War and Imperialism

Hold Everything Dear: Dispatches on Survival and Resistance

Hold Everything Dear

History of Organized Fascism in Serbia (Sava Devurić)

Fascism in Serbia - cover

A short history of fascism in Serbia - ready to print pamphlet

H.E.A.L. by The Infidel Collective - Flyer

The Infidel Collective Logo

H.E.A.L. stands for Human, Earth and Animal Liberation. We are all interconnected with one another and must recognize that every action we take has an effect on the world around us. Print out this flyer and post it everywhere.

Red Emma Speaks: An Emma Goldman Reader (Edited by Alix Kates Shulman)

Red Emma Speaks

Alix Shulman has provided a truly elegant collection of Emma Goldman's speeches and writings. Shulman's introductions also display a rare and genuine knowledge of anarchist political thought. In her comments, Kates shows the relevance of Goldman's life and work for the contemporary world.  read more »

Jacques Ranciere - Chronicles of Consensual Times

Chronicles of Consensual Times

In this fascinating collection, Jacques Ranciere, one of the world's most important and influential living philosophers, explores the nature of consensus in contemporary politics.  read more »

From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indigenism 1985-1995 by Ward Churchill

From a Native Son

From a Native Son is the Capstone Collection of his most important and unflinching essays, which explore the themes of genocide in the Americas, historical and legal (re)interpretation of conquest and colonization, literary and cinematic criticism, and indigenist alternatives to the status quo.  read more »

WSA New Members' Packet


Depth Charge Media PrezeNts: Orrior Comix: Comix Duel Invite to Zig Zag

This zine was originally self-published (in a very small circulation, under 50) with the intention to challenge Zig Zag of Zig Zag Comix, to a "comix duel", due to two things: One, his perpetuation of colonial paradigms of violent reaction to aggression, and two, to challenge a prevailing concept, if I remember right, of his and the canadian Native Youth Movement's perpetuation of a 'character ass  read more »

anarchism in the philippines (by a3yo)

a short interview with activists from mindsetbreakers manila and housing struggling people plus some short historical comments

James C. Scott - Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed


Compulsory ujamaa villages in Tanzania, collectivization in Russia, Le Corbusier's urban planning theory realized in Brasilia, the Great Leap Forward in China, agricultural "modernization" in the Tropics -- the twentieth century has been racked by grand utopian schemes that have inadvertently brought death and disruption to millions.  read more »

Vision on Fire: Emma Goldman on the Spanish Revolution by Emma Goldman

Vision on Fire - Emma Goldman on the Spanish Revolution

This carefully chosen collection features the most important writings from the turbulent last four years of Emma Goldman’s life. This incredible follow-up her popular autobiography, Living My Life, reveals her struggles with the contradictions of the Spanish Revolution and her efforts to maintain integrity and vision in the heat of political activism.

Workers' Councils by Anton Pannekoek

Workers' Councils

Contemporaries across the spectrum of Left thought, from Antonio Negri to Noam Chomsky, are falling over each other to claim the mantle of Left Communism. Left Communism is the theory and practice of worker control and self-organization whose adherents provided the main opposition to the Bolsheviks.  read more »

Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory by Uri Gordon

Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory

Anarchist politics are at the heart of today’s most vibrant and radical social movements. From squatted social centres and community gardens to acts of sabotage and raucous summit blockades, anarchist groups and networks are spreading an ethos of direct action, non-hierarchical organizing and self-liberation that has redefined revolutionary struggle for the 21st century.Anarchy Alive!  read more »

Durruti in the Spanish Revolution by Abel Paz

Durruti in the Spanish Revolution

"Durruti was the ultimate working-class hero: carrying the future in his heart and a gun in each pocket. Abel Paz's magnificent biography resurrects the very soul of Spanish anarchism.”—Mike Davis, author of Planet of Slums  read more »

What Is Anarchism by Alexander Berkman

What Is Anarchism (Berkman)

In a clear conversation with the reader, Berkman discusses society as it now exists, the need for Anarchism and the methods for bringing it about. Often mentioned in conjunction with his lover Emma Goldman, Berkman was a leading writer and participant in the 20th-Century Anarchist movement.  read more »

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