- published: 29 Mar 2010
- views: 743
- author: MaxDarkJ

101 Dalmatians God speaks to Spot
A little 101 Dalmatians video I put together.... Read to Understand: When Spot feels like ...
published: 29 Mar 2010
author: MaxDarkJ
101 Dalmatians God speaks to Spot
A little 101 Dalmatians video I put together.... Read to Understand: When Spot feels like she isn't worth anything, God calls to her and tranforms her into a...
- published: 29 Mar 2010
- views: 743
- author: MaxDarkJ

Spot's Reflection (101 Dalmatians) - Redone
Everything that you see and hear in this video belongs to Disney. I do not own ANYTHING. Y...
published: 16 Feb 2011
author: The101stDalmatian
Spot's Reflection (101 Dalmatians) - Redone
Everything that you see and hear in this video belongs to Disney. I do not own ANYTHING. Yeah, this one again. I figured I ought to remake it since I'd obtai...
- published: 16 Feb 2011
- views: 4265
- author: The101stDalmatian

101 Dalmatians 2 TV Spot
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)...
published: 25 Jul 2013
author: jacob mills
101 Dalmatians 2 TV Spot
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 444
- author: jacob mills

101 dalmations the series clip fly spot fly
i dont own this youtube but if disney stilled showed it i wouldent be uploading it....
published: 31 Oct 2008
author: spyrokid987
101 dalmations the series clip fly spot fly
i dont own this youtube but if disney stilled showed it i wouldent be uploading it.
- published: 31 Oct 2008
- views: 8232
- author: spyrokid987

101 dalmatians 2: seeing spots (dutch)
101 dalmatians 2 / dalmatiers 2: seeing spots / zwart wit (dutch)...
published: 30 Apr 2009
author: 666hendrikje666
101 dalmatians 2: seeing spots (dutch)
101 dalmatians 2 / dalmatiers 2: seeing spots / zwart wit (dutch)
- published: 30 Apr 2009
- views: 8952
- author: 666hendrikje666

101 Dalmatians TV series fandub ~ Lucky dub ~ Spots And Shots episode part 1
You may remember my dubs from my original Y2JenJenn account, this one is of me dubbing as ...
published: 15 May 2011
author: Y2JennJen
101 Dalmatians TV series fandub ~ Lucky dub ~ Spots And Shots episode part 1
You may remember my dubs from my original Y2JenJenn account, this one is of me dubbing as my favorite puppy Lucky in this episode (called Spots and Shots abo...
- published: 15 May 2011
- views: 47880
- author: Y2JennJen

101 Dalmatians - Stuffed Toys - TV Toy Commercial - TV Spot - TV Ad - Mattel
Please Like and comment on our video's
Don't forget to SUBSCRI...
published: 02 Sep 2013
101 Dalmatians - Stuffed Toys - TV Toy Commercial - TV Spot - TV Ad - Mattel
Please Like and comment on our video's
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to The Toys Channel YouTube channel and that will help support us.
GAMEZGEAR ebay shop http://stores.ebay.co.uk/GAMEZ-GEAR
All the copyrights belong to their rightful owners
101 Dalmatians - Stuffed Toys - TV Toy Commercial - TV Spot - TV Ad - Mattel
- published: 02 Sep 2013
- views: 13

101 dalmatian serise spot
just a video of spot following her dreams....
published: 14 Jun 2009
author: dalmatianlucky
101 dalmatian serise spot
just a video of spot following her dreams.
- published: 14 Jun 2009
- views: 1105
- author: dalmatianlucky

101 Dalmatiner: Spot, der Hühnerhund
Episode 48 --- Originaltitel: "Spot's Fairy God-Chicken " (USA 1998) --- Die Playlist zur ...
published: 28 Nov 2009
author: Trema1984
101 Dalmatiner: Spot, der Hühnerhund
Episode 48 --- Originaltitel: "Spot's Fairy God-Chicken " (USA 1998) --- Die Playlist zur Serie ist hier: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4B46CEA4D4D9...
- published: 28 Nov 2009
- views: 14593
- author: Trema1984

101 Dalmatians, De Vil-Age Elder, Full Episode
Everything you see and hear belongs to Disney. I own absolutely nothing at all. But Rebecc...
published: 30 Dec 2011
author: AngelPyrope
101 Dalmatians, De Vil-Age Elder, Full Episode
Everything you see and hear belongs to Disney. I own absolutely nothing at all. But Rebecca is one of my all-time favourite Disney characters, second only to...
- published: 30 Dec 2011
- views: 86177
- author: AngelPyrope

101 Dalmatians God speaks to Spot (Better Version)
A better Extended Version of this video..... NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED! FOR ENTERTAINMENT ONLY...
published: 30 Mar 2010
author: MaxDarkJ
101 Dalmatians God speaks to Spot (Better Version)
A better Extended Version of this video..... NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED! FOR ENTERTAINMENT ONLY!! 101 Dalmatians belongs to Disney/The Prince of Egypt belongs to ...
- published: 30 Mar 2010
- views: 372
- author: MaxDarkJ

Opening to Disney's 101 Dalmations Christmas 2000 VHS
Here is the opening to the 2000 VHS of Disney's 101 Dalmations Christmas. 1.Blue FBI Scree...
published: 05 Feb 2010
author: mightyducks94
Opening to Disney's 101 Dalmations Christmas 2000 VHS
Here is the opening to the 2000 VHS of Disney's 101 Dalmations Christmas. 1.Blue FBI Screens 2.Walt Disney Home Video Logo 3."Now Available On Video & DVD" 4...
- published: 05 Feb 2010
- views: 251917
- author: mightyducks94
Vimeo results:

This is a short film that was directed by the French animation collective H5, François Ala...
published: 14 Mar 2010
author: Marc Altshuler - Human Music
This is a short film that was directed by the French animation collective H5, François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy + Ludovic Houplain. It was presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2009. It opened the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and won a 2010 academy award under the category of animated short.
In this film there are two pieces of licensed music, in the beginning and in the end. All the other music and sound design are original. The opening track (Dean Martin "Good Morning Life") and closing track (The Ink Spots "I don't want to send the world on fire") songs are licensed pre-existing tracks. All original music and sound design is by, human (www.humanworldwide.com)

Silestone -- 'Above Everything Else'
Title: 'Above Everything Else'
Agency: N/A - direct client
Client: Grupo Cosentino
published: 07 Oct 2010
author: Alex Roman
Silestone -- 'Above Everything Else'
Title: 'Above Everything Else'
Agency: N/A - direct client
Client: Grupo Cosentino
Product: Worktop
Brand: Silestone
Production company: The Mushroom Company
Director/DoP/Art direction/Post/Editor: Alex Roman
Original idea/Concept: Alex Roman
Additional CGI: Juan Ángel García Martinez
Music: ZipZap Music
Spot TV 60"

Water ink _ BDDP Unlimited and Solidarités International - UK
To mark World Water Day, on March 22nd Solidarités International and its agency BDDP Unlim...
published: 18 Mar 2011
author: BDDP Unlimited
Water ink _ BDDP Unlimited and Solidarités International - UK
To mark World Water Day, on March 22nd Solidarités International and its agency BDDP Unlimited will roll out a campaign to build awareness of the scourge of undrinkable water.
Today, it is estimated that 3.6 million people, including 1.5 million children under the age of 5, die every year of diseases borne by unhealthy water, making it the world’s leading cause of death.
Yet the public isn’t aware of it and political leaders do not demonstrate the drive it takes to end the terrible deaths. The campaign calls on journalists to spread awareness of this scourge and appeal to readers to sign a petition that will be personally handed to the French president during the 6th World Water Forum in March 2012.
To evoke the silent and invisible threat of unhealthy water, BDDP Unlimited opted for a minimalist approach that is both visually appealing and surprising, using water and ink exclusively. The spot shows the power of ink to reveal the invisible.
The spot, created by BDDP Unlimited, produced by Hush and directed by Clément Beauvais, a young director, illustrator, musician and photographer. His multiple talents and mastery of various techniques enabled him to both create the drawings and direct the spot.
The campaign will be seen from mid-March on TV, in cinemas, on the Internet and in print. A dedicated web site, www.votregouttedeau.org, will gather signatures for the petition.

Helvetia's Dream
Lesen Sie auf deutsch bitte weiter unten weiter...
‘Helvetia’s Dream’ takes you on a nigh...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: Alessandro Della Bella
Helvetia's Dream
Lesen Sie auf deutsch bitte weiter unten weiter...
‘Helvetia’s Dream’ takes you on a nighttime journey to some of the most beautiful spots in the Swiss Alps – from Arosa to Zermatt, including the world famous mountains Matterhorn and Eiger.
Please pay special attention to the following scenes:
@0:46 watch the persistent train of a bright meteor above Tijerflue Mountain in Arosa, December 2010, which was visible for about 20 minutes. A slow motion effect is applied for better visibility of the shooting star and its trail of ‘smoke’, which consists of ionized gas left behind as the meteor burns up in the atmosphere.
@1:14 clouds above Lake Geneva steam up the lens.
@1:36 on the very left: Climbers step into the unpredictable Eiger Nordwand.
@1:44 the Milky Way rises above the ‘Donkey’ rock on Pilatus.
@1:58 snowcats nearby cause the lighting of the summit cross on Fronalpstock Mountain. (Snowcat lights usually spoil time-lapse)
@2:21 the wind changes the reflection of Säntis Mountain in the Seealpsee.
@2:35 three settings showing orbits of stars. This is an alternative technique to display the movement of stars by sequentially adding the luminosity of each exposure. The result is basically a long exposure with a large aperture.
@2:49 the waxing new moon, not full moon, setting over Pilatus.
For the "making of" information and photo gallery check out the project website www.helvetiabynight.com.
‘Helvetia by Night’ is a time-lapse project about Switzerland by night. Short videos of long nights present you the stunning beauty of the Swiss Alps and show you the magic of a spectacular nighttime sky. Imagine watching a slide-show at fast speed or looking at a flip book. It is photography turning into a movie. Everything in the videos is real and happening out there while most of us are sleeping.
Some words about me:
I grew up in Arosa, a small paradise in the mountains of eastern Switzerland located 1800m above sea level. Inspired by such great scenery, photography has become my passion early in life. Since 2005 I work as press photographer for the Swiss press photo agency KEYSTONE in Zurich. Time-lapse photography became a favorite hobby of mine in the year 2011. Besides that I am doing some other private work which can be found here: www.dellabella.ch
Have fun watching the time-lapse videos!
‘Helvetias Traum’ ist ein nächtlicher Streifzug durch die Schweizer Alpen – von Arosa bis Zermatt. Zu den Höhepunkten gehören die weltbekannten Berge Matterhorn und Eiger.
Schenken Sie folgenden Szenen besondere Aufmerksamkeit:
@0:46 Eine Feuerkugel (Meteor) über der Tijerflue in Arosa hinterlässt eine 20 Minuten andauernde Nachleuchtspur. Dabei erzeugt eine durch das Verglühen entstandene katalytische chemische Reaktion Licht. Damit man die Sternschnuppe besser sieht, wurde ein Zeitlupen-Effekt angewendet.
@1:14 Wolken über dem Genfersee beschlagen das Objektiv.
@1:36 Ganz links: Bergsteiger auf dem Weg in die unberechenbare Eiger Nordwand.
@1:44 Die Milchstrasse steigt über dem ‘Esel’ (Pilatus) auf.
@1:58 Pistenfahrzeuge beleuchten das Gipfelkreuz auf dem Fronalpstock.
@2:21 Wind verändert die Spiegelung des Säntis im Seealpsee.
@2:35 Drei Einstellungen mit Sternenbahnen: Diese Darstellung zeigt die scheinbare Bewegung der Sterne, indem die Helligkeit jedes Bildes fortlaufend addiert wird. Das Resultat entspricht im Prinzip einer Langzeitbelichtung mit weit offener Blende.
@2:49 Der zunehmende Neumond (nicht Vollmond) geht über dem Pilatus unter.
Eine Fotogalerie und mehr Informationen über das "making of" gibt es auf www.helvetiabynight.com
‚Helvatia by Night‘ ist ein Zeitraffer-Projekt (Time-Lapse) über die Schweiz bei Nacht. Kurzfilme zeigen die atemberaubende Schönheit der Schweizer Bergwelt und einen spektakulären Sternenhimmel, wie Sie vielleicht erst davon geträumt haben. Alles was hier präsentiert wird, ist jedoch absolut real. Schnell aneinander gereihte Fotos werden zu einem Film, wie in einem Daumenkino.
Einige Worte zu meiner Person:
Ich bin in Arosa aufgewachsen, einem kleinen Paradies in der Bündner Bergwelt auf 1800 Metern über Meer. Inspiriert durch die beeindruckende Berglandschaft habe ich schon früh die Fotografie als meine Passion entdeckt. Seit 2005 arbeite ich als Pressefotograf bei der Schweizer Bildagentur KEYSTONE in Zürich. Die Time-Lapse Fotografie ist seit 2011 mein Lieblingshobby. Weitere private Arbeiten gibt es auf www.dellabella.ch
Viel Vergnügen beim Schauen der Time-Lapse Filme!
Alessandro Della Bella
Youtube results:

101 dalmatians's Agility Competition
I own nothing!!! This type of sport is called agility but in real owner run next to his/he...
published: 23 Jan 2009
author: Annabellethedalmatia
101 dalmatians's Agility Competition
I own nothing!!! This type of sport is called agility but in real owner run next to his/her dog which have to defeat breach.
- published: 23 Jan 2009
- views: 12382
- author: Annabellethedalmatia

Opening To 101 Dalmatians Christmas 1998 VHS
Requested By ThePreviewsGuy2012 1. Green FBI Warnings 2. Walt Disney Home Video Logo 3. Co...
published: 10 Jul 2013
author: Xpk951
Opening To 101 Dalmatians Christmas 1998 VHS
Requested By ThePreviewsGuy2012 1. Green FBI Warnings 2. Walt Disney Home Video Logo 3. Coming Soon To Own On Videocassette Screen 4. Doug The Movie (Doug's ...
- published: 10 Jul 2013
- views: 1852
- author: Xpk951

Walt Disney's 101 Dalmations 1979 re-release TV trailer
An original television trailer from the 1979 re-release of Walt Disney's animated classic,...
published: 27 Jan 2012
author: robatsea2009
Walt Disney's 101 Dalmations 1979 re-release TV trailer
An original television trailer from the 1979 re-release of Walt Disney's animated classic, originally released in 1961.
- published: 27 Jan 2012
- views: 7458
- author: robatsea2009