- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 301

Unseen footage: Russian security forces board Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise
Greenpeace has released footage of the moment special forces of Federal Security Service (...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Unseen footage: Russian security forces board Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise
Unseen footage: Russian security forces board Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise
Greenpeace has released footage of the moment special forces of Federal Security Service (FSB) boarded Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise following a protest against oil drilling in the Arctic. The video shot on September 19 shows a Russian helicopter hovering over the deck. RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 301

Agentes rusos armados abordan barco de Greenpeace
http://www.greenpeace.org.ar Estas son imágenes inéditas del momento en el que las fuerzas...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Agentes rusos armados abordan barco de Greenpeace
Agentes rusos armados abordan barco de Greenpeace
http://www.greenpeace.org.ar Estas son imágenes inéditas del momento en el que las fuerzas de seguridad rusas abordaron en helicóptero el barco de Greenpeace Arctic Sunrise el 19 de septiembre. Allí detuvieron de manera ilegal y a punta de pistola a los tripulantes que realizaban una protesta pacífica para defender el Ártico de la perforación petrolera. Después de mantenerlos bajo custodia armada durante 5 días en el mar fueron trasladados a Rusia. Desde entonces están presos y acusados de delitos que no cometieron. Pedí que liberen a los argentinos Camila, Hernán y a todos los detenidos. Entrá ahora a http://www.greenpeace.org.ar- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 301

Arctic Sunrise assault: Moment of Greenpeace ship boarding by Russian forces - Unseen footage
Greenpeace has just released previously unseen video of the moment on September 19 when th...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Arctic Sunrise assault: Moment of Greenpeace ship boarding by Russian forces - Unseen footage
Arctic Sunrise assault: Moment of Greenpeace ship boarding by Russian forces - Unseen footage
Greenpeace has just released previously unseen video of the moment on September 19 when the campaign group's ship Arctic Sunrise was boarded and seized by Russian naval forces.- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 244

Protestaktion von Greenpeace an der Sagrada Familia
Kletterer haben sich an der Sagrada Familia in Barcelona abgeseilt, um für eine Freilassun...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Protestaktion von Greenpeace an der Sagrada Familia
Protestaktion von Greenpeace an der Sagrada Familia
Kletterer haben sich an der Sagrada Familia in Barcelona abgeseilt, um für eine Freilassung der in... euronews, der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender in Europa. Abonnieren Sie die täglich neue Auswahl internationaler Nachrichten: http://eurone.ws/ZdYLxf Euronews gibt es in 13 Sprachen :http://eurone.ws/ZcsZh5 http://de.euronews.com/2013/11/08/protestaktion-von-greenpeace-an-der-sagrada-familia Kletterer haben sich an der Sagrada Familia in Barcelona abgeseilt, um für eine Freilassung der in Russland inhaftierten Greenpeace-Aktivisten zu demonstrieren. Sie entrollten Plakate mit der Aufschrift "Freiheit für die Aktivisten" in Englisch, Spanisch und Katalanisch. Die Aktion dauerte drei Stunden. Greenpeace veröffentlichte neue Bilder, die zeigen sollen, wie die russische Küstenwache am 19. September das Schiff "Arctic Sunrise" enterte. Die Organisation will damit nach eigenen Angaben beweisen, dass die Besatzung keinen Widerstand geleistet habe. bleiben sie bei uns : YouTube: http://bit.ly/z5WTvy Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewsde- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 1

Armed Russian officers raid Greenpeace ship - new footage revealed
New video footage released by Greenpeace shows the Russian raid on their Arctic Sunrise sh...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Armed Russian officers raid Greenpeace ship - new footage revealed
Armed Russian officers raid Greenpeace ship - new footage revealed
New video footage released by Greenpeace shows the Russian raid on their Arctic Sunrise ship in September, where activists were herded at gunpoint. Report by Charlotte Cross.- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 88

Greenpeace - Inspiring Action
http://www.greenpeace.org This fragile Earth needs action. It needs you. Music by Hecq. Ad...
published: 21 Apr 2009
author: GreenpeaceVideo
Greenpeace - Inspiring Action
Greenpeace - Inspiring Action
http://www.greenpeace.org This fragile Earth needs action. It needs you. Music by Hecq. Additional images from NASA and ESA/Hubble.- published: 21 Apr 2009
- views: 1371001
- author: GreenpeaceVideo

Vidéo inédite: Greenpeace filme l'assaut des forces navales russes à bord de l'Arctic Sunrise
Ce document datant du 19 septembre 2013 nous provient de l'organisation Greenpeace: Cette ...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Vidéo inédite: Greenpeace filme l'assaut des forces navales russes à bord de l'Arctic Sunrise
Vidéo inédite: Greenpeace filme l'assaut des forces navales russes à bord de l'Arctic Sunrise
Ce document datant du 19 septembre 2013 nous provient de l'organisation Greenpeace: Cette vidéo témoigne d'une arrestation musclée de la part des autorités russes à bord de l'Arctic Sunrise le navire de campagne de l' ONG. Retrouvez nous sur : Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronewsfr- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 407

Tutuklu Greenpeace üyelerine Barselona'dan destek
İspanya'nın Barselona kentinin simge yapılarından La Sagrada Familia Bazilikası'na tırmana...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Tutuklu Greenpeace üyelerine Barselona'dan destek
Tutuklu Greenpeace üyelerine Barselona'dan destek
İspanya'nın Barselona kentinin simge yapılarından La Sagrada Familia Bazilikası'na tırmanan... Euronews, Avrupa'nin en çok izlenen haber kanali Önemli haberlerin yeraldigi günlük haber paketine abone olun: http://eurone.ws/ZQSgwj Euronews, 13 dilde yayin yapiyor: http://eurone.ws/12T6Zep http://tr.euronews.com/2013/11/08/tutuklu-greenpeace-uyelerine-barselona-dan-destek İspanya'nın Barselona kentinin simge yapılarından La Sagrada Familia Bazilikası'na tırmanan Greenpeace üyeleri, Rusya'da gözaltında tutulan aktivistlerin serbest bırakılmasını istedi. Greenpeace üyeleri, bazilikaya tırmandıktan sonra Rusya'da 50 gün önce gözaltına alınan aktivistlerin posterini açtı. Olay yerine gelen İspanyol polisi aktivistlerin bazilikadan düşme ihtimaline karşı yere dev bir platform kurdu. Sabah saatlerinde bazilikanın içine giren bazı Greenpeace üyeleri polis tarafından gözaltına alınmıştı. 30 Greenpeace üyesi Rusya'nın Kuzey Buz Denizi'ndeki sondaj faaliyetlerini protesto etmek için petrol platformuna tırmanmak isterken gözaltına alınmıştı. Bizi izlemeye devam edin: YouTube: http://bit.ly/wbx4iT Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.tr Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews_tr- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 0

Greenpeace climb Barcelona's Sagradia Familia in Arctic Sunrise protest
Greenpeace activists have scaled the heights of Barcelona's famous ==Sagradia Familia == c...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Greenpeace climb Barcelona's Sagradia Familia in Arctic Sunrise protest
Greenpeace climb Barcelona's Sagradia Familia in Arctic Sunrise protest
Greenpeace activists have scaled the heights of Barcelona's famous ==Sagradia Familia == cathedral... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a Euronews is available in 13 other languages: http://eurone.ws/17moBCU http://www.euronews.com/2013/11/08/greenpeace-climb-barcelona-s-sagradia-familia-in-arctic-sunrise-protest Greenpeace activists have scaled the heights of Barcelona's famous ==Sagradia Familia == cathedral to demand the release of 30 colleagues detained in Russia. Several members, suspended on ropes, unfurled pictures of their fellow-campaigners on the 50th day since their arrest. In a similarly eye-catching move the group has released video of what appears to be Russian naval forces seizing its ship the Arctic Sunrise in international waters. The vessel, which had been used in a protest against Russia's first offshore Arctic oil rig, was towed to the port of Murmansk. Russian investigators initially charged all 30 with piracy but said last month they were changing the charge to hooliganism. Greenpeace says its actions were entirely peaceful. Find us on: Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 36

Al Jazeera World - Greenpeace: From hippies to lobbyists
Its epic battles are legendary. Its influence is undeniable. And it is hard to imagine tha...
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Al Jazeera World - Greenpeace: From hippies to lobbyists
Al Jazeera World - Greenpeace: From hippies to lobbyists
Its epic battles are legendary. Its influence is undeniable. And it is hard to imagine that, in 1971, it took just a handful of individuals who were strongly...- published: 20 Jun 2012
- views: 7553
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish

Ativistas do Greenpeace fazem protesto em Barcelona
A prisão de 28 ativistas do Greenpeace e dois jornalistas, na Rússia, foi o motivo de um p...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Ativistas do Greenpeace fazem protesto em Barcelona
Ativistas do Greenpeace fazem protesto em Barcelona
A prisão de 28 ativistas do Greenpeace e dois jornalistas, na Rússia, foi o motivo de um protesto... euronews, a rede de notícias internacionais de maior audiência na Europa. Inscreva-se e receba a sua dose diária de notícias internacionais selecionadas e analisadas para si:http://eurone.ws/10U1VGu A euronews está também disponível em 13 outras línguas: http://eurone.ws/Z37vX4 http://pt.euronews.com/2013/11/08/ativistas-do-greenpeace-fazem-protesto-em-barcelona A prisão de 28 ativistas do Greenpeace e dois jornalistas, na Rússia, foi o motivo de um protesto na igreja da Sagrada Família, em Barcelona. A obra inacabada de Gaudí é o símbolo da cidade catalã. Com este protesto, o Greenpeace quis recolher um máximo de atenção mediática. Dez membros da associação ecologista treparam a fachada da igreja, onde colocaram cartazes e fotos dos elementos presos na Rússia. Foram, entretantom divulgadas pela primeira vez as imagens do momento em que as 30 pessoas foram detidas pelas autoridades russas, a bordo de um navio no Ártico. O grupo, conhecido como "Arctic 30", continua preso. Vários elementos foram formalmente acusados de crimes como pirataria ou posse de droga. Sigam-nos: No YouTube: http://bit.ly/zYBTAR No Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans No Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewspt- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 45

Greenpeace en Accion
Un video que llama a la conciencia de cada uno, la importancia que tiene nuestro planeta T...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: Juan Luna
Greenpeace en Accion
Greenpeace en Accion
Un video que llama a la conciencia de cada uno, la importancia que tiene nuestro planeta Tierra, y como estas maravillosas personas lo ayudan. DONA AHORA A G...- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 4029
- author: Juan Luna

Greenpeace gegen Gazprom-Öl: Verhaftungen auf "Arctic Sunrise" - Amateur-Video
Greenpeace hat erstmals Bilder veröffentlicht die die Stürmung
Am 19. September hatten ru...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Greenpeace gegen Gazprom-Öl: Verhaftungen auf "Arctic Sunrise" - Amateur-Video
Greenpeace gegen Gazprom-Öl: Verhaftungen auf "Arctic Sunrise" - Amateur-Video
Greenpeace hat erstmals Bilder veröffentlicht die die Stürmung Am 19. September hatten russische Behörden die unter niederländischer Flagge fahrende «Arctic Sunrise» im Nordpolarmeer beschlagnahmt und nach Murmansk geschleppt. Die Aktivisten der Umweltorganisation waren zuvor zu einer Plattform des russischen Energiekonzerns Gazprom gelangt, an der sie mit Transparenten gegen Ölförderung in der Arktis protestieren wollten. Derzeit verhandelt der Internationale Seegerichtshof in Hamburg den Fall. Euronews, der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender in Europa. Abonnieren Sie die täglich neue Auswahl internationaler Nachrichten: http://eurone.ws/ZdYLxf Euronews gibt es in 13 Sprachen :http://eurone.ws/ZcsZh5 Bleiben Sie bei uns: YouTube: http://bit.ly/z5WTvy Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewsde- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 47

Behind the scenes of Greenpeace's Gazprom protest
In August, six Greenpeace campaigners boarded a Russian offshore platform in protest again...
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: GreenpeaceVideo
Behind the scenes of Greenpeace's Gazprom protest
Behind the scenes of Greenpeace's Gazprom protest
In August, six Greenpeace campaigners boarded a Russian offshore platform in protest against plans to drill for oil in the Arctic. This film shows how Greenp...- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 7455
- author: GreenpeaceVideo
Youtube results:

Una decena de activistas de Greenpeace se han colgado esta mañana de las torres de la fach...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Una decena de activistas de Greenpeace se han colgado esta mañana de las torres de la fachada del Nacimiento de la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona para exigir la libertad de los tripulantes del barco de la organización 'Arctic Sunrise' que permanecen detenidos desde hace varias semanas en Rusia. Los activistas han desplegado en la fachada principal de la basílica de Gaudí pancartas con la palabra "Libertad" escrita en castellano, catalán e inglés, acompañadas por fotografías de los miembros de Greenpeace detenidos en Rusia el pasado mes de septiembre. Una portavoz de la organización ecologista ha explicado que la acción, que durará unas pocas horas, pretende dar a conocer al mundo la situación de detención de los 28 activistas de Greenpeace, un cámara y una periodista que iban a bordo del barco de la organización. La tripulación del rompehielos de Greenpeace 'Arctic Sunrise' fue arrestada por un guardacostas ruso cuando protestaba en una plataforma petrolífera en el mar de Pechora, en el Ártico, de la empresa Gazprom, a la que acusan de poner en peligro el ecosistema del Ártico. El tribunal Léninski de Múrmansk los acusa de piratería al intentar encadenarse a la plataforma petrolífera "Prirazlómnaya" de la empresa de energía rusa Gazprom y les mantiene encarcelados en Siberia, según ha informado Greenpeace. La organización ecologista ha escogido el templo de la Sagrada Familia para llevar a cabo su reivindicación "porque es un símbolo y un icono" para que tenga la máxima repercusión mundial. Varias dotaciones de los Bomberos de Barcelona y numerosas patrullas de la policía han llegado al lugar y han acordonado la zona.- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 30

Greenpeace activists attempt to scale Russian oil rig
Greenpeace activists attempt to scale Russian oil rig
Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: http...
published: 20 Sep 2013
Greenpeace activists attempt to scale Russian oil rig
Greenpeace activists attempt to scale Russian oil rig
Greenpeace activists attempt to scale Russian oil rig Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: http://bitly.com/UvkFpD Members of Greenpeace attempt to climb onto the Gazprom oil platform to protest against drilling in the Arctic. A protester is blasted with water as he tries to scale the rig. Later Russian authorities request over the radio that the activists stop and informs them they are suspected of 'terrorism'. The Russian coastguard can be seen circling the Greenpeace ship- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 311

Greenpeace boat flipped by Gazprom
Greenpeace International activists continued their peaceful protest against Gazprom's Arct...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: greenpeaceupdate
Greenpeace boat flipped by Gazprom
Greenpeace boat flipped by Gazprom
Greenpeace International activists continued their peaceful protest against Gazprom's Arctic drilling platform Prirazlomnaya into a fifth day. Two activists ...- published: 28 Aug 2012
- views: 29547
- author: greenpeaceupdate