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Jobs with Justice: Still Alive & Kicking Today

"(Eric Larson's) Jobs With Justice: 25 Years, 25 Voices uses oral history to trace JwJ’s development as a singularly effective vehicle for uniting workers, their unions, and non-labor allies. Among the longtime activists interviewed are the late Mattie Stegall, an African-American cafeteria worker at a state university in Texas; Margaret Butler, a former telephone operator in Portland, Oregon; Barb Ingalls, a printer radicalized by the Detroit newspaper strike in the mid-1990s; Lara Granich, a former tenant and student organizer in St. Louis; Maria Whyte, an organizer for economic justice in Buffalo; and Rev. Calvin Morris, a veteran of the southern civil rights movement. ..." —Steve Early,

Jobs with Justice: 25 Years, 25 Voices is a moving and insightful tribute to a project and movement that has represented the soul of organized labor in the USA. The stories contained in this volume reach beyond traditional organized labor and touch upon all those concerned with building a true movement for economic and social justice of which organized labor must be part..."  —Bill Fletcher, Jr., co-author of Solidarity Divided; author of “They're Bankrupting Us!" and 20 Other Myths about Unions

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Silvia Federici's Revolution at Point Zero in n+1

"Young people in the West who have spent their formative years in the workforce as freelancers, part-timers, adjuncts, unwaged workers, and interns are beginning to feel — granted, later than most of the world — that they’re not compensated for the work that they do. Not “not paid enough,” but not paid at all, since the ballooning service, communications, and private-care industries increasingly demand the kind of work that people are expected to do out of love. Under these circumstances, the longstanding critique of the exploitation of mothers, wives, grandmothers is felt with new force, among a much younger and much wider population of women and men, with children and without.

It’s an improvement, if a somewhat discouraging one. The belatedness with which mainstream culture has come to recognize the value of unwaged work seems to confirm that women’s issues only become relevant once they’re successfully recast as “general” issues that pertain to men." —Dayna Tortorici, n +1

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Herman Wallace's Conviction Overturned and Immediate Release Ordered!

Angola 3 Newsletter, October 1, 2013:

Miraculous news this morning! Judge Jackson has overturned Herman's conviction, granting him full habeas relief based on the systematic exclusion of women from the jury in violation of the 14th Amendment.

Even more astonishingly, the Judge clearly orders that "the State immediately release Mr. Wallace from custody."  No application for bail is required, and the State is given 30 days to notify Herman if they plan to re-indict him.

We pray that Herman can still hear this all-important decision that he's waited these four decades for.  Although the State will no doubt contest this decision, this is what Herman has been struggling for - and at the end of his life, he's won!

Albert Woodfox and Robert King are meeting at the prison this morning to say their farewells and and will instead have this amazing news to share with Herman and maybe even be able to take him home. To everyone that's pushed for this victory - thank you - it means the world to Herman.

--View the new ruling here.

Anarchy, Geography, Modernity: Selected Writings of Elisée Reclus - Out Now!

Anarchy, Geography, Modernity is the first comprehensive introduction to the thought of Elisée Reclus, the great anarchist geographer and political theorist. It shows him to be an extraordinary figure for his age. Not only an anarchist but also a radical feminist, anti-racist, ecologist, animal rights advocate, cultural radical, nudist, and vegetarian. Not only a major social thinker but also a dedicated revolutionary.

Buy Anarchy, Geography, Modernity: Selected Writings of Elisée Reclus now

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