Property News

Go For Sold - Darwin feature properties

More land for housing

THE NT Government has earmarked $20 million in the upcoming budget to release more land in Palmerston.

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Market 'saturated'

THOUSANDS of units have been built in Darwin and Palmerston in the past five years and one developer has said he's ready to stop.

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Building approvals on the way up

THE Government's push to get more houses on the market appears to be working with residential building approvalsdh reaching their highest level in a decade.

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Family offers to fix house

A YOUNG Darwin family who will be forced on to the street want the owner of an abandoned house to let them live there rent-free.

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Unit owners vow to fight forced sale law

IT'S not a unit, it's a home. And Suzanne Paech doesn't ever want to be forced to sell her castle to developers.

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Darwin's high, high rents

DARWIN houses are renting for up to $1200 a week, a leading real estate agent said.

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Gang's turf is now an investor's dream

ONCE home to a gang called the KGB, the Darwin suburb of Karama is now considered one of Australia's hottest property investment spots.

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Unit owners could be forced to sell

UNIT owners could be compelled to sell their homes to developers under proposed changes to the Unit Titles Act.

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Property price is the snag

THE lack of an interest rate cut is not predicted to dent the NT property market, but experts say the high price of real estate is a problem.

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Buyers told 'go troppo'

TROPICAL elevated homes are in high demand with buyers hunting property that will help beat rising power prices.

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'Decrepit houses' a danger to occupants

BATHROOMS so derelict they could "fall through the floor" and an air force security risk are two reasons nobody can live in Eaton's empty houses, authorities have said.

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Eaton sits in silence

THE lights are on but nobody's home - more than 300 houses lie empty in Darwin's ghost suburb of Eaton.

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House prices rocket...again

DARWIN house prices have soared 10 per cent to show the strongest growth in the nation, according to latest quarterly figures.

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Council rates pain looms

TERRITORIANS will soon be hit with another rise in the cost of living as local councils combat huge increases in their utility bills.

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Penthouse makes a break in 'prison' sell

IT LOOKS like "a remand centre, the roof terrace a prison exercise yard and the inside is like a scene out of a bad '70s movie".

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Under $300 a rental rarity

A ONE-BEDROOM corrugated iron gem - complete with rust and water marks - could be yours for a mere $265 a week.

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Property price crash

PROPERTY prices slumped dramatically last month following the announcement of Territory Government spending cuts and price hikes.

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Buy before you try

THE latest interest rate cut has doubled the number of Territory suburbs where it is cheaper to buy than rent to 18.

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First home buyers to pay for loan sell out

HUNDREDS of first homebuyers will be thousands of dollars worse off after the Territory Government quietly "sold" their mortgages to a bank.

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Housing let down

A WOMAN who "couldn't sleep with excitement" after finding her dream home, is now kept awake at night because of disappointment.

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Real Estate Institute of the NT

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