The Uninvited is a 2009 American remake of the 2003 South Korean horror film A Tale of Two Sisters. It is unrelated to another 2003 Korean horror film and a 1944 American film, both of which have the same name.
Anna (Emily Browning) has been in a psychiatric institution for ten months, following her suicide attempt after her terminally-ill mother died in a boathouse fire. Now she is being discharged and has no memory of the actual fire, although she is frequently plagued by nightmares from the night. While packing, Anna is startled by a talkative patient who asks, "Now who will I tell my stories to?". Shortly after, she leaves with her father, Steven (David Strathairn).
At home, Anna reunites with her sister, Alex (Arielle Kebbel). The sisters are very close, and they are united against Steven's girlfriend Rachel (Elizabeth Banks), who had been their mother's live-in nurse. Alex criticizes Steven for sleeping with Rachel while the girls' mother was still alive, but her comments fall on deaf ears. Anna describes to Alex how scenes from her dreams have started happening while she is awake. The sisters become convinced that the dreams and hallucinations are messages from their mother, telling them that she had been murdered by Rachel.