'Andrea will be a model mum' - Roz

Model boss Andrea Roche is expecting her first child with husband Rob White

ANDREA Roche will make a great mother. So say some of the country's top models -- such as Roz Purcell -- who are on Andrea's books and who say that she is already mothering them.

"She's like a mother to us. I wish she really was my mum," Roz said.

The chatty Tipperary native is concerned the bouncing baby will take up all of Andrea's time and, more importantly, attention.

"I think I'm going to be jealous when the baby arrives," Roz told The Diary.

"I'll be saying, 'Hey, hey -- look at me! I'm over here, don't forget about me'."

Sounds like Roz (22) is already suffering from first model syndrome.

"It will be a little strange," she admitted. "Andrea looks after all the girls in the agency like we are her kids. She's like a mother to us -- although I think she prefers when we refer to her as an older sister," Roz laughed.

"Suddenly she'll have to look after a baby but I'm sure we'll still get plenty of attention."

Andrea announced she was expecting her first child with husband Rob White last month.

"Rob and I are so happy to be expecting a baby, feeling blessed," she wrote on Facebook.

The couple tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in Ibiza last year. And Roz says she is sure Andrea has what it takes to become a wonder mum. "I think she would be such an understanding and supportive mum. And she'll be really cool and really sound too," Roz added.

"I was always wondering if her and Rob wanted kids and when she told me she was expecting I was thrilled for her.

"Then when she posted the news on Facebook I got goosebumps. I am so delighted for both of them. Anyone who was at her and Rob's wedding knows they were made for each other," she said.

And Roz says she'll be the first in line for baby sitting duties.

"I would love to babysit for her. I live just around the corner so of course I will," she said. "Their baby is going to be so cute. And it will be one fashionable baby -- it's going to have the cutest outfits. And be very good looking!"

There's a bit of a baby boom in the AR offices with Sarah McGovern expecting her second child with businessman Kenny Vaughan.

No doubt Andrea and Sarah will be swapping pregnancy tips and tricks.

While the thought of having her own children may seem alien to Roz, the keen cyclist admits she's turning into something of a domestic goddess.

She confessed the highlight of her week was buying a vacuum cleaner.

"It's the ultimate sign of adulthood," she joked.

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