Husband gardens on

'Just being out there always reminds me of her'

Christchurch woman died from legionnaires' disease probably contracted from compost or potting mix.
Margaret Velenski

Appeal heard

Crown argues force people were not forced out of residential red zone in "Quake Outcast" case.

'Dead man walking'

Sam Doyle X Ray A Christchurch party host had an amicable conversation with a man who only hours later stabbed him in the head.

Christchurch hotel rates rocketing

Christchurch's hotel room rates are the fastest rising in the country, according to new research.

Warning 'freaking out' Cantabrians

A health officer denies he is scaremongering over nitrates in water saying 'facts are not debatable'.

Polytech flasher thrown off campus

Christchurch Polytechnic stands down student arrested for indecently exposing himself on city campus. + Flashers at CPIT

McCloud hails Chch innovation

mccloud In 20 years, Christchurch could rival Melbourne in terms of liveability, Kevin McCloud says.

Principals urge rethink

The 2013 Census reveals the population has grown in the areas where four of seven schools are facing closure.

No more lunches for councillors

Land freed for housing

Micah Hocquard

'He turns learning into fun'

A Christchurch science teacher has been named the most inspiring primary teacher in the country.

Developing duo pick up speed

Scales House Miles Yeoman and Craig Newbury have several projects underway in the central city.

Cathedral rebuild means digging deep

Deep foundations will be needed to rebuild the Catholic Cathedral on its present site, officials say.

Urban village for Chch

Rebuild migration to boost changes

DIY, hammer, hammering, construction, roof, building, builder, roofer

Housing repairs off target - Labour

Assurances that HNZ is on schedule to repair 5000 quake-damaged state homes by 2015 are a "heroic assumption", Labour says.

Customer service put on hold

Phone A phone call I made this week led me to believe the following took place in an Auckland corporate board room.

Buck a safe choice for deputy

In Vicki Buck, the deputy mayoralty is in safe hands but her selection does expose the lack of choice Lianne Dalziel had.

Winston Peters' wrinkly bottom lines

Girls, learn from Monica Lewinsky

swimming pool

CCC must be kept in the loop

Yani Johanson's expression of frustration about the time it will take before a new swimming pool in central Christchurch is ready to use, will no doubt be supported by many.

Site by Hagley Park for sale

Riccarton roundabout development A high-profile Christchurch block is back on the market after several redevelopment attempts, as LIZ MCDONALD reports.

Pacific Edge shares jump

Dunedin biotech company Pacific Edge's shares soared to a record high today after news of a US deal.

Ngai Tahu eyes Metlifecare

Lyttelton Port CEO's salary exceeds $1m

Christchurch airport

Excess profit denied

Christchurch Airport will challenge a claim it is set to reap up to $146m in excess profits.

Rugby  |  Crusaders  |  Cricket  |  Netball

Slade may return for final

Colin Slade Colin Slade may return for Canterbury on Saturday night but Matt Symons is definitely out.

Canterbury United start away

Canterbury United will be on the road for the first two rounds of the national football league.

Bateman: Lions must believe

Nicholson wants fourth title

Rob Thompson

Thompson hopes to find home

Rob Thompson has news for anyone believing he was only wooed to Canterbury because of a sly wink.

Crime  |  Education  |  Health  |  Politics

A warning on holiday fun

trafficstrap Labour Weekend revellers are being cautioned by police, maritime authorities, and the NZ Transport Agency.

The free lunch is over

Christchurch's mayor-elect has ordered councillors to bring their own lunches to work rather than rely on in-house catering.

A mum's emotional plea

Gardening led to woman's death

Human chain rescue

Human chain heroes honoured

Watching her boy's extraordinary rescue again brought tears to the eyes of a very grateful mother.

Cashing in on fears

Australian Bushfires Looters and dodgy landlord capitalise on Australia's bushfire destruction as people flee. | 'We walk the black edge' | Map

God's 'special guidance' in new law

Brunei adopts laws for Muslims only, including punishments of stoning for adultery and amputation for theft.

Teen sets off explosives prematurely, dies

Heavy rain as hurricane weakens

Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Bombing suspect named in murder

Slain Boston Marathon bombing suspect named as a participant in an earlier triple homicide.

US official fired over tweets

The White House White House staffer unmasked as acidic voice behind Twitter account known for attacks on public figures.

Facebook removes beheading

After a public outcry, Facebook has removed a video of a woman being beheaded.

Million-year storage disk

Apple preparing 65-inch TV

Nintendo Wii

End of the production line for Wii

Nintendo Japan announce the discontinuation of the Wii console, after shipping 100 million units worldwide.

Hop Baron

New craft brewery for city

Christchurch's latest craft brewery launches a beer to drink by the pool.

Zest Food Awards

Is your favourite named?

Zest has unveiled its shortlist of the 10 best restaurants in Christchurch and beyond.

Greta Yeoman, Town Like This

Camera shows city finding its voice

A Christchurch schoolgirl has made a documentary to show how music has been incorporated into the rebuild.

Sydenham Heritage Trust rubble

Insurance delays rubble cleanup

When will the rubble of a former church be cleared from the Brougham St-Colombo St corner?

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