls of the wind come from deserts of death
No one of them care about the calls of the slaves
Inside the ancient tombs
That was the mean of the souls
Journey to the afterlife
For the immortality
From them death ceremony Thy was in active operation with offering the meat and drink for them dead
From the dead chamber inside (Khufu's) pyramids the ceremony of the dead
Anubis the ancient symbol of the underworld who guided and protected the spirits of the dead.
He was the Lord of the Hallowed Land - the necropolis - and (Khenty Amentiu) ,
The Land of the Dead was thought to be to the west of (Ankh-Tawy) where thy buried their dead.
(Khenty Amentiu) was the name of a previous canine deity
Who was superseded by Anubis.
The worship of Anubis was an ancient one
From the pyramid texts of (Unas), his role was already clear
He was associated with the Eye of Horus
And he was already thought to be the guide of the dead in the afterlife
Showing them the way to Osiris. In the text
It was written that "Unas stranded towards valley of death”
no one of the black souls can Bewitches them dead
Anubis was the protector of embalming and guardian of both the mummy and the necropolis.
At the ancient golden gates
Osiris took over many of Anubis' jobs as caretaker and protector of the dead
He was the symbol of embalming who presided over the funerary rituals.
The funerary priests would wear a mask of the jackal god during the mummification process
Since I saw my last dark night
It was like nightmare
Sense of death is what I need to end my life
Through my frightens.... I lost my self
in the dark forest beyond
Through the raven mountains
they searching for my cave own
(No one know about her frozen hands)
While touching me I feel snow-covered rains
While she get path of victory with hate
Ask my self.... if I can Escape
from thy order.... to Change my way
I want reach the River of bloody Tears
Oh...My last dark night is near!!
(No one know about her frozen hands)
While touching me I feel snow-covered rains
While she get path of victory with hate
I still walking to the eternal night
Towards the Castle of the Black sight
I flew away with her beauty
in to the silent darkness gloomy
(No one know about her frozen hands)
While touching me I feel snow-covered rains
While she get path of victory with hate
I find my body without Pain inside
While my heart burning from her dragons light
Inside the evil eyes which burning
with triumph and glory night
This is my ways
To let you Obey
For my oblivion
Inside my room
The secret doom
Of my dark
Empirical test
For my spell
To find my power
Here my choice
To make you feel
The immortal life
You are now
Inside my circle
Of the addiction
Smell my blood
Tracking me
To suck my hand!
We have now
The new guest
To our world
Chose your virgin
Enjoy her lips
Suck her neck
You have to learn
The spell of the paster
Inside my dark
You see them path
Traveling by wind
To feel our freedom
You can't feel the time
Your life without end
You live to die
Your home is your tomb!
Amusing your life
With lifeless virgins
You have empirical test for my spell
You can’t ignore my empirical test
You need to empirical test for my spell
You have empirical test for my spell
I'm here alone without my beauty face
I need to suck her lips I lust to the bloody days
I feel the cold inside my lifeless old bones
I'm waiting for the screams of bloody stones
I’m here waiting the virgins to save me from
My loneliest lifeless inside my freezing pain's
But no one care about what I need
There's only a way to my lonely bloody creed
To my lonely bloody creed
To my lonely bloody creed
Through the bloody doom land I walked
Searching for my princess
I need her eyes
To feel my own reflection
Of the Moonlight sense
On her darkness body
That makes me frozen, cold as ice
From her screams of pain I heard
The gloomy blackheart voice
A colorless cascade of her face
The darkness castle doom inside
With virgins suffer of lusting blood
Sucking them hands inside my room
I'm leaving the priding life
Of the human hopeless life
To the eternal filthy land
I'm search For the Doom
In the night of the full moon
When I heard the Crows
Thy need to my darkness inside
Thy know I m alone
Thy need to my lifeless path
I'm lusty all the time with my virgins hands
I don’t need any thing except my bloody land
I used to filthy life to let me find the blood
In the land of suffer the secrets of my roots
The filthy lusty virgins find my darkness path
Thy surround my body to suck my ancient hands
I feel now with power of bloody eternal life
While I m sucking her frozen nick
Her eyes burning bright
That I can't control my head
She now suffer die
She now suffer die
She now suffer die
She now suffer die
Vampires’ virgins inside my land
Them filthy bodes need to my bloody hands
Imagine the day when you play with Navigation hunter
(Women’s Blood splashes in to my eyes
Listen to them screams coming from them pains)
All the bodies color come a dark red
No one can fight thy are bleeding from them nicks
We do every thing with them fresh body
Enjoy with bloody lust we always ready
Darkness crows surround them body
We spend a bloody time with a cannibal body
Even if my dream become a real
While I drinking the water of them tears
(Women’s Blood splashes in to my eyes
Listen to them screams coming from them pains)
I heard the tears pain's beyond the filthy walls
While her black lips content all my filthy Rolls
From my Eternal darkness veils I heard
The voice of the moon storm its come a real
I can't feel my existent
While my body
Runs toward her blackest beauty warm
At the Crows bloody loch
(Solo by: Azareum )
She searching for her life path
But she can’t stop our bloody Lust
My blackest beauty need more pour
To her Black souls she will suffer
(With lusting lifeless we ride our dragons
I can't ignore her testy darkness blood
I need to locking to my bats surround them body
They needs to drink the fresh blood of my vampires princes)
From the dark - I was live
I find my heart - Which I save
My secret love - Between the dark
No one feel - My witch’s lark
I need smell - her black heart
While I listen her classic harp
Every time – I need her hand
Touch my face- touch my sand
Let the moon – gives you light
To see your red hair – to feel your sight
We are alone – in the dark
We can loath – kiss and hug
Between the trees – I heard the crows
Need my secrets – thy need my rose
I love them voice – in the dark
Sadden beyond
What worth my land
You can't ignore
My dominance
That was my choice
Raise my sign
The sign of dark
Of pentagrams
We have to judging
Every one here
We can lose them
Every thing real
Sign of the death
For every one
Who didn’t accept?
Our bloody lust
Here my ways of real visions
Control them mind’s with my blood
Let them feel with my doom
They used to tasting my blood
The Captives virgins
Inside my court
The hall of doom
To choosing them way
Obeying my lust
Drink my blood
To the immortal life
to my sexual lusts
Captives of the bloody war
Inside my court
The hall of doom
To choosing them way
The Captives gothic virgins
Inside my room
Waits my coming
Every time - every place - I searching for - another face
Do you need - another life - do you want - change your mind
Fuck this world
Darkness - turn me to hate my self
Loneless - let me erase my head
Lifeless - my secret way to the dead
I want to leave - to another world
I can hear - virgins grisly tears
Inside the doom - they need my filthy room
Let them see – inside my graveyard dread
Taste them blood – enjoy with sense of drunk
You can feel dark with hate face
You can share filth and hugs in the bloody place
I m leave to another world
I cant risking by my stillness
Inside my loneliness there's no endless
How you find my coldish face
I feel my desiring to Gothic days
I can’t left my beauty virgins screams
When they lusting to my bloody meals
I need to them erotic filthy cunt
Enjoying them lesbians inside my Tomb
Having them blood when I need
verve my raving Organ by them screams
darken lips with rounding breast
Have you ever seen madness killer queen?
Use her secret key to open the Belial way
In the land of dark eve thy don't let you think to
What will happen in the mirage killed dead weapon?
Inside the immortal madness deepen mind
She order the funeral men
To collect the last peaces of them
I send my voice to the darkness queen
To give me the red sword to mix blood with rain
In the secret forest that we spend
All the time with dark crows of wind
By the red hand of her lows
Don’t let you think of what your knows
Ask her dead women beyond the trees
The last question to save your heart from killer frees
My lovely girl ask me to leave this secret doors
I used my sword to kill the madness from them source
Insert the magical words under the rain
And order the cannibalize to began them main
Ceremony's of kill and drinking blood
While thy searching for virgin's flood
I heard the victim's screams beside the human's crimes
What you think about the outer enigma life
Its lick inhumanity between the victims bloody knife
All the time I thinking of your beauty
But all my life I fried of your hirable faulty
You're better number that you will need it
In my chamber that I hugging you inside
Let's open the death gate of the north
And enter the cannibal heretic rooms
I send my voice to the darkness queen
To give me the red sword to mix blood with rain
Have you ever seen madness killer queen?
Use her secret key to open the Belial way
In the land of dark eve thy don't let you think to
Horus can you find me I m here
Standing on my Black stone
Whiting the last black crows
I need the darkness surround them eyes
To let me exist to the immortality Quitted life
Your enigma line is my bloody shadow
Let me see how many dead killed by the Pharaohs
I'm still need your victim's blood to drink
I'm here Waiting you to gave me the life key ring
Take me from the forsaken land
To the eternal black funeral sand
Walking to the ancient desert to
Riche your darkness tomb
While I m enjoying with the children mummy's storm
All the time I see the Memphis face shadow
She want my filthy hand to refresh her old bronze body
From many years ago she need
A dead frozen heart For Her immortal soul
No one can keep her darkness Secrets
Except the loneliest souls
I heard her spill voice tell me to give her the power
of the dark
That she can spend a thousand years in her tomb fork
Horus can you find me I m here from the land of
Searching for your tomb
Between the old ancient pyramids
Souls of the sun stopped my dark
No one of the old slaves can fight hard
I send my last dark to my golden queen
Horus listens to his order to take me to her sin
From the gloomy entrance I kissed her hand
It's like bloody old scan of the mummy sands
We slept together in the same ancient tomb
While the evil looking for her darkness soul
I smell the cats blood come from the secrets doors
I asked her to let me drink some of what she gorse
Pharaohs scream from the deferent tomb
While I m hugging the queen of the comb
No one can take me from her golden lips
Except my crows if thy need try her blood test
She's my ancient queen .... I love her old darkness
Remember the time that we spend together
In the land of dark that we was suffer
Front of the old trees
I kiss and hug my witches frees
From ancient years, I wait your warm tears
That when it's run on my face
I feel in the forsaken land with ice
All the time I need your lips to kiss and drink blood
I can't feel the time while I kiss you in the dark line
In the wood of eve I request the old save
Of the magical words that I can deal with slayer lords
Let's play the witches game on
The pentagram that we kill without shame
( Give me more feeling of death .... I need to kill and
fucking in filth )
When you will be with me….
I forget everything except your cold knee
Under the line of the death fire
I send to my princess my all layer
Days that we suffering from the ourselves faults
We crying and screaming to our pain that we brutes
There is no way to choose our endless
Except the loneliest that we have to lifeless
If you are ready to get the golden body
Enter in to the Babylon gate in Abortion day
( Give me more feeling of death .... I need to kill and
fucking in filth )
The Hate is our symbol to element our herbal
There is no way to choose our endless
Except the loneliest that we have to lifeless
If you are ready to get the golden body
Enter in to the Babylon gate in Abortion day
( Give me more feeling of death .... I need to kill and
fucking in filth )
with her body I get out of my pain that I feel all the
Under the line of the death fire
I send to my princess my all layer
Days that we suffering from the ourselves faults
Dark and fear inside my crows
The war is coming there will be gores
My sword will be ready for my land enemy’s
My forces be ready for my bloody orders
The dark is our path
For our need
The blood is our power
The secret of my darkness creed
My darkness crows searching for blood
They gave our power we need them dark
Our enemy knows we have them secrets
To reach our source of the bloody war
We come out from our caves
With our bodies to drink them blood
Our teeth are ready to suck those necks
Our speed performance
To reach them death
Every one of them, bleeding with his blood
We need them dark, to increase our filth
We smashing them bones, to erase those bodies
We come out for them filthy blood
Our life is dark with our hands
That crashing the bodies
Of the filthy enemies
They come for them death
With our dark life encrypted
Dark and fear inside my crows
No one can changes my mind
Even if he try to eaten my brain
Did you trust my lies?
I'm here without my belial wood
Standing on the pentagrams roots
Do you want share me the drunk
There's more blood inside this old eve tank
You will find it lick the old blood taste
Let's drunk the last glass of virgins dead
Inside my mind there's strange feeling
Some thing like morbid killing
I will never stop my mind of what I need
Even if you tray to eaten my brain
Did you trust my lies?
Can you take me to the land of warrior?
To enjoying with kill and smashing the heads
All the blood inside change my creed
I'm looking for the craws to be warm with theme
When you find me cry that mean I lost my soul
To make me right take me to the silent hole
No one can bring me the light again
There's only dark with losing and a lot of Pain
I need to meet my lovely dead skin
While I turn off her cloth I return back my darkness
Feel that I did a wrong thing that makes me
in a forsaken land I need to live-in in all my life
Did you ever meet a madness savage assassin?
Listening to the brutal voice lick the main of losing
That I can feel the crow's soul in mine
I Can't gate out of my fault Pain
Setting on my death throne
while I m watching the hill forest surround me
Asking my self why I did this fault all the time?
Let me listen to the brutal inside me
The Hate is my symbol in a dark life
stay in this ugly gloomy land
These my real enjoying time
Let me stay in this gloomy land
I now how long
You wait your life
Get forsaken
Suicide by knife
I want death
From my loneliness
I have mistake
From my darkness
I fight my fear
No one lose
Inside the dark
I want death
I want death
I lost my life
With virgins filth
I live to dead
I want the death
Every night
Ask my self
Why you found of
Some virgins dead
I don’t need more
Any kind of life
I need forsaken
Just let me die
My people left
With a silent dreams
I can enjoy
With a virgins screams
I want death
On the darkness mountains
I luring victims
They need my precious
My septic carcass
Crows of death surround my land
Vampire's virgins let me to suck them hand's
Now I feel with appetence
Filthy virgins need my ordinance
In the lusting time
I tearing her clothes
Upping her leg
Smell her cunt
Sense of filth
Inside my room
While raping the dead
In the bloody doom
All the time
Her blood on the bed
raping virgins
They are some victims
Inside the world of zombies
There’s no one to help
Just if you are one of the old enemies
We are the old vampire’s warriors
From the darkness side of the bloody world
That we came to destroy the human’s deadly enemy
Inside the land of the sickness deadly darkness souls
We found some deadly humans
Inside a filthy old graveyard
They begun to be a deadly corpse
While our sword’s ready to kill them
They will transfer to filthy zombies
Inside the old filthy tombs
While the trees become no leaves
They are ready to fight our darkness horses
We have the power of the old magic
That can element them filthy lands
They will send them deadly forces
While the night elves ready to fight us
We need to save the human’s bodies
To keep them fresh blood
We have to keep them bodies out of any filthy injections
We will send our dark crows
To theme deadly wicked body’s
We will send the call of chaos
From them darkness past and them demonic passion
Thy have to live in lofty buildings with strong pillars
Thy need to strong power to dealing with enemy’s anger
Sending the fear from them bloody warning
Abundant rains and insolent winds from them land
Dark deserts keep them castles with forsaken Impression
Black magic from the gardens of (Iram)
It was them fictional paradise to live in all the time
It was the city of the dark forests between the
mountains of the strong pillars
From the red sky above them castles the huge dragons
use those fires
But no one of them can resist the son Of (AD) swords
The swords of thunder attack the dragons to drop them
in the dark rivers
It was the city of the dark forests between the
mountains of the strong pillars
The women of Babylon slaves inside the gate of (AD)
Thy need to them perfect bodies to spelling them minds
from them ayes
The women of Babylon slaves inside the gate of (AD)
There’s no way from them spell thy have the power of
them beauty
From the (AD) gates the screams of the virgins in
aspects the deserts
Thy used to virgin’s perfect bodies for them hugs and
bloody lust
It was the city of the dark forests between the
There’s away to my loneliest
Very far from the others
I need to find my secrets
From my darkness suffer inside
I can’t live in vortex
While the others stare in me
I m going to my path
To the real nature and real facts
I can feel my need to the sound
Of fugitive wind
I heard my sorrow -inside me
Through contemplations of wood
I found my self inside
An ancient darkness cave
I sat between the walls
Thinks about my place
I found my self dreamt
With the darkness ancient years
Of the people who was lived
Inside my darkness cave
What the suffer thy was been
Indifference life thy was creed
Empty neglected ancient land
That’s my comfort source
Now I feel my self inside
From my cave of fires light
I want to spend my life here
Nothing disturbs my clarity
I sat between the walls thinks
About my place I found my self
Dreamt with the darkness ancient years
Of the people who was lived inside
My darkness empty depressing cave
What the suffer thy was been
Indifference life thy was creed
From them darkness ancient years
I can feel my need to the sound
Of fugitive wind
I heard my sorrow -inside me
Through contemplations of wood
I found my self inside
An ancient darkness cave
I need nothing inside my head
Just the sound of natural dark wood
Leave me suffer inside my dark
I like my vestigial ancient depressing land
Loneliest life with my knife
I need the blood inside your brine
Have you smell the old blood on my knife
Its like dead cats in the dark land out of save
Do you want see this art of bones collection
You can't ignore the red light shadow reflection
While I m alone on my filthy throne
She is coming to me from her darkness zone
To eating the cold dead from my murders table
I'm enjoying with her darkness black lips and nibbles
How many times I kissed her stomach while she eating
It’s like a symphony of anger coming from her bones
All the time I think of my loneliest darkness bath
To spend my time with my old eve witches loath Kath
Having sex and smashing heads
Drinking blood from women's lips
The bloody skeleton painting surrounds my walls room
Let the dead eve souls sharing my filthy Countess' own
Desire's souls want me to organize them pain's ceremony
From the pentagram pleasures to endless vast mystirium
How long I wait your filthy Sathanas need
Candles burning and cold dark water breed
Give me your dark virgin victims
And let her set on my bloody throne
Burn the fire in the Belial desert zone
Before moon lighting cover the old bones
From the hills of anger oblivion doom calls symphony
Silent gloomy screams to began black funeral ceremony
Feel the life in the hollow darkness
And order the virgin to servant your lifeless
Having sex and smashing heads
Drinking blood from women's lips
Give me your dark virgin victims
Ask her the last filthy dictums
In the black cosmic omen's follow
Now we have beginnings of the sorrow
On the eve death pentagram
We cut her knee nerve while burning flames
Having sex and smashing heads
Drinking blood from women's lips
No one can stop our darkness ceremony
Except the thunder from the heaven to Belial harmony
We can't live without the darkness nocturnal screams
In the limbo path that we fuck and kill the virgins
If you want join us in this suffering
You can't get out from thy offerings
Don’t ask me if you only the one how suffering here
I'm here from the first sin that I did before woman's
Where is my life
That I Lost
In the Land of hate
That was the war of host
My bloody Enemy
That I used to kill
In the land of Chaos
That I hate my Unknowing life
Of losing all the time
In the Vampires filthy land
( I'm Leaving the priding life
To empty , endless and haggard life )
From my loneliness
I Heard theme calls
Thy need my darkness
Inside my tomb
Now I have my days
Of loneliness far away
Screaming without my pain
just suffering under the rains
No one can take me from my Eternal
To the vampires bloody life immortal
I need to my darkness old tomb
To sleep thousand years with bloody corpse
I used to drink theme ancient blood
To feel my sense of them screams and hugs
I'm walking alone to them death valley
While my eternal
( I'm Leaving the priding life
Laid on thorns, till Morpheus took what's real
Laid to mourn, to look what night has to conceal
Within a mist of myself you I found
Followed the seed of weeds and roses my life have bound
Let us unfold together...
Broke the oath till truth was overwhelmed
Trapped your light to sense what fear has to conceal
Let us gather our hearts in the dark and cold
For noone passes our valley in it's stale youth
Undeaneath the twin suns we strife alone
O, let us share the pungent air and lower to our death
With my bare hands I teared your heart, sweet rose!
No more words, I ripped your tongue and raped your soul!
Foul skin's my coat, red heart my meal, my overdose!
No love nor hate, no reason nor aim, just dreams unfold!
Within a mist of myself...
In the dark and cold...
Who welters in those rivers I shedded in my cheeks?
Who feels joy in two-colour sphere?
And who but I could die in vain?
Crying, preying...
The dream of ripping circles to tear all circular apart
The yearn for Kadmon wings to flee Assiah angelwards
The state of being wishless to tear this mirrorsphere
The yearn for Kadmon's flow to flee on six-winged unique
Whose hands lifted days up, far above gone purity?
Whose feet trampled hopeful past?
And who but myself could remember?
Crying, preying...
The dream of ripping circles to tear all circular apart
The yearn for Kadmon wings to flee Assiah angelwards
O, how I wanted!
How I need!
But I knew and now I know!
Through two Atziluth's voices play
Are hurting while these weepings prey
When did it leave unfoundedly?
Still one's timeless scream longing me to amrk
Telling me it's still unfelt
But I knew and now I know!
Through two Atziluth's voices play