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The interim International Organization for a Participatory Society (IOPS) was launched in 2012 with the aim of winning a better world.

IOPS is, currently, in an interim stage, leading up to a founding convention when the membership will determine the organization's definition in more detail.

Please watch our introductory video, scroll through our slideshow and learn more About IOPS.


IOPS seeks to win a new participatory society based on solidarity, equity/justice, diversity, self-management, and ecological stewardship, through:

  • flexibly exploring and adovcating long term vision
  • planting the seeds of the future in the present
  • empowering and improving the lives of its members
  • organising in an internally classless and self-managing way
  • winning changes in society that improve the lives of people in the present

Read the IOPS Mission Statement


IOPS flexibly explores and organises around a broad vision of a future society. IOPS Vision centrally addresses:

  • Economics
  • Politics
  • Culture/Race
  • Kinship/Gender
  • Ecology
  • International Relations

Read the IOPS Vision Statement


In order to give every member a proportional say in the decisions that affect them (self-management), IOPS is organised around a bottom-up structure, based on a federation of interconnected local, regional and national branches.

Local chapters have control over decisions that only affect them and proportional say in regional, national and international issues.

Read the IOPS Structure and Programme Statement.


Currently, IOPS is in a creation stage. By joining now, you become an interim member. A convention, or series of conventions, will be planned, for membership to determine the organization's definition in more detail.

IOPS is open for anyone wishing to join who shares the commitments in the organizational description and agrees to actively participate in the life of the organization. If you have any questions before joining, please see:

To become an interim member, Join IOPS.

Founding Convention Targets

Targets to meet by June 2014 in order to hold a founding convention.


Target = 3,500
Current = 3,327


Target = 20
Current = 7

Latest Blogs

Report of IOPS Meeting in Dublin on 18/9/2013

It was decided at a previous meeting that we would discuss one of the headings on the IOPS vision statement at each meeting over the next few months. For this meeting the discussion was on the heading - Culture and Community.Initially there…

Wilders neemt GEEN afstand van Rechts-extremisme.

Wilders laat nog maar eens feilloos zien uit wat voor hout hij gesneden is. Tijdens de algemene beschouwingen gisteren vroeg D66 lijsttrekker Alexander Pechtold, Wilders afstand te nemen van de mensen die met NSB-vlaggen zwaaiden en de nazigroet…

Dear Hope

Who the hell is Hope? Hope is, hopefully, you. But, if you are over 50, or perhaps over 40, maybe even over 30, getting into the Hope column is likely to depend on folks younger than you prodding you along and even providing paths for you to…

It's official! Dutch government wants participatory society

Quoting from the Global Times, 17 September 2013: On behalf of the Dutch government, King Willem-Alexander said the Dutch society has to change from a classic welfare state to a participatory society during his maiden Speech from the Throne…

Fanfare for the Future

Fanfare for the Future is a three volume set, Occupy Theory by Michael Albert and Mandisi Majavu, Occupy Vision by Michael Albert and Mark Evans, and Occupy Strategy by Michael Albert, David Marty, and Jessica Azulay.

Below is a link to a page with information about the books, and links to buy ebook and print versions.  

Fanfare means to be a self contained presentation of theory, vision, and strategy relevant for IOPS organizing. The authors hope all IOPS members will weigh in with their critical evaluations and, we hope, elaborate the ideas and their implications.

Fanfare for the Future Page

An Open Letter to join IOPS

An open letter signed by the ICC, including John Pilger, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky and more..

An Open Message to All Who Seek A New and Better World

make a donation

While IOPS is in an interim stage, please consider making a one time donation to help pay towards the costs of hosting, maintenance, and ongoing feature innovations of the website. Note that one time donations will eventually be replaced by membership dues. If one time donations exceed the above mentioned costs, funds will be saved for future use!

Newest Chapters


County Carlow, Ireland

Founded: 1st Oct 2013

Greater Noida

Uttar Pradesh, India

Founded: 30th Sep 2013


Provincie Limburg, Netherlands

Founded: 29th Sep 2013

Newest Projects

Satirists Collective of IOPS

For all IOPS members interested in developing satirical content from an IOPS, down-and-to-the-left perspective, possibly through music, a left alternative to The Onion, or a left satirical news web series…

San Francisco Bay Area IOPS Community

Engine for regional IOPS community-building & collaboration in the San Francisco Bay Area, open to all members in the region. An initial goal is to have a regional IOPS meeting somewhere central in…

Perry Hall Community Garden

The Perry Hall Community Garden has brought together a diverse group of local people. This is a first year garden in which we will share in the work to make this garden grow.

Disaster Resilience TOP 50 Systems and Technologies

I'm re-commencing an online podcast series to identify the Worlds Best Disaster Resilience Systems and Technologies to interview their creators and team leaders in an effort to create a Global Top 50…

IOPS Newsletters

Newsletters are sent out to IOPS members periodically. If you have any content or suggestions of what to include in a newsletter, please send to: newsletter@iopsociety.org

Participatory Economics

Many members of IOPS go beyond its definitions to favor, as well, an economic vision called Participatory Economics, among other committments. For your entertainment, here is a brief "video" about some of parecon's features....

Parecon Hip-Hop Primer for the 99%

IOPS Social Network Links

Follow IOPS on:

Facebook  Twitter Tumblr



Please bear in mind that, although IOPS realizes the utility of social networking services we are critical of the corporate background of these websites.

Working IOPS Chapters

Are you in a working IOPS Chapter?

A working chapter is defined as having at least 5 members, of which at least 30% are women, and the chapter is active (i.e holds regular meetings, has rules and procedures, etc). Our goal is to reach 20 working chapters by July 2014, in order to have a founding convention. If you are in an IOPS chapter that meets the above conditions, please let us know by sending an email to info@iopsociety.org and we will add you to the running list below.

List of IOPS Working Chapters:

1. Salem, Oregon, USA
2. Victoria, Australia
3. Sydney, NSW, Australia
4. Missoula, Montana, USA
5. Kent, England
6. Seattle, Washington, USA
7. Vienna, Austria

Upcoming Events

Face to Face (f2f) Meeting #8


Saturday, 12:00 - 13:15

145 Liberty Street, Salem, OR 97301


Non-Members Survey

We'd like to hear from you what you think of IOPS.  When you have read the Mission, Vision and Structure and Program documents please participate in a quick survey.

Latest Polls

Website Organisation poll

Open end: 31 December 2013

Final Run-off Poll for IOPS Founding Convention Preconditions

Closed end: 12 June 2013

After a poll with more options, and an assessment of the results of that by the ICC, we now have a final vote regarding preconditions…


1. Online Membership

a) at least 3,500 (which is 400 more than we now have) (521)
b) more than 5,000 (which is at least 2,000 more than we now have) (205)

Total: 726

2. Chapter Definition

a) at least 5 (524)
b) at least 9 (210)

Total: 734

3. Chapter Precondition

a) at least 20 (477)
b) at least 30 (236)

Total: 713

4. Gender Diversity Precondition

a) At least 30% female overall (441)
b) At least 45% female overall (266)

Total: 707

5. Chapter Gender Diversity Precondition

a) At least 30% female in each chapter. (505)
b) At least 40% female in each chapter (190)

Total: 695

6. National Diversity Precondition

a) At least 5 nation states (436)
b) More than 10 nation states (286)

Total: 722

7. Geographical Diversity Precondition

a) at least 3 continents (488)
b) at least 4 continents (212)

Total: 700

8. Time Frame

a) 1 year (424)
b) 20 months (293)

Total: 717

Total Number of Voters: 752

Interim Goals

A major discussion and exploration has started around the criteria that we need to meet in order to hold the IOPS Founding Convention. What goals should we set? how many members do we need to have? what level of activity? etc.

Related Blogs:

A forum has been setup specifically for this issue and we ask you to join in the discussion:


Interim Goals Forum >

Latest News

Report from Birmingham IOPS chapter meeting, Tuesday 5th February 2013

We were informed about a new book about the life of Michael Albert, it can be found on ibooks and is in Graphic/Comic form.  At the last meeting Tom was asked to enquire into possible venues to host the National Gathering in Birmingham.…

Report from Birmingham IOPS meeting - Thursday 11th January

We discussed our involvement in local campaigns - the save the NHS campaign in Walsall and the campaign against Council service cuts in Birmingham. We have been participating in these campaigns and also raising IOPS ideas within them. One member…

Report back from IOPS-NY chapter Meetup at the OFS monthly meeting.

Report back from IOPS-NY chapter Meetup at the OFS monthly meeting.   On Wednesday night IOPS-NY had a chapter meetup at the Organization For a Free Society (www.afreesociety.org/) monthly disscussion. There were four IOPS members…

Website Help Video

To watch a tour on how to use the site, click on the image below:

What Comes Next?

what comes next?

Blogs about IOPS, how to develop at this time, next steps to take, strategies during the interim

Communications from the ICC:

Some Member Blogs

IOPS Simpsons Video