Dvein Plus


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User Bio

We are motion and interactive studio based in Barcelona. We provide art direction, design and animation for cinema, broadcast, music videos,etc. We get involved in any given step in the creative process from the concept art to final piece.

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  1. arnau valls colomer
  2. Vermut
  3. Metrópolis TVE
  4. QUAD
  5. boamistura
  6. Iván Bravo
  7. Alex Trochut
  8. Gravity
  9. The Glue Society
  10. Ruy Porto
  11. Cake
  12. Plenty
  13. Menno Fokma Studio
  14. Nexus
  15. Multitouch Barcelona
  16. pleix
  17. Albert Salas
  18. matt lambert

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