Strasbourg Court supports Spanish anti-eviction movement (PAH)

via Globalpost European day of action for housing rights A last minute decision by the [...]

PAH Strasbourg Court1

NOT OUR DEBT! Global Week of Action

NOT OUR DEBT! It was held until this Tuesday, from October 8 to 15 Debt [...]

Spanish emigrants around the world: UNITE!

#MareaGranate October 12 is Hispanic Day or National Day (also Spain’s Day of the Armed [...]

Marea granate2

Frontex : Controlling or Saving Lives?

via Frontexit Six days after the “tragedy of Lampedusa”, while the search for the shipwrecked [...]


ŽIVÉ MĚSTO (The City Alive) Prague

Festival ŽIVÉ MĚSTO Young people that live, study or just spend their time in Prague [...]

Zive Mesto

Protests in Spain against gas storage plant after quakes

via Thousands of Spaniards on Sunday protested the presence of an underground gas storage plant [...]

Castellon gas

A crisis of presence: the war on Greek cities

Amygdaleza detention camp. Rebecca Harms. Some rights reserved. [via] by Antonis Vradis, 29 July 2013 [...]
