NEGARAKERTAGAMA Sejarah Majapahit mulai digali pada akhir abad sembilan belas berkat usaha...
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: poetrasasak
New & Jiew: Mai Ruk...Mai Taung (EN sub)
Download on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/mi-rak...mi-txng/id566588978?i=56658898...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: grammyinter
Shama'il al-Tirmidhi (Chapter 1) Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi 2/13
Chapter 1 of Shama'il Tirmidhi: Description of the Created Form of the Messenger of Allah ...
published: 30 Mar 2009
Shawl Tutorial by Ardelin Ayu (@adhelisasi)
You just need a Ninjas Headress to covering your neck and Shawl.. You don't need pin, need...
published: 10 May 2011
The importance of seeing the Prophet Muhammad (saw) in your dreams 2/3 - Sheikh Muhammad al Yaqoubi
The importance of seeing the Prophet Muhammad saw in your dreams Sheikh Muhammad al Yaqoub...
published: 01 Apr 2010
author: Maturidi333
Transferring files between iphone and computer by using ifile (mac)
Sometime there are hidden files on your iPhone, or some media file downloaded from safari ...
published: 26 Jan 2012
author: BuAbbaS91
Viva Palestina Part 4 (of 7)
published: 17 Feb 2009
author: fourmanfilms
FEIST - La Meme Histoire - We're all in the dance
Feist - La Meme Histoire / We're all in the dance....
published: 02 Jan 2009
author: anayaaah
Alexandra (original)
http://www.facebook.com/edinabalczo http://www.csybu.com this pice was inspired by the bea...
published: 27 Nov 2007
author: csybu
Taman Prasasti Dutch Cemetery, Jakarta
Background music: "The Grave" by Gothica. I own all the images. Taman Prasasti Museum is a...
published: 08 Jan 2013
author: pisaukaratan
Manila - Wiki Article
Manila is the capital city of the Philippines. It is one of the sixteen cities that compri...
published: 06 Apr 2013
author: SpeaksWiki
[Yet again, no title]
Another no title music video. PS: I do not own the rights to this song....
published: 28 Jan 2010
[No Title Yet]
I know the images in this video are quite random but whatever since it's MY video and it's...
published: 27 Jan 2010
JK untuk Indonesia Jaya
Pesawat TNI jatuh lagi. Kali ini menimpa helikopter TNI-AD. Musibah itu adalah yang sekian...
published: 24 Jun 2009
Youtube results:
Davide Matera: Abacuc (1996)
Musica Davide Matera Video tratto dallo spettacolo teatrale multimediale "Dispersioni" mes...
published: 14 Feb 2010