A Day in the Life of an LSE Student
Speaker(s): Cleo Pearson Recorded on 2 May 2013. Third year Geography student Cleo Pearson...
published: 02 May 2013
author: lsewebsite
LSE Campus Tour
An LSE alum takes you on a guided tour of the campus....
published: 10 Jan 2013
author: lsewebsite
Why study at LSE
LSE students and staff explain why prospective undergraduate and graduate students should ...
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: lsewebsite
The LSE Problem Part I
The first part consists of the big LSE problem of taking on students who are only interest...
published: 22 Feb 2011
author: Abhishake90
Introduction to Economics, LSE Kick Off Day 2011
Professor Amos Witztum provides an introduction to economics at the LSE Kick Off Day for s...
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: UniofLondon
HECHO CON TUS SUEÑOS LSE Alumnos de 6ºInfantil del Colexio Atlántida
published: 10 Jun 2013
LSE Freshers' Fair 2012
A quick look at the LSE Freshers' Fair 2012 and just a couple of some of the amazing socie...
published: 08 Oct 2012
Attributes of LSE students
The educational experience at the London School of Economics greatly extends the depth and...
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: lsewebsite
Why is the European Left Losing Elections?
Speaker: David Miliband MP Chair: Tony Wright This event was recorded on 8 March 2011 in O...
published: 09 Mar 2011
author: lsewebsite
Get to know LSE's Director
In this short film Professor Craig Calhoun talks about his academic career and intellectua...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: lsewebsite
LSE Graduation 2013
Students share with us their memories of the past three years at LSE....
published: 17 Jul 2013
author: lsesu
Studying at LSE
Wanda shares her top tips about studying at LSE and gives you some insight into what it's ...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: lsesu
Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: the difference and why it matters
Speaker(s): Professor Richard Rumelt Chair: Professor Gordon Barrass Recorded on 20 Octobe...
published: 25 Oct 2011
author: lsewebsite
Department of Law
A short film highlighting the opportunities available to prospective students of the LSE D...
published: 28 May 2012
author: lsewebsite
Youtube results:
LSE Department of Finance
LSE Department of Finance academics and students present an overview of studying in and be...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: lsewebsite
Lista de los verbos: 1. Nacer 2. Vivir 3. Saber 4. Dudar 5. Preguntar 6. Contestar 7. Deci...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: PaolaBucara
University Challenge S38E08 LSE vs. Bath
25 August 2008....
published: 22 Jul 2011
author: nathanrj
Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions
Speaker(s): Paul Mason Chair: Dr Nigel Dodd Recorded on 30 January 2012 in Sheikh Zayed Th...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: lsewebsite