Class Room Demonstration of Habitat Fragmentation and Loss
Dr. Gallagher demonstrates the difference between habitat fragmentation and loss....
published: 30 Oct 2012
author: jfgallagherphd
Class Room Demonstration of Habitat Fragmentation and Loss
Class Room Demonstration of Habitat Fragmentation and Loss
Dr. Gallagher demonstrates the difference between habitat fragmentation and loss.- published: 30 Oct 2012
- views: 126
- author: jfgallagherphd
Habitat Fragmentation
As the population is rapidly increasing, human influence on ecology is becoming more and m...
published: 25 Mar 2007
Habitat Fragmentation
Habitat Fragmentation
As the population is rapidly increasing, human influence on ecology is becoming more and more destructive. Through habitat fragmentation, humans have increased the risk of starvation, or even death of a species. Habitat fragmentation, the seperation of a landscape into various land uses, leaves small habitat patches leftover for use by wildlife. However these small patches do not provide adequate food or resources for survival. Humans are putting a detrimental impact on ecology through agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, transportational development and even reactional activities. As the human population expands, more and more space is needed. However, as we manipulate the environment to feed our needs, we are putting the lives of other species at risk.- published: 25 Mar 2007
- views: 4871
Wildlife Corridors
A wildlife corridor or green corridor is an area of habitat connecting wildlife population...
published: 05 Mar 2013
author: Kris Kiattisak
Wildlife Corridors
Wildlife Corridors
A wildlife corridor or green corridor is an area of habitat connecting wildlife populations separated by human activities (such as roads, development, or log...- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 230
- author: Kris Kiattisak
Costa Rican Rainforest - Habitat Fragmentation
Costa Rican Rainforest - Habitat Fragmentation Go to www.conservenature.org for more infor...
published: 22 Oct 2007
author: noonancac
Costa Rican Rainforest - Habitat Fragmentation
Costa Rican Rainforest - Habitat Fragmentation
Costa Rican Rainforest - Habitat Fragmentation Go to www.conservenature.org for more information about the Costa Rican Rainforest. By visiting the website yo...- published: 22 Oct 2007
- views: 3729
- author: noonancac
Habitat fragmentation
For more information, log on to-
Download the study mater...
published: 13 Nov 2013
Habitat fragmentation
Habitat fragmentation
For more information, log on to- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/ Download the study materials here- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/bio-materials.html Habitat fragmentation describes the emergence of discontinuities (fragmentation) in an organism's preferred environment (habitat), causing population fragmentation. Habitat fragmentation can be caused by geological processes that slowly alter the layout of the physical environment[1] (suspected of being one of the major causes of speciation[1]), or by human activity such as land conversion, which can alter the environment much faster and causes extinctions of many species. The term habitat fragmentation includes five discrete phenomena: Reduction in the total area of the habitat Decrease of the interior : edge ratio Isolation of one habitat fragment from other areas of habitat Breaking up of one patch of habitat into several smaller patches Decrease in the average size of each patch of habitat Evidence of habitat destruction through natural processes such as volcanism, fire, and climate change is found in the fossil record.[1] For example, habitat fragmentation of tropical rainforests in Euramerica 300 million years ago led to a great loss of amphibian diversity, but simultaneously the drier climate spurred on a burst of diversity among reptiles. Habitat fragmentation is frequently caused by humans when native vegetation is cleared for human activities such as agriculture, rural development, urbanization and the creation of hydroelectric reservoirs. Habitats which were once continuous become divided into separate fragments. After intensive clearing, the separate fragments tend to be very small islands isolated from each other by cropland, pasture, pavement, or even barren land. The latter is often the result of slash and burn farming in tropical forests. In the wheat belt of central western New South Wales, Australia, 90% of the native vegetation has been cleared and over 99% of the tall grass prairie of North America has been cleared, resulting in extreme habitat fragmentation.- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 2
Managing Wildlife Habitat in a Fragmented Ecosystem
Scott Walker of the Utah Division of Wildlife Habitat discusses the management objectives ...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: codysheehy
Managing Wildlife Habitat in a Fragmented Ecosystem
Managing Wildlife Habitat in a Fragmented Ecosystem
Scott Walker of the Utah Division of Wildlife Habitat discusses the management objectives and challenges facing Utah's mountain brush areas. This is critical...- published: 10 Jul 2012
- views: 148
- author: codysheehy
Habitat fragmentation experiment
For more information, log on to- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/ Download the study mater...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: Suman Bhattacharjee
Habitat fragmentation experiment
Habitat fragmentation experiment
For more information, log on to- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/ Download the study materials here- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/bio-materials.html Habit...- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 179
- author: Suman Bhattacharjee
Vanishing Species - Biological Diversity and Conservation
http://www.interactive-biology.com - In this lecture, I introduce the topic of biodiversit...
published: 17 Dec 2010
author: InteractiveBiology
Vanishing Species - Biological Diversity and Conservation
Vanishing Species - Biological Diversity and Conservation
http://www.interactive-biology.com - In this lecture, I introduce the topic of biodiversity, and talk about why biodiversity is important. I end the section ...- published: 17 Dec 2010
- views: 3622
- author: InteractiveBiology
UC Santa Cruz mountain lion habitat fragmentation study
Video from a remote camera operated by the UC Santa Cruz Puma Project shows a male mountai...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: UCSantaCruz
UC Santa Cruz mountain lion habitat fragmentation study
UC Santa Cruz mountain lion habitat fragmentation study
Video from a remote camera operated by the UC Santa Cruz Puma Project shows a male mountain lion "16M" exhibiting "scraping" behavior in the Santa Cruz Mount...- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 6893
- author: UCSantaCruz
Habitat Fragmentation Among Us
Our video is about human activity and its destruction on the environment. We are specifica...
published: 25 Mar 2007
author: lucky2332
Habitat Fragmentation Among Us
Habitat Fragmentation Among Us
Our video is about human activity and its destruction on the environment. We are specifically talking about habitat fragmentation, which is a break up of onc...- published: 25 Mar 2007
- views: 1350
- author: lucky2332
Habitat Fragmentation by Patrick Lindsey
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: Kris Kjellgren
Habitat Fragmentation by Patrick Lindsey
Science News in ASL- Habitat Fragmentation and Edge Effects
Science News in ASL- Habitat Fragmentation and Edge Effects...
published: 23 Nov 2013
Science News in ASL- Habitat Fragmentation and Edge Effects
Science News in ASL- Habitat Fragmentation and Edge Effects
Science News in ASL- Habitat Fragmentation and Edge Effects- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 89
Youtube results:
Habitat Fragmentation caused by the Construction of the Southern Highway Trinidad
This video production was done by a group of students from the University of the West Indi...
published: 22 Apr 2013
author: marknoreiga1
Habitat Fragmentation caused by the Construction of the Southern Highway Trinidad
Habitat Fragmentation caused by the Construction of the Southern Highway Trinidad
This video production was done by a group of students from the University of the West Indies St Augustine. It was done as part of our Conservation Biology Co...- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 483
- author: marknoreiga1
Habitat Fragmentation
The overall purpose of our video is to show the result of human activity on the environmen...
published: 21 Mar 2009
author: eschadt88
Habitat Fragmentation
Habitat Fragmentation
The overall purpose of our video is to show the result of human activity on the environment in the past decade, specifically looking at how human activities ...- published: 21 Mar 2009
- views: 805
- author: eschadt88
Landscape Ecology Vignette #2 -- Edge Effect and Habitat Fragmentation
This four part video series provides a brief overview of landscape ecology, as well as ter...
published: 24 Sep 2013
Landscape Ecology Vignette #2 -- Edge Effect and Habitat Fragmentation
Landscape Ecology Vignette #2 -- Edge Effect and Habitat Fragmentation
This four part video series provides a brief overview of landscape ecology, as well as terms and concepts often discussed as part of the Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method's Location and Landscape Support scoring attributes. Concepts covered include, landscape ecological theory, Spatial Structure and Function, the Species-Area Relationship, the Species-Distance Relationship, Edge effects, Habitat Fragmentation, and landscape metrics. The final video in the series provides an example of how landscape metrics can be applied in the context of a UMAM assessment.- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 20