1 min 9 sec

1941 SPORTS: FRANK KOVACS VS. DON BUDGE, http://www.myfootage.com/details.php?gid=44&sgid;=...
published: 23 Feb 2014
1941 SPORTS: FRANK KOVACS VS. DON BUDGE, http://www.myfootage.com/details.php?gid=44&sgid;=&pid;=8037- published: 23 Feb 2014
1 min 7 sec

Stock Footage Newsreel - Tennis Champions in Title Match 1942
Tennis Champions in Title Match, Don...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Stock Footage Newsreel - Tennis Champions in Title Match 1942
Stock Footage Newsreel - Tennis Champions in Title Match 1942
http://buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_mnr_003.html Tennis Champions in Title Match, Don Budge Beats Bobby Riggs At Forest Hills, Long Island for the National Professional Tennis Championship in this 1940's stock footage newsreel video clip. Buyout Footage is a leading supplier of public domain and royalty free stock footage for filmmakers, broadcasters, advertising agencies, multi-media and production companies worldwide. Historical Footage in True HD.- published: 23 Feb 2014
1 min 34 sec

1937 Von Cramm/Henkel vs. Budge/Mako - National Doubles tournament - Vintage Tennis
Gottfried von Cramm and Henner Henkel playing Don Budge and Gene Mako in the finals of the...
published: 23 Feb 2014
1937 Von Cramm/Henkel vs. Budge/Mako - National Doubles tournament - Vintage Tennis
1937 Von Cramm/Henkel vs. Budge/Mako - National Doubles tournament - Vintage Tennis
Gottfried von Cramm and Henner Henkel playing Don Budge and Gene Mako in the finals of the National Doubles tournament at Longwood, Chestnut Hill, Mass., in 1937. Vintage tennis A Terrible Splendor- published: 23 Feb 2014
4 min 59 sec

History of the French Open 1928-2001 (1/3)
Featuring Cochet, Tilden, Borotra, Lacoste, Boussus, Crawford, Von Cramm, Budge, Menzel, D...
published: 23 Feb 2014
History of the French Open 1928-2001 (1/3)
History of the French Open 1928-2001 (1/3)
Featuring Cochet, Tilden, Borotra, Lacoste, Boussus, Crawford, Von Cramm, Budge, Menzel, Destremeau, Petra, Bernard, Drobny, Parker, Patty, Sedgman, Rosewall, Seixas- published: 23 Feb 2014
10 min 4 sec

Vilas, Noah, Budge and Ashe
Behind the scenes at one of the finer matches of Roland Garros in 1981.
From William Klei...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Vilas, Noah, Budge and Ashe
Vilas, Noah, Budge and Ashe
Behind the scenes at one of the finer matches of Roland Garros in 1981. From William Klein's "The French" (1982)- published: 23 Feb 2014
1 min 5 sec

Doubles Bill Tilden and Billy Richards vs Donald Budge and Fred Perry 1940 - Vintage Tennis
Miami Beach, Florida, United States of America (USA).
Professional tennis match between '...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Doubles Bill Tilden and Billy Richards vs Donald Budge and Fred Perry 1940 - Vintage Tennis
Doubles Bill Tilden and Billy Richards vs Donald Budge and Fred Perry 1940 - Vintage Tennis
Miami Beach, Florida, United States of America (USA). Professional tennis match between 'Big' Bill Tilden and Billy Richards against Donald Budge and Fred Perry in the Mens Doubles. Budge and Perry win in straight sets.- published: 23 Feb 2014
3 min 36 sec

Don Budge Eborn
Don Budge Eborn 1953-2012
Don spent his career with Madison County Fire and Emergency Ser...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Don Budge Eborn
Don Budge Eborn
Don Budge Eborn 1953-2012 Don spent his career with Madison County Fire and Emergency Services, working as an EMT and paramedic before returning to school to get his nursing degree. He then spent the next 20 years splitting his time between the ambulance and the emergency room at Madison Memorial Hospital. Don's easygoing manner and composure under pressure helped his patients and co-workers to feel calm in emergencies. After 33 years with the ambulance service, Don finally retired, giving him even more time to pursue his passions for all things outdoors. http://www.fdmadison.org/ http://www.mfdpipebrigade.org/ Music courtesy "The King's Own Scottish Borderers Military Band - Amazing Grace." -copyright infringement not intended. Photos: © Harris Photography, 2012.- published: 23 Feb 2014
2 min 1 sec

Man, WTF seriously - and this ain't even in Richmond (Though it IS going into Richmond)
published: 23 Feb 2014
Man, WTF seriously - and this ain't even in Richmond (Though it IS going into Richmond) Don't you just hate people who budge in line whereas you and a bunch of others have been waiting patiently for 45+ minutes? The main event to this video is near the last 20 seconds of the video.- published: 23 Feb 2014
Vimeo results:

Infinite While it Lasts
Visit this campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/infinite-while-it-lasts
Infinite W...
published: 28 Oct 2013
author: Andressa Furletti
Infinite While it Lasts
Visit this campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/infinite-while-it-lasts
Infinite While it Lasts is a physical theatre play inspired by the works and life of the acclaimed Brazilian poet and composer Vinicius de Moraes in honor of his centennial. It is a site specific production taking place in a NYC loft. The audience will lounge around enjoying typical Brazilian food and drinks while surrounded by poetry, dance and live music in a style reminiscent of a bohemian Brazil. Performed in Portuguese with English supertitles, Infinite While it Lasts is an immersion into the life and love through Vinicius' eyes. Vinicius is well known for being a catalyst for the bossa nova and composing the majority of the genre's iconic hits such as Girl from Ipanema, No More Blues (Chega de Saudade) and many others.
Vinicius de Moraes
Still don't know who is Vinicius de Moraes? He wrote the original lyrics of Girl of Ipanema, Happiness (A Felicidade), No More Blues (Chega de Saudade) and many others. Want more? The movie Black Orpheus,an adaptation of his play Orfeu da Conceição, won the Palme D'or (1959), the Golden Globe (1960) and theAcademy Award for Best Foreign Film (1960). Want even more? He wrote over 450 poems, 300 songs and lived a true poet’s life of travel, adventure and love. We can't wait to share his art and stories with you!
Why we want to do this show
Vinicius has touched so many people's hearts with his poetry almost entirely dedicated to love. Love for his family, love for his friends, love for his partners, love for his lovers, love for art, love for life, LOVE. He was a man that lived fully and had his doors and heart wide open at all the times. He chose to face his fears and to be true to himself and his feelings in every moment of his life. We feel very inspired by his life, personality and his work. With no shadow of doubt we have become more open give and receive love since we started working on this show. We can't wait to share this great feeling.
Why we need your help
We're a team of very passionate, innovative, highly skilled and professional people. Nobody is doing this work for the money, nobody is getting paid the amount they really deserve. We're a young company we need to keep our budged low but we don't want our artists to work for free. We respect and value their time, effort and love for this project so it is the number one rule of Group .BR to be able to pay our fellow artists. The money raised in this campaign will help to make this possible. If you think art and artists deserve to be compensated for their transforming role in society, please consider making a donation!
Check our amazing perks!
We have a team of some great believers and we received donations from some great companies to make your donation great for you as well. Love is about exchange, isn't it? So check it out our perks!
We will thank all supporters on our Facebook page and website! If you make your donation soon enough we'll thank you on the program as well. But if you want to keep your love to us anonymous, no problem. It will be our secret!
Group .BR, New York's only Brazilian theater company, brings the Brazilian performing arts, beyond its frontiers. The group will use physical and avant-garde theater to present some of the most remarkable Brazilian artists’ work to the New York scene. The group also aims to disseminate the sound of the Brazilian language by performing plays in Portuguese, with English subtitles. This is a great opportunity for the international public to get to know and appreciate Brazil's culture.
Website: www.group.br.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Group.br
Instagram: groupdotbr

A young filmmaker uses his camera to transform the banality of his hometown into art. When...
published: 10 Feb 2013
author: Tony Oswald
A young filmmaker uses his camera to transform the banality of his hometown into art. When a friend goes missing, however, his footage exposes a disturbing mystery … one he might be inventing.
Kentucker Audley of NoBudgeFilms.com says:
"There’s a distinct vibe at work: stilted performances, deliberate pace, formal construction. . . . Excellent lead performances carry the film effortlessly. I knew nothing about the filmmakers but was drawn in & ultimately impressed."
Craig Keller of the No Budge Newsletter, Cinemasparagus and Masters of Cinema says:
". . . plot elements of Antonioni . . . evocations of Lynch-esque sound design and characterization . . . mannerist model-performance style like in Bresson . . . . This young-adult-art-film might have been titled THE OUTSIDERS if not for that fact that the teen protagonists are so circumscribed by images, their fate predetermined by the perfunctory mystery genre: the frames of images, frames as pens of liberty and volition, frames of spectacles ultimately blood-spattered when seeing is too much and not enough."
Don Simpson of Smells Like Screen Spirit says:
"FRAMES is a film that immerses itself fully into the falseness of cinema, as Colvin plays with the notion of performance and the cinematic representations of reality. . . . Of course, this means that the audience must acclimate to the cold and calculated tone of the film; otherwise, FRAMES could be totally misconstrued as a horrible film. Hopefully the audience will recognize the true genius of FRAMES, which is how Colvin uses Peter’s idiosyncratic approach to filmmaking to deconstruct his own production."
Amy R. Handler of Film Threat says:
"FRAMES is a movie that should definitely be seen more than once, much like the works of Godard and Antonioni. It should also not be the least surprising if this strange little shocker achieves cult classic status, as each viewer sets out to discover the film’s Holy Grail."
Jay Sizemore of The Missing Slate says:
"Prepare to be manipulated and challenged by a film in ways unlike any you may have experienced while watching one. . . . [FRAMES] is a multi-layered, complex film, and it might be difficult for some viewers, but it is worth the challenge, like any difficult puzzle, to see the entire work of art once it is all put together."
James Hansen of Out 1 Film Journal says:
"Over the course of the film, Frames quietly inflates its parameters, expanding from a smart, eclectic, yet openly reference-heavy pastiche pivoting around flattened affect, emotiveless emotion, and apathetic mystery before shifting towards a somewhat brooding, deliberately paced, atmospheric vision of contemporary horror."
Tip if you like and head over to www.sabbatical-mossgarden.com to find out more about Brandon's next project Sabbatical!

Ani DiFranco - Buildings and Bridges
Buildings and bridges
are made to bend in the wind
to withstand the world,
that's what it ...
published: 06 Jun 2010
author: Counselor Troi
Ani DiFranco - Buildings and Bridges
Buildings and bridges
are made to bend in the wind
to withstand the world,
that's what it takes
All that steel and stone
is no match for the air, my friend
what doesn't bend breaks
what doesn't bend breaks
we are made to bleed
and scab and heal and bleed again
and turn every scar into a joke
we are made to fight
and fuck and talk and fight again
and sit around and laugh until we choke
sit around and laugh until we choke
I don't know who you were expecting
probably some bitch who does not budge
with eyes the size of snow
I may get pissed off sometimes
but you seem like the type to hold a grudge
and in the end, I just let go...
Buildings and bridges
are made to bend in the wind
to withstand the world,
that's what it takes
All that steel and stone
is no match for the air, my friend
what doesn't bend breaks
what doesn't bend breaks

Bad weather currently unavailable
Just a happy couple from Berlin spending some quality time on a low budged. The goal of th...
published: 11 Jul 2013
author: Treibgold
Bad weather currently unavailable
Just a happy couple from Berlin spending some quality time on a low budged. The goal of this ten day holiday was to go figure out, what sailing (and living on a sailboat) actually feels like. And having never before set foot onto a sailboat, that's just what we did. Next time we'll try to set the cam up even when the weather gets ugly. This time we were just too busy holding fast.
Thanks to Helmut and the "EOS" (44ft Ketch) for having us aboard, thanks to Vale for the GoPro.
And most of all: Thanks to the wind and the water. We'll be coming back soon. That's a promise.
This video is CC-BY-NC-SA, just because (see creativecommons.org).
Sound Credits
Hawaiian Guitar
Scratch Sound
ZeSoundResearchInc., Vinyl Backspin and Beat Scratch.wav