
TateShots: Peter Lanyon
TateShots visits St Ives to look around the Peter Lanyon exhibition. Lanyon was one of the...
published: 12 Nov 2010
author: Tate
TateShots: Peter Lanyon
TateShots: Peter Lanyon
TateShots visits St Ives to look around the Peter Lanyon exhibition. Lanyon was one of the most innovative figures in twentieth-century British art and saw h...- published: 12 Nov 2010
- views: 6743
- author: Tate

Peter Lanyon
(George) Peter Lanyon (8 February 1918 -- 31 August 1964) was a Cornish painter of landsca...
published: 07 Jan 2014
Peter Lanyon
Peter Lanyon
(George) Peter Lanyon (8 February 1918 -- 31 August 1964) was a Cornish painter of landscapes leaning heavily towards abstraction. Lanyon was one of the most important artists to emerge in post-war Britain. Despite his early death at the age of forty-six he achieved a body of work that is amongst the most original and important reappraisals of modernism in painting to be found anywhere. Combining abstract values with radical ideas about landscape and the figure, Lanyon navigated a course from Constructivism through Abstract Expressionism to a style close to Pop. He also made constructions, pottery and collage. Lanyon was born in St Ives, Cornwall, the only son of W H Lanyon, an amateur photographer and musician. He was educated at Clifton College. St Ives remained his base, and he received after-school painting lessons from Borlase Smart. In 1937 he met Adrian Stokes, who is thought to have introduced him to contemporary painting and sculpture and who advised him to go to the Euston Road School, where he studied for four months under Victor Pasmore. In 1936-37 he also attended Penzance School of Art. In 1939 he met established artists Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth and Naum Gabo, who had moved to St Ives on the outbreak of war. Lanyon received private art tuition from Nicholson. The character of his work changed completely and he became very involved with making constructions. Throughout the 1940s the influence of Nicholson and Gabo remained strongly visible in his work From 1940 to 1945 he served with the Royal Air Force in the Western Desert, Palestine and Italy. In 1946 he married Sheila St John Browne. Six children were born to the couple between 1947 and 1957. Also in 1946 he became an active member of the Crypt Group of Artists, St Ives. During the 1950s he became established as a leading figure in the St. Ives group of artists. Lanyon took up gliding as a pastime and used the resulting experience extensively in his paintings. He died in Taunton, Somerset, as the result of injuries received in a gliding accident and is buried in St. Uny's Church, Lelant. In September 2010 Peter Lanyon's work was honored with a large-scale retrospective exhibition: Peter Lanyon October 9, 2010 -- January 23, 2011 at Tate St Ives. Curated by Chris Stephens, Head of Displays and Curator of Modern British Art at Tate Britain, it was the first thorough museum retrospective for almost forty years. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Music By "Milieu - ghosts in the trees, songs in the breeze"- published: 07 Jan 2014
- views: 2

Abstraction: Post-War Painting from the Collection of David Thomson
Alan Davie, Patrick Heron, Roger Hilton, Peter Lanyon and William Scott feature heavily in...
published: 03 Dec 2013
Abstraction: Post-War Painting from the Collection of David Thomson
Abstraction: Post-War Painting from the Collection of David Thomson
Alan Davie, Patrick Heron, Roger Hilton, Peter Lanyon and William Scott feature heavily in Abstraction, our tightly curated sale taking place on 10 December in London. This video explores the strong links these five British artists had with St Ives, a small Cornish fishing town which became a centre of the artistic avant-garde from the outbreak of the Second World War through to the mid-1960s.- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 68

Peter Lanyon- Beethoven. piano concerto Nº5
Peter Lanyon-1018-1964 Fue un pintor y escultor británico, nacido en Cornualles
Peter L...
published: 30 Oct 2013
Peter Lanyon- Beethoven. piano concerto Nº5
Peter Lanyon- Beethoven. piano concerto Nº5
Peter Lanyon-1018-1964 Fue un pintor y escultor británico, nacido en Cornualles Peter Lanyon es cada vez más reconocido como una de las figuras más importantes e innovadores en el arte británico del siglo XX. Lanyon fue el máximo exponente del expresionismo abstracto en Gran Bretaña en la década de 1950. Junto con sus contemporáneos en América y Europa, desarrolló un nuevo lenguaje para la pintura con su inigualable experimentación formal y técnica. Aunque sus raíces estaban en el constructivismo de Naum Gabo, encontró como rehacer la tradición de la pintura de paisaje, utilizando el paisaje y los sitios para expresar ideas sobre los estados de ánimo y de la condición humana. Estudios y exhibiciones de arte de Lanyon se han centrado a menudo en los lugares y experiencias de las que se dice que derivan sus obras.- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 52

Devon Open Studios Burary artist 20012 Peter Lanyon
Peter combines the techniques and technologies of the fine furniture making with tradition...
published: 05 Jul 2012
author: DevonOpenStudios2011
Devon Open Studios Burary artist 20012 Peter Lanyon
Devon Open Studios Burary artist 20012 Peter Lanyon
Peter combines the techniques and technologies of the fine furniture making with traditional rural skill's creating a new language in furniture which flows w...- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 100
- author: DevonOpenStudios2011

SNUB Rackheath Meeting - Peter Lanyon
This video was taken at SNUB's second public meeting at Rackheath, Norfolk, after the succ...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: Snubcampaign
SNUB Rackheath Meeting - Peter Lanyon
SNUB Rackheath Meeting - Peter Lanyon
This video was taken at SNUB's second public meeting at Rackheath, Norfolk, after the success their first meeting at Salhouse Village Hall on 27th Feb 2010. ...- published: 07 Apr 2010
- views: 194
- author: Snubcampaign

Jorge Lewinski : Retrospective 1
Photographic portraits of artists by Jorge Lewinski from the Jorge Lewinski archive at Cha...
published: 15 Dec 2010
author: JorgeLewinski
Jorge Lewinski : Retrospective 1
Jorge Lewinski : Retrospective 1
Photographic portraits of artists by Jorge Lewinski from the Jorge Lewinski archive at Chatsworth. Includes portraits of Francis Bacon, L.S. Lowry, David Hoc...- published: 15 Dec 2010
- views: 928
- author: JorgeLewinski

Tate St Ives
A short film looking at the influence Porthmeor studios has had on the town of St Ives, wi...
published: 17 Oct 2008
author: bsjwtrust
Tate St Ives
Tate St Ives
A short film looking at the influence Porthmeor studios has had on the town of St Ives, with reference to the artists that have worked there and are exhibite...- published: 17 Oct 2008
- views: 6325
- author: bsjwtrust

Tom Mitchell - Peter Gliding
Cornish painter and glider pilot Peter Lanyon is the inspiration for this laid-back song p...
published: 27 Jan 2011
author: bertweill
Tom Mitchell - Peter Gliding
Tom Mitchell - Peter Gliding
Cornish painter and glider pilot Peter Lanyon is the inspiration for this laid-back song performed by Tom Mitchell (with Gordon Whitelock on percussion and P...- published: 27 Jan 2011
- views: 148
- author: bertweill

Content creation Lab 2 Directions.MOV
Directions to Content Creation Lab 2 in Peter Lanyon building @ UCF. 1st Floor....
published: 09 May 2012
author: ADatFalmouth
Content creation Lab 2 Directions.MOV
Content creation Lab 2 Directions.MOV
Directions to Content Creation Lab 2 in Peter Lanyon building @ UCF. 1st Floor.- published: 09 May 2012
- views: 36
- author: ADatFalmouth

Winning Bursary artists Devon Open Studios 2012
Peter Lanyon -- furniture maker Hilary O'Dwyer -- Conceptual artist Fi Smart -- printmaker...
published: 17 Jun 2012
author: DevonOpenStudios2011
Winning Bursary artists Devon Open Studios 2012
Winning Bursary artists Devon Open Studios 2012
Peter Lanyon -- furniture maker Hilary O'Dwyer -- Conceptual artist Fi Smart -- printmaker west devon.- published: 17 Jun 2012
- views: 50
- author: DevonOpenStudios2011

High Moor - by Hat In Hand
Hat In Hand are Thom Thomas-Watkins (Guitar) & Helen Jenner - (Flute / Bass Flute)
check o...
published: 03 Apr 2014
High Moor - by Hat In Hand
High Moor - by Hat In Hand
Hat In Hand are Thom Thomas-Watkins (Guitar) & Helen Jenner - (Flute / Bass Flute) check our website for more.. http://www.hatinhand.co.uk High Moor was written as part of the Ekphrasis, Echoing Gallery Project with Rachael Boast & Redcliffe Press. It was written in response to the poem " High Moor" by Ralph Pite, which is based in turn on a Peter Lanyon painting of the Same Name which can be seen at Bristol Museum. Live Recording by Thom Thomas-Watkins, Film by Helen Jenner.- published: 03 Apr 2014
- views: 23
Youtube results:

A Lamp Unto My Feet by Walter C. Lanyon
Support New Wellness Living and this 'New Thought Series': wepay.com/donations/NewWellness...
published: 24 Aug 2013
A Lamp Unto My Feet by Walter C. Lanyon
A Lamp Unto My Feet by Walter C. Lanyon
Support New Wellness Living and this 'New Thought Series': wepay.com/donations/NewWellnessLiving- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 87

St Ives School of Painting
Director of the school Roy Ray (1977-2000) gives us an insight into the St Ives School of ...
published: 25 Sep 2008
author: bsjwtrust
St Ives School of Painting
St Ives School of Painting
Director of the school Roy Ray (1977-2000) gives us an insight into the St Ives School of Painting history, the teaching that takes place there still, and wh...- published: 25 Sep 2008
- views: 2307
- author: bsjwtrust

Letterpress by Andrew Lanyon
A film by Andrew Lanyon of Denis and Antony Stevens, letterpress printers, St. Ives, Cornw...
published: 02 Nov 2009
author: andrewlanyon
Letterpress by Andrew Lanyon
Letterpress by Andrew Lanyon
A film by Andrew Lanyon of Denis and Antony Stevens, letterpress printers, St. Ives, Cornwall. Guitar: Chris Brand.- published: 02 Nov 2009
- views: 860
- author: andrewlanyon

PB to Lanyon Covenant
Short video greeting Lanyon Covenant Church for Easter....
published: 24 Apr 2009
author: Wainer Guimaraes
PB to Lanyon Covenant
PB to Lanyon Covenant
Short video greeting Lanyon Covenant Church for Easter.- published: 24 Apr 2009
- views: 181
- author: Wainer Guimaraes