
It’s been an incredible ride but I’m here to announce that 8BIT is officially closed for business.

There’s a lot that I could say but it’s best if I keep it short and sweet - everything is in a great place relationally and life has changed the pace and direction for all of the partners.

As a result, we decided collectively and equally that it was time to go our separate ways. There’s no hidden agendas, no hard feelings, and certainly no conspiracy. As I mentioned before, besides death and taxes, change is guaranteed.

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Things are happening quickly over here at 8BIT and it can feel deafening when you don’t hear anything for a time. But we’re moving into an important new season (as we’ve been sharing previously and before) and so our heads our down working hard on some of these changes.

There’s only one real guarantee in this life (besides death and taxes, of course) – and that’s change. It happens to all organizations of all sizes, it occurs for every product big and small.

This includes us, who have been around for quite some time (it’s hard to imagine that our first blog post was in Feb 2009!). Are we coming into our 5th year as an organization? Who would have thought…

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What Are You Doing?

The majority of the content of this blog is made up of updates to things we’re working, pictures that we’re shared, or links and/or quotes that we find interesting and/or funny.

But the Internet’s a big place, right? We know we aren’t alone. There about 12 of you who read this regularly and we want to hear from you!

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August 16, 2013

Or more like punching it to be exact.

A startup is all heart, a mix of emotion and sweat. If you’re not taking it personal then you’re doing it wrong. Decisions are made, mistakes are created (or walked into), and feelings get challenged all the time.

It’s part of what makes a startup so enthralling, so engaging, and so worthwhile. When was the last time you ever really owned (or felt like you had ownership of/over) the work that you did for X, Y, Z corporation at your 9-to-5 job where you’re just dying for it to hit 5:00pm so you can go home and do something really fun with your time?

At times in the corporate world it can feel like school all over again – waiting for Summer to get here (or Spring Break) as fast as possible.

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August 15, 2013

When it comes to building software that also relies on third-party services, sometimes those third-party services can make changes that affect your software.

And you know what?

They are well within their rights to do that. The majority of the time, service providers are really good about providing documentation whenever there are going to be changes.

This gives us a chance to update our software pre-emptively.

The thing is, it doesn’t always go that way. Sometimes, the API ambushes you and strikes back!

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August 14, 2013

John shared what’s in his bag the other day and it’s a fun idea so I figured I’d go next. Something kinda voyeuristic about this, isn’t there? Not in a creepy way mind you.


The Bag

Levis Surveyor Backpack

I’m really digging this bag.


It’s on clearance right now. Only complaint is that it’s not padded on the bottom. I’m half-tempted to go grab another before they discontinue them.

The Kit


Some of the usual suspects, I’m sure.


  • MacBook Pro Retina & power adapter
  • Logitech Performance MX (I have 3 planted in places I work)
  • LOVE these mini-cables from Griffin, plus L-shaped extender
  • G2 pen, Zebra mechanical pencil, and Bamboo stylus (but I like my sensu better)
  • iPad retina and homemade Star Wars case made by my lovely @dewdette
  • Apple earbuds
  • #notes and stickers
  • Hair brush (*sigh*) and inhaler

I don’t have a notebook, but I sketch a lot on my iPad with Paper by 53. It’s practically the reason I have an iPad.

That’s it!

Willis always cared when people didn’t know what he was talkin’ ’bout, and it cut him deeply.

Overheard at the 8BIT Office #36


We all love music at the 8BIT office. In fact Tom and I have played in a few bands in our past and Chris at least owns a guitar and John has been caught once or twice playing a few accustic songs.

We love to take turns playing blasting out our playlists on the office speakers… even though John’s 2 Katy Perry songs get tiring after a while…

I have been collecting a few chiptune songs I have come across into the ultimate “zone in” mix or better yet to make our guest feel like they just jumped into a video game.

Hope it inspires you to get to the next level!
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August 12, 2013

Most media outlets claim that people use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more to showcase only the best of their lives. Some even go as far as to say that it causes issues in others because their life does’t feel as glamorous as the pictures that they’re seeing on the web.

Truth be told, I don’t buy into that completely. I think people enjoy sharing what they are up and people enjoy seeing what others are up to – after all, who wants to see photos of being simply being at home doing the usual chores, dishes, etc.

Heck, we certainly don’t share our typical day to day stuff do we?

But those are the exceptions.

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This is stupid and sometimes I’m stupid.