
chelsea manning: “I don’t consider myself a pacifist.”

Chelsea Manning statement: ‘I don’t consider myself anti-war or a conscientious objector’ see a pdf of chelsea’s statement, from the guardian, uk In new two-page letter, famed leaker writes: “l’m a transparency advocate.” In her first public statement since being sentenced to 35 years in prison, Chelsea Manning (formerly known as Bradley Manning) says that … Read more

resist or die!

END:CIV examines our culture’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: “If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the … Read more

remember, remember the fifth of november!

“The main purpose of the event is to draw attention to the causes being represented. But it also serves to put the governments of the world on notice that we are watching, and that we expect them to address those causes. With the government’s lack of response to the people’s needs, they should have expected … Read more


The FBI Has Radically Expanded and Abused Its Powers, major informant alert for Cascadia!

Watch out for FBI Trainer Vahid Brown Vahid Brown was or is an FBI instructor at the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, who has recently been attempting to integrate himself into radical and activist scenes in Portland. As an instructor for the CTC’s FBI counter-terrorism training program, he designed curricula on Islamist terrorism and taught … Read more

why do people desire their chains?

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: In the 1970s, a strange psychological phenomenon was identified: in traumatic abduction situations, a certain percentage of the population is prone to falling in love with their abductors. But if we are living in a societal prison of the mind, then are there those who have fallen in love with … Read more

Protesters throw stones as they clash with police in the western Athens working class suburb of Keratsini on September 18, 2013, after a leftist musician was murdered by a suspected neo-Nazi. Pavlos Fyssas, a 34-year-old left-wing hip hop singer, was stabbed to death early today morning outside a Keratsini cafeteria.Police said a 45-year-old alleged member of the Golden Dawn neo-Nazi group arrested at the scene of the killing had confessed to stabbing Fyssas, who wrote music under the nickname Kilah P. Police fired tear gas at a small group of anti-fascism protesters who pelted them with wooden sticks and stones. AFP PHOTO / Louisa Gouliamaki        (Photo credit should read LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/Getty Images)

anarchists fight it out with fascists, police in greece

Clashes broke out between the police and anarchist protestors outside the Greek capital after a public sector workers’ walk-out against planned cuts and forced job transfers. The violence prompted riot police to deploy tear gas. Thousands of Greek doctors, teachers and other public sector workers marched through Athens Wednesday afternoon slamming planned cuts and forced … Read more


corporate government wants to silence blogs like this one

how are the ruling powers to maintain their grip on power if people stop going along with their foul schemes? the intertnet has allowed everyday people to share information far and wide, and the vile fucks in power are having a difficult time keeping the masses fooled, ruled, docile and obedient. bloggers have been in … Read more

A protester holds a banner during a demonstration against an arms fair at the ExCeL Centre in east London on September 8, 2013. AFP PHOTO/CARL COURT        (Photo credit should read CARL COURT/AFP/Getty Images)

Torture kits on display at Britain’s biggest global arms expo

Two companies exhibiting military-use products at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) show, were evicted from the ExCeL centre in London’s Docklands on Wednesday after human rights campaigners discovered they were selling leg irons and electric batons. The organizers of DSEI have been criticized as they delayed authoritative action until Green Party MP Caroline … Read more


autonomous, killer robotic technology – awesome!

The media needs to broadly reevaluate its attitudes toward new military research, and the same certainly goes for the civilian partners who do much of the work. It’s one thing to work as part of an international team to provide a part for, say, the ATLAS experiment. It’s quite another to do the same for … Read more


Message from imprisoned anarchist hacker Jeremy Hammond

Jeremy Hammond is a gifted young computer programmer facing a decade in prison. His crime? Leaking information from the private intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting, information which revealed that Stratfor had been spying on human rights activists at the behest of corporations and the U.S. government. In March 2012 Jeremy was arrested in his Chicago home … Read more

civil rights punch

Occupy Oakland, “Outside Agitators,” and “White Occupy”

When Mayor Quan and District Attorney Nancy O’Malley claim that Occupy Oakland is not part of the national Occupy movement, they’re onto something. From the start, Occupy Oakland immediately rejected cooperation with city government officials, wildly flexible state and media definitions of “violence,” and a now largely discredited arguments that the police are part of … Read more

“Always on the opposite side, always on the attack.”

Statement by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about being charged with 250 attacks (Greece) This statement was read in the 4th trial of CCF (250 attacks) Before I speak my mind about the legal objections raised from the side of the lawyers, I want to make something clear. In this trial, there are four different … Read more


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