On Oaxacan repression and... well, Oaxaca AND 132

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On Oaxacan repression and... well, Oaxaca AND 132

1. rumor says Enrique Peña Nieto is visiting Oaxaca on these days. Following the PRI tradition, a series of vendettas are taking place... some of us know the case of David venegas and Efren hernandez, former member of APPO and Vocal.

but also there s the case of the repression in the zone of the isthmus, where a communitarian radio was shut down and their communicators beaten and incarcerated.

See http://sexta-azcapotzalco.blogspot.mx/2013/04/juchitan-oaxaca-pronunciam...

2. Hope to hear from VOCAL soon, finally. They seemed to be under the idea i could assume the role of telling you, comrades of this site, their thoughts and positions of things. I explained again they needed to have a delegate. Or not.

3.Also, a wave of students protests started since early this year... OSL and FDcA accompanied some of them, and thanx again for that. The recent event took place at a bach at the university, the problem there is that the reformist assembly of the selfnamed 132 movement at this school -ENP num 6- sent a series accusations against the studenst (mostly 14 to 17 year old anarchists) condemming the events. I just wanted to alert about the position this "citizen movement" is taking.

So far so long, to those who are interested
