Saturday, October 05, 2013

Why Arabs can't trust or have faith in Western left: the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

Look at this lousy agenda of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.  Even such institute wants to sneak Zionism in.

Nasser's political culture

Growing up, we used to read the available Arabic comic books.  The Egyptian comic magazine, Mickey [Mouse], often carried political content especially after the 1967 defeat.  They featured pictures and tributes to the heroes of the Vietnamese Revolution.  You often got a gift or a toy with the magazine, and many had political symbolism, like paper hats made to resemble the stray hats of Vietnamese peasants.  This was the political culture that I grew up with.  Many Arabs now grow up on the culture of worship of billionaires.

France love the Syrian people but

" "These are Syrians who have come from cities in Syria like Damascus and Dara'a to escape from the Syrian conflict," Mr. Galisson said from Calais. "They have not had a warm welcome in France and so would prefer to go to Britain." " (thanks Michele)

Israelis really miss Husni Mubarak

"Under the rule of President Hosni Mubarak...He remembers a time back in the 1990s when even the Israelis came in large numbers to Sinai. “I would have 50 cars with Israeli plates in my parking lot. They would hire 50 guides and 200 camels a day,” Gebaly said.""

The prince and his multiple wives could not visit DC because of the shutdown

"One U.S. ally in the Persian Gulf complained this week that the shutdown appeared to have delayed visas for its delegation to the Board of Governors meeting at the IMF and World Bank next Friday, according to a person familiar with the situation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue."

I am sure that NATO will investigate

"At least five civilians, including three children, have been killed in a NATO airstrike in eastern Afghanistan, officials have said."

According to Western media, Abbas was "elected" but not Hamas

"In the Palestinian areas elections have been delayed for years and a split has set in between the West Bank's autonomy zones, run by an elected Mahmoud Abbas whose mandate has long expired, and the Gaza Strip, which was seized by the Islamic fundamentalists of Hamas, who make no democratic pretense." (thanks Basim)