
Credit cards linger longer than spouses

THE commitment by Australians to their credit cards is stronger than their own marriages, lasting three times longer.

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Ten years goes up in smoke

SMOKING will cut at least 10 years from your life, the first ever long-term Australian study has found.

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Women fast to dig in

WOMEN are behind a boom in fast-food consumption, particularly from big chains, a new report shows.

No flippin' the flops for our Flo

A SOUTHERN medical group want to turf the beloved thong - an institution in the Territory.

Nothing odd in backing occasion

MENTAL health workers are urging Territorians to mix and march as part of the inaugural Odd Socks Day.

Best tips to survive the Build-Up?

IT'S HERE: The season to give you a reason to go troppo.

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They're happy to leaf out meat

TERRITORY vegetarians have a simple message for meat-eating doubters - it is easy eating greens.

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Pint-size tribute to Guinness

A DRINK perfected before Australia was even on the map is about to be celebrated at a precise time across the world - for no particular factual reason.

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Supermum fit for body comp

MOTHER of five Kim Attkins has transformed her body and will enter a bikini competition.

Pet more reliable than partner

MAN'S best friend is living up to its name with more people turning to their animals for comfort rather than their friends or partners.

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Markets to reveal art of fudge

THEY call him "Dr Fudge" and he has 72 cures for a sweet tooth.

Retirees are better off in NT

THE Northern Territory is the cheapest place in Australia for retirees to live, according to new research.

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Your nose knows when it's on to a good thing

LOVE the smell of buttered popcorn? Or perhaps you prefer to sniff a fresh bunch of mint, or maybe a bowl of zingy lemons?

Study reveals students really do need a break

STUDENTS who take a gap year after high school do better when they hit university than their peers who jump straight back into the books after finishing high school.

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Eat better, live longer

PROOF that we can beat our genetic fate and live longer by eating healthy and exercising is a step closer.

Nuttiest idea to wean us off meat

ANIMAL activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has called Palmerston the fattest town in the Territory - and said its residents should stop eating meat.

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Flab fear for weighting mums

WEIGHING women will not stop dangerously high weight gain during pregnancy that puts their health and their baby's at risk.

Moon to bring out the midges

BITING midges will be out in force next week, coinciding with the full moon.

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Study reveals bad news about baby food

COMMERCIAL baby foods are being pushed on babies at an age when they should be exclusively breastfed.

Bus stop painting gives artist a fare go

WHEN you think of "art", a bus stop may not be the first thing that springs to mind.

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Lynedoch trip a reel joy

I'VE seen some excited anglers in my time, and certainly as a young fella I did my fair share of hooping and hollering.

Fisho's dream catch comes with sting in tail

A FIGHTING barra met its match in a Territory fisho after being attacked by a crocodile and a shark.

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Drive by for catch of day

A MAN has caught an 87cm barramundi while fishing from his car window while driving through a river.

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Pictures: Barra, bream, you name it!

Closures, bag limits an option for fish futures

SIX Territory fishing spots could be closed for the next five years to allow reef fish stocks enough time to replenish their numbers.

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Exciting 'toga party makes up for barra no-show

DESPITE being a sporadic year on the barra, the good numbers of willing saratoga have almost made up for it.

Fingers crossed for good barra before year's end

THE fishing grapevine is a wonderful thing.

Comp finds barra bonanza

HOW good it is to report good news on the barra front.

Ramp ranger runs into strife

BEN the "Ramp Ranger" headed out to Charles Point on Sunday morning for a half day bottom bounce.


I WAS frustrated recently because I haven't caught any barramundi for a while.

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Man to front court over illegal fishing tour charter

A 54-YEAR-OLD man has been summonsed to appear in court on charges relating to the operation of an unregistered fishing tour charter in King Ash Bay, in the Gulf of Carpentaria.


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