Golden Dawn in Melbourne?

Above : Local Golden Dawn supporters attend Greek Independence Day celebrations in Melbourne, 2012.

Dunno why but The Australian is running an article about the attempt — not yet fully realised, it seems — to establish a branch of the fascist Golden Dawn party in Melbourne. The article notes that the group has a Facebook page ( and alleges that members attempted to disrupt a rally celebrating the Greek Independence Day (March 25). The group’s attendance was apparently not reported in the local Greek press (Neos Kosmos) but was commented upon by other ethnic media (Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee | AIJAC). According to the report by the AMHRC, Golden Dawn’s official website carried the story but, sadly, wordpress evicted the group several months ago, and subsequently “ is no longer available”, having been “archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service” (hate speech).

As noted in John Ferguson’s report, the group’s Facebook page currently has over 2,500 fans, but only a few dozen of these appear to reside in Melbourne, most support coming from members and sympathisers in Greece. Not surprisingly, the most marked increase in support for the group’s page occurred not when it was established (March 2, 2010) but in the wake of the party’s recent electoral successes (May/June 2012). As it stands, then, Golden Dawn (Melbourne) currently has only a small core of followers: whether or not other members of the local Greek diaspora choose to join them is unknown, but I think unlikely. In Greece itself, the party’s recent victories has resulted, inter alia, in more widespread collaboration with Greek police in conducting pogroms against migrants, refugees and political opponents. On the other side of the coin, there are many more struggles in Greece directed at ruling elites rather than at fellow workers…

Greek neo-Nazis set up local chapter
John Ferguson
The Australian
July 26, 2012

A SPLINTER group in the Melbourne Greek community has been condemned for launching a local branch of the extreme right-wing Golden Dawn party, which has been accused in Greece of sparking xenophobic violence by espousing neo-Nazi and anti-immigration policies.

The mission to use the cover of the internet to create a nationalistic political force among one of the world’s largest Greek communities outside Athens has been savaged by Australia’s Jewish and Greek communities.

The Golden Dawn Melbourne Facebook page has attracted more than 2500 followers – with many friends from overseas – and the proponents are planning to organise regular meetings to discuss nationalistic policies and widen appeal for a political party that has been condemned worldwide.

The Facebook page lists the group’s favourite quote as: “Northern Greece, Cyprus, Macedonia, the battle continues as in Australia blood and honour, Golden Dawn.”

The Australian backers of the ultra-nationalist party do not appear to have put their names to the project and did not respond to requests for comment yesterday.

The emergence of the party’s Australian branch comes after a small group of protesters tried to disrupt Greek National Day celebrations in Melbourne in March, wearing clothes promoting Golden Dawn. Proponents are claiming to be behind the group’s first chapter outside Greece…

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2014 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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25 Responses to Golden Dawn in Melbourne?

  1. Eric says:

    Hang on. Why would immigrants want to join an anti-immigration group?

  2. @ndy says:

    Wait. Isn’t this Sparta? Coulda sworn.

  3. Doug says:

    @ Eric
    …as opposed to going to live in Greece where they could join the real Golden Dawn.
    They’re probably just drumming up support (ie donations) for GD within the diaspora, I can’t see what else they could achieve here apart from leading young Australian born Greek kids astray…then again Mr Saleam has expressed solidarity with GD, so they might fill some seats at his Rubbery Chicken feast later in the year.

  4. @ndy says:

    @Doug: Probably, yeah. And yeah, Dr Jim and Australia First expressed solidarity with GD. Jim is also a member of an Internet project known as the ‘Academy of Social and Political Research’ along with a number of Greek fascist intellectuals including Dr Dim (Dimitris Michalopoulos). The tinfoil Academy publishes a journal called Ab Aeterno. His Satanic Majesty Kerry Bolton, a Kiwi, also contributes.

    In April 2008, Bolton signed — along with, ‘For Australia’, Brendan Gidley, Saleam and Neil Baird, and, ‘For New Zealand’, Kyle Chapman (a neo-Nazi Mormon!) and Anton Foljambe — ‘The ANZAC Declaration’. Funnily enough, Bolton denies having signed the declaration, a denial which accompanied his complaint to the Press Council regarding “an article in The Press, on 5 December 2009, entitled A Right muddle” that “was inaccurate and biased” according to Kerry. Thus:

    (a) The initial source for its statement that Dr Bolton was a member of the Nationalist Alliance was a document from April 2008 The ANZAC Declaration: Australia First Party and New Zealand National Alliance: Declaration of Common Interest and Future Relations, signed by Dr Bolton. In response to Dr Bolton’s claim that he was not a signatory to the declaration, nor did he have any input into it, The Press says that the document when originally sourced on the “slackbastard.anachobase” website showed Dr Bolton as a signatory but a later document on another website does not show him as a signatory. The Press’s position is that the original page from Way Back Internet Archive shows Dr Bolton’s name as an active signatory on July 19, 2008 and it cannot speculate as to why the declaration has subsequently been altered or by whom. It stands by its statement that Dr Bolton was a member of the National Alliance.

    Odd. Note that the complaint was upheld. Another complaint (regarding an episode aired on Radio New Zealand in May 2009) was also initially upheld then later overturned: Reading the Maps features several posts on Bolton’s madcap legal and political adventures, the most recent (January 10, 2011) titled Surprise, surprise: Bolton’s anti-semitism goes back online. See also : The murky politics of the Right (in New Zealand/Aotearoa) (March 16, 2010).

    Also odd is the fact that many claim Saleam is of Lebanese descent — a continuing source of friction among local White nationalists, tho’ given Dr Jim’s prominence, few dare to raise it publicly — while he himself maintains that his ancestry is Greek.

    In other news, local neo-Nazis have reportedly denied producing a poster denouncing GD as filthy immigrants.

  5. Pingback: antifa notes (august 8, 2012) : straya | slackbastard

  6. david says:

    Yay just what we need another immigrant hate group

  7. Christine says:

    to Mr Ignorant Eric, yes Hellenes ARE immigrants but they’re white which means they’re EUROPEAN get it u dumbed down lemming! white people are 8% of the world’s population and declining, white nations need to grow some and take back what rightfully belongs to them 14 words live by them.

  8. Eric says:

    Thanks for clearing that up Christine. I hadn’t realised that Greeks were white. Most of the Greeks I know are a kind of olivey/browny hue.
    If we let more coloured people into the ‘whites’ then, perhaps, our % of the world’s population would go up!
    I’m still a bit confused though. See, I’m white but I’m not EUROPEAN. Also, I’m pretty sure Lemmings are Canadian and I’ve never even been there.
    It’s all Greek to me.

  9. @ndy says:

    GD in Melbourne are tiny in number, depend on a fraction of a migrant ethnic minority for support and — crucially — don’t have the support of the cops or the rich — so prospects aren’t good. This recent account of their comrades back in Greece is very useful:

    Augustine Zenakos
    Reports from the Edge of Borderline Democracy
    October 25, 2012

  10. Aries2013 says:

    We should be proud of who we are of & what we have achieved. Ignorance and prejudice and fear-mongering are elements of the past, we don’t embrace ‘em anymore. No need to exclude anyone, there’s plenty for all!

  11. Pingback: Golden Gaytime not Golden Dawn! | slackbastard

  12. ergre says:

    boo hoo.

    yall complain about greeks defending their racial purity but when extremist islamic [groups] pull shit you all bow your heads in silence.

    you ppl make me sick.

  13. yuri the greek says:

    Where do i join,could some one give me the phone number for GOLDEN DAWN AUSTRALIA,PLEASE.

  14. Ablokeimet says:

    Ergre: “you ppl make me sick.”

    The feeling is mutual.

    Andy: “Also odd is the fact that many claim Saleam is of Lebanese descent — a continuing source of friction among local White nationalists, tho’ given Dr Jim’s prominence, few dare to raise it publicly — while he himself maintains that his ancestry is Greek.”

    There’s no contradiction. According to Wikipedia, 8% of the population of Lebanon is Greek Orthodox & 5% Greek Christian:

    This shouldn’t be a surprise – a large Greek diaspora grew up during the Byzantine Empire and stayed put during the Ottoman Empire. Although the Greeks in Anatolia were ethnically cleansed in 1923 in the “exchange of populations” between Greece and Turkey, the Greeks in Lebanon weren’t affected.

    None of this is to imply that Jim Saleam is telling the truth. I have no evidence of his background at all. I’m just pointing out that it’s quite possible to be “ethnically Greek” but still “from Lebanon”.

  15. yuri the greek says:

    The Marxist Murderers,wake up the reds have your mind blinded by lies,i feel sorry for you,your commie pals are nothing but anti-human swine,LONG LIVE FREEDOM,you zombie commie zio swine.

  16. yuri the greek says:

    George Bernard Shaw:

    “I don’t want to punish anybody, but there are an extraordinary number of people who I might want to kill…I think it would be a good thing to make everybody come before a properly appointed board just as he might come before the income tax commissioner and say every 5 years or every 7 years…just put them there and say, ‘Sir or madam will you be kind enough to justify your existence…if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little bit more then clearly we cannot use the big organization of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive. Because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself.’

    “I appeal to the chemists to discover a humane gas that will kill instantly and painlessly. In short- a gentlemanly gas deadly by all means, but humane, not cruel.”

  17. yuri the greek says:

    [T]his is history,The Concentration Camps
    The concentration camps in which Britain killed 27 000 Boer women and children(24000) during the Second War of Independence (1899 – 1902) today still have far-reaching effects on the existence of the Boerevolk.
    This holocaust once more enjoyed close scrutiny during the visit of the queen of England to South Africa, when ten organisations presented her with a message, demanding that England redress the wrongs committed against the Boerevolk. Go [A]ustralia,more history lessons,>List of massacres of Indigenous Australians
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,check it out losers,it might make you cry if you still have a soul.FUCK ANTI-HUMAN MARXISTS.

  18. yuri the greek says:

    Like all things pure and precious
    Like holy bread and wine
    I love the radiant Rachel
    Who died for Palestine…


    The above poem was published as a pictorial essay in The Occidental Observer (December 2009) under the title, She Died for Palestine.

  19. yuri the greek says:

    bring it on you low life sub-human zio swine,65 million RUSSIANS died by the hands of zionist jews,fuck you.DIRTY PIGS>

  20. @ndy says:

    “yuri the greek”,

    You are obviously a vewy upset and vewy angwy young man. You also seem to have no idea how to engage in a civil discussion, use logic or reason, present a coherent argument referring to relevant facts, or have much interest in anything other than expressing a political pathology revolving around Reds, Jews, and Death. I’m sure you feel entirely vindicated while you tap away at your keyboard, but you’re in the presence of grown-ups now, so if you’ve nothing better to do than make funny noises, my response is: ssshhh…

  21. Brad says:

    @eric That’s funny, the Aussies I’ve met are non-white either. They seem to be dark olive skinned with a plethora of big brown freckles on their mugs with a blueish hue. Get off your high horse asshole because your country has racism written all over it. Don’t open your pie-hole on a subject which you absolutely have no idea or notion about .One more thing sap-head. Hellas isn’t for sale to any Yank, German, or any other imperialist regime. Finally your country is involved with a Canuck/Canadian company in Hellas named ‘El Dorado’ stripping our gold deposits in Northern Hellas and destroying our forests and ecology, all in the name of Gluttony! Thieving and plundering in these vulnerable and volatile conditions, taking advantage of Hellas’ resources and it’s people, and giving pittance in return. You’re totally pathetic and a little racist thug you douche bag. I pray GD rids the current corrupt regime that bootlicks capitalists world wide and ironically sells off its country to these disgusting scumbags. The current regime should be held accountable for the status of the country and be ultimately jailed for their transgressions, infractions, and bald-faced lies.

  22. @ndy says:

    ^ I call bullshit.

  23. Red_Black_On_The_Attack says:

    See what those fascist wankers pull on Sunday.

    The only good nazi is a dead one.

  24. @ndy says:

    You mean this Sunday in Willesden Road, Oakleigh?


    “The Oakleigh Greek Glendi on Sunday 27 October will include the annual parade to commemorate Ochi Day. This type of event has a history of attracting fascists, such as members of the neo-Nazi party, Golden Dawn.

    The festival will run from midday-9pm, with the parade at 12 noon, commencing from Oakleigh Grammar, down Willesden Road and through Eaton Mall to Warrawee Park, where a wreath will be laid to commemorate Ochi Day (28th October).

    As it is likely there will be some unwelcome guests from the Golden Dawn at this event, let’s go and let them know that their hatred and violence is not appreciated at a community gathering. Meet us at Hughesdale Station at 11:30am, where we will gather to go and meet the parade at 12pm.

    The Monash City Council events page says:

    “While celebrating the Greek heritage of many Monash residents, the festival will also bring together various cultures in celebration, unity and harmony. There will be traditional Greek music, folkloric dance, and a multicultural program celebrating the performance traditions of many cultures”.

    In this multicultural context and within a migrant community, Golden Dawn’s ideas are incomprehensible. We need to address the contradiction of migrant groups supporting a party with brutal, murderous anti-immigration policies, causing further hardship to people already struck by crisis.


  25. Dennis Papadopoulos. says:

    I think this group is here to round up the DISGRACE that calls itself “Hellenic” nowadays. You pigs didn’t get what the hell happened or is even going on over there. Why would white have anything to do with it. Try to remember your language and your history before even getting close to claiming or even returning to Greece, you bloody DISGRACE!!! When I say our blood is lost and dead here I mean it, don’t you claim to be no Greeks mate, you pigs!!, you’re a disgrace, ALL OF YOU!!!

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