Category Archives: State / Politics

this is state control

antifa notes (september 26, 2013) : Lakota grandmothers, Craig Cobb, Martin Fletcher, Paul Innes, Golden Dawn yadda yadda yadda

Well I was simply going to post some blah on Facebook but then I remembered I had a blog and then I thought hey why not post the blah here? So … Mark Zuckerberg asks ‘What have you been up … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, History, Media, State / Politics | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lenin At The 2013 Australian Federal Election

Last week I took a look at the election of September 7 and how the far right fared. While results have still to be finalised, here’s a brief account of the material verdict of history enacted upon the candidates for … Continue reading

Posted in State / Politics, Trot Guide | Tagged | 4 Comments

2013 Australian federal election. How did the far right fare?

The Mad Monk is Australia’s NEW! Prime Minister. HUZZAH! Five days after polling closed, here’s the results obtained by the far right. [NB. FINAL results will not be available for some days; I'll update the numbers periodically.] Australia First Party … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, State / Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Why neither major party is addressing indigenous poverty [Crikey]

[Brought to you by Non-Academics For Class War. "Poverty of goods is easily cured; poverty of soul, impossible." ~ Michel de Montaigne] Why neither major party is addressing indigenous poverty September 6, 2013 Despite the epidemic of indigenous poverty, neither … Continue reading

Posted in Broken Windows, Death, History, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Free the NATO5 // Write to Migs

Note : “Migs” is accused of being an FBI informant in this anon doc dated July 2011. UPDATE: Mark (Migs) of the NATO 5 to Spend Six Months in Solitary for Anarchism September 5, 2013 Mark “Migs” Neiweem of the … Continue reading

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The Nihilist Recuperation

[stolen from see also Communiqué for Anarchist Actions in Barcelona and Response to the Nihilist Comrades, March 6, 2013

Posted in Anarchism, Broken Windows, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Revealed: Assange knee-deep in failed WikiLeaks preference deals [Crikey]

Revealed: Assange knee-deep in failed WikiLeaks preference deals Andrew Crook Crikey August 30, 2013 A damning internal email trail from inside the WikiLeaks Party has revealed that Ecuadorian Embassy recluse Julian Assange was intimately involved in the Senate preference debacle … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Media, State / Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

University of Sydney : Vaginas? NO! Violence? Er… (Open Day Action, August 31)

VAGINAS. There. Now that I’ve got your attention… The University of Sydney is having an Open Day on Saturday, August 31, and as part of the celebrations concerned students will be taking part in a variety of exciting actions to … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, Student movement, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

WikiLeaks Party : How Not to Campaign for Office

Update : Statement of Resignation from Wikileaks Party National Council by Daniel Mathews. Leslie Cannold has been interviewed about her resignation on JJJ’s Hack here; a statement from others to resign from the Party — including Council members Sam Castro, … Continue reading

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Vote 1 Ron Poulsen for Australian Senate

BREAKING NEWS! In a move that has stunned many me, Ron Poulsen of the Communist League is running for the NSW Senate, NOT for the seat of Blaxland as many me expected. More news as it comes to hand. MORE … Continue reading

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