
Australian Chital Deer Hunt (axis deer)
Mountain Edge has recently spent some time in North Queensland chasing Chital deer, awesom...
published: 05 Jan 2012
author: MountainEdgeNZ
Australian Chital Deer Hunt (axis deer)
Australian Chital Deer Hunt (axis deer)
Mountain Edge has recently spent some time in North Queensland chasing Chital deer, awesome deer and environment to hunt I highly recommend it! Chital deer o...- published: 05 Jan 2012
- views: 10236
- author: MountainEdgeNZ

Nature and Trees Birds - Relax With Nature - Spotted Deer & Sambar Deer
This video is a collection of some scenes which I really liked during my holidays.I was ab...
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: Menora James
Nature and Trees Birds - Relax With Nature - Spotted Deer & Sambar Deer
Nature and Trees Birds - Relax With Nature - Spotted Deer & Sambar Deer
This video is a collection of some scenes which I really liked during my holidays.I was able to see several herds.At the start at 0.18 secs you can see a fem...- published: 24 Jun 2012
- views: 2572
- author: Menora James

Chital or Axis deer at forest edge
Cheetal and sambhar at the edge of the Sal forest in Corbett! Chitals or spotted deers are...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: WildFilmsIndia
Chital or Axis deer at forest edge
Chital or Axis deer at forest edge
Cheetal and sambhar at the edge of the Sal forest in Corbett! Chitals or spotted deers are a common deer species found in India. It can be found roaming in t...- published: 06 Jun 2012
- views: 2549
- author: WildFilmsIndia

Chital Macher Muitha | Sholo Ana Bangali | Bengali Cuisine
A traditional Bengali dish is "Chital Macher Muitha" or "Fish Kofta with Chital" is very f...
published: 24 Dec 2013
Chital Macher Muitha | Sholo Ana Bangali | Bengali Cuisine
Chital Macher Muitha | Sholo Ana Bangali | Bengali Cuisine
A traditional Bengali dish is "Chital Macher Muitha" or "Fish Kofta with Chital" is very famous in -"Sholo Ana Bangali" near South City Mall, Kolkata. Ingredients of Chital Macher Muitha: Chital Fish (Boneless), Boiled potato, Onion and garlic paste, Ginger paste, Chopped green chilli, Chopped coriander leaves, Turmeric, Red chilli powder, Cumin powder, Salt, Mustard oil, Whole cumin, Cinnamon and cardamom.- published: 24 Dec 2013
- views: 54

Chital Deer, Spotted Deer or Axis Deer Wildlife Documentary
Wildlife documentary on Chital Deer, Spotted Deer or Axis deer is a deer which commonly in...
published: 26 Sep 2013
Chital Deer, Spotted Deer or Axis Deer Wildlife Documentary
Chital Deer, Spotted Deer or Axis Deer Wildlife Documentary
Wildlife documentary on Chital Deer, Spotted Deer or Axis deer is a deer which commonly inhabits wooded regions of India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and in small numbers in Pakistan,and also in Northeast China. The chital known by various names in India. It is the most common deer species in Indian forests. Axis deer most commonly occur in herds of ten to fifty individuals of both sexes. Large dominant stags without velvet stay in the center of the herd and are surrounded by the females and their young. Smaller stags with velvet occupy the boundaries of the herd. Chital stags pay close attention when a stag of equal size to them enters their group. They will follow, graze with and display to the newcomer. Sparring is more common between young stags while older, larger stags prefer horning, pawing and marking. Large stags with hard antlers are more likely to be well spaced out. Stags are known to stand on their hind legs and mark tree branches above. This is my own video work from India- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 4

Bow Hunting 31-inch Gold Medal Axis Deer in Texas at Vbharre Ranch
Mike Johnson visits V-Bharre Ranch and lands a 31" Gold Medal Axis. Visit http://www.hunti...
published: 20 Aug 2010
author: HuntingTexasTrophies
Bow Hunting 31-inch Gold Medal Axis Deer in Texas at Vbharre Ranch
Bow Hunting 31-inch Gold Medal Axis Deer in Texas at Vbharre Ranch
Mike Johnson visits V-Bharre Ranch and lands a 31" Gold Medal Axis. Visit http://www.huntingtexastrophies.com/texas-hunting-packages/axis-deer-hunting/ to bo...- published: 20 Aug 2010
- views: 147886
- author: HuntingTexasTrophies

Hunting Australia, Chital Deer,Red Deer, Water Buffalo, Pigs & Wild Dogs
Featuring ' Trigger to pull' Buy https://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/steve-lee/id1856819 Mi...
published: 27 Jun 2013
author: steveleeilikeguns
Hunting Australia, Chital Deer,Red Deer, Water Buffalo, Pigs & Wild Dogs
Hunting Australia, Chital Deer,Red Deer, Water Buffalo, Pigs & Wild Dogs
Featuring ' Trigger to pull' Buy https://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/steve-lee/id1856819 Mixed bag hunt. Steve and a few mates go on some hunts with Clark McG...- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 4803
- author: steveleeilikeguns

bowhunting rusa and chital deer
Rusa and chital stags caught on film by 2Blade productions. Gives an insight into the size...
published: 13 Feb 2013
author: 2bladeproductions
bowhunting rusa and chital deer
bowhunting rusa and chital deer
Rusa and chital stags caught on film by 2Blade productions. Gives an insight into the size and style of these deer while hunting with Brad Smith and a look a...- published: 13 Feb 2013
- views: 1870
- author: 2bladeproductions

Spotted Deer or chital or cheetal (Axis axis)
Spotted Deer or chital or cheetal (Axis axis) * Family: Cervidae, * Subfamily: Cervinae, *...
published: 24 Sep 2010
author: tomb0171
Spotted Deer or chital or cheetal (Axis axis)
Spotted Deer or chital or cheetal (Axis axis)
Spotted Deer or chital or cheetal (Axis axis) * Family: Cervidae, * Subfamily: Cervinae, * Genus: Axis, * Species: A. axis * Phylum: Chordata, * Class: Mamma...- published: 24 Sep 2010
- views: 2758
- author: tomb0171

Chital 2014
Chital Deer Hunting with Clark McGhie from Australian Wild Country Adventures!
Awesome tri...
published: 04 Feb 2014
Chital 2014
Chital 2014
Chital Deer Hunting with Clark McGhie from Australian Wild Country Adventures! Awesome trip and great guide!!!- published: 04 Feb 2014
- views: 295

Bighorn Safaris Australian Chital deer
Just a quick example of what you can expect from Bighorn Safaris when you invest in a Chit...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: gothewholehog
Bighorn Safaris Australian Chital deer
Bighorn Safaris Australian Chital deer
Just a quick example of what you can expect from Bighorn Safaris when you invest in a Chital hunting trip. As you can see, Darrel has the know how and resour...- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 497
- author: gothewholehog

Orange Pill - Chital
Download http://www.triplejunearthed.com/Chital Thankyou, you're listening to Chital from ...
published: 30 Jan 2013
author: Chitalband
Orange Pill - Chital
Orange Pill - Chital
Download http://www.triplejunearthed.com/Chital Thankyou, you're listening to Chital from Melbourne Australia. Check out our Facebook http://www.facebook.com...- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 165
- author: Chitalband

Spotted deer fighting in Ranthambore
Chital at Ranthambhor in Rajasthan. Spotted deer are also known as Cheetal or Axis Deer. I...
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: WildFilmsIndia
Spotted deer fighting in Ranthambore
Spotted deer fighting in Ranthambore
Chital at Ranthambhor in Rajasthan. Spotted deer are also known as Cheetal or Axis Deer. It is the most common deer species in Indian forests. The chital's c...- published: 27 Jun 2011
- views: 1961
- author: WildFilmsIndia

Chital Stag & Female (Axis axis) Chital deer, Spotted deer in Kanha National Park India
By far the most numerous of all Indian deer, the Chital or Spotted Deer is endemic to the ...
published: 25 Sep 2013
Chital Stag & Female (Axis axis) Chital deer, Spotted deer in Kanha National Park India
Chital Stag & Female (Axis axis) Chital deer, Spotted deer in Kanha National Park India
By far the most numerous of all Indian deer, the Chital or Spotted Deer is endemic to the Indian sub-continent. This is a creature of the forest edge feeding in the meadows and clearings and retreating to the forest for shelter. It is, in Dunbar Brandar's words "......the third largest deer inhabiting the plains of India, while lacking the imposing grandeur of a fine Sambar or Barasingha stag, nevertheless in balance, grace and beauty, rivals if it does not surpass, any deer in the world".Variable brown in colour and profusely covered with white spots, which are distinct in all age groups, and in all seasons. A dark stripe runs down from nape to the tail and is generally more prominent in the older stags which also tend to be darker around the forequarters. Antlers develop from 5-inch long spikes in yearling stags to majestic 6-tined racks (3 tines on each side) on the mature stags.Chital primarily inhabit dry and moist deciduous forests marginally extending into the wet evergreen forests of the Western Ghats and are found throughout the sub-continent in suitable habitat. Their range extends from Sri Lanka to the Himalayan foothills and from Eastern Rajasthan to Western Assam. These deer were also introduced into the Andamans where they have prospered and overrun the islands. They are also found in the mangrove forests of the Sundarbans delta, where it is believed, they extract moisture from the succulent plants they feed on. Apparently they also feed on crustaceans exposed by the ebbing tide.Spotted Deer are found in variably sized herds whose strength and sex - age composition is determined by habitat and season. Herds range in size from 5 individuals to congregations of 70 and more. At favourable times of the year meadows of Corbett, Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Nagarahole and Bandipura present some of the largest gatherings of Chital seen anywhere.Essentially grazers of grass and selective browsers, Chital reach optimum numbers in the mosaic habitats of forest and grassland that characterise so much of the Indian wilderness. This is why those Protected Areas where significant relocation of human settlements has occurred presently support some of the highest densities of Chital, since the old fields and grazing grounds have been colonised by edible grasses. This appreciable increase in Chital populations in such areas in turn leads to enhanced predator populations and the challenge before the concerned managements is to maintain the status quo of these non-edaphic grasslands. In nature these grasslands would be subjected to colonisation by either coarse, inedible grasses or woodland.Grazing is primarily a late afternoon and early morning activity with the actual hours varying according to the seasons. The rest of the day is spent alternating between browsing and resting and ruminating in shady spots. At night Chital prefer to congregate and rest out in the open, which is perhaps a defence against predators. Chital are quite dependent on water sources and like to drink at least twice a day.One of the common and most visible associations in the jungle is that of Chital with Langur monkeys. The latter being messy feeders, drop large quantities of fruit, flowers and leaves to the forest floor which are eagerly picked up by the deer. Clearly Chital are the primary beneficiaries and almost invariably initiate contact. The Langurs remain apparently indifferent. In the hot weather when graze and browse become limited for deer, this association seems to become more marked and the 'supplementary' diet provided by the Langurs is obviously welcome. However, no studies have as yet quantified this nutritional gain to Chital and it remains a matter of conjecture whether this association has any measurable advantages to Chital health or numbers. A collateral advantage of this association is better security for both species since more eyes at different levels will more efficiently spot predators. Chital do not have very keen eyesight, but their sense of smell and hearing is acute. When the presence of a predator is actually detected, chital respond with a lifting of their tail to reveal the white underside and repeatedly stamping the ground with there front feet, while continuing to emit a loud, shrill, yelping alarm call. Throughout their range, Chital are the most numerous of the larger ungulates and because of numbers and median size are the most common prey for Tigers, Leopards and Dhole.- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 8
Youtube results:

Bowhunting chital (axis) deer in Australia
Free range chital stags filmed over 8 days on the same property, a few from under 30 yards...
published: 09 Aug 2011
author: 2bladeproductions
Bowhunting chital (axis) deer in Australia
Bowhunting chital (axis) deer in Australia
Free range chital stags filmed over 8 days on the same property, a few from under 30 yards.- published: 09 Aug 2011
- views: 3653
- author: 2bladeproductions

The Chital Deer
This is a video of the chital deer taken from the BBC's new "Life" documentary series....
published: 14 Jan 2010
author: globalzoo
The Chital Deer
The Chital Deer
This is a video of the chital deer taken from the BBC's new "Life" documentary series.- published: 14 Jan 2010
- views: 6091
- author: globalzoo

30" Chital deer Stag
I harvested this 30" Chital deer stag up in Charters Towers in January 2009 in the middle ...
published: 15 May 2011
author: aussiedeerhunter
30" Chital deer Stag
30" Chital deer Stag
I harvested this 30" Chital deer stag up in Charters Towers in January 2009 in the middle of some floods. I was guided by Nick Cherepanov from NC Trophy Hunt...- published: 15 May 2011
- views: 3034
- author: aussiedeerhunter

Steve Farnden Chital Deer Hunt
Steve Farnden takes on a couple of North Queensland's famous Chital Deer stags with his lo...
published: 13 Feb 2010
author: Peter Hart
Steve Farnden Chital Deer Hunt
Steve Farnden Chital Deer Hunt
Steve Farnden takes on a couple of North Queensland's famous Chital Deer stags with his longbow.- published: 13 Feb 2010
- views: 2015
- author: Peter Hart