October 16 2013, updated 3:33pm

Shane Andrews

'I just heard brakes screeching'

As raging flood waters pounded against Shane Andrews he knew that if he panicked, he would die.

'This is going to hurt' Winched to safety

Banks to stand trial

John Banks 3 min ago John Banks will stand trial over allegedly filing a false electoral return for 2010 Auckland mayoralty bid.

Should Len Brown go?

6 min ago Len Brown isn't going to resign, his spokeman says - and Kiwis are split on whether that's good or bad.

Mark Lundy makes bail check-in

3:09pm Mark Lundy appeared relaxed as he checked in to his local police station today.

History repeats in raceway tragedy

2:43pm British driver killed near Brisbane was son of F1 star who pulled competitor from burning wreck.

'We've never seen a fish this big'

Woman snorkelling off California coast spotted something straight out of a fantasy novel.

Flooding cuts off town

flooding strap About 100 people south of Whanganui may be cut off from society for several days.

Schools to stay open

All Christchurch secondary schools to remain open but two will share a site, minister confirms.

Son in law: I repaid dress money

Killer parole bid days after sentence

Joe Karam

Karam: I was attacked

David Bain supporter Joe Karam has experienced "the worst four years of his life", court told.

Whangaehu flooding

The small village of Whangaehu in the Rangitikei District was at the centre of the flooding drama.

Savile's sick boasts to cops

Jimmy Savile Police transcripts show paedophile TV presenter fobbing officers off with lies and bluster.

Charged over Facebook death brag

After 12-year-old girl killed herself last month, one of her tormentors bragged about the bullying.

Anonymous targets teen rape case

Chief hits out at 'sex assault clips'

Race crash

History repeats in raceway tragedy

British driver killed near Brisbane was son of F1 star who pulled competitor from burning wreck.

Petrol, veges fuel inflation

per cent Annual inflation now at 1.4 per cent, but Reserve Bank may not lift interest rates.

Ralph Waters eyes departure

Fletcher Building chairman and former CEO intends to retire from the board before the end of 2014.

Council sells hotel stake for $12m

Firm appeals to Supreme Court


March higher for Xero shares

Xero jumps another place to seventh most-valuable NZX company, overtaking electricity lines firm Vector.

Bank complaints on the rise

coins money new zealand kiwi Disgruntled bank customers are flocking to the Ombudsman in increasing numbers.

Battered insurers sound warning

Mother Nature had a party in many areas this year leading insurers to warn premiums may rise and some areas may lose insurance.

True love - at a price

Southland super funds unclaimed

Happy woman

What does money mean to you?

Money is an amazing motivator; it causes us to do astonishing things. But does it make us happy?

Tool to split work/personal info

Smartphone apps Telecom and Samsung team up to solve the problem having personal and company data on work-smartphones.

World's first programmer

Victorian mother-of-three Ada Lovelace, born 1815, was the world's first ever computer programmer.

Anonymous target alleged rapist

Direct message Twitter followers

Could Rorschach tests replace CAPTCHA?

Ink blots to replace CAPTCHA?

As hackers get better at cracking CAPTCHAs, a team of engineers are proposing an alternative.

Pink ribbon beauty buys

bobbi brown blusher Do your bit to for breast cancer awareness and support this month by buying these pink ribbon products.

Red carpet rewind: Beyonce

Queen Bey has evolved from one part of a bad costume wearing trio to the fiercest diva on the carpet.

Do you really need vitamins?

'We're all going to die'


Martha doubtful of Gwyneth

The 72-year-old domestic goddess has her reservations about Paltrow's ability to be a 'lifestyle guru'.

Top chefs on their worst reviews

Grant Achatz and Ben Shewry Even maestros get slammed, and they take it very hard when they do.

How to make mock chicken

In the 1970s mock chicken was one of my mum's party staples. Here's her now not-so-secret recipe.

Wine knife or corkscrew?

A taste of West Africa

NZ Car of The Year finalists

The 10 cars that have just been named finalists for the NZ Motoring Writers Guild's 2013 Car of the Year. The finalists have been selected for the 2013 New Zealand Car of the Year award.

Right price sought

Steve Price has "reluctantly'' put his much-loved classic car on the market.

Car burns, police mystified

Race-ready coupes popular

Absurd winning for The Fox

The Fox Ylvis Charts and YouTube success turn onesie wearing fox singing "Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow" into global phenomenon.

Lorde wins at Silver Scrolls

Hit song Royals wins the 2013 Apra Silver Scrolls for teenaged singer Lorde and Joel Little.

A rap god among men

Sitcom trio among TV's richest

Eleanor Catton

Kiwi wins Man Booker Prize

Novelist Eleanor Catton, 28, awarded literature's most sought-after prize. | The Luminaries extract

The ghosts of the Pacific

Descending Strap History fanatic Scott talks Ellis into diving the shark-infested waters off the coast of the Solomon Islands.

Vancouver's foodie tours

Orientate yourself with Vancouver; using your tastebuds instead of your sight.

Tighter squeeze on US planes

Rat family found living on plane

Budapest Strap

High-spirited Budapest

All around us, groups of people, are laughing, sharing beverages, drinking in the beautiful view.

Will I survive cancer surgery?

Surgery The scariest thing I remember was that the surgery might not be survivable.

Dead people can't lay complaints

Legalising euthanasia in New Zealand would be a terrible idea for many reasons.

Taste of travel: Rosewater olives

Living in hope for a family


When in Santiago de Compostela...

Another lesser known "must do" when visiting is to go to a Pulpería.

MPI couldn't cope - Groser

Tim Groser Ministers says MPI didn't have enough China resources to deal with DCD residue issue, botulism scare and meat, apple and kiwifruit incidents.

Winery on market

Hawkesbury winery Highfield Estate is up for sale after the death of co-owner and director Tom Tenuwera last year.

Global dairy prices fall

Meat group elects new leader

Blood find in prehistoric mosquito

Mosquito Fossil of 46 million year old mosquito found to contain the insect's last supper.

Volcano packs a punch

New video shows White Island eruption that would have been life threatening for anyone on the island.

Does it rain diamonds on Jupiter?

Bionic man's artificial organs

World Cup shambles for Samoa

Roy Asotasi Samoa's World Cup campaign is in turmoil as former Kiwis captain Roy Asotasi fails to show up for flight.

Trauma, drowning killed sailor

Andrew Simpson died from "blunt trauma with drowning" after the yacht he was sailing capsized, according to a medical report.

Kiwi rider vows to clear name

Betham primed for Wallaby duty

Winston Reid

All Whites play out stalemate

The All Whites have played out a scoreless draw with Trinidad and Tobago in Port of Spain.

Ada Lovelace

World's first programmer

Victorian mother-of-three Ada Lovelace, born 1815, was the world's first ever computer programmer.


'We're all going to die'

Is it morbid or helpful to join a group of strangers discussing death over coffee and biscuits?

Sonny Bill Williams

ABs must clip Sonny's wings

Steve Hansen and Steve Tew are facing perhaps the biggest decision of their careers.

Buenos Aires Strap

When the walls talk

"I didn't want to kill somebody, so I started killing walls instead."

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Opinion poll

Should Len Brown resign as Auckland's mayor?



Vote Result

Related story: Kiwis split on whether Len Brown should resign

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Dilbert cartoon


The Little Things, Dilbert, Tom Scott and others

Today in History

Today in history

Dig into New Zealand's archives

Sad woman, depressed, grieving

Giving grief a voice

Jude was the kind of child who took your breath away. When he died it was sudden, unexpected and incomprehensible.


Breastfeeding after sexual abuse

This mum knew that the 'breast is best' mantra, but the innocent act of feeding dredged up terrible memories.

rove mcmanus

Tasma's beautiful surprise

Tasma Walton realised with shock that she was pregnant in the run-up to her 40th birthday.

Pregnant belly

Childbirth pressure

By today's standard's, I'm crap at giving birth. Firstly, I was induced. Secondly, I had an epidural and, thirdly, I had an emergency C-section.

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New Zealand Passport

Best passport in the world

The Kiwi passport has been ranked as one of the best in the world for travellers.

Queenstown airport

Almost time to drop the pilot

Control of New Zealand's air space is radically changing - for the better.

Dave Monk

Year on the road 'surreal'

He left it all behind, now Dave Monk and family review their time travelling into the unknown.


OE prevented uni burnout

'Amazing' is such an inadequate word to describe my OE experiences, Hannah Loke says.

Fun park

Amazing hand-built amusement park

Italian restaurant owner spent the last 40 years constructing dream project.


It's either the lizards or me

Missing 72-year-old hunter survived 18 days in a forest eating lizards and squirrels.

Cricket fighting

Crickets fight it out

These contests put two crickets into a shoebox-sized ring to see which is more aggressive.

Plug and socket Israeli Electric Corporation ad

Puppets electrify gay rights debate

Clean energy TV ads starring puppets called "plug" and "socket" have sparked a gay pride debate in Israel.


Colour my world

Recent experience with interior design has left me thinking I might not do it again.


Death will find you

The Walking Dead is back, and it looks as though we're in for a helluva ride.


The handover

Here's my guide to the best blogs and food-reading matter on the internet.


Kickstarting a book

It's my dream to be a published author and there's no better place to start than here.

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