Animal Liberation

H.E.A.L. by The Infidel Collective - Flyer

The Infidel Collective Logo

H.E.A.L. stands for Human, Earth and Animal Liberation. We are all interconnected with one another and must recognize that every action we take has an effect on the world around us. Print out this flyer and post it everywhere.

The Value of Trash


The Value of Trash  read more »

Selected Writings of Gender Anarky

Gender Anarky (Imposed)-1.jpg

selected writings of the Gender Anarky collective in the CA prison system.

for more information, check out:

Kadun Kuvalehti, hetkinen 1/2012 zine


A Finnish language counterculture zine.

Kadun Kuvalehti, hetkinen 1/2012 zine


A Finnish language counterculture zine.

Zine Esgurmitado de Marmitex Edição 06/2012

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Earth Warriors are OK!

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This was the last version of the anti-state repression zine published by EWOK! (Earth Warriors are OK!), a group that dealth with Midwest Green Scare repression from 2006-2010.

Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth edited by Steven Best and Anthony J. Nocella, III

Igniting A Revolution - Voices in Defense of the Earth

Global warming, acid rain, deforestation, air and water pollution are but a few of the overwhelming indicators that the earth's health is worsening. For decades, environmental groups have been resisting the destructive trends set by industry and government, but as the social and political climate has changed, popular protest movements have become less and less effective.  read more »

Endgame Volume 2: Resistance by Derrick Jensen

Endgame Volume 2 - Resistance

In Endgame Volume 2: Resistance, Derrick Jensen calls for determined and even violent resistance to environmental degradation. Jensen comes across in volume I as a provocative but personable philosopher-activist who in lyrical and witty writing bemoans species extinction, sullied air quality, shrinking icecaps, expanding deserts and vanishing forests wrought by humans.  read more »

Beyond Animal Liberation

This is a collection of writings that critique the animal liberation movement and the corresponding lifestyle choice, veganism. We have spent extensive time working within the animal liberation movement in North America and our critique is highly influenced by our personal experiences.  read more »

Marie Mason support zine for June11th, 2012


Marie Mason has been involved in both environmental and labor struggles, has edited many radical publications, and has been involved in water rights, anti-infrastructure, anti-logging and anti- development projects in the Midwest, organizing above ground and clandestinely for the past 30 years.  read more »

Eric McDavid support zine for June 11th, 2012


Eric McDavid is an environmental activist, a writer of zines, a sometimes-poet and an almost always magician. He is a son, a brother, and an uncle. He is an amazing partner (although, maybe the author is a bit biased). He also happens to be an anarchist political prisoner.

This is the new zine that was distributed on the Never Alone Tour in the lead up to June 11th 2012.

B-GL-392-009/FP-000, Military Training, Volume 1, Fieldcraft

Fieldcraft is made up of the individual skills and techniques
used by soldiers in the field, which include movement, use of ground and camouflage in conditions of reduced visibility. These skills and techniques enable soldiers to maintain their own security while gaining advantage over the enemy.

Soldiers must master fieldcraft in order to ensure their own  read more »

Vegan/Vegetarian Passport

A DIY and English language version of the "vegan passport" (from the International Vegetarian Union), constructed in back-to-back booklet style.  read more »

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