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Episode 37, 14 October 2013

ACA plays the sick trick

ACA plays the sick trick

After A Current Affair ran a story about 'irresponsible' GPs doling out medical certificates one of the doctors has hit back. more »

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Slow news day
Over exposure doesn't pay

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Editor's Picks

Episode 22, 1 July 2013

The good, the bad and the end of an era

After five and a half years, Jonathan said goodbye to presenting Media Watch, and looked at the good and the bad in the media. more »


Episode 7, 18 March 2013

Sober and disciplined reporting?

On Friday 13th September 2013, Tristan Barker received a conviction and discharge in a New Zealand court and was ordered to pay a $440 emotional harm payment to Channel Seven's David Eccleston. more »


Episode 37, 19 October 2009

End Of The Free Ride

If commercial media outlets in Australia start charging for online content, will the public pay? more »
