
Quercus Agrifolia vol. 1 Issue 2

History of Organized Fascism in Serbia (Sava Devurić)

Fascism in Serbia - cover

A short history of fascism in Serbia - ready to print pamphlet

H.E.A.L. by The Infidel Collective - Flyer

The Infidel Collective Logo

H.E.A.L. stands for Human, Earth and Animal Liberation. We are all interconnected with one another and must recognize that every action we take has an effect on the world around us. Print out this flyer and post it everywhere.

Community, Justice, and Solidarity

End Police Brutality in Providence

Communities of color across the US have historically been victims of police violence in various ways. This pamphlet offers analysis of police violence in our neighborhoods, proposes steps towards building alternatives to policing, and includes legal resources.

Red Emma Speaks: An Emma Goldman Reader (Edited by Alix Kates Shulman)

Red Emma Speaks

Alix Shulman has provided a truly elegant collection of Emma Goldman's speeches and writings. Shulman's introductions also display a rare and genuine knowledge of anarchist political thought. In her comments, Kates shows the relevance of Goldman's life and work for the contemporary world.  read more »

YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO - Navigating systems of Authority

Trance final zine scan-1.jpg

Why is Cooper Union Being Occupied?


One of the last bastions of free education in the U.S. is under attack. This 24-page mini-zine contains occupiers’ statements, leaked administration documents, and newspaper articles explaining why New York City's Cooper Union school is currently being occupied by students.

More information on New York Year Zero:

Trangressive Ability (reformatted)

Transgressive Abilities

(Reformatted from the last one)  read more »

Privatization - The Quiet Redesign of Our Schools

Corporations and the very wealthy are pushing for a complete redesign of our public education. Education is being seen as a commodity to be bought and sold, rather than a right. Some privatization is out in the open (like charter schools) but some is hidden behind words like "choice," "accountability," "reform," and "teacher effectiveness." This article exposes some of the trends.  read more »

Philly Dudes Collective, The - Year One (And a Half)

Philly Dudes zine-1.jpg

The Philly Dudes collective takes stock of their workshops, activities and personal development as part of the struggle against patriarchy, sexism, sexual assault in Philly's Hard Core Punk Scene. Their aspiration is to create safe spaces for open, critical and honest discussion of masculinity and privilege and oppression more broadly. WIth a list of books and zines that may be useful.  read more »

The Occupation Cookbook

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