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銀魂 op ed Gintama op ed
ヒカルの碁 全OP・ED集【高音質】
Kuroko Basketball OP Ed
亂馬½ 電視動畫OP ED集
1980 / 90年代の懐かしいアニメ OP - ED Part1
遊戲王GX op ed合集 中文字幕
マジンガーZ OP ED
How to Write an Op-Ed
自分的!神アニメOP・ED集 その2
shingeki no kyojin 進撃の巨人 - New OP ED 2 - HD


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銀魂 op ed Gintama op ed
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:54
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013
01-風船ガム -銀魂 mix- 02-MR_ RAINDROP 03-遠い匂い 04-雪のツバサ 05-キャンディ・ライン 06-銀色の空 07-修羅 08-奇跡 09-かさなる影 prayが投稿できませんでした(´;ω;`) twitter 自由につぶやく方銀魂 op ed Gintama op ed
ヒカルの碁 全OP・ED集【高音質】
  • Order:
  • Duration: 36:45
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013
ヒカルの碁がきっかけで囲碁がたまらなく好きになったしまった自分がいます(やってはいないですが)ヒカルの碁 全OP・ED集【高音質】
Kuroko Basketball OP Ed
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:10
  • Updated: 15 Apr 2012
  • published: 15 Apr 2012
  • views: 19378 Basketball OP Ed
  • Order:
  • Duration: 37:34
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013
From niconico: アカウント停止処分を受けてしまったので再upします。この度は、視聴していただいている皆様に大変な御迷惑を掛けたことを深く反省しております(サーセン)今後このような事態が起こらないように心から気をつけますの...
  • published: 17 Jan 2011
  • views: 1290970
  • author: siluba1014ヒカルの碁OP/ED集
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:00
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013
亂馬½ 電視動畫OP ED集
  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:48
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013
時間點 00:00 OP - じゃじゃ馬にさせないで - 歌:西尾えつ子 01:31 ED - プラトニックつらぬいて - 歌:坂上香織 04:30 ED - EQUALロマンス - 歌:CoCo 05:59 ED - ド・ン・マ・イ来々少年 - 歌:西尾えつ子 07:30 OP - リトル☆デイト - 歌:ri...
  • published: 03 Jan 2012
  • views: 39030
  • author: whm315亂馬½ 電視動畫OP ED集
1980 / 90年代の懐かしいアニメ OP - ED Part1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:03
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2013
懐かしいと思ったアニメを集めてみました。 Part2;=related Part3;=related Part4 ... / 90年代の懐かしいアニメ OP - ED Part1
遊戲王GX op ed合集 中文字幕
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:48
  • Updated: 09 Jul 2013
  • published: 08 May 2011
  • views: 75024
  • author: cardfight遊戲王GX op ed合集 中文字幕
マジンガーZ OP ED
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:12
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013
オープニング「マジンガーZ」 作詞 東文彦/作曲編曲 渡辺宙明 歌 水木一郎 エンディング「ぼくらのマジンガーZ」 作詞 小池一雄/作曲編曲 渡辺宙明 歌 水木一郎.
  • published: 25 Mar 2013
  • views: 38856
  • author: giabiyマジンガーZ OP ED
How to Write an Op-Ed
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:28
  • Updated: 13 Mar 2013
Part One of an Op-Ed Workshop put on by Monterey County Weekly reporter Kera Abraham at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.
  • published: 07 Apr 2009
  • views: 1080
  • author: MIISGWC to Write an Op-Ed
自分的!神アニメOP・ED集 その2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:44
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013
80年代後半~90年代前半は神アニメの黄金期でした。 そんな神アニメのOP・EDを自分チョイスで編集しました。自分的!神アニメOP・ED集 その2
作画がすごい! アニメ&ゲームOP・ED集 その3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:44
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013
作画のクオリティが高いOP・EDを、いろんな動画サイトから集めました。 クレジットに作画スタッフの表記があればクレジットあり、表記がなければノンクレジットになっています。(ノンクレジットが見つからなかったものもあります。)
  • published: 19 Apr 2009
  • views: 860938
  • author: nga0x作画がすごい! アニメ&ゲームOP・ED集 その3
RDG  レッドデータガール(RDG 瀕危物種少女) OP、ED、ED2、IN (TV-Size)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:43
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2013
1. RDG 瀕危物種少女 OP - スモルワールドロップ(TV-Size) 【完整版 or 歌詞付き】 2. RDG 瀕危物種少女 ED - 予感(TV-Size) 3. RDG 瀕危物種少女 ED2 - 予感(泉水子バージョ... レッドデータガール(RDG 瀕危物種少女) OP、ED、ED2、IN (TV-Size)
01-風船ガム -銀魂 mix- 02-MR_ RAINDROP 03-遠い匂い 04-雪のツバサ 05-キャンディ・ライン 06-銀色の空 07-修羅 08-奇跡 09-かさなる影 prayが投稿できませんでした(´;ω;`) twitter 自由につぶやく方

銀魂 op ed Gin­ta­ma op ed
01-風船ガム -銀魂 mix- 02-MR_ RAIN­DROP 03-遠い匂い 04-雪のツバサ 05-キャンディ・ライン 06-銀色の空 07-修羅 08-奇跡 09-かさなる...
pub­lished: 19 Jan 2013
au­thor: kei­dream1218
ヒカルの碁 全OP・ED集【高音質】
pub­lished: 13 May 2012
au­thor: REIKAtaikopoke
Kuroko Bas­ket­ball OP Ed
pub­lished: 15 Apr 2012
From nicon­i­co: http://​www.​nicovideo.​jp/​watch/​sm3833978 アカウント停止処分を受けてしまったので再upします。この度は、視聴して...
pub­lished: 17 Jan 2011
au­thor: siluba1014
pub­lished: 20 Jan 2013
au­thor: 七子 七誌
亂馬½ 電視動畫OP ED集
時間點 00:00 OP - じゃじゃ馬にさせないで - 歌:西尾えつ子 01:31 ED - プラトニックつらぬいて - 歌:坂上香織 04:30 ED - EQUALロマンス ...
pub­lished: 03 Jan 2012
au­thor: wh­m315
1980 / 90年代の懐かしいアニメ OP - ED Part1
懐かしいと思ったアニメを集めてみました。 Part2 http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=hO9uACG7Ohs&​feature;=re­lat­ed Part...
pub­lished: 19 Oct 2011
遊戲王GX op ed合集 中文字幕
pub­lished: 08 May 2011
au­thor: card­fight
マジンガーZ OP ED
オープニング「マジンガーZ」 作詞 東文彦/作曲編曲 渡辺宙明 歌 水木一郎 エンディング「ぼくらのマジンガーZ」 作詞 小池一雄/作曲編曲 渡辺宙明 歌 水木一郎....
pub­lished: 25 Mar 2013
au­thor: gi­abiy
How to Write an Op-Ed
Part One of an Op-Ed Work­shop put on by Mon­terey Coun­ty Week­ly re­porter Kera Abra­ham at th...
pub­lished: 07 Apr 2009
au­thor: MI­IS­G­WC
自分的!神アニメOP・ED集 その2
80年代後半~90年代前半は神アニメの黄金期でした。 そんな神アニメのOP・EDを自分チョイスで編集しました。...
pub­lished: 23 Jan 2008
shinge­ki no ky­o­jin 進撃の巨人 - New OP ED 2 - HD
pub­lished: 13 Jul 2013
au­thor: ani­me01000
作画がすごい! アニメ&ゲームOP・ED集 その3
作画のクオリティが高いOP・EDを、いろんな動画サイトから集めました。 クレジットに作画スタッフの表記があればクレジットあり、表記がなければノンクレジットになっています。(ノンクレ...
pub­lished: 19 Apr 2009
au­thor: nga0x
RDG レッドデータガール(RDG 瀕危物種少女) OP、ED、ED2、IN (TV-Size)
1. RDG 瀕危物種少女 OP - スモルワールドロップ(TV-Size) http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=4g4tZZ7uibQ 【完整版 or ...
pub­lished: 12 Apr 2013
Youtube results:
新造人間キャシャーン OP ED
テレビアニメ版 新造人間キャシャーン OP&ED です。 「愛する人達を守る為」、「身を挺して悪と戦う」子供ながら、とっても「愛国的なアニメだな~!」ってみておりました。 昔のテレ...
pub­lished: 25 Aug 2011
au­thor: the0006y
IS op ed
IS インフィニットストラトス op edの STRAIGHT JET SUPER∞STREAM です....
pub­lished: 08 Mar 2011
au­thor: ze­ro5161
サイボーグ009(Cy­borg009)op ed
pub­lished: 14 Jun 2011
au­thor: suke­jiro3000
1980 / 90年代の懐かしいアニメ OP - ED Part4
懐かしいアニメを集めてみました。 1980年代はここまでです。 Part5 http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=NUD_​OauRfag&​feature;=r...
pub­lished: 30 Nov 2011
photo: Creative Commons / Georgewilliamherbert
Internal nuclear components of the American B61 nuclear bomb
Edit Huffington Post
21 Sep 2013
Getty. Japan, Chugoku Region, Hiroshima, Atomic explosion on 6th August, 1945. LONDON, Sept 20 (Reuters) - A U.S. atom bomb nearly exploded in 1961 over North Carolina that would have been 260 times more powerful than the device that devastated Hiroshima, according to a declassified document published in a British newspaper on Friday ... There has been persistent speculation about how serious the incident was and the U.S ... FOLLOW POLITICS ... ....(size: 2.8Kb)
photo: WN / Tarig Anter
Nigeria’s Boko Haram Could Be a Western-backed Insurgency
Edit Joy Online
20 Sep 2013
At least 87 people have been killed in an attack by Boko Haram militants in Nigeria's north-eastern Borno state, according to local officials. Disguised in military uniforms, the militants set up checkpoints outside the town of Benisheik and shot dead those trying to flee, witnesses said. They also razed dozens of buildings in Tuesday's attack ... ....(size: 1.9Kb)
photo: AP / SANA
In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Saeed Jalili, meets with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, Syria, Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2012.
Edit Houston Chronicle
20 Sep 2013
In the short term, the White House's decision to strike a deal with Russia over Syria's chemical weapons bailed President Barack Obama out of a Syria use-of-force vote that he was likely to lose. But in the medium term, what has transpired after the August 21 chemical weapons attack in Damascus has clearly favored Assad, Russia, Iran.  Assad ... That means Assad is no longer a "dead man walking." ... strike ... Russia ... Iran....(size: 3.8Kb)
photo: AP / Khalil Senosi
Security helps a wounded woman outside the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013, after gunmen threw grenades and opened fire during an attack that left multiple dead and dozens wounded. A witness to the attacks on the upscale shopping mall says that gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave and that non-Muslims would be targeted.
Edit Graphic
22 Sep 2013
Share. Twitter. Ghana News Share. View Comments. Eyewitnesses saw armed men in black, their heads covered in scarves, entering the Westgate shopping centre on Saturday afternoonA senior figure in the Somali militant group al-Shabab has told the BBC it carried out a deadly attack on a shopping centre in neighbouring Kenya ... Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said 39 people had been killed, including some of his family, and 150 were injured ... ....(size: 5.1Kb)
photo: White House / Barack Obama
President Barack Obama meets with senior advisors in the Oval Office to discuss a new plan for the situation in Syria, August 30, 2013.
19 Sep 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "I was elected to end wars, not start them." -President Barack Obama responding to a reporter's question about possibly going to war with Syria. As if not responsible for ongoing economic miseries, President Barack Obama chose the five-year anniversary of the 2008 New York Stock Exchange crash to boast about his recovery ... Five decades ago President Lyndon B. Johnson announced ... The U.S ... 140.....(size: 7.5Kb)

Edit The Columbus Dispatch
22 Sep 2013
Letters Policy. The Dispatch welcomes letters to the editor from readers. Typed letters of 200 words or fewer are preferred; all might be edited. Each letter must include name, home address and daytime phone number ... Submit Your Letter. ONLINE FORM ... (No attachments, please) MAIL ... The Dispatch ... Editorials Op-Ed Columns ... Subscribe ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
Giants cornerback Corey Webster will not play in Sunday’s game against the Carolina Panthers. The Giants on Saturday downgraded Webster from doubtful to out because of a hip injury ... Webster Out Against Panthers. Get Free E-mail Alerts on These Topics ...   ... Business » ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
A race marshal died after being hit by a motorbike during a practice session at the Sepang circuit near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Round 3 of the Malaysian Super Series Bikes was canceled, according to a statement from the circuit. Get Free E-mail Alerts on These Topics ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
WASHINGTON — The Miami Marlins' game against the Washington Nationals on Saturday night has been postponed due to rain. The game was rescheduled as part of a split doubleheader Sunday with the first game starting at 1.35 p.m. and the second at 7.05 p.m ...   ... Disunion ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
Vijay Singh shot a six-under-par 66 to move into second place after the second round of the Pacific Links Hawaii Championship in Kapolei, Hawaii. Singh, playing his first event on the Champions Tour, is one shot behind the overnight leader, Mark Wiebe ... Singh in Second Place ... Golf Singh, Vijay ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
The N.H.L.’s chief operating officer, John Collins, and the Capitals’ owner, Ted Leonsis, formally announced that the Winter Classic would be held in Washington in 2015. Nationals Park, R.F.K. Stadium and FedEx Field are the candidates to host the game ... Capitals to Host Winter Classic ... Hockey, Ice Washington Capitals ...   ... Business » ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
FORT WASHAKIE, Wyo.A 4.9 magnitude earthquake jolted much of western Wyoming on Saturday, but no damage was reported. John Bellini, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo., says the temblor occurred at 7.16 a.m. about 45 miles underground. The nearest city is Fort Washakie, about 9 miles east of the epicenter ... ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
Marcus Fraser of Australia shot a four-under-par 68, leaving him at 11 under after three rounds of the Italian Open in Turin and giving him a one-stroke lead over Francesco Molinari, Nicolas Colsaerts and Joakim Lagergren. Molinari is trying to capture his national tournament for the second time ... Golf ...   ... Business » ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Matt Garza pitched eight impressive innings for his first victory in six starts and the Texas Rangers kept close in the playoff race, beating the Kansas City Royals 3-1 on Saturday night. The Rangers won for only the fifth time in 19 September games ... Advertise on ...   ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit The Columbus Dispatch
22 Sep 2013
Letters Policy. The Dispatch welcomes letters to the editor from readers. Typed letters of 200 words or fewer are preferred; all might be edited. Each letter must include name, home address and daytime phone number. also posts letters that don't make it to print in The Dispatch. Submit Your Letter. ONLINE FORM ... (No attachments, please) MAIL. Letters to the Editor. The Dispatch ... Editorials Op-Ed Columns ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
EDMONTON, AlbertaDavid Perron had a goal and an assist and Ryan Smith scored the winner in the Edmonton Oilers' 5-2 victory over the Vancouver Canucks in a preseason game Saturday night. Sam Gagner, Nail Yakupov and Will Acton also scored for the Oilers. Mike Santorelli and Jannik Hansen replied for the Canucks ...  . Inside ... Disunion ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit The New York Times
22 Sep 2013
The Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel claimed pole position for the Singapore Grand Prix, besting his fading championship rivals at the Marina Bay Circuit. Vettel, who already has a big lead in the Formula One standings and is looking for his third straight win in Singapore, showed his dominance despite not driving the last lap of the session ... Op-Ed ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
22 Sep 2013
He doesn't know Texas. Regarding "Texas fails compared with Maryland economy" (Page B13, Thursday), as a former Marylander, my take on Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley's op-ed is sour grapes. John West, Richmond.  . Readers are leaders. Regarding "Improving literacy would boost our economic outlook" (Page B13, Thursday), one of the best programs in the Houston Independent School District is the "Real Men Read" program ... Everyone benefits!....(size: 2.0Kb)

An op-ed, abbreviated from opposite the editorial page[1] (though often mistaken for opinion-editorial), is a newspaper article that expresses the opinions of a named writer who is usually unaffiliated with the newspaper's editorial board. These are different from editorials, which are usually unsigned and written by editorial board members.

Although standard editorial pages have been printed by newspapers for many centuries, the direct ancestor to the modern op-ed page was created in 1921 by Herbert Bayard Swope of The New York Evening World. When he took over as editor in 1920, he realized that the page opposite the editorials was "a catchall for book reviews, society boilerplate, and obituaries".[2] He is quoted as writing:

"It occurred to me that nothing is more interesting than opinion when opinion is interesting, so I devised a method of cleaning off the page opposite the editorial, which became the most important in America … and thereon I decided to print opinions, ignoring facts."[3]

But Swope only included opinions by employees of his newspaper, and the first "modern" op-ed page—that is, one that called on contributors outside the newspaper—had to wait until its launch in 1970, under the direction of The New York Times editor John B. Oakes.[4]

Beginning in the 1930s, radio began to threaten print journalism, a process that was later accelerated by the rise of television. To combat this, major newspapers such as The New York Times and The Washington Post began including more openly subjective and opinionated journalism, adding more columns and growing their op-ed pages.[5]

A concern about how to clearly disclose the ties in the op-eds arises because the readers of the media cannot be expected to know all about the possible connections between op-eds editors and interest groups funding some of them. In a letter to The New York Times, the lack of a clear declaration of conflict of interest in op-eds has been criticized by a group of US journalists campaigning for more 'op-ed transparency'.[6][7]


  1. ^ Op-ed. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved June 29, 2010, from
  2. ^ Meyer, K. (1990). Pundits, poets, and wits. New York: Oxford University Press.
  3. ^ Swope, H. B. as quoted in Meyer, K. (1990). Pundits, poets, and wits. New York: Oxford University Press, p. xxxvii.
  4. ^ Shafer, Jack. "The Op-Ed Page's Back Pages: A press scholar explains how the New York Times op-ed page got started." from
  5. ^ Marc, David (2010). "journalism". Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 
  6. ^ Greenslade, Roy (2011-10-11). "US journalists launch campaign for 'op-ed transparency'". Retrieved 2011-10-16. 
  7. ^ Silverman, Craig (2011-10-11). "Journos call for more transparency at NYT Op-Ed page: Toward a higher standard of disclosure". Retrieved 2011-10-16. 

External links[link]

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Blue Moon
You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue Moon
You know just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked to the Moon it turned to gold
Blue Moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked the Moon had turned to gold
Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

Okay, you ain?t know shit
It?s Weezy F baby like a newborn bitch
You ain?t know shit
I put your girl to work now, here?s a uniform bitch
Pimpin? over here and I ain?t Santa Clause
But yeah, I make it rain dear
Money out the ass
Yeah, money out the rear
Weezy at the plate
I could bunt it out of here safe as a motherfucker
Ain?t no safety button on this motherfucker
Where the safe motherfucker?
That?s the case, Doc the judge
Weezy F the ample fury
Hang 12 witnesses
That?s what I call a hung jury
Brung Jerry Bling Bling
I made that but I don?t even say that
As much as [unverified] say that
That?s way back
Boy you should catch up
It must of been mine, theys
Long hair, pretty eyes
Light skin, fine legs
Phat ass, skinny stomach
Pretty feet, pretty woman
Walking down the street
?Cause I put her out my jeep
I don?t save ?em, I slave ?em
They want Weezy F
I bad grade ?em, I don?t degrade ?em
I serenade ?em
100 on the chest, 100 on the arm
Rings so thick I can?t even make a fist
Nigga, fuck how you do it
?Cause I do it like this
Yeah, and I just do my Wayne
And every time I do it I do my thang
Yeah, and I just do my Wayne
And every time I do it I do my thang
Kunta Kinte on my shit, nigga
Like I ate a plate of roots for dinner
But I ate a plate of loot for dinner
I?m in the garden sellin? fruit to sinners
Like apples to Shaq, hey big spender
And do remember just like Brenda
2 grand still get ya four and a baby
I?ma kill ?em when I drop like I?m holdin? a baby
Weezy F
The F is for don?t forget the baby
And bitch, I?ve been hot
But you don?t know me from Satan
And if you?re Manning up
You better show me you?re Peyton
But you pussies ain?t ballin?, no sir
Not lathen?
Bricks get shipped , bricks get cut
Dr. Carter, Nip & Tuck
Yeah, but you could call me Wayne
But now watch me and my chain, gang
Yes, it?s me bitches
Deuce Bigalow on these he bitches
Flu flow
Flyer then Bird Coupe like a two door
What do you know?
I know the streets bitch
And this is my toilet
And you can eat shit
Got them girls in my bathroom with their asses out
?Cause I?m fly like flyers they passin? out
We mashin? out, we young Mula
I got that 12 gauge don?t make me 1 2 ya
3 4 5 train bitch, suwoop
If you ain?t on my train, bitch, cho cho
Like you got my dick in your mizouth
And I?ma do me, bitch, with you or without
Shit always right sometimes
And from the top everybody look 1?9
And I?m 2?much
The numbers don?t lie
And if they stop makin? Cadillac?s
I swear I?m gon? die
And if the weed man
Don?t have no more onions I?ma cry
And if yif was a piff then I?d rather drink wine
Shit, I?ma take my time
Now, am I crazy or just lazy?
?Cause I?m tired of ballin? darlin?
And I roll with my riders like it?s Harley party
And we roll with them choppers like it?s a Harley party
We are all dressed in red like it?s a scarlet party
I was ballin? in New Orleans way before the Charlotte Hornets
I?m an X man, bitch, I ain?t talkin? McCormick
Put the dirty dishes in the sank
No pork but I get paid like a piggy bank
I spit like backwash, sasquash
No back talk, I act lost
But I bet that money find me
Your jewelry telling jokes
You got them funny diamonds
I got them sunny diamonds
I got them money problems
That Christopher Wallace
Fuck bitches, get money
Young money

First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide
At last we're face to face
And as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell,
I can feel
You are love
You are really mine
In the rain, in the dark, in the sun
Like the tide at its ebb
I'm at peace in the web

I never went to the tropical island
Though everybody said they saw me there
And it wasn't me you punched a hole in
At the West German protest march
Simultaneous events don't happen
We are isolated temporally
And a part is never called a whole thing
Though it bothers it to know it's so
Every man is made of two opinions
Every woman has a second half
And it's samba time for Tambo and
Weep day for Urine Man
I didn't write the words you hear me singing
I didn't sing the line before this one
You were not the one I was addressing
That person took a train to Africa
Where he met the consulate from Belgium
Who is now a hermit in a cave
Who is pitching for the Oakland Raiders

What the hell, babe
Damn, I ain't never felt this way
Somebody, somebody, tell me
I don't have a clue what to do
When it comes to you
Baby, you're so beautiful
Every time I see you, girl, it throw me off
It's so unusual for me to be waiting
But I don't want to blow it, girl
But you should know this, girl
I'm not gonna be the one to mess this up
'Cause I done effed up in love before
I'ma be the one to take a back seat girl
We can take our time and you can run this
Stay in, go out, anything you want, girl, we can do
Girl, are we going down? I don't know
But from here now, baby, I'm gonna leave that up to you
I'm gonna leave it up to you
What the hell, babe
Make me wanna jump out an airplane
The way it feels, I just can't explain
I don't wanna lose it
So I'm just gone stay out my own way
Baby, you're so incredible
Every time I see you girl, it throw me off
It's some kind of special so I'm gonna keep waiting
But I don't wanna blow it, girl
But you should know this, girl
I'm not gonna be the one to mess this up
'Cause I done effed up in love before
I'ma be the one to take a back seat girl
We can take our time and you can run this
Stay in, go out, anything you want, girl, we can do
Girl, are we going down? I don't know
But from here now, baby, I'm gonna leave that up to you
I'm not tryna be a heart breaker like I was before
That was the old me
I've made so many tears, I don't wanna make, no
Make no more
So give me your list, yes, I'm checking things off
Ready to go to work, baby, you can be boss
And I'm okay with it, ain't gone play with it
So baby, girl, it's your call
I'm not gonna be the one to mess this up
'Cause I done effed up in love before
I'ma be the one to take a back seat girl
We can take our time and you can run this
Stay in, go out, anything you want, girl, we can do
Girl, are we going down? I don't know
But from here now, baby, I'm gonna leave that up to you
I'm gonna leave it up to you, I'm gonna leave it up to you
I'm gonna leave it up to you, I'm gonna leave it up to you

Yeah, yeah, we want all that shit, we'll take all that shit
Sneak up on 'im right, feel me?
Soon as he turn around, just yapp this nigga
I got everything, youknowImean?
They ain't gotta do nothing, but just search them bitches
Let's go...
Nobody move, nobody get hurt
This is a stick up, I want y'all to lift y'all skirts
I mean shirts, take ya hoodies off, jackets and watches
Before you put ya hands on the wall, empty ya pockets
Fix ya face, this a robbery, nigga, respect the juks
Stop shaking, you making me nervous, I know that you shook
The fuck is that sticking out from under ya foot?
Move, turn ya head around, nigga, you better not look
Stacks, you hiding from Tone? I'll shake, rattle ya bones
You killed him! Nah, hit him with the back of the fucking chrome
In the dark, yo, I do this alone
That's the reason why I don't shake hands, in case I gave you a phone
That's a buck fifty, long hickey, when I strike I do it quickly
Creep up on my victims swiftly, make it hard for you to stick me
Cuz if we shoot it out, cuz if I die tonight you coming with me
Bitch-ass nigga, eat through ya chest like some fucking whiskey
BOY! Gut him like a pig in the dark
Or auction off ya bitch body parts
BOY! Poison a guard dog, disarm the alarm devices
Throw ya head in vicegrips (yeah)
BOY! Or stick a hot blade through his heart
Get to sticking niggaz for the right prices
BOY! Yeah, this is priceless.. GET 'EM!
Aiyo, I post up, packed the shotti
Black mags in lobbies, with red dots, to detach the body
If you a boss, why ya cash is sloppy?
This a Staten Island burglar gang, ock, not no Ave could stop me
I'm on the road, not no massive robbery
When it come to that dough, it over flow like paper bag tsunamis
I take shit, lumberjacks and Tommy's
Niggaz passing out bombs like Culpepper, so I pass behind 'em
My black glove, black mask, requirements
Sent the order to Trife Dies', and he gon' send 'em fast, they flying in
These cowards couldn't clash our lion's den
That forty-four mag'll twist ya aves and the cav you flying in
We hoping out cabs like Iron Men
It's hard to believe how niggaz leave with no bag supplying sense
Empty cuz my staff is hiring
Canine dogs with felonies duck fast when firing
Aiyo, we carry arms like a octopus
Shorty's strapped with the mac inside her pocket book
Blowing all lots of kush
Dark tints on the V so the D's can't spot the crooks
Just throw ya hands in the sky, don't try to stop the juks
Face down, lay on the ground, no sudden moves
Yo, then, take off his Timbs and get the work out his shoes
Rip off the pockets out his shoes, make sure he come out his used
I hear sirens, plus the cameras is watching, it's time to move
If you lolly-gagging, word to mama, I'll body bag 'im
Leave his frame riddled with holes, looking like Gotti had 'im
Bragging, juked, in the wagon, laughing
We slid a few blocks down, this kid was frozen
With stones so we decided to yapp 'im
I put the tool in his mouth, said "You don't want the action
These ain't E pills, nigga, these is fuckin aspirin
Bean, blast 'im, Homo' get his girl for his cash and

I wanna tell you about ooh poo pah doo
They call me the most
Ooh poo pah doo
They call me the most, yeah
I won't stop tryin' till I create disturbance in your mind
Now ooh poo pah doo
They call me the most
Oh, yeah now
They call me the most
I won't stop tryin' till I create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
I won't stop tryin' till I create disturbance in your mind
Lord have mercy
Soul is happy children
Ooh pah doo
They call me the most
Oh, mama, mama, mama, mama
Don't you know they call me the most, hey
I won't stop tryin' till I create disturbance in your mind
Look in here baby, here's what I'm gonna do
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells in your ear

First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side
Like the on coming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide
At last we're face to face
And as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel
You are love, your are real
Really mine in the rain
In the dark, in the sun
Like the tide at its ebb

crack that whip
give the past the slip
step on a crack
break your momma's back
when a problem comes along
you must whip it
before the cream sits out too long
you must whip it
when something's going wrong
you must whip it
now whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it
whip it good
when a good time turns around
you must whip it
you will never live it down
unless you whip it
no one gets away
until they whip it
i say whip it
whip it good
i say whip it
whip it good
crack that whip
give the past the slip
step on a crack
break your momma's back
when a problem comes along
you must whip it
before the cream sits out too long
you must whip it
when something's going wrong
you must whip it
now whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it

First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide?
At last we're face to face
And as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel
You are love, you are real
Really mine in the dark
In the rain, in the sun
Like the tide at it's ebb
I'm at peace in the web of your arms

Sometimes we fall
We can't see at all
We look for truth
Seek absolutes
But you think you're going to save me now? (You got it wrong)
You're gonna show me how (For too long)
Take a piece of me (There's not a way)
Because I don't want to live your way
It's your life it's up to you (3x)
There's always someone telling you what to do
I've got to try
My life is mine
Somewhere inside
That beacon shines
Still bright enough to save me now (You got it wrong)
Show me how (For too long)
Take a piece of me (There's not a way)
Because I won't stand to live your way
Actions wield the fortunes inside
Find a source of light which you can follow
Somebody else assigns a value of their own
Who can alter the passion inside
Create a sonic trail for my departure

Hey, you, jump in this ride
It's real nice and slippery inside
Rise, guys, come get this pie
Ride it style
Said it a minute ago, I did it a minute ago
I drop it, I pick it slow, I want it, I kickin it though
Cause they know that I got that good shit
Said I'm bad, but I could be a good bitch
Please my body, rock my body,
Boy you make me go
Na na na na na me go
Please my body, heal my body
Boy you make me go
Na na na na na me go
We go...
Hey stranger over there
I'm really liking that way
You whip it whip it
Yeah, I want you everyday
You're so right, you're so tight
You got my world spinning
You got my world spinning
My head goes round and around, round and around
Now I'm thinking
If we could be, stranger what you say?
I'm really liking that way
You whip it whip it whip it whip it
Na na na na na me go
Na na na na na me go
Is that my cue?
I'm looking for some brain to boost my IQ
I'm like 5'2, my SAT scores was high too
But I don't mean to brag a louis vuitton bag
Hopped out the Jag, proceeded to shag shag them
Slim, trim, oh so light skin
So pe pe peta with the pipe in
Please my body, rock my body,
Boy you make me go
Na na na na na me go
Please my body, heal my body
Boy you make me go
Na na na na na me go
We go...
Hey stranger over there
I'm really liking that way
You whip it whip it
Yeah, I want you everyday
You're so right, you're so tight
You got my world spinning
You got my world spinning
My head goes round and around, round and around
Now I'm thinking
If we could be, stranger what you say?
I'm really liking that way
You whip it whip it whip it whip it
Na na na na na me go

crack that whip
give the past the slip
step on a crack
break your momma's back
when a problem comes along
you must whip it
before the cream sits out too long
you must whip it
when something's going wrong
you must whip it
now whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it
whip it good
when a good time turns around
you must whip it
you will never live it down
unless you whip it
no one gets their way
until they whip it
i say whip it

Yeah, yeah, you know who it is?
That's right, it's us, and right about now
You know what time it is
What you gon' do? What you gon' do?
Let me break it down for you, check it
Hey what's up, baby boo?
I got a question for you, what is your name, your sign
Your number, can I get off with you?
I got my eye out on you, well, are you feelin' me too?
We can hangout, chit chat, whatever you know, whoop de woo
Wouldn't that be nice if I could just blow your mind
On just one lonely night, I'm sure you'll have a good time
Because my love's so good, so gentle and so smooth
So whenever we whoop de woo, I'ma put it down on you
You, you
Come on, let's whoop de, whoop de woo, woo
Come on, let's have some fun 'cause
I want you, you want me and we want we
Come on, let's whoop de, whoop de woo, woo
Come on, let's get together
I wanna know you on a deeper level
So tell me what you gon' do, do you think that you gon' come through?
'Cause I wanna find out if those kinky rumors 'bout you are true
See I heard that from my crew, said you had me feelin' brand new
Oh yeah, they said you are an expert in whoop de woo
Wouldn't that be nice if I could just blow your mind?
On just one lonely night, I'm sure you'll have a good time
Because my love's so good, so gentle and so smooth
So whenever we whoop de woo, I'ma put it down on you
Come on, let's whoop de, whoop de woo, woo
Come on, let's have some fun 'cause
I want you, you want me and we want we
Come on, let's whoop de, whoop de woo, woo
Come on, let's get together
I wanna know you on a deeper level
Yo, I keep it blazin', it's so amazin'
The ocassion that I enraisin', mind, body, envasion
So who you savin' all that love for
Open up your mind, explore and make it hardcore
You can be the candy man, I'll be your candy store
Give you just a little more than what you barkin' for
And if you ask me for some guidance, it's not a minus
I break it down to a science, get your appliance
Come on, let's whoop de, whoop de woo, woo
Come on, let's have some fun 'cause
I want you, you want me and we want we
Come on, let's whoop de, whoop de woo, woo
Come on, let's get together
I wanna know you on a deeper level
Come on, let's whoop de, whoop de woo
I said, “A whoop de, whoop de, whoop de woo
Whoop de, whoop de, whoop de woo”
I said, “A woo”, I said, "A woo”
I said, “A whoop de, whoop de, whoop de woo”
I wanna know you on a deeper level
Come on, let's whoop de, whoop de woo
Come on girls, whoa, whoa, whoa
I said, “A woo, woo, woo”
I said, “A whoop de, whoop de, whoop de woo”
Say okay ah ah, “A do it like that, do it like that”
My neck, my neck, my back, my back
Ah ah, just like that
Come on, let's whoop de whoop de woo
Come on, let's have some fun 'cause
I want you, you want me and we want we

First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide
At last we're face to face
And as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel
You are love, your are real
Really mine in the rain
In the dark, in the sun
Like the tide at its ebb

It's up to you
It's up to you
It's up to you
It's up to you
If you make it in time
We can rock this party all night long
Party people in line
Waiting for the DJ to play a song
It's up to you
If you wanna party all night
It's up to you
We can have a good time baby
It's up to you
Move from left to right
Move up and down
It's up to you
Moving up and down
(When you're moving up and down)
Eternal are in town
Here to give you our special kind of soul
So free your minds and let us take control
It's up to you
Come on now, we can party all night
It's up to you
We can have a good time baby
It's up to you
The time is right
We can work it day or night
It's up to you
It's up to you
Come on everybody
We can rock this party
We can make it right
It's up to you
When you feel the fire burning
We can make it feel all right
(All through the night)
Feel all right
When we move our bodies closer
We can party all through the night
(All through the night)
All through the night
It's up to you
It's up to you
It's up to you
It's up to you
In the back
(Party all night)
In the front
(Party all night)
In Japan
(Party all night)
And Milan
(Party all night)
In the Bronx
(Party all night)
Have you got the funk?
(Party all night)
In Paris
(Party all night)
To my mom's
(Party all night)
In Vienna
(Party all night)
In Italy
(Party all night)
In Spain
(Party all night)
All over the world
(Party all night)
Hey Easther
(Party all night)
And Vernie (I like to party)
(Party all night)
And Kelle
(Party all night)
That makes Eternal
(Party all night)
It's up to you
We've got the vibe
It's up to you
Let's make it right
It's up to you
We got the vibe
It's up to you
Let's make it right
(Eternal's in the house)
It's up to you
Come on everybody
(DJ play the tune)
We can rock this party
It's up to you
(DJ play the tune)
We can make it right
It's up to you
It's up to you
Come on everybody
We can rock this party
It's up to you
(DJ play the tune all night)
We can make it right
It's up to you
It's up to you (Party, party, party)
(Party all night)
(Party all night)
It's up to you
(Come on and party, party, party)
(Party all night)
(Party all night)
It's up to you
(Come on and party, party, party)
(Party all night)
(Party all night)
It's up to you
(Party all night)

First the tide, rushes in you
Is a kiss from the shore
A voice softly speak
And the sea is fairer still
Once more
So I rushed to your side
Like the arm coming tide
Ever stunning hope
With your arms opened wide
At last, with face to face
And does we kiss to warm embrace
I can tell, I can fell
You are there, you are real
Really mine
In the rain,
In the dark
In the sun
(Repeat I, II)
(Repeat Chorus moving to higher notes)
Just by holdin' tight heaven sent
Oh, I loved these

I wanna tell you bout ooh poo pah doo
Baby call me the most
Ooh poo pah do yeah
Baby call me the most And I won't stop tryin
Till I create some disturbance in your mind
Gonna ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ain't gon stop tryin
Till I create some disturbance in your mind
Gonna make a few noises in your ear
Make some strange noises
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Make some strange noises in your ear
And I ain't gon stop tryin
Till I create some disturbance in your mind
Your mind your mind
Your mind
Oh make some disturbance in your mind
Disturbance in your mind
I ain't gon stop tryin
Until I create some disturbance in your mind

Ye, ye, Ye-yela, ye, ye, Ye- Yela
[Verse 1:]
We hit the club, tore it up
Mally Mall's got model sluts
Fearin' & Loathin' in Las Vegas, party, party, bottles up!
I'm feeling like a king, someone tell me where my robe is?
This nitrous oxide got me feeling like Moses
Laugh'in it up, laughin' loud
Twist it up until you tappin' out
But Yelawolf ain't throwing in the towel
Take a pull buddy, how you sound?
My voice feeling like I just swallowed a frog
I think I'm Mr. T, I think I'm Boss Hog
(Get, get, get) getttie up, promenade
Rip it up, hit the stage
Outta my mind yeah, wanna go craze
Feeling like I wanna float around for days
She's all about it, she's getting rowdy
She like to party! So whip it shawty!
You gotta charge, I gotta charge!
Whip it real hard, whip it, whip it real hard
Whip it real hard, whip it, whip it real hard
Whip it real hard, whip it, whip it real hard
You gotta charge, I gotta charge
Whip it real hard, whip it, whip it real hard
Whip it real hard, whip it, whip it real hard
Whip it real hard, whip it, whip it real hard
[Verse 2:]
Baby you and maybe you
Need to come back to the naked room
Whip it, whip, get with it
I'll open you up like a Baby Ruth
She's getting ripped, she's getting striped
Swimming in a funk
I watch her skinny dip
You wanna feel I'll, wanna get real
Wanna pop a pill feel out of control
Wanna know what I'm into though
That N2O
And cloud nine is somewhere down below
Get on my level, look at the light show
You lay back in the way back of the Maybach or lay back on the Lazy Boy
You can pay me back with a bj in the 'Lac here enjoy!
She's all about it, she's getting rowdy
She like to party! So whip it shawty!
[Verse 3:]
Crazy youth, yeah, that trashy life
I'm getting high, I'm in my after life
Rock star no holds barred
Got new hoes sitting in old cars
And I'm feeling like the world is mine
Arms wide open
One country at a time, middle fingers up
Fuck critics, nitrous in a bottle
Bitch whip it!

First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more
So I'll rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide
At last we're face to face
And as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel
You are love
You are mine in the rain
In the dark, in the sun
Like the tide at its ebb
I'm at peace in the web of your arms

Let me whip you with my love
Let you understand that I am your only man
Let me whip you with my love
Let you understand, forever we are one
Better get ready to be loved
The first time is mine
But later you'll find
Love gets crazy sometimes
And when you're bad, I won't be mad
Speak softly in your ears
To let you know that
I need you desperately
Every step of the way
We play the same games
Where did we lose our way

Crack that whip
Give the past the slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along you must whip it
Before the cream sits out too long you must whip it
When something's going wrong you must whip it
Now whip it into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late to whip it
Whip it good
When a good time turns around you must whip it
You will never live it down unless you whip it
No one gets their way until they whip it
I say whip it whip it good
I say whip it whip it good
Crack that whip
Give the past the slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along you must whip it
Before the cream sits out too long you must whip it
When something's going wrong you must whip it
Now whip it into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late to whip it into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late to whip it

Downtown is where it all went down
Getting up with nothing to do
Don't know what street I lived on
And I'm not sure I ever knew
Well it goes on I've got more to tell
Can't promise you that it's all true
It's up to you to figure out
Which part is true
Now anxiety has arrested me
And it's hard to tell what gets me through
But I do recall many things I've seen
And worst of all I think it's true
It's up to you to figure out
Which part is true
Wish I would have stayed in bed that day
And this memory would be there to
Now I can't make it go away
And that's why it must be true
It's up to you to figure out

(Robert Maxwell/Carl Sigman)
First the tide rushes in, plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea and the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought, will your arms open wide?
At last face to face, and as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel you are love, you are real
Really mine in the rain, in the dark, in the sun
It's just like the tide at its ebb

You are who's inside of my heart,
Made don't want to be apart.
I would cry to see you go woah-woh,
'cause you are who's inside my heart.
I can be the one who goes,
I am strong in this you know woah-woh
I don't wanna be alone,
You are who's inside my heart.
So meet me if you care, I'll be at the spot,
Maybe see you there or not.
So meet me if you care, I'll be at the spot,
Maybe see you there or not.
If you care about me 'cause I know I care for you,
And I want you there, I'll leave it up to you.
Here inside it's hard to see who holds,
See if I am what you want.
I'll be here with sticks and stuff,
I'll be here to let you know.
So meet me if you care, I'll be at the spot,
Maybe see you there or not.
So meet me if you care, I'll be at the spot,
Maybe see you there or not.
If you care about me 'cause I know I care for you,
And I want you there, I'll leave it up to you.
So meet me if you care, I'll be at the spot,
Maybe see you there or not.
So meet me if you care, I'll be at the spot,
Maybe see you there or not.
If you care about me 'cause I know I care for you,

laying upon the ocean floor. broken, torn or compromised.
the irony of the nether gift; now an eternity of dark
despair. fathoms abound me everywhere. no need to breathe
or eat, no need to sleep or see. in this lightless deep,
below... upon that vessel, upon that tide. a library of
thought kept in its belly. i would sacrifice my very soul
just to read one page, one word. the nether bound with
me, transgressing the passage of time. sitting,
pondering...knowing that i'm doomed. hundreds of volumes
of text. pictures, words, learning. my love, my art, my

[Verse One: Jise One]
You can't handle what I'm about
I'm smoked out in Amsterdam
With two fans, I'm all about my fam
Who's the boss? I used to love Sam
My slang is mostly homemade
Shoelace to hold my sweat pants
They sag to have my balls right
Rock chants carry ya weak stand
Eat cans of ravioli
Ghetto tours flyin on pan am
I'm too busy being a man to sucking on any soundscan
(Ayo, I bought a land!)
Not me, I'm walking these rough lands
that you reciting in your jams
I observed with sharper image scans
Slamdance give it a chance type talk
Hailstorm across the face
Human thesaurus, rhyme DNA, too many strands!
I dare you to try to cram this whole verse walkin on hot sand
Covered in coal with no hands
Swallow your soul and shitted burnt spam (damn!)
It's pretty easy to understand
But you don't know this man
Lt. doing his thang! (thang!)
Manhandle the track to bang! (bang!)
Nigga we got swang!
Swank mag' beneath my sink
I hold rank doing this thang! (thang!)
[Hook: Arsonists]
What you be about? - sunshine I try to prosper
What you be about? - females and lookin proper
What you be about? - spit rhymes that gotta rock yo
We be about - math
We be about - sex
We be about - love
We be about - life
What you be about? - my fam we tryin to live well
What you be about? - I'm just Swel, just tryin to be Swel
What you be about? - pourin out for those who fell
We be about - math
We be about - sex
We be about - love
We be about - life
[Verse Two: Swel Boogie]
I'm about lights, cameras, action
Status, mackin, Paris, relaxin
Waxin oooh, the hood what's up, representin, who Brooklyn what
Yeah that's me keep movin, never stay boaring
I rather ride a bike with a walkman instead of walking
and roll up to some freak chicks and start playing
and rollin with my peeps to the flicks without paying
A hook up is a hook up
Dressin dip, that's my lookup
And going to the clubs to do the blookup blookup
from dusk to dawn
then sleep till 4:30 in the afternoon
And get ready for more
The best time's the summer time,
that's cruisin part
by the end I done
Went to every amusement park
and I'm about tellin you to just let Swel be
I have my fun and still get to hand in my next LP
I be about...
[Verse Three: Q-Unique]
I'm about grabin mics, wearin Nikes
I was built to go through the rough shit
head on like mountain bikes
I'm about bookin world tours and showin up
I'm about givin my seed the things I ain't have
when I was growin up
I'm about 5'9" with a rhyme
that'll stand the test of any timeline
out the fan base in to shine mine
I'm about Puertorican women who make progress
with a mind of a college professor and body of a goddess
I'm about Krs, Miles Davis, Pearl Jam, and Rakim,
Albizu Campos, mayor Guilli.. nah not him!
I'm about doing away with trash
I'm about two seconds away
from puttin my foot dead in a record execs ass
I'm about platinum plaques for underground acts
Shit, I'll spit on anything from Rocafella to Battle Axe
I'm about tellin you what it's about
before it's about to happen
So be about ya biz 'fore this title 'bout starts to slappin

I wanna tell you about ooh poo pah doo
They call me the most
Ooh poo pah doo
They call me the most, yeah
I won't stop tryin' till I create disturbance in your mind
Now ooh poo pah doo
They call me the most
Oh, yeah now
They call me the most
I won't stop tryin' till I create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
I won't stop tryin' till I create disturbance in your mind
Lord have mercy
Soul is happy children
Ooh pah doo
They call me the most
Oh, mama, mama, mama, mama
Don't you know they call me the most, hey
I won't stop tryin' till I create disturbance in your mind
Look in here baby, here's what I'm gonna do
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells in your ear

fed up... frustrated
can't understand the reason why
you shut yourself out
you're blind to everything inside
you drag yourself down
you flee from faith you need
betrayal as drugs tell you to
how can you believe this is true
...slap in the face boy...
you don't find the answers
to your questions in a pipe
tuning out from all what's happening
makes you believe the hype
it's nice to laugh
but it's hard to be the joke
drowning deep in disillusion
watching your life go up in smoke
time's u... time's up to get a grip man
wise up... it's time to give a damn
depressive feeling... head down to low
nothing to give... nothing to show
down and out... no place to go
all this for nothing... all this for show
time's up... time's up to get a grip man
wise up... it's up to you to give a damn

[Etta James]
I wanna tell you about ooh poo pah doo
They call me the most
Ooh poo pah doo
They call me the most, yeah
I won't stop tryin' till I create a disturbance in your mind
Now ooh poo pah doo
They call me the most
Oh, yeah now
They call me the most
I won't stop tryin' till I create a disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
Create disturbance in your mind
I won't stop tryin' till I create a disturbance in your mind
Lord have mercy
Soul is happy children
Ooh pah doo
They call me the most
Oh, mama, mama, mama, mama
Don't you know they call me the most, hey
I won't stop tryin' till I create a disturbance in your mind
Look in here baby, here's what I'm gonna do
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells in your ear
Ring a few bells in your ear

You gave me your hand so long ago
But now our house is burning
You're never home
I feel sick looking at our picture frames
I turned them down and turned you away
I wanted to hear your words my whole life
But now they cut me like a knife
Hiding under the covers
Crushing dreams
Am I lover your enemy?
And at the end of the day
I never wanted it to be this way
You sure it's what you wanna do?
I'll leave it up to you
I packed my heart in boxes yesterday
I fell asleep last night in my room all alone and afraid
'Cause my blood is cold and body is numb
Oh God, what did we become?
I feel you love to say that you don't miss me anymore
But anything I feel I choose to ignore
I pray that once my anger dies I'll live
And one mr tears are dry I'll learn to forgive
And at the end of the day
I never wanted it to be this way
You sure it's what you wanna do?
I'll leave it up to you
I know the love we had was real at one time
And if you give me one more chance I promise to try
Seasons change, lovers bloom and some die
But you'll always be part of my life
And at the end of the day
I never wanted it to be this way
You sure it's what you wanna do?
I'll leave it up to you
And at the end of the day
I never wanted it to be this way
You sure it's what you wanna do?

Your own fault - it's new news
To hear I blame this on you
Just enjoy - it's your choice
To see success in your shoes
Smile or frown - up or down
Can't let go of all your dreams
Feel the heat - you never sleep
But you can do more than it seems
I leave this up to you (must be up to you)
To choose what you must do (through fire and the flames)
I leave this up to you (must be up to you)
To do what you should do
Where were you - I lost you
Right beside you all the way
I chose to - to quit you
But you just threw dirt in my face
Whine and shout - can't figure out
"Circumstance" - is your excuse
You lie around - I call you out

[Baby D]
She was looking so good when I saw her in the mall
Hair done nails done and all
Getting off the elevatior
Nigga had to pause
Got a woodie in my draws
Got her number(so I'll talk to you later)
Shawty do you wanna ride with me
Slip and slide with me
Baby tell me what's really on your mind
Anytime of the day is the right time
Call me on the phone
We'll be creeping in the middle of the night
Baby girl if the mood's right
Sipping wine by the candle light
I bet you never had a lover like me
Get you in between the sheets
Feel the heat as I kiss you from your head to your feet
So shawty what you say
Baby can you swing my way
Forever in a day
I will always say
Baby can we sweat this one more again
Chorus: Ebony Crom
Why why why Baby D
Why can't you be faithful to me
Listen boy
[Baby D]
5 minutes of action
Slow grinding on the mattress
Eye to eye with mine
Had an action for passion
Because I'm long lasting
See I wanna hit it quit it
Get (? ? ?) right
And I really didn't understand
Was it 'cause I'm a bigger fan
By the way she turn boys to men
She had me wanting to do it again
And again and again and again
But I'm a playa for life, right, tight,
Then let's get it on
Where the phone let's bone
Keep it going all soft
I just come to break you off
What you want what you need
Come with me and freak your fantasy
Every night she be begging me please

[Baby D]
Now what you really know about dat dirty south
Throwin bows, mean mugging, grilled out, thugged out
What's up shawty
Get crunk (ohh-ohhhh)
You way
Get rowdy (ohh-ohhhh)
Cuz dem boys coming bringin the noise (ohh-ohhhh)
When you see me holla at me potna (ohh-ohhhh)
20 inches SS Impalaz
Say ATL baby
It's all gravy
The home of the beats, gold Ds' and the Chevy (yeah) (We ready!!!!)
On stage, I get da club crunk
I make em jump jump
I make ya girl shiggidy shake to the HOH (yeah) (hoody hoo!!)
When ya see me holla at me (ohh-ohhhh)
[LiL C]
I thought I told ya I'd be back
To flip from ride Lacs
Colors on gold Regals
18's on flats (uhh-ohhhh)
We got da whole club waitin (ohh-ohhhh)
That's what da whole crowd sayin
In the southside every ghetto say they sayin they
Don't fall
What's up shawty (ohh-ohhhh)
We da call
They see the crunk, it ain't no mystery
So what ya want
Got hollin and screamin
And make the whole world jump
Ridin Chevys on 18s
We sparkin up on the scene
Lil C how you doin man
Now watch how the crowd scream
[Chorus 2x]
We throwin bows and fights
So it be crunk all night
Dollar Bill keep em jumpin when I grab the mic (ohh-ohhhh)
Where dey at boy there they go get em
Major make be the click that spit
Throwin bows outta top of the Jag (ohh-ohhhh)
When I see ya girl bouncin dat azz
Y'all, don't wanna get buck wit me
Naw, 20 Gs ain't enough for me
Can't hold a G
Ya betta roll wit me
Or get slacked up shawty
Wit da OC
Buck shot on tha rag
Boy we don't be playin
Everywhere we go playa
We got da club sayin
Where da Westside at?
Where da Eastside at?
Where da Southside at?
Where da Northside at?
[Baby D and Dollar]
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
Where dey at?
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
Where dey at?
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
Where dey at?
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
Where dey at?
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
{Continues until fade, then}

I'm not asleep it not exhaused my brain
It got me going insane, it got me going insane
From my bed i felt the whole world shake
gonna expect a thing, not gonna expect a thing
It's up to you
It's up to you
Break it down for me
It's up to you
Now i see where there's a actual crack
There's no going back, there's no going back
I was waiting for a round of appaulse
But its just one last cause after another last cause
It's up to you
It's up to you
Break it down for me
It's up to you
One thing i wanted do
To try to get thru to you
I couldn't change i wanted to
You ought'a know by now
Too many years has been the same
The morning meant to love & greet
Forgotten what we tryin to say
We ought'a know by now
I'm in a hurry and to shake this pain
I'm gonna weed thru the lane, i'm gonna weed thru the
Keep on running till the feeling fade
And such it slowly decay, and such it slowly decay
It's up to you
It's up to you
Break it down for me
It's up to you
It's up to you...
It's up to you...
Break it down for me...
It's up to you...
It's up to you
It's up to you
Break it down i see
It's up to me
It's up to you...
It's up to you...
Break it down for me...

Crack that whip
Give the past the slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along
You must whip it
Before the cream sits out too long
You must whip it
When something's going wrong
You must whip it
Now whip it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To whip it
Whip it good
When a good time turns around
You must whip it
You will never live it down
Unless you whip it
No one gets their way
Until they whip it
I say whip it
Whip it good

Up To You
Written by: Josh Auer
Look around hear the sound of the silence
Feel the beat of your heart when it’s breaking down
See the town with the chuch bells ringing
All alone with the sun now beating down
Take it in or leave it behind
It’s up to you
Run away
Run away if you need to
Run away
It's up to you
Run away
Run away if you need to
Hide away
It’s up to you
Walk around hear the people laughing
When they’re up sure they’re up
But they must come down
See the world thru the eyes of the broken
And feel the pain of their words as you hit the ground
Take it in or leave it behind
It’s up to you
Up to you
Run away
Run away if you need to
Run away
Its up to you
Run away
Run away if you need to
Hide away
It’s up to you
Oh where did you go
You left in a hurry on your own
Well it’s too late to reason
It’s too late to make sense of it all
Run away
Run away if you need to
Run away
Its up to you
Run away
Run away if you need to
Hide away
It’s up to you
It’s up to you
It’s up to you
Look around hear the sound of the silence

First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide
At last we're face to face
And as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel
You are love, you are real
Really mine
In the rain, in the dark, in the sun
Like the tide at its ebb
I'm at peace in the web

[Kool Moe Dee]
Ha ha!
Sex mover party groover mellow flower super duper
Just the breaks is what I take man I never make mistake
I'm rappin all night I ball baddest man you ever saw
Money maker earthquake the man who gets the party shake
[DJ Easylee]
Bad bad super bad never sad always glad
Not a day you find I'm mad, ain't a thing I never had
Sweets seek so neat gotta move your feet (whip, Whip)
Everytime I play the beat, ladies get up out they seat (Whip, Whip!)
I guess the mission is for y'all to rap with this (Whip!, WHIP!)
Rap rhyme all the time whip it (WHIP WHIP WHIP OWWW!)
[Kool Moe Dee] Ladies and gentlemen
[LA Sunshine] The time has come
[Special K] For us to have some fun
[all three] And we can all have some
[Kool Moe Dee] But there is no time to waste
[LA Sunshine] There is no time to lose
[Special K] Because now is the time
[all three] for everybody to chose
[Kool Moe Dee] And then, party to the beat
[LA Sunshine] And get em out on the floor
[Special K] And let em whip whip whip
[all three] until they can't no more
[Kool Moe Dee] Because the object in here
[LA Sunshine] is just to have some fun
[Special K] So have fun...
[all three] And have fun
whip, whip, Whip, Whip, Whip!, Whip!, WHIP WHIP WHIP owww!
[Kool Moe Dee] I'd like to take this time
[LA Sunshine] To introduce to you
[Kool Moe Dee] Ha ha
[Special K] One by one
[all three] The Treacherous Three crew, with master one
[Kool Moe Dee] I'm Kool Moe Dee y'all and I am so fresh
[all three] With master two
[Special K] I'm Special K but you can call me Spesh'
[all three] With master three
[LA Sunshine] LA Sunshine believe it I'm in the flesh
[all three] With master four he doesn't rhyme but he can cut it up fresh
He's the DJ, he's Easylee
Give him a play, cause he cuts for the Three
[Kool Moe Dee] Ha ha, now just, shake your booty
[LA Sunshine] Then you got to move your hips
[Special K] C'mon throw your hands in the air
[all three] Then you can just let it whip
[Kool Moe Dee] And if you don't wanna dance
[LA Sunshine] Then listen up homepiss
[Special K] Because we're here to have fun
[all three] We'll tell you just like this
[Kool Moe Dee] Just get your butt on the floor
[LA Sunshine] and stop playin the post
[Special K] Because you're frontin just for nothin
[all three] and you're playin us close
[Kool Moe Dee] Because the object in here
[LA Sunshine] is just to have some fun
[Special K] So have fun...
[all three] and let's break
[Special K] C'mon pretty momma, won't you dance tonight
If you say no it's nothing, cause we know you ain't right
We want you all to have some fun
So have fun
[all three] And have funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
[Kool Moe Dee] Now c'mon party people
[LA Sunshine] Don't waste no time
[Special K] Because you're supposed to be dancin
[all three] when you hear us rhyme
[Kool Moe Dee] And if you really wanna party
[LA Sunshine] and make some noise
[Special K] Then don't do it by yourself
[Kool Moe Dee] Just join Moe Dee
[all three] and the boys
[Kool Moe Dee] And y'all say
whip, whip, Whip, Whip, Whip!, Whip!, WHIP!, WHIP!
HO!!, ho, HO!!, ho, HO!!, ho, HO!!, ho
Ow, ow, Ow, ow, Ow, ow, Ow, ow
[Kool Moe Dee] And if you don't know what the whip is
[all three] then we'll tell you right now
[Kool Moe Dee] Well it's a beat
[LA Sunshine] a dance
[Special K] a song
[Kool Moe Dee] a rap
[LA Sunshine] a sound
[Special K] a noise
[Kool Moe Dee] a hand
[LA Sunshine] a clap
[Special K] a record
[Kool Moe Dee] rhythm
[LA Sunshine] funky
[Special K] crew
[Kool Moe Dee] it is
[LA Sunshine] whatever
[Special K] makes you move
[Kool Moe Dee] Cause whippin it is somethin that makes you have fun
[LA Sunshine] And if you don't know how to whip it
[Special K] then you won't have none
[all three] So learn to whip, and whip it right
Just learn to whip, and whip it whip it all night
Just learn to whip, and whip it right
Just learn to whip, and whip it whip it all night
[Kool Moe Dee] Take it to the bridge
I know you know, that there's no time to lose... yeah
We got to come together, yeah, we gotta shake these blues uh-huh
Got my soul together, got on my dancin shoes... ohhahh
I've got to walk, got to talk, got to stroll around
Oahhaohhh yeahhh, woo-hoo!
[Kool Moe Dee] Now what we do right here
[LA Sunshine] You say we won't say much
[Special K] We gonna dance a little bit
[all three] to add the final touch
[Kool Moe Dee] And if you don't know how to whip it
[LA Sunshine] Well then we'll show you watch us
[Special K] And everybody party hardy
[all three] with the Treach-er-ous
So Kool Moe Dee, ha ha, whip it for me, ha ha
So Kool Moe Dee, ha ha, c'mon and whip it for me
whip, whip, Whip, Whip, Whip!, Whip!, WHIP!, WHIP!
[all three] So Special K, ha ha, whip it your way, ha ha
So SPecial K, ha ha, c'mon and whip it your way
whip.. whip.. Whip.. Whip.. Whip!.. Whip! WHIP WHIP WHIP
[all three] LA Sunshine, ha ha, whip it one time, ha ha
LA Sunshine, ha ha, c'mon and whip it one time
whip.. whip.. Whip.. Whip.. Whip!.. Whip! WHIP WHIP WHIP
[Kool Moe Dee] Now all you party people
[LA Sunshine] In the place to be
[Special K] C'mon and whip it one time
[all three] for the Treacherous Three
[Kool Moe Dee] And if you don't know how to whip
[LA Sunshine] Don't worry, we understand
[Special K] Just throw your hands in the air
[all three] and do the best you can, everybody
whip.. whip.. Whip.. Whip.. Whip!.. Whip!.. WHIP.. WHIP..
Ahahahaha, I was wondering when y'all was gonna stop
[Kool Moe Dee] Take it to the bridge
I know, you know, that there's no time to lose, well well well
We gotta get together, well, gotta shake the bluesdueduedue
I got my soul together got on my dancing shoes
I got to walk, got to talk, got to get around
Rrrraddadang, woo-hoo!
Let's whip, baby, let's whip, a-woo-hoo!
Let's whip, baby, let's whip, oh we gotta come together
Baby, let's whip, a-woo-hoo!
Let's whip, baby, let's whip, ahh I gots the soul together
Ahh, got the dancin shoes on, a-woo-hoo!
Let's whip, whoaaah yeah
I I I got to walk, got to talk, got to strut, got to get around
Just let it whip, baby, ooeee, a-woo-hoo!

First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide
At last we're face to face
And as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel
You are love, your are real
Really mine in the rain
In the dark, in the sun…
Like the tide at its ebb
I'm at peace in the web of your arms…

First the tide rushes in, plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea and the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought, will your arms open wide?
At last face to face, and as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel you are love, you are real
Really mine in the rain, in the dark, in the sun
Like the tide at its ebb I'm at peace in the web of your arms
First the tide rushes in, plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea and the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought, will your arms open wide?
At last face to face, and as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel you are love, you are real
Really mine in the rain, in the dark, in the sun

Ya Habibti wind your teasy
Me love the way you grind on me
Habibti move your body please
The sun start rise by me
Ya Habibti wind your teasy
Me love the way you grind on me
Ya Habibti move your body please
The sun start rise yeah
Where you from she says she’s Persian
They way she belly dance well that mean she turn on
Before you start burn yes before you burn strong
Couldn’t take no more after the third song yeah
Take a room so we can walk a burn long
The girl’ll do me things like no other girl can
Yes I smoke shisha until the herb gone
Really want to be her man
Yeah she no care bout no arab money
She want to talk a with….
All she want million…
That’s all she want from me yeah
Yeah she no care bout no arab money
She want to talk a with….
All she want million…
That’s what she get from me
Ya Habibti, Ya Habibti
Wind your body eh eh
Habibti so you sweet like a fruit juice
Send me a de merguez for your couscous
Hypnotize me then I feel loose loose
Dance for me... then I fait da floose floose
Now when I feel the girls from the nigga list
Genie dance so why not faire me please
Give me des larmes and I may not like o vitamit
Me love them girl deim içitte eh

First the tide rushes in,
Plants a kiss on the shore,
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more.
So I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought:
Will your arms open wide?
At last, we're face to face,
And as we kiss through an embrace,
I can tell, I can feel,
You are love, you are really mine
In the rain, in the dark, in the sun.
Like the tide at its ebb,

No clouds have been seen
now the sun is shining
the babbeling wavelets whispering
oh how lovely they are!
A lonely girl is walking
the hungry seagulls shreeking
they're circling to the water
and soar away again
she sees the starfishes
they just washed ashore
and picks up sleeping shells
oh how tender they are!
The water bath'her feet
there's a smile on her face
the sun is warming wet grains
Oh how many there are!
And when the night's falling
there's silence all around
the shore is so deserted
ontly the wind cries loud
the flood is coming up
breakers rolling ashore
The waves efface her footprints

First the tide rushes in Plants a kiss on the shore Then rolls out to sea And the sea is very still once more.
So I rush to your side Like the oncoming tide With one burning thought Will your arms open wide?
At last we're face to face And as we kiss through an embrace I can tell, I can feel You are love, you are real.

crack that whip
give the past the slip
step on a crack
break your momma's back
when a problem comes along
you must whip it
before the cream sits out too long
you must whip it
when something's going wrong
you must whip it
now whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it
whip it good
when a good time turns around
you must whip it
you will never live it down
unless you whip it
no one gets away
until they whip it
i say whip it
whip it good
whip it good
crack that whip
give the past the slip
step on a crack
break your momma's back
when a problem comes along
you must whip it
before the cream sits out too long
you must whip it
when something's going wrong
you must whip it
now whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it

First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide
At last we're face to face
And as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, you are love
Really mine in the rain
In the dark, in the sunoh, like the tide at its ebb

I’m all dressed up
I can’t talk
Mom, I’m hanging up
your Saturday night calls are exhausting and wearing me
I’m going out
This night I’m out
Don't call me
I’ll be with a girl
Lying in bed having sex and champagne.
Into the summer I’ll draw all my friends
driving with the top down
Driving along straight roads
And if we get thirsty
we’ll drink dad’s champagne
on an Island in the west
We’ll fall in love again.
My pretty track star-team
I’m running indeed
this speed
I’m furious and dangerous
and now I only have to sing and nod my head to this
The living summer in my blood
I’m drowning
and I just can’t get enough.
Into the summer I’ll draw all my friends
driving with the top down
Driving along straight roads
And if we get thirsty
we’ll drink dad’s champagne
on an Island in the west
We’ll fall in love again
Into the summer I’ll draw all my friends
driving with the top down