
Travellers Vs Colliers
Filmed at Appleby Horse fair 2007....
published: 31 Aug 2009
author: offtherailscumbria
Travellers Vs Colliers
Travellers Vs Colliers
Filmed at Appleby Horse fair 2007.- published: 31 Aug 2009
- views: 32794
- author: offtherailscumbria

SHELTA .musique Irlandaise
Shelta en concert ( extrait ) Fête de l ' accordéon . Luzy . France . Eté 2012 .Document M...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: Philippe Wulgue
SHELTA .musique Irlandaise
SHELTA .musique Irlandaise
Shelta en concert ( extrait ) Fête de l ' accordéon . Luzy . France . Eté 2012 .Document Morvan Production . Tous droits réservés . Retrouvez Shelta sur cett...- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 11429
- author: Philippe Wulgue

2011 St Patrick Shelta
Pour en savoir plus sur cette vidéo, rendez vous sur www.cancoillottefolk.com/Actualité/20...
published: 15 Mar 2011
author: cancoillottefolk
2011 St Patrick Shelta
2011 St Patrick Shelta
Pour en savoir plus sur cette vidéo, rendez vous sur www.cancoillottefolk.com/Actualité/2011 Le Collectif folk fête la Saint Patrick.- published: 15 Mar 2011
- views: 2095
- author: cancoillottefolk

Shelta & Hot Griselda, St Patrick 2012
Shelta et Hot Griselda se rencontrent dans les coulisses du bal de la St Patrick organisé ...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: NicoLyon1304
Shelta & Hot Griselda, St Patrick 2012
Shelta & Hot Griselda, St Patrick 2012
Shelta et Hot Griselda se rencontrent dans les coulisses du bal de la St Patrick organisé par l'association Baldebo, à Vierzon... :)- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 793
- author: NicoLyon1304

Le groupe SHELTA en live au MONT SAINT VINCENT (SAÔNE ET LOIRE) le samedi 23 juin 2012. SE...
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: Vivien BERNARD
Le groupe SHELTA en live au MONT SAINT VINCENT (SAÔNE ET LOIRE) le samedi 23 juin 2012. SERLEY DIRECT RADIO www.serleydirectradio.fr.gd.- published: 24 Jun 2012
- views: 1404
- author: Vivien BERNARD

Roffe Ruff - Andra Långdagen (exklusivt på Shelta)
Åkaj åkaaaj, saken är som denna. Vi på Shelta (http://shelta.se) frågade Majornas stolthet...
published: 17 Feb 2011
author: Shelta4life
Roffe Ruff - Andra Långdagen (exklusivt på Shelta)
Roffe Ruff - Andra Långdagen (exklusivt på Shelta)
Åkaj åkaaaj, saken är som denna. Vi på Shelta (http://shelta.se) frågade Majornas stolthet Roffe Ruff om han ville göra ett Shelta-anthem till oss som vi kan...- published: 17 Feb 2011
- views: 26956
- author: Shelta4life

Swarms - Shelta
http://swarmsuk.bandcamp.com/ http://www.facebook.com/Swarmsfanpage....
published: 28 Apr 2011
author: petercooper100
Swarms - Shelta
Swarms - Shelta
http://swarmsuk.bandcamp.com/ http://www.facebook.com/Swarmsfanpage.- published: 28 Apr 2011
- views: 3643
- author: petercooper100

Desaunay Shelta Irish music
Lisez les infos Tarantelle Serge Desaunay Infos . Merci . Partagez le clip ....
published: 30 Jan 2013
author: Philippe Wulgue
Desaunay Shelta Irish music
Desaunay Shelta Irish music
Lisez les infos Tarantelle Serge Desaunay Infos . Merci . Partagez le clip .- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 91
- author: Philippe Wulgue

Bomb Shelta Association - Rebirth - 02 - The Rebirth
Artist: Shylow Album: Bomb Shelta Association - "Rebirth" - (1997) Title: The Rebirth Writ...
published: 29 Aug 2010
author: BombSheltaRadio
Bomb Shelta Association - Rebirth - 02 - The Rebirth
Bomb Shelta Association - Rebirth - 02 - The Rebirth
Artist: Shylow Album: Bomb Shelta Association - "Rebirth" - (1997) Title: The Rebirth Written and performed by Shylow. Produced by FEAR. http://www.myspace.c...- published: 29 Aug 2010
- views: 685
- author: BombSheltaRadio

Shelta Flares - Baby Dynamite Trailer
Trailer zum Debut Album "Baby Dynamite" der Wiler Rockband Shelta Flares. Plattentaufe am ...
published: 05 Oct 2009
author: acklin83
Shelta Flares - Baby Dynamite Trailer
Shelta Flares - Baby Dynamite Trailer
Trailer zum Debut Album "Baby Dynamite" der Wiler Rockband Shelta Flares. Plattentaufe am 27. November 2009 im Gare de Lion (ex Remise) Wil SG.- published: 05 Oct 2009
- views: 1315
- author: acklin83

Bomb Shelta Association - Rebirth - 18 - Seven Deadly Ciphers
Artist: Bomb Shelta Association Album: Bomb Shelta Association - "Rebirth" - (1997) Title:...
published: 29 Aug 2010
author: BombSheltaRadio
Bomb Shelta Association - Rebirth - 18 - Seven Deadly Ciphers
Bomb Shelta Association - Rebirth - 18 - Seven Deadly Ciphers
Artist: Bomb Shelta Association Album: Bomb Shelta Association - "Rebirth" - (1997) Title: Seven Deadly Ciphers Written and performed by Shylow, Silent, Meli...- published: 29 Aug 2010
- views: 729
- author: BombSheltaRadio
Youtube results:

Deela - Shelta Blues (2011)
"Shelta Blues" by Deela, from the album "Etnies & Switchstance Recordings Anniversary Comp...
published: 05 Dec 2011
author: jfghjfkfjk
Deela - Shelta Blues (2011)
Deela - Shelta Blues (2011)
"Shelta Blues" by Deela, from the album "Etnies & Switchstance Recordings Anniversary Compilation" released in 2011. More information and free download: http...- published: 05 Dec 2011
- views: 742
- author: jfghjfkfjk

SHELTA Tech Talk
Discover the technical side of the SHELTA and learn a hint or two on how to use it wisely!...
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: Brainshellsolutions
SHELTA Tech Talk
SHELTA Tech Talk
Discover the technical side of the SHELTA and learn a hint or two on how to use it wisely! Découvrez l'aspect technique du SHELTA et apprenez comment s'en se...- published: 10 Aug 2010
- views: 620
- author: Brainshellsolutions

LBCI News - LBCBlogs- Metel Ma Shelta Campaign -
أطلق 3 طلاب من قسم الـGraphic Design في الجامعة الاميركية حملة شبابية لحث اللبنانيين على ا...
published: 29 Jan 2012
author: lbcgroup
LBCI News - LBCBlogs- Metel Ma Shelta Campaign -
LBCI News - LBCBlogs- Metel Ma Shelta Campaign -
أطلق 3 طلاب من قسم الـGraphic Design في الجامعة الاميركية حملة شبابية لحث اللبنانيين على الحفاظ على نظافة بلدهم ، باعتبار أن 10 الاف ليرة لبنانية على الرصيف ...- published: 29 Jan 2012
- views: 1144
- author: lbcgroup